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▪ Do you feel you accomplished the purpose of this assignment?

t? What did you learn, and how can you use it in

the future? In what specific situations might these lessons and skills be applicable? Did you practice any
particular skills you would like to continue developing as you move forward?
Yes, I feel that the purpose of the assignment was met because I wrote about the issue very
thoroughly and described the arguments on both sides of the issue. Throughout the assignment I learn more
about citations and using them in text and how to actually cite my sources the correct way, also I gained more
insight on my actual topic about autonomous vehicles and the underlying problems with them. I think the
citation skill is going to be very beneficial for my future because throughout my semester I will probably
write a lot of research papers that are going to require sources cited. I would definitely like to practice the
citation skill more and become very familiar with it, so I don’t have to go back and forth searching how to cite

▪ How well do you feel you met the criteria for this assignment?
I believe the criteria was met but could have been a little better throughout the arguments for my
paper. It was very hard to find people opinions and views on autonomous vehicles since they are still fairly
new in the automobile consumer world. Many are still being tested in order to become safe enough for the
regular consumer.

▪ How did your writing process for this assignment facilitate or obstruct your progress?
My writing process was very planned out beforehand. I knew what research I needed to look for and
I already had a template in my head to how I was going to organize my paper in order to make it flow. Of
course, I started with and introduction and some background history. Then I went in talking about the actual
issue and different opposing viewpoints it had, I listed some statistical information with the image I included
and lastly, I wrapped it all up in the conclusion.

▪ Was your revision process effective? How, if at all, could you have altered it to make your writing more
In my revision process I first read over the paper myself after I completed it and made sure that I
made clear of the arguments and how the issue was affecting people from both sides. If I needed to change
statements or context I would do so in order to help the paper, make more sense. I then took my paper to the
writing center for them to go over grammatical errors and just the papers context as a whole. Getting another
person’s opinion can help a lot because they might understand things a different way from myself. This made
my writing more effective because it not only has to make sense to me but to the reader of the paper.

▪ What from the readings was most or least helpful in completing this assignment?
From the readings what helped me most was including context that made sense to the issues report.
Finding the argument, problems, and solutions is what helped me structure my paper the most because that
is where the bulk of the writing and context were.

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