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● CHÚ Ý:
- Ko ghép cause/problem với solution vào cùng 1 thân bài.
- Mỗi thân chỉ nói về 1 khía cạnh: 1 thân chỉ nói về cause, 1 chỉ nói về solution,
1 chỉ nói về problem.
- Phải có solution tương ứng cho cause/problem đã nêu ra.

● MỞ:
- Viết 1 câu giới thiệu về chủ đề đó.
- Trả lời đề: This essay will present some problems caused by X and respective
solutions. (problems & solutions)
HOẶC: This essay will present some causes of X and respective solutions.
(causes & solutions)

● THÂN 1:
- C1: nêu tên cause/problem (các cách ghi ở phần Language)
- Giải thích C1: vì sao, ntn, có thật thế ko, có phải ở đâu cũng thế ko?
- C3: tiếp tục giải thích.
- C4: nêu tên cause/problem thứ 2 (sử dụng “another…”)
- Giải thích C4: vì sao, ntn, có thật thế ko?
- As a result,
Chú ý: nêu 1 cause/problem cũng đc ko sao 🡪 giải thích kỹ.
● Topic sentence => đưa ra ý của mình
=> Reason (Why?)

=> Example (Ví dụ)

=> Consequences

=> Alternative (If not,...)

● THÂN 2:

- C1: nêu tên solution 1 (VD: However, there are some solutions to this
- C2: Giải thích solution đó tốt ntn, có đúng tốt thật ko, vì sao tốt?
- C3: Giải thích tiếp
- C4: nêu tên solution 2 (VD: Another method to help curb the Y problem.)
- C5: Giải thích solution đó tốt ntn, có đúng tốt thật ko, vì sao tốt?

● Kết:
- In conclusion, S+V


Cause & Problem:
– (Since/Because/As) + Mệnh đề (S+V)
– (Because of/Owing to/Due to) + N
– The reason why (mệnh đề/for N) + is that…
(The reason why I am fat is that I binge eat)
(The reason for my failure is that I was lazy)
– (This matter/problem) + (can be attributed to/is resulted from) + N
(do cái gì) 🡪 “là do/nhờ cái gì”
(This problem is resulted from external elements)
(This problem can be attributed to external elements)
– ST lead to this problem.
– X can pose a (threat/challenge/danger/risk) to Y.
– Thus/Therefore/Consequently, mệnh đề.
– As a (result/consequence), …
– The result of N is/would be/could be N: kết quả của cái gì là do cái gì
– N would/could result in N: cái gì dẫn đến cái gì

– One (possible/notable) way to (solve/overcome/deal with/mitigate) the
problem would be/is (N/that mệnh đề)
(One notable way to mitigate this problem would be making new policies)
– Giải quyết (v): solve, overcome, address, deal with, mitigate, curb,
– Giải pháp (n): solution, measure, method, way (take steps).
– (People/Government/The society/Individuals/ Each individual) should
focus their attention on + Ving.
(Each individual should focus his or her attention on protecting the

● Một số đề tham khảo:

1. Many people are working longer hours. Why is this happening? What
problems can this cause to people?
2.  In cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a
problem. What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to
solve this problem?

3. Online shopping is becoming more popular. How could this trend affect
our environment and the kinds of work required?
4.  Cyclists and car drivers today share the same road cause some problems.
What are the problems? What can be done do to reduce these problems?
5. The world’s natural resources such as oil, forests and freshwater are being
consumed at an ever-increasing rate. What are the dangers of the
situation? What can be done to solve the problem? (ENVIRONMENT)
6. Most young people leave school with a negative attitude toward learning.
Why do you think this is happening? What can be done to encourage them
to have a positive attitude? (EDUCATION)
CAUSE: chương trình học nặng
- Nhiều môn
- Nhiều bt
- Nhiều test
SOLUTION: Governments giảm tải
- Giảm bớt số môn, cho phép 1 số môn đc optional, tuỳ thuộc vào định
- Giảm bớt BT, thêm HĐ ngoại khoá.
- Giảm bớt Progress tests, giữ lại final tests và 1 số bài mini tests.

Young graduates tend to feel negative toward learning after leaving school, this
has become a more popular issue in recent years. This essay will shed light on
the causes as well as the respective solutions to this problem.

Students’ frustration with studying can be attributed to the heavy curriculum

(chương trình học) at most schools. One factor is that students today are required
to do many subjects in class, which aims them to be comprehensively educated.
As a result, the amount of homework and knowledge would be overloaded,
which potentially leads to fatigue (N = tiredness) and exhaustion in modern
learners. Testing and assessment could also become excessive for most students.
In some typical schools in Vietnam, each student would have to take about 7
tests per term for each subject, while there are 13 compulsory subjects. With
these numbers, graduates can hardly show excitement towards studying.

However, one notable way to mitigate this issue is to reduce the load of the
current program. Governments could focus their attention on making new
policies to make some subjects optional to students depending on their
orientation and capabilities. To make school life more motivating for students,
the education system could include more extra-curricular activities instead of
pure homework to help reduce their stress. The ultimate measure can be to
minimize testing/assessment, which can help learners be more incentive, and
free them from stress.

Tự kết.
7. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one
or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals
can tackle these problems.
8. Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a
large number of children play computer games. What are the negative
impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the
bad effects?
9. The internet has transformed the way information is shared and
consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What
are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what
solutions can you suggest?
10.In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What
problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some
measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of aging populations.

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