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Unit 1 là về busy schedule hoặc cultural awareness ( khả năng ra lại đề unit 1 là thấp lắm)

Unit 2 là make appointment to check your health hoặc miêu tả 1 căn bệnh từng mắc phải hoặc
các phương pháp chữa bệnh hiệu quả và lý do yêu thích.
Unit 3 là describe party or event ( lên plan này nọ á) hoặc khó là pronastinator là good hay
bad hoặc agree hay disagree with điều này
Unit 4 : describe a book you like.
Advantage or disadvantage of reading online/ reading in print.
Unit 5 : describe natural disaster or preparation for emergency situation.
Unit 6: future job or future dream or imagine10 years later you become?
Unit 7: describe the last vacation/ trip or describe holiday in your country?
Unit 8: Useful inventions? Useless invention?
Unit 9: censorship of movies/ violence movies for children? Banning text-message while
driving? Capital punishment? Compulsory military service? ( include both pros and cons of
the issue)
Unit 10: Describe a place with geographical features, location,… ( example in page 153 TN3)
Solutions to global warming/ climate change ( lấy bài mẫu của topic 10 speaking á

Vài đề khó hơn, lấy ideas:

ĐỀ: The tradition that the family gets together to eat meals is disappearing. What are the
reasons? What are the impacts? (Truyền thống gia đình quây quần dùng bữa đang dần biến
mất. Lý do là gì? Những tác động là gì?)
Introduction: comment on the statement, state that you will discuss some reasons and
Paragraph 2: reasons (1) children eat in front of the TV (2) close-knit family is
disappearing – so no regular mealtimes.
Paragraph 3: impacts (1) on family life – stability of family routine impacts on
upbringing of children (2) on children’s health – they develop unhealthy eating habits,
leading to disorders.
Conclusion: some reasons can be identified and the impacts are serious.
UNIT 4 : mọi người lấy ý của các đề này thôi nha, sẽ không ra khó thế này đâu nhưng có ý
dùng được cho unit 4
Đề : Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the
most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree? ( Mặc dù ngày càng có nhiều
người đọc tin tức trên Internet, báo chí vẫn là nguồn tin tức quan trọng nhất. Bạn đồng ý hay
không đồng ý?)
Dàn ý:
+ Introduction: refer to statement and give opinion – totally disagree.
+ Paragraph 2: advantages of online news.
Reason 1: it is up-to-the-minute.
Reason 2: it is accessible – many people have smart phones or laptops to connect instantly
to the internet.
+ Paragraph 3: drawbacks of newspapers.
Reason 1: cost – falling circulation – example US newspapers.
Reason 2: environmental concerns – save paper and save forests.
+ Conclusion: repeat introduction, using some different words.
Many traditionalists believe that, however many people have access to the Internet,
conventional newspapers will continue as the major source of news. I totally disagree with
this view.
The speed and convenience of the Internet in this digital age have led to the increasing
popularity of online news. Firstly, the Internet is able to provide up-tothe-minute news as it
happens, 24 hours a day every day. As long as I have my smart phone or laptop with me, I
can connect almost instantly to the Internet, surf the websites and access the news of my
choice across the globe. Secondly, more and more people now have access to the Internet and
this trend appears set to continue. The more widespread the accessibility of the Internet, the
more people will come to rely on it as their news source.
In contrast, newspapers have drawbacks which affect their popularity. One major disincentive
of relying on newspapers as a news source is the cost. Competing with freely available news
online, newspaper publishers are facing the reality of falling circulation figures. Some major
American newspapers have now introduced online versions alongside their printed editions in
an attempt to arrest this trend. Another disadvantage of newspapers is the amount of paper
consumed in their production. With growing environmental awareness, there is a body of
public opinion which rejects buying newspapers because this involves cutting trees and
transporting them to paper mills. While this may not be a major factor at present, the
environmental argument will almost certainly gain ground in the future.
In conclusion, I would argue that newspapers will continue to decline in importance, and
more and more people will use the Internet to access the news.
Đề: More and more people think there is no need for printed paper newspapers. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? ( Ngày càng nhiều người nghĩ rằng không cần giấy in báo
giấy . Bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý?)
Dàn ý:
 introduction – it is true that many people hold this opinion. However, I disagree – printed
newspapers still have a role to play
 paragraph 2: admit the advantages of online news or radio/TV news [1] news can be
updated by the minute [2] most people nowadays have access to a radio/TV or the internet
 paragraph 3: still important role for printed newspapers because [1] reading a paper is a
daily habit which many people still enjoy [2] a printed paper can be passed to others to read
 conclusion: although they have declined in popularity, printed newspapers are still the
preferred choice for many people to read the news.
Đề: Some businesses find that their new employees lack basic interpersonal skills, such as
cooperative skills. What are the causes and suggest some possible solutions. ( Một số doanh
nghiệp nhận thấy rằng nhân viên mới của họ thiếu các kỹ năng cơ bản giữa các cá nhân,
chẳng hạn như kỹ năng hợp tác. Nguyên nhân là gì và đề xuất một số giải pháp khả thi)
It is true that some companies complain about the poor interpersonal skills of their new staff.
While some reasons for this can be identified, there are solutions which firms should adopt.

As many new employees are school-leavers, the causes of this problem can be found in the
home and in the school. A child’s personality is shaped during the formative years of home-
life and schooling. In terms of the home, close-knit families are a thing of the past in many
societies, and youngsters do not learn to live in harmony with one another and with their
parents. For example, meal times used to be occasions when families ate together and
discussed the tasks to be done and the problems of each family member. In school, children
are encouraged to achieve individual excellence in exams, rather than to have social skills
and to be team-players.
However, in order to conduct a business efficiently, firms must take steps to train new
employees to acquire interpersonal skills. Firstly, cooperative skills should be developed,
making the most of the latest management techniques. Some companies in Europe and the
USA, for example, organise challenging activity weekends during which staff must work as
teams to do mountain-climbing or climbing and camping. Working together, their survival
skills are put to the test. Secondly, codes of conduct at work should be strictly enforced for
both new and existing employees to facilitate communication and cooperation.

In conclusion, although some reasons can be suggested as probable causes of this problem,
there are measures which companies should take to develop the interpersonal skills of new
ĐỀ: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages? ( Công nghệ mới đã thay đổi cách trẻ em chi tiêu
thời gian rảnh của họ. Những lợi thế có lớn hơn những bất lợi?)
Dàn ý:
+ Introduction: refer to statement and give opinion – there are more advantages than
+ Paragraph 2: disadvantages:
[1] less time spent playing sport and doing healthy exercise
[2] physical drawbacks – eye-strain, headaches
+ Paragraph 3: advantages:
[1] aids self- study – example learning English online by smartphone, laptop – describe
something advantage of new technologies by using adjective.
[2] access knowledge and make friends worldwide.
+ Conclusion: repeat introduction, using some different words.
UNIT 10:
ĐỀ: The responsibility for preventing and reducing global environmental damage lies with
politicians and there is a little that individuals can do about the problem. To what extent do
you agree or disagree? ( Trách nhiệm ngăn chặn và giảm thiểu thiệt hại môi trường toàn cầu
thuộc về các chính trị gia và các cá nhân có thể làm một chút để giải quyết vấn đề này. Tới
mức độ nào bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý?)
It is true that politicians have a great deal of responsibility for the environmental degradation
which is occurring today. While they have the power to limit and even reduce this damage, I
disagree completely with the view that individuals can make very little contribution to
solving the problem.
Politicians must play a prominent role in protecting the environment. They must allocate
resources to creating nature reserves, such as the National Parks in the UK and the USA. In
these areas, the government has introduced restrictions on construction and any form of
development activity. In terms of global action, politicians must also be active in
international bodies, to secure agreement on targets to cut down on carbon emissions and to
fight climate change. They should also take strong measures against pollution.
On the other hand, individuals can make significant contributions to safeguard the planet.
Firstly, each person should reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, for example by using
their car less, and saving energy in their home by installing solar panels. Secondly, if
everyone buys locally-produced food, this will save food miles. Following a vegan or
vegetarian diet and eating organic food will also reduce the environmental impact of humans
on the planet. Finally, the green movement relies on the support of individuals to exert
pressure on politicians. Individuals should help organisations like Greenpeace or Amazon
Watch to campaign for an end to the hunting of wild animals or deforestation.
In conclusion, although politicians have a major responsibility to adopt environmentally-
friendly policies, there is much that individuals can do to combat environmental damage by
actions in their homes, their neighbourhoods and in supporting global organisations.
environmental degradation: sự thoái hóa môi trường
to allocate resources to: phân bổ nguồn lực để
to introduce restrictions on: đưa ra hạn chế về
international bodies: cơ quan quốc tế
to cut down on emissions: cắt lượng giảm khí thải
to fight climate change: chống biến đổi khí hậu
to reduce the dependence/reliance on fossil fuels: giảm sự phụ thuộc vào nhiên liệu hóa thạch
food miles: ăn dặm
the green movement: phong trào xanh
environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
to exert pressure on: gây áp lực lên
to campaign for something: chiến dịch cho 1 cái gì đó
to adopt policies: áp dụng các chính sách.

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