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ZIM School of English and

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IELTS Special Journal là ấn phẩm được đội ngũ chuyên gia luyện thi IELTS tại Anh Ngữ
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phân tích đề và lập dàn ý.

IELTS Special Journal là sản phẩm trí tuệ của đội ngũ chuyên gia tại Anh Ngữ ZIM và
được phát hành hàng tháng độc quyền bởi Anh Ngữ ZIM. Các hành vi sao chép dưới
mọi hình thức mà không có sự đồng ý bằng văn bản từ phía Anh Ngữ ZIM đều là những
hành vi vi phạm bản quyền và luật sở hữu trí tuệ.

Ghi chú: Thành phần điểm Pronunciation và Fluency and Coherence trong các bài mẫu
Speaking được giả sử mặc định là 8.0.
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

Từ vựng theo chủ đề của bài mẫu Writing và


Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai cho đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2

Cung cấp và phân tích cấu trúc viết câu ghi

điểm trong bài mẫu Writing

Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai ideas cho đề Speaking

Cung cấp các chủ đề tương tự trong IELTS

Speaking giúp trả lời linh hoạt nhiều chủ đề

1 Set đề full 4 kỹ năng kèm đáp án và giải

thích chi tiết

Hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc trong quá trình sử

dụng sách
07 09


Chủ đề
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural
environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

Bài mẫu
Nowadays, as more consumer goods are manufactured, more damage has been inflicted
to the environment. I will outline several reasons for this and put forward some measures
to this issue.

First of all, the increase in the production of consumer products harms the environment
in two ways: the chemical by-products from the manufacturing process and the mass
production of disposable goods. As more goods are produced, more toxic wastes and
emissions are released from factories into nature. Water sources are contaminated, and
the air is severely polluted, which results in the deaths of many marine and terrestrial
animals. Also, to accommodate customers’ ever-increasing demands, more single-use
products are introduced, most of which are non-biodegradable. Though having a short
lifespan, these products can remain as wastes for thousands of years, turning our planet
into a huge landfill and posing a threat to the living habitats of all creatures.

Actions must be taken as soon as possible to minimize the negative impacts on environment
arising from the increasing amount of consumer goods. First, companies should promote
the use of eco-friendlier materials. For example, the giant coffee chain Starbucks has
recently replaced plastic straws with reusable alternatives made of materials like paper
or bamboo. In addition, many governments are also encouraging the development of
more sustainable manufacturing processes. For instance, many states in the U.S offer
tax breaks and incentives for businesses using renewable energy, and some firms are
even allowed to purchase green energy at cheaper prices than traditional fossil fuels.

In conclusion, there are two main reasons why the environment is severely impacted by
the increase in production of consumer goods. To address this issue, governments and
companies must join hands to make the production lines more environmentally friendly
by switching to greener materials.

(293 từ)

TR: 9.0 CC: 9.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 9.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

• Chemical by-products: sản phẩm hóa học phụ (trong quá trình sản xuất)
• Manufacturing process / production lines: quy trình sản suất
• Marine and terrestrial animals: động vật trên cạn và dưới nước
• Single-use product: sản phẩm dùng một lần
• Non-biodegradable: không phân hủy được
• Short lifespan: vòng đời ngắn
• Landfill: bãi rác
• Eco-friendlier materials: vật liệu thân thiện với môi trường
• Tax breaks: khoản miễn thuế

The chart gives information about the proportion of students choosing different
science subjects in a university in 1992 and 2000

Bài mẫu
The bar charts show the percentage of undergraduates choosing three different science
subjects in 1992 and 2012.

In general, there were more male than female students learning science subjects in the
given two years. Additionally, biology was most chosen by the students, while those
learning physics and computer science took up smaller proportions.

In 1992, nearly 70% of the students were males, while their counterparts only accounted
for 30%. Over the following 10 years, despite a growth of 10%, the percentage of female
students was still lower than that of males which declined to under 50% in 2012.

Biology was preferred by approximately 65% of the students in 1992, which was nearly
triple the figure for physics, at only 20%. Computer science, on the other hand, was
the least chosen subject, at under 5%. The year 2012 witnessed a significant drop
in the proportion of biology learners, from 65% to over 40%, whereas the figure for
physics remained unchanged at 20%. Computer science became more popular with its
percentage increasing substantially to over 20%.
(174 words)

TR: 9.0 CC: 9.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 9.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

07 09


Part 1


Do you wear jeans?

→ Yes, I have many pairs of jeans in my wardrobe because they are very durable. Like
the one I am wearing, it hasn’t yet stretched out, although I washed it many times.

How often do you wear jeans?

→ I wear them on a daily basis. I mean, I am sick of formal attire like shirts or trousers
that I have to wear in my workplace. That’s why I always choose a pair of jeans, mixed
with a short-sleeved T-shirt and a denim jacket when I go out.

Do people in your country like wearing jeans, why?

→ Yes, jeans are the clothing of choice for the majority of Vietnamese people, especially
the youth, as they are very easy to mix and match. In the past 2 decades, people in my
country loved wearing flare jeans, but skinny jeans are now on trend.

10 ZIM

When do you need to focus?

→ At all times, I guess. I find it necessary to stay focused while driving, doing assignments
and so on, but I considered myself as an easily distracted individual. I mean, my mind
often wanders while I am driving, doing homework or doing something repeatedly.

What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
→ There are a variety of distractors around me, like the notification bell of Facebook and
similar social networking sites. Yeah, it’s embarrassing to say that I am a Facebook addict,
so I can hardly concentrate while using it. Besides, I can also lose my concentration by
other people’s gossip which takes place near my desk.

What do you do to help you concentrate?

→ The best way to improve my concentration is by doing yoga. I’ve just participated in
this activity for a few weeks, and I can feel that I am having a healthier mind day by day.
One of my friends advised me to take up mediation next summer as this also helps me
focus better on my work, so I think I will give it a shot.

ZIM 11
Part 2
Describe an important technological product you bought:
You should say:
• What it is
• How you use it
• Why you bought it
And why you think it is important

Từ vựng
• Masterpiece (n): kiệt tác
• Be prohibitively priced: siêu mắc, rất đắt
• Catch sight of: bắt gặp
• A newly-released mobile gadget: một thiết bị di động mới được tung ra trên thị
• Well-off (a): giàu có
• Binge watch (v): xem ngấu nghiến
• A tech behemoth: một công ty/tổ chức hàng đầu về công nghệ, một con quái vật về
công nghệ
• Monthly allowance: tiền ăn, tiền quà vặt hàng tháng
• Refrain myself from: kiềm chế bản thân khỏi

Bài mẫu
I have bought a number of technological products, and the most significant one is my
cell phone. That’s a Macbook Pro, which can be seen as the masterpiece of Apple. Due
to its astonishing features, this laptop is prohibitively priced and only suitable for well-
off people. However, after many months working, I have saved up enough money to buy
I caught sight of this laptop quite accidentally. That was a peaceful weekend when I
was chilling out by binge watching my favorite movies on my old laptop. By chance, an
advertisement popped up, announcing a newly-released mobile gadget from Apple, a
tech behemoth in the US. You know, I was mesmerised by its nicely-designed appearance
at first sight, which was the reason why I was determined to save money for it.
This is a very important tech device to me, as it was the very first thing that I bought
without asking for my parents’ money. I mean, I just bought it with my own monthly
allowance, after many months refraining myself from buying trendy clothes or delicious
cups of milk tea to have enough money for this Iphone.
It also helps me relax, keep in touch with other family members and seek information on
the internet. That’s why I think this laptop is super important.

12 ZIM
Part 3
Which technological product do you think is the most useful at home?
→ I guess the most useful tech product in people’s house is the computer. I mean, it
serves as a very helpful tool for us to seek information without having to go to the
library and spending hours with piles of books. There is one more reason why I believe
computers is greatly helpful is that it offers us easy access to up-to-date information on
online news, which is nearly free of charge.

Do you think there will be no teachers to teach in schools in the future?

→ No, I don’t think so. I claim that teachers will play a leading role in the mission
of educating students and will not be replaced. The reason for this is quite obvious.
Only humans can understand humans most, which helps human teachers answer their
students’ inquiries in the clearest way.

Do you think some technological products make people lazier?

→ Well, yes, it is quite embarrassing to say so. Because of the advent of mobile gadgets
like smartphones or tablets, human beings enjoy staying indoors and gluing their eyes
to the screens. They grow lazy and take part in less physical exercise, which put their
health at risk. I mean, those who are addicted to technological products face a bigger
threat from obesity, heart diseases and other lifestyle-related conditions.

ZIM 13
12 09


Chủ đề
The availability of entertainment such as video games on handheld devices is harmful
to individuals and to the society they live in. To what extent do you agree and disagree?

Bài mẫu
The increasing popularity of entertainment on portable devices is believed to have a
negative effect on individuals and society. In my opinion, I think this development has
both benefits and drawbacks.

To begin with, the availability of entertainment on handheld devices is advantageous in

many ways. From an individual perspective, video games and other types of entertainment
serve as excellent relaxation tools for people who suffer from high levels of work-related
stress. These convenient sources of entertainment allow people to destress whenever
they want, either during breaks or after a long day at work, without having any impact
on their productivity. Also, many mobile games help to create global communities for
people sharing the same interests. For example, PUBG mobile has successfully hosted
international events and competitions, and thus connected millions of players together
from all around the world.

Beneficial as it may be, entertainment on handheld devices can bring about several
negative impacts. Since video games are addictive, many young people these days spend
too much time on their devices, and therefore isolate themselves from their families and
friends. This lack of face-to-face interaction not only hurts many real-life relationships
but also increases the risk of mental health issues among the youth. In addition, when
people waste large amounts of time on video games, they tend to be less physically
active, which can eventually lead to a society of people leading sedentary lifestyles.
Lack of exercise over a long period of time makes people vulnerable to metabolic

14 ZIM
diseases such as obesity, causing the deterioration of health and burdening a country’s
healthcare system.

In conclusion, although the accessibility of entertainment on portable devices can result

in many health risks, they can also be effective stress relievers for many people, and
encourage the networking of like-minded individuals across the globe.

(299 từ)

TR: 7.0 CC: 8.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 9.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

Từ vựng
• Relaxation tools /stress relievers: công cụ giải trí/ xả stress
• Face-to-face interaction: tương tác trực tiếp
• A society of people leading sedentary lifestyles: một xã hội của những người với lối
sống thụ động
• Make people vulnerable to: làm ai đó trở nên dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi điều gì đó không tốt
• Deterioration of health: sự xuống cấp tình hình sức khoẻ

ZIM 15
TASK 1: The charts below show the proportion of people’s total spending on different
commodities and services in a particular European country in 1998 and 2008.

16 ZIM
Bài mẫu
The charts give information about how people in a European country spent their money
on different commodities and services in 1998 and 2008.
In general, the proportions of expenditure on electronic goods and clothing were the
highest in both surveyed years. Additionally, most of the given categories saw a decrease
in their figures, while the expenses for clothing and electronic goods occupied larger
proportions of people’s spending.
In 1998, 16% of people’s budget was spent on electronic goods, which was 4% higher
than the percentage spent on clothing. Meanwhile, the amount of money spent on
holidays and eating out accounted for 8% and 6% respectively. Only 3% of people’s
expenditure was used to purchase newspapers and magazines, and an additional 3% for
going to the cinema.
The proportion of money spent on clothing rose by 6% in 2008, while that of electronic
goods saw a 4% growth. In contrast, the percentage of expenditure used for taking
holidays dropped to 5%, while that of eating out remained unchanged. Notably, people
reduced their spending on newspapers and magazines, and going to the cinema, down
to 1% for each.

(182 words)

TR: 9.0 CC: 9.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 8.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

ZIM 17
12 09


Part 1


Do you like sunshine?

→ No, I don’t. I can get sunburnt very easily if I am exposed to the sun for long periods
of time. I prefer rainy days when the temperature is much cooler. A windy day or a
cloudy day is also great as I can’t put up with the terrible heat from the sun.

What do you do on sunny days?

→ I love to stay indoors because sunny days in Vietnam or other tropical countries are
often very hot. I mean, a well air-conditioned room would be an excellent choice for a
day with lots of sunshine. I try not to go out on such days; otherwise, I’ll sweat like a pig.

Have you ever used sunscreen?

→ Yes, I use it on a daily basis. Scientifically speaking, ultraviolet rays from the sun can
speed up skin aging, which makes us look less attractive or even makes us more prone
to skin cancer. That’s why I think it’s necessary to protect our skin by using sunscreen.

18 ZIM

Have you ever been to an island?

→ Yes, I have visited Phu Quoc and Binh Ba, which are famous islands in Vietnam. More
interestingly, my friends and I also had a chance to set foot on an isolated island off the
coast of my country, named Diep Son. Then, we put up a tent on the beach, and spent
the whole night singing and talking under the starry night sky.

How many islands are there in your country?

→ There are thousands of them, but to be honest, geography isn’t my forte, so I don’t
remember the precise number. To the best of my knowledge, maybe roughly 2000, I
guess. Some of them are well-known destinations, while others are quite off the beaten

Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?

→ Yes, I always dream of buying a house on a faraway island, living on my pension when
I retire. The main reason is because I love walking along the beach while watching the
sunset. From dusk til dawn, I can sleep soundly with the rhythm of the waves being a
peaceful lullaby.

ZIM 19
Part 2
Describe a time when you taught an older person something new:
You should say:
• When it happened
• Who you taught
• Why you taught him/her
And how you felt about it

Từ vựng
• Newly-bought: mới mua
• Be in desperate need of: rất cần
• Absent-mindedness: chứng đãng trí, hay quên
• Sophisticated: tinh vi, tỉ mỉ
• Cutting-edge technology: công nghệ hiện đại
• Jot down: ghi chú
• Swipe the screen: vuốt màn hình
• The aging process: quá trình lão hoá
• Lose my temper: mất bình tĩnh, nổi nóng
• A self-possessed individual: một người bình tĩnh

Bài mẫu
This topic reminds me of an experience when I taught my grandma how to use her
newly-bought smartphone.
More or less 3 months ago, after my nerve-racking exam season, I was in desperate
need of a short break. That’s why I decided to go back to my hometown to visit my
granny who is around 80 years old now because she’s also my best friend. The day I
arrived at her house, I saw her struggling with her brand new Iphone.
She’s been long known for her absent-mindedness, so I doubt that she could remember
how to use such a sophisticated gadget. You know, the elderly didn’t have any exposure
to cutting-edge technology when they were young like us, so this was much of a
challenge for her. Therefore, I patiently taught my granny how to use her phone.
I told her to jot down every single thing I taught her, such as how to swipe the screen
to find her favorite applications, or how to zoom an image with two fingers. She wasn’t
a very quick learner, though. It’s quite obvious, as I believe the aging process is doing its
job, so I keep repeating everything to her and try not to lose my temper.

20 ZIM
Well I am also proud to say that I am a self-possessed individual, so after 2 months,
she nailed it. I mean, she is now able to make a video call by herself and create her own
Instagram account without anybody’s assistance. I guess this can be seen as a success
for both of us.

Part 3
Do you think old people know more things than young people?
→ No I don’t think so. I believe the sea of knowledge is infinite, so a person just can’t say
he knows more than somebody else, regardless of his age. After many years accumulating
knowledge and experience in life, an old person may have deeper understanding of
some certain things than young ones. However, when it comes to other topics that he
is not familiar with, like modern technology, there’s a good chance that many young
people out there know much more than he does.

Why do some old people refuse to use new technology?

→ The reasons are varied, but I guess the most obvious one may be that they have no
idea how to use it. Like my granny, she had to spend many weeks to memorize how
touse her cell phone to send a text message. Another reason is they are wary of the
negative effects of these devices. Most of them are experienced enough to understand
that we may become addicted if we overuse them.

What is the best way to teach old people to use new technology?
→ One of the most effective ways to teach the elderly to use new technology is ask
them to note the instruction down on a paper so that they can have a look when they
forget how to use it. I used to patienly repeat the lesson to my grandmother again and
again but that was in vain; all of my words sank into oblivion after a day.

ZIM 21
14 09


Chủ đề
Some people say cultural traditions are destroyed when they are used as money-making
attractions aimed at tourists. Others say this is the only way to save such traditions.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Bài mẫu
Some people feel that cultural traditions are ruined when people use them to make
money from tourists. Others claim that using these traditions as money-making ventures
is the only way to save them. In my opinion, both views are true to a certain extent.

To begin with, many traditional customs are modified for commercialization, and
eventually lose their originality and value. For example, Vietnamese traditional dances
such as the lion dance, which were traditionally performed only by martial artists during
special occasions, are now often poorly performed by amateurs at tourist sites across
the country. Such changes not only give foreign visitors a false impression, but can
also make the dance less meaningful to the local people. Also, many traditionally sacred
sites are heavily damaged by the irresponsible behaviors of tourists. For instance, a
well-known Youtuber named Logan Paul visited Japan and filmed himself dumping a bag
of coins into a sacred well, where people often drop coins for luck, and did permanent
damage to one of Japan’s most famous iconic traditions.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why making money from cultural traditions
is the only way to protect them. Firstly, the revenue could be used for the preservation
of such traditions. For example, many people in Bat Trang village in Vietnam make their
living from selling traditional ceramic products, and thus are able to continue one of the
oldest traditions in Vietnam. Secondly, by putting cultural tradtions on public display,
the government could heighten people’s awareness of preserving these traditions. For
instance, the Vietnamese government has built several museums around the country

22 ZIM
that solely exhibit examples of ethnic minority cultures in an attempt to protect cultural
values without affecting the lives of these ethnic people, yet successfully gathering
much public attention and support.

In conclusion, using cultural traditions as money-making attractions has both positive

and negative impacts on the preservation of such traditions.

(319 từ)

TR: 8.0 CC: 9.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 9.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

• Commercialization: sự thương mai hoá.
• Give somebody a false impression: cho ai đó một ấn tượng sai.
• Do permanent damage: gây ra những tổn thương vĩnh viễn.
• Heighten awareness: nâng cao nhận thức
• Gathering public attention and support: nhận đợc sự chú ý và ủng hộ từ dư luận

ZIM 23
TASK 1: The chart below shows the unemployment rate and the number of people
leaving Ireland from 1988 to 2008.

Bài mẫu
The bar chart illustrates changes in the number of emigrants from Ireland, and the
percentage of unemployed people between 1988 and 2008.
In general, the unemployment rate declined significantly over the surveyed period.

24 ZIM
Additionally, there were substantial changes in the percentage of people leaving Ireland
during this time.
In 1998, the unemployment rate stood at approximately 17%. It then dropped sharply
to 13% in 1990 before increasing again to 15% in 1992. From 1992 to 2000 the figure
fell substantially to around 5%. Over the latter part of the surveyed period, the figure
remained stable before rising slightly to 6% in 2008.
In 1988, there were just over 60,000 people leaving Ireland. This number fell by almost
half over the following four years, which was then followed by a gradual decline to
around 25,000 people in 2002. Over the next 6 years the figure practically doubled,
reaching 50,000 people in 2008.

(154 words)

TR: 8.0 CC: 8.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 8.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

ZIM 25
14 09


Part 1


What is your favorite hairstyle?

→ I don’t actually have a favorite hairstyle these days. But in the past, I used to be a big
fan of the undercut style which was compatible with my face shape. However, I don’t
really care much these days, so I just let the barber do whatever he wants.

How often do you have your hair cut?

→ Once a month or once every two months I suppose. Because my hair goes grey very
fast, I have to go to a barbershop to have it dyed as a way to look younger, and I usually
have my hair cut as well.

How much do you usually spend on your haircut?

→ As I mentioned, I do multiple things at the same time, so the cost of my haircut is
quite high. Every now and then, I often get a facial massage and shampoo also, so the
cost can sometimes amount to a hundred VND in total.

26 ZIM

What things make you tired?

→ There are many things that make me tired. For example, after consuming too much
alcohol or caffeinated drinks, I will be exhausted for days after. Besides, my energy gets
drained if I am continually stressed out and lacking sleep.

What do you do when you feel tired?

→ In order to combat fatigue, I choose to lie on my comfortable mattress and enjoy
some music. While doing this, I also put on a face mask to keep my skin hydrated and
my mind relaxed.

Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your family?
→ That depends on what troubles I am facing. Like, if I’m feeling stressed about school
or my friends’ drama, I will talk to my mother or father. However, when my parents are
pressuring me about academic progress, my buddies will be the ones who understand
me the most.

ZIM 27
Part 2
Describe an experience that you got bored while being with others.
You should say:
• When it was
• Who you were with
• What you did
And explain why you were bored

Từ vựng
• Probationary period: giai đoạn thử việc (khi mới vào làm trong 1 công ty)
• Monotony: sự đơn điệu
• Ejuvenate myself: làm mới, làm trẻ bản thân
• Pouring: mưa như trút nước
• Holidaymaker: người đi chơi vào dịp lễ
• Resort to: đành phải
• Companion: bạn đồng hành
• Let up: (mưa) ngớt, tạnh
• Embark on: bắt đầu, bắt tay vào

Bài mẫu
There was a trip in the past when I actually got completely bored.
That was a vacation one year ago, after my stressful probationary period at my current
company. At that time, I really needed to break the wheel of monotony in my everyday
life and rejuvenate myself. So my buddies and I decided to take a trip to Dalat city to
relax. We made a lot of plans, most of which, unfortunately didn’t go as expected.
As soon as I arrived in Dalat city, it started pouring outside. The weather was freezing,
while dark clouds covered up the morning sky. Lightning flashed and thunder roared
continually near the horizon, discouraging every holidaymaker from doing anything
outdoors. So, we resorted to staying indoors and sitting by the window, watching the
raindrops falling outside.
It was a terrible moment for me. All of my companions were falling asleep after the 5
hours’ journey on the car. I was the only one awake in the room then, waiting for the rain
to stop and having nobody at all to talk with. I felt terribly bored because I expected to
visit many well-known destinations and try local cuisines, but the rain didn’t let up until
1PM that day.
I lost half of the day due to the storm, so in the future, I will avoid the rainy season when
travelling, or at least, have a look at the weather forecast before embarking on a trip

28 ZIM
Part 3
Why do people often get bored?
→ People have a tendency to feel bored when they have to do monotonous tasks
over and over. For example, boredom strikes when an office worker has to spend many
years doing paperwork in a nine-to-five job with a high level of repetition. Nothing is
interesting if everything just repeats day after day without any innovations.

Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?

→ This is may be because of the fast pace of modern life that many people lead nowadays.
They are so swarmed with their job and family that they can hardly arrange any time
for their own hobbies. Despite knowing that reading can do wonders for their mental
health, people would prefer sleeping, hanging out with friends or surfing Facebook.

What can employers do to help employees feel more motivated at work?

→ They could offer employees financial incentives when they achieve something to
boost their motivation, like hitting the sales target or successfully dealing with customers’
complaints. This is also a great way to provide recognition for their performance. When
these workers think that their efforts have been acknowledged, they may be willing to
spend more time at work and make more progress in their job.

ZIM 29
28 09

Fossil fuels

Chủ đề
Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are the main source for many countries.
However, some nations are using alternative energy such as solar power and wind power.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Bài mẫu
Although fossil fuels still remain the most important energy sources in many places,
some countries are now already using alternative sources like solar or wind power. In
my opinion, it can be difficult for a country to move towards using alternative energy at
first, but this development brings about several benefits in the long run.

On the one hand, the change towards using alternative types of energy would probably
put a heavy financial burden on the government and companies as they will have to
invest millions of dollars in purchasing and developing new equipment and facilities
for harnessing solar, wind or hydro-electric power. For example, the average cost of
installing a wind turbine for generating electricity is about $3 million, and an average
country would require a wind farm with hundreds of turbines to supply power to all
companies and households. In addition, the production cost of large solar panels is still
very high, which is why many countries, especially those with a poor economy, are still
unable to use this power source.

However, I still believe that shifting towards using alternative energy is a worthwhile
investment due to the great benefits it brings. Firstly, fossil fuels are the main cause of
air pollution nowadays since petroleum-powered vehicles and factories are releasing
tremendous amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every day. Therefore, replacing coal
and petroleum with wind or solar power will help to reduce the level of emissions in
the atmosphere and improve air quality. Secondly, fossil fuels, like natural gas or oil, are
finite resources and will soon be depleted, which will potentially threaten the economy

30 ZIM
if there are no alternative sources. This fact emphasizes the need to develop renewable
energy to gradually replace traditional sources when fossil fuels run out.

In conclusion, I hold the view that despite the high initial cost of new equipment and
facilities, the switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is still necessary for
the long-term development of the planet.

(329 từ)

TR: 8.0 CC: 8.0 LR: 9.0 GRA: 9.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

Từ vựng cần lưu ý

• Put a heavy financial burden on someone: đặt gánh nặng tài chính lên ai đó
• Harness: khai thác
• Shift towards doing something: chuyển qua việc làm gì đó
• Petroleum-powered vehicles and factories: phương tiện và nhà máy chạy bằng ga
hoặc xăng
• Finite resources: nguồn tài nguyên hữu hạn

ZIM 31
TASK 1: The pictures show the changes of a park from 1980 to the present day.



32 ZIM
Bài mẫu
The maps show changes in the layout of a park between 1980 and the present.
In general, the park is now more accessible and has several new facilities to serve
different recreational demands of the public.
In 1980, there was one pathway running through the park from the west gate to the
south gate. A number of trees were located in the north east, and flowers were planted
along the south wall. There was also a pond with several benches around it situated on
the eastern side of the park.
Between 1980 and now, the path was removed and replaced with a new path which
leads to all four sides of the park, and essentially divides it into four different areas. In
the south western corner, the pond and benches are still intact, but the flowers in that
area have been replaced with bushes. A new picnic area with tables and a barbecue grill
has been set up in the north eastern corner, while the southeastern corner is now a
dedicated playing field.

(173 words)

TR: 9.0 CC: 9.0 LR: 8.0 GRA: 8.0

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

ZIM 33
28 09


Part 1


Who do you trust the most?

→ Absolutely my mother. She was my very first best friend in life and always has my
back and keeps my secrets. Throughout the ups and downs of my life, my mother has
always stood by my side, and given me support whenever I have been in need.

Have you ever lost trust in someone?

→ Yes, my best friend, Jack who used to be my closest confidant until I saw him getting
intimate with my crush, even though he knew that had deep affection for her. Then, we
drifted apart and our friendship came to a halt. After that, frustrating and unpleasant
memories about a bad friend in the past obsess me whenever somebody strikes up a
conversation with me.

What kind of people do you trust?

→ I guess only our family members are trustworthy and willing to help us wholeheartedly.
After being betrayed by my best friend, I can hardly put faith in anybody else. I am afraid
that when I confide in someone, he or she may share my secrets with others.

34 ZIM

Do you eat a lot?

→ No, I’m trying to maintain a healthy diet. As a person who is prone to weight gain, I
have to refrain myself from eating my favorite foods, especially after 7PM. In the past,
I used to be an obese person with an insatiable appetite for food, so I avoid eating too
much now.

Do you like eating healthy food?

→ I love it. Healthy food like veggies or fruits is highly beneficial to my health as it helps
me to stay physically fit and avoid cardiovascular diseases. Besides, this kind of food is
scrumptious when used as ingredients for mouth-watering salads.

Do you eat out a lot?

→ No, I am wary of the sanitary conditions of most food establishments in my
neighborhood, so I always try to arrange my time to prepare my own meals. I believe my
homemade dishes, despite not being tasty, are way more hygienic than those served in

ZIM 35
Part 2
Describe a situation when you celebrated an achievement
You should say:
• What you did
• When you celebrated it
• Who you celebrated it with
And explain how you felt about that achievement

Từ vựng
• Throw a big party: tổ chức một bữa tiệc lớn
• Pull a bunch of all-nighters: phải thức thâu đêm
• Dark circles around my eyes: thâm quầng quanh mắt
• Cease: ngưng, dừng
• Pass the university entrance exam: vượt qua bài thi đại học
• Over the moon: rất vui sướng
• Prestigious: danh tiếng
• Be grateful for: biết ơn vì
• Show up: xuất hiện, tới một sự kiện nào đó
• Acquaintance: người quen

Bài mẫu
You know, as soon as I graduated from university, I threw a big party to celebrate this
achievement. That was one of the toughest times I’d been through because I had to pull
a bunch of all-nighters over many months to revise for my graduation exams. I looked
like a panda with dark circles around my eyes, and my hair went gray. My parents,
seeing me like this, were very worried and they never ceased to encourage me to keep
moving forward.
In the end, I did it. I mean, I passed the university entrance exam. Needless to say, my
parents were over the moon. They, like, wanted to announce to the world that I finally
graduated from FTU, one of the most prestigious universities in my city. Personally,
besides feeling happy and proud of myself, I was also grateful for their love and care, so
I decided to use my savings to hold a BBQ in my own backyard.
The day the party took place, nearly one hundred guests came, most of whom showed
up early to help me prepare the food and drinks. During the party, the atmosphere was
very cozy because I just invited my family members, relatives and a few acquaintances. I

36 ZIM
could see that my parents were very proud because I had grown up and become mature
enough to find a job, hopefully a well-paid one to support my family.

Part 3
How do Vietnamese people celebrate family events?
→ That depends on their financial ability. Like, well-heeled people often hold a big
party in a fancy restaurant, because they can take advantage of this party as a way to
show off their wealth. However, those living in less privileged families have a tendency
to do it at home in a cozy atmosphere to gather and spend time with each other.

Why is it so important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?
→ It is because these fans need a place to express their pride and happiness. That’s an
occasion when they can discuss the game with other like-minded spectators and show
their sports spirit. Besides, these events are essential as this is a way to congratulate on
the success of the sportsmen and let them know that they have done a great job.

In what way should parents reward their children who achieve a high score?
→ I guess the best way is to offer them a trip to some well-known destinations because
this not only can also help them to unwind after their examination but also allow
them to go out and be exposed to sunshine, which can do wonders for their physical
development. This way is much better than rewarding them with money because it may
make the children grow up materialistic.

ZIM 37
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

Từ vựng theo chủ đề của bài mẫu Writing và


Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai cho đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2

Cung cấp và phân tích cấu trúc viết câu ghi

điểm trong bài mẫu Writing

Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai ideas cho đề Speaking

Cung cấp các chủ đề tương tự trong IELTS

Speaking giúp trả lời linh hoạt nhiều chủ đề

1 Set đề full 4 kỹ năng kèm đáp án và giải

thích chi tiết

Hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc trong quá trình sử

dụng sách

38 ZIM
Special Journal
9/2019 - By ZIM School of English and Test Preparation

Chủ biên
Hoàng Anh Khoa
Nguyễn Anh Toàn
Trịnh Xuân Dương

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Writing

Lê Anh Minh
Phạm Đăng Khánh

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Speaking

Hoàng Anh Khoa
Sam Prior

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Listening

Cao Thế Vũ

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Reading

Hoàng Anh Khoa
Nguyễn Quang Hùng
Nguyễn Thị Thủy

ZIM 39
40 ZIM

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