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Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum age for
driving cars or riding motorcycles.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Body 1 – why do others think it’s a good idea?
 Sentence 1 (Topic) – succinct
It is understandable why some people advocate (C2) a higher age threshold for motorists. 
(Có thể hiểu được tại sao một số người ủng hộ việc cấm tài xế trẻ)
 Sentence 2 (Explain) – clear and logical
The rationale is that young drivers tend to be reckless, which may lead to accidents.
(Lý do là tài xế trẻ tuổi lái rất trẻ trâu, và việc này có thể dẫn tới tai nạn.)
 Sentence 3-4 (Example) – reflects the idea
Vietnam perfectly exemplifies this situation: a great number of Vietnamese teenage drivers disregard
traffic laws and commit serious offences such as running red lights, contributing to the rate of traffic-
related injuries and fatalities
(Ví dụ, ở Việt Nam, rất nhiều người trẻ coi thường luật pháp và vi phạm các lỗi nặng như vượt đèn đỏ,
góp phần vào tỉ lệ chấn thương và tử vong do giao thong).
 Sentence 5 – meaning of example 
Therefore, it seems sensible that they should be banned from the street.
(Vậy nên, cũng hợp lý là những đối tượng này phải bị cấm lái xe)
Body  2 – there are better ways
(1) Không hiệu quả trong dài hạn: However, I believe the aforementioned method would be futile in the
long run.
 Cả người lớn cũng lái ẩu như trẻ trâu: Reckless driving is prevalent among both young and more
mature drivers, and thus raising the driving age is not a holistic approach to the issue of
(2) Có cách khác tốt hơn: Instead, governments should adopt more viable solutions
 Phạt nặng hơn: One of these is administering stricter punishments on traffic offenders.
Measures like raising the fines or suspending driver’s license indefinitely, for example, could go a
long way towards discouraging traffic violations.

Chi tiền cho cơ sở hạ tầng: In addition, governments should allocate more funding to improving
roadway infrastructures. This is because accidents stem from not only bad driving but also
subpar standards of roadways.
- It is understandable why some people advocate.....: có thể hiểu tại sao nhiều người lại
ủng hộ....
- The rationale is that....: lý do là.....
- Disregard (v) xem nhẹ
- Commit offences: phạm luật, phạm tội
- Futile (a) vô ích
- Prevalent = rampant = pervasive (a) tràn lan
- Curb = mitigate = alleviate (v) limit sth that is harmful
Eg: curb traffic accidents
- A holistic approach: 1 giải pháp, phương án toàn diện
- Adopt/administer a solution (v) tìm ra 1 giải pháp
- Administer sth on = impose sth on
- Go a long way towards/in: help, assist
- Criminals = wrongdoers = offenders
- Crimes = wrongdoings = illegal acts
- Jeopardize = threaten = endanger = compromise
- Eclipse = outweigh (v)
- Emissions = exhaust fumes = carbon footprint
- Economical = cost-efficient (a)
2. Education
Some people think that schools should reward only students with the best academic results,
while others believe it is more important to reward students who show improvements. 
Discuss both views and give your own opinion
There is no doubt that encouragement has a considerable bearing on student performance. However,
people remain divided over how to effectively use incentives and praises in schools. While it is
traditionally believed that rewards should only be given to students who excel in their study, some
argue that teachers must not neglect individual who make progress. 
Body 1
a) why do others think it’s a good idea? 
 Sentence 1 (Topic) – succinct
It is understandable why some people advocate rewarding the elite students only. 
(Có thể hiểu được tại sao một số người ủng hộ việc chỉ thưởng cho học sinh giỏi nhất).
 Sentence 2 (Explain) – clear and logical
These students have applied themselves in order to achieve top performance, and it seems sensible
that they are more deserving of the praises and privileges compared to those with lesser achievements. 
(Những học sinh này đã nỗ lực hết mình để đạt được thành tích cao nhất, vậy nên cũng hợp lý là họ
xứng đáng với những lời tuyên dương và đặc quyền hơn những bạn có thành tích không bằng). 
b) Counter – argument
 Sentence 3 – Counter 
However, this policy may have an adverse effect on other students. 
(Tuy nhiên, chính sách này có thể có ảnh hưởng xấu tới những học sinh khác).
 Sentence 4 – Explain 
Because only a small group of students can top exams, the rest would feel overwhelmed and gradually
become disheartened
(Bởi vì chỉ có một nhóm ít học sinh đứng đầu các bài thi, những học sinh khác sẽ cảm thấy quá sức và
dần dần trở nên nản chí)
 Sentence 5 – Explain
As a result, the overall performance of the school may deteriorate.
(Kết quả là, thành tích của toàn trường có thể sẽ suy giảm).
Body  2 – support the other way
 Sentence 1: Thay vì cách tiếp cận kể trên, tôi tin rằng không chỉ học sinh giỏi mà cả những bạn nỗ
lực có thành tích cao hơn nên được thưởng:
Instead of the aforementioned approach,  I am convinced that not only outstanding students but
also those who aspire to better performance should be rewarded.
 Sentence 2: Điều này sẽ khuyến khích mọi học sinh cần cù trong việc học và khuyến khích cạnh
tranh lành mạnh trong nhà trường, và điều này có thể có lợi cho sự tiến bộ của mọi người:
This would incentivize all students to be diligent in their study and promote healthy competition in
the school, which would be of tremendous benefit to everybody. 
 Sentence 3: Lớp đại học của tôi là ví dụ điển hình:
My university class perfectly exemplifies the effectiveness of this policy.
 Sentence 4: Khác với các trường khác nơi thường chỉ những học sinh khủng nhất mới được
thưởng, học sinh trường tôi, dù thứ hạng là bao nhiêu, đều được khen trước toàn trường hoặc
cho những phần thưởng nho nhỏ miễn là họ có cố gắng cải thiện điểm số:
As opposed to most other schools where the norm is to reward the elite few, in my school, students,
irrespective of their ranking, will be publicly commended or given small incentives as long as they
make an effort (to improve their grades).
 Sentence 5: Những hình thức động viên này tạo cho mọi người cảm giác tự hào, và kết quả là họ
cố gắng học chăm hơn:
These forms of encouragement gives all students a sense of accomplishment, and they  endeavor to
study harder as a result. 

- Have a bearing on: có ảnh hưởng đến
- Excel in (v) giỏi về, xuất sắc về
- Elite (a) ưu tú
- Apply oneself (v) try one’s best
- Achieve top performance = top exams: đạt thành tích cao
- Overwhelmed (a) quá sức, ngợp
- Disheartened = demoralized (a) nản chí
- Deteriorate (v) suy giảm
- Aspire to (v) mong muốn đạt được, khao khát
- Incentivize (v) encourage
- Dilligent (a) hardworking
- Of tremendous benefit to sb: mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho ai
- The norm (n) thông thường, theo lẽ thường
- As opposed to: trái lại, ngược lại, khác với
- A sense of accomplishment: cảm giác tự hào, đạt được thành tựu
- Endeavor (v) try hard
3. Environment
Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans race in the 21st Century and sea levels are
continuing to rise at alarming rates. 
What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions?

It is a universal truth that mankind has an inextricable relationship with nature. Because of this link,
the deterioration of nature as of late (recently) has undoubtedly taken a heavy toll on Earth’s
inhabitants. Among the existential threats/ dangers that humans face, global warming and rising sea
levels are two of the most imminent. This essay is going to demonstrate that the direst repercussion of
this phenomenon is the flooding of homes, and this can be tackled by several measures.
Body 1 – problems
1 – Vấn đề lớn nhất với sự nóng lên toàn cầu và mực nước biển tăng là sự ngập nhà cửa, đặc biệt là ở
khu vực ven biển và vùng đất thấp: The foremost issue associated with GW and rising sea levels is the
sinking/submergence of houses
2 – Nơi đây là nhà của rất nhiều người, vì vậy dù nước biển dâng chỉ một ít, họ sẽ bị bắt buộc phải bỏ
nhà cửa và trốn đi vùng đất cao hơn: This is where a major proportion of the global population reside,
and even if the sea rises by a very tiny margin, they will be forced to abandon their homes and flee to
higher grounds. 
3 – Việc di dời này sẽ gây ra thiệt hại lớn về kinh tế, vì họ không chỉ bỏ lại nhà cửa mà còn của cải của
mình: Relocation would cause substantial financial damage, as they would not only leave their houses
behind but also their material possessions.
4 – Cơn sóng thần mà oánh vào Nhật Bản năm 2011 là minh chứng điển hình, khi hàng triệu người bị ép
phải di dời và vì vậy mất đi nguồn sống: The tsunami that battered Japan in 2011 perfectly exemplifies
this situation, when millions of people were displaced and lost their livelihood.
Body 2 – solutions
1 – Bởi vì sự nghiêm trọng và phức tạp của các vấn đề kể trên, chúng ta cần các biện pháp mạnh tay:
Given the gravity and complexity of the issues described above, aggressive measures are needed. 
2 – Trước mắt, hệ thống phòng chống lũ phải được củng cố, đặc biệt ở các nước có nhiều dân sống
quanh biển và các thành phố bị đe doạ bởi ngập lụt và sóng lớn: In the foreseeable future, flood defense
must be fortified, especially in nations with a significant coastal population and cities that are most
vulnerable to flooding and storm surges.
3 – Tuy nhiên, giải pháp này chỉ là tạm thời; trong dài hạn, đảo ngược quá trình ấm lên toàn cầu cần sự
chung tay góp sức của chính phủ, doanh nghiệp và người dân: However, this solution is only ephemeral;
in the long run, the reversal of global warming warrants the collective effort of governments, businesses
and ordinary people.
4 – Các thói quen và chính sách nhằm giảm thiểu dấu chân carbon sẽ đóng vai trò quan trọng: ví dụ, các
hộ gia đình nên hưởng ứng năng lượng xanh trong các hoạt động sinh hoạt và đi lại, và các chương trình
trao đổi carbon sẽ rất giúp ích việc giảm khí nhà kính: Practices and policies that help reduce our carbon
footprint will play a key role: for example, households should embrace green energy for domestic
activities and transportation, and carbon trading schemes will go a long way toward cutting down
greenhouse gas emissions.
5 – Bên cạnh việc giảm thiểu, chúng ta cần chủ động loại bỏ carbon trong không khí: In addition to
reduction, we must proactively get rid of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
6 – Để làm được việc này, chính phủ cần tăng diện tích cây xanh và đầu tư các công nghệ loại bỏ cacbon
cũng như kí các hiệp ước loại bỏ cacbon: To this end, it is imperative that governments increase their
countries’ green cover, invest in carbon removal technologies and work together on carbon neutrality

In conclusion, GW and rising sea levels are likely to trigger far-reaching consequences, and the
proposed solutions must be taken to combat the effects of these phenomena.

- Have an inextricable relationship with = have a storng correlation between: có mối quan
hệ mật thiết với
- Deterioration (n)  deteriorate (v)
- Existential threat/danger: mối đe dọa về sự tồn tại
- Take a heavy toll on: có hệ quả xấu đến
- Foremost (a) trên hết, lớn nhất, nghiêm trọng nhất
- Submergence (n) sinking
- By a very tiny margin: một ít, rất nhỏ
- Material possession: của cải, vật chất
- Batter (v) đánh vào, đạp vào
- Be displaced: bị ép phải di dời
- Lose one’s livelihood: mất đi nguồn sống
- The gravity and complexity of the issues: sự nghiêm trọng và phức tạp của vấn đề
- Aggressive measures: giải pháp mạnh tay
- Foreseeable future: tương lai trước mắt
- Flood defense: chống lũ
- Fortify (v) củng cố
- Ephemeral (a) short-lived ~ tạm thời
- Warrant (v) yêu cầu, cần
- Embrace (v) utilize, put sth in practice
- Imperative (a) cần thiết, cấp bách
- Trigger far-reaching accords: gây nên những hậu quả sâu rộng
- Combat (v) chống lại
- Retard (v) slow down (growth/productivity)
- Twofold (a) doubled
- A is a testament to B: A là minh chứng cho B
- A is a contributor to B = A contribute to B
- Nuanced (a) đặc thù, đặc trưng
Eg: scottish accent is really nuanced
- Exacerbate (v) làm nghiêm trọng thêm (xấu càng xấu hơn)
Eg: the illnesses are exacerbated by warmer temperature
- Wreak havoc on sth: damge sth
- Unequivocal = clear = obvious (a) ko thể chối cãi
- Mandate = oblige (v)
- In a bid to = in order to= with a view to
- Substantial = considerable(a) # substative = important (a)
- Culprit (n) nguyên nhân gốc rễ cho
Eg: Road transport is the main culprit to the increase of the atmospheric carbon dioxide
- A is being marginalised by B: A đang bị thay thế bởi B
Eg: Manual labour is being marginalised by automation
4. Food products

In many countries, people are buying imported food instead of locally produced food. 
Why is this the case? What can be done to encourage people to buy local food?

In the light of globalization, it is widely acknowledged that consumer behavior has changed radically
over the past few decades. One of teh areas where the trend manifests itself most starkly is food
consumption. Today, people are buying more foreign food product in lieu of domestically manufactured
ones. This can be attributed to a host of factors, and there are several viable measures to boost demand
for locally produced food products. 
Body 1 – causes
1 - Lý do tại sao đồ ăn nội đang bị thất sủng khác nhau từ nước này sang nước khác: The reasons as to
why demand for local food is waning vary from country to country.
2 - Ở những nơi mà người tiêu dùng có hiểu biết về ẩm thực quốc tế, đồ ăn ngoại được ưa chuộng vì nó
chuẩn vị hơn: In parts of the world where consumers are increasingly aware of international cuisines,
foreign food is preferred because of its authenticity.
3 - Điều này đặc biệt đúng với nông sản: một số nước có khả năng sản xuất ra thịt, rau và hoa quả vượt
trội hơn chủng loại sản xuất ở nơi khác trên thế giới đơn giản bởi vì khí hậu ở đó phù hợp với việc trồng
trọt chúng hơn: This is especially the case with agricultural produce: some countries are able to create
better meats, vegetables and fruits that are superior in taste to the variety found elsewhere in the world
simply because of favorable climate and advanced technologies.
4 - Bên cạnh chất lượng, khách hàng chuộng đồ ăn nhập vì lý do vệ sinh, đặc biệt ở những nước mà bệnh
từ đồ ăn phổ biến và việc kiểm soát vệ sinh thực phẩm lỏng lẻo: Quality aside, consumers gravitate
towards imported food also for safety reasons, especially in nations where food borne illnesses are
prevalent and food hygiene enforcement is lax. 
5 – Cuối cùng, thực phẩm nhập khẩu đang dần trở nên phổ biến vì sự quảng bá rộng rãi trên các trang
mạng xã hội giúp mọi người thích thú với việc thử các loại ẩm thực mới mẻ: Finally, it is social media
that enable people to see an assortment of food from countries around the world, which serves to fuel
their interest about these food items and effectively creates an enormous demand for them.
Body 2 - solutions
1 - Để kích cầu cho sản phẩm đồ ăn nội địa, có một số biện pháp chính phủ có thể thực hiện: In order to
stimulate demand for local food, a number of measures can be taken.    
2- Một trong số đó là áp đặt một mức thuế cao hơn lên đồ ăn nhập: One of them is to levy a steeper tax
on food imports. 
3- Những nhà nhập khẩu sẽ phải nâng giá, và điều này có thể khiến những người tiêu dùng nhạy cảm với
giá cả không muốn mua sản phẩm này: Importers would be forced to hike their prices, which in turn may
prompt price-conscious consumers to avoid purchasing this type of food products.
4 – Example: For example, in Vietnam, a higher tax rate on New Zealand imported milk could sway
consumers to local brands such as TH True Milk or Vinamilk, given the fact that most Vietnamese are
averse to high prices. 
5 - Nâng thuế nhập khẩu nên được thực hiện song song với việc khuyến khích người dân ủng hộ doanh
nghiệp sản xuất đồ ăn nội địa: Tariff increases must be implemented in tandem with encouraging
citizens to support domestic foods manufacturer such as holding fairs showcasing domestically produced
food, which will go a long way towards shifting consumers’ biases against these products.
In conclusion, the popularity of imported food can be ascribed to their superior quality and competitive
pricing, and imposing a higher tax on this type of food can be an effective measure to encourage people
to buy domestically produced food.
- Wane (v) mất dần tầm qtrong, tầm ảnh hưởng
- This is especially the case with: điều này đặc biệt đúng với
- Conducive to (a) có lợi cho
- Sth aside,..: ngoài sth
- Gravitate towards (v) hướng về, lựa chọn, thích cái gì hơn
- Food borne illness: bệnh từ thức ăn
- Lax (a) lỏng lẻo (law, authority,..)
- An assortment of = a variety of
- Fuel one’s interest: làm thích thú, khơi dậy sự thích thú
- Fuel greater consumption of: thúc đẩy tiêu dùng của
- Effectively = as a result
- The logistics of transporting: khâu vận chuyển
- Baloon (v) skyrocket
Eg: people’s curiosity about imported products is significantly ballooning.
- Culinary creations = cuisines
- Sth is weighing on the minds of / sth is at the forefront of one’s consciousness
- Streamline (v) reorganize
Eg: the production process will be streamlined
- Bolster = support = advocate (v)
- Local area = locality
- A occcurs in tandem with B: A xảy ra song hành với B
- Levy = impose = enforce a tax on..
- Stimulate demand for: kích cầu
- Hike the price: tăng giá
- Price-cóncious (a) nhạy cảm vs giá cả
- Sway sb to sth: chuyển hướng của người này sang cái này
- Showcase (v) trưng bày
- Bias against: có thành kiến ko tốt vs
5. Health

More people today are overweight than ever before. 

What are the primary causes of this?
What measures can be taken to overcome this epidemic.
It is widely acknowledged that there has been a drastic increase in the number of overweight people.
This problem is attributable to a host of factors, and I believe it should be collectively addressed by both
individuals and the government. 
Body 1 – causes
1- There are two main driving factors behind the rise in obesity.
2 - First, the sedentary lifestyle is to blame.
 People today are much less physically active than they used to be.
 For example, most of us now work behind a desk and drive our own personal vehicles to work,
which means we have very little time for exercise and are more likely to gain weight. 
3 - Second, many people now have a poor diet.
 For instance, teenagers tend to eat a lot of snacks and working adults typically consume fast
food on a regular basis due to their busy schedule.
 This eating habit, coupled with a lack of exercise, has made a great number of people obese. 
Body 2 – solutions
1 - In order to address the problem of obesity, several actions can be taken.
2 - On the governmental level, states should try to encourage citizens to pay more attention to fitness
and wellness.
 Building more recreational spaces, especially in cities, could be a way to motivate people to be
outdoor more often and get some exercise.
3 - However, such initiatives would be futile without each individual actively taking better care of our
 People should make time for exercising and try to eat clean by preparing home-cooked meals.
 Slowly incorporating these habits into their daily routine would go a long way in maintaining a
healthy weight. 

- Attributable to (a) được quy cho, gán cho

- A host of = many
- Driving factor/ driver behind sth: lí do đằng sau
- Be to blame: phải nhận lỗi
- Physically active
- Work behind a desk: làm văn phòng
- Coupled with = together with
- Incorporating sth into sth: kết hợp cái gì vào cái gì

6. Advertising/Media
Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw
attention to important problems. Others believe that celebrities can make the problems seem
less important. 
Discuss both these views and give your opinion

In light of the pervasive pop culture, there is no doubt that celebrities have a considerable bearing on the public.
However, public opinion on whether or not famous people should participate in aid campaigns is
polarizing. While some say public figures can be a valuable asset to aid programs, others argue that their
involvement can undermine the message they want to communicate. Personally, I agree with the
former view. 
Body 1
1 – Topic: The disapproval of featuring celebrities in aid campaigns is largely justifiable. 
2 – Explain: The key rationale in favor of this view is that famous individuals tend to be involved in
scandals, which may distract the target audience.
3 – Counter: However, such thinking is flawed. In reality, many celebrities who have bad publicity are
still able to help aid programs amplify their reach due to their strong following. 
4 – Example
Leonardo DiCaprio is a case in point.  
5 – Example – explain
Despite the controversies surrounding his love affairs and accusations of tax frauds, the world renowned
actor still proves instrumental in numerous aid programs that aim to relieve poverty and hunger.
6 – Meaning of example

This is a testament to how celebrities, regardless of whether they have scandals or not, can be of help to aid

Body 2
1 – In addition to connecting aid organizations with the public, I am convinced that celebrities can also
help elicit the support of the audience. 
2 – Because of their frequent media coverage, campaigns that feature prominent figures seem more
3 – By contrast, if aid organizations, which are generally obscure to the public, are in charge of aid
campaigns, it is unlikely that they will be able to sway the audience or raise enough donations to
finance/ fund the programs.
4 – For example, MC Phan Anh, a TV personality in Vietnam, managed to raise 2 million dollars for
flood-stricken victims in Central Vietnam. 
5 – If another organization had been responsible for this project, the result would have surely been
much more meager


- Polarize (v) phân cực, khác biệt

- Feature sb ~ star (v) đóng vai chính, kết hợp
- Amplify (v) mở rộng, khuếch tán
Eg: amplify their reach to a wider range of audience
- A case in point = an example
- Elicit ~ evoke (v) khêu ra, gợi ra
Eg: elicit the support of the audience
- Media coverage: phủ sóng truyền thông
- Obscure to (a) ít người biết đến
- TV personailty (n) nhân vật nổi tiếng, quen thuộc trên TV
- N-stricken (a) bị ảnh hưởng, bị tác động mạnh bởi
Eg: flood-stricken, poverty stricken
- Meager (result) (a) (kết quả) ít, ko đáng kể  yeild meager results: mang lại ít kqua

 (a) đạm bạc  meager meal: bữa ăn đạm bạc

 (a) nghèo, sơ sài  meager budget: ngân sách nghèo

Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. 
To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? 

What measures can be taken to protect consumers? 

In the light of fiercer competition among companies, consumers today are bombarded with a barrage
of advertisements from businesses trying to promote their products to the general public. In this essay, I
will demonstrate how excessive exposure to advertising may trigger impulse buying before suggesting
some of the ways in which governments can mitigate the detrimental impacts of advertising.
Body 1 – problems
1 - The harm that advertisements may cause is clear
2 - The allure of the vivid graphics often found in adverts may encourage customers to purchase the
products being promoted, even when they have no real need for them.
3 - This is reinforced by celebrity endorsements, which can have a dramatic influence on people
wanting to imitate their idols.
4 - As a consequence, people who watch too many advertisements may purchase items that do not live
up to their expectations, resulting in a waste of money.
5 - The iPhone covers being sold in Vietnam perfectly exemplify this situation.
 Their adverts, which feature prominent pop stars, are positioned on the side panels of most
websites in Vietnam.
 People who visit these pages often cannot resist the urge to replace their phone covers with the
latest models and waste money on a product that are of little value to them. 
Body 2 – solutions
1 - In order to help consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions, governments can adopt
some of the following solutions.
2 - First and foremost, they need to exercise censorship on all advertisements.
 Rigorous content checks must be carried out prior to the publishing of a commercial to ensure
the description of a product accurately reflects its actual quality.
3 - In addition, there should be a limit on the number of platforms on which a company is permitted to
market their products.
 This would effectively safeguard consumers against information overload and help them avoid
making wasteful purchases. 
In conclusion, people who view too many advertisements may be lured into buying unnecessary items,
and the proposed steps should be taken to reduce this influence of advertising. 


- Fierce (a) dữ dôi, mãnh liệt

- Be bombarded with (a) bị oanh tạc
- A barrage of = a large amount/number of
- Excessive exposure: sự tiếp xúc quá tải vs
- Allure (n) sự cám dỗ, sự lôi cuốn
- Vivid graphics: ảnh động
- Reinforce (v) stregthen, fortify
- Celebrity endorsements: quảng bá thương hiệu bằng người nổi tiếng
- Resit the urge = resist the temptation
- Make informed purchasing decision: đem ra những quyết định mua hàng có chủ ý
- Exercise on = impose on
- Censorship (n) công tác kiếm duyệt
- Rigorous content checks: kiểm duyệt nội dung chặt chẽ, kỹ càng
- Prior to = before
- Market (v) đem ra thi trường
- Safeguard sb against sth: bảo vệ ai khỏi cái gì
- Information overload: quá tải thông tin
- Be lured into: bị cuốn hút, bị thu hút
- Proposed (a) aforementioned, outlined
7. Museums/History
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. 
Why is this the case? What can be done to attract more local people to these museums?

Museums are institutions that preserve the cultural and historical values of a nation.  Given their
importance, how to encourage more people to visit museums has always been a topic of interest.
While museums draw the attention of tourists, they are largely ignored by locals. This trend can be
attributed to a host of reasons, and several viable solutions can be adopted to boost the number of
local visitors to museums and historical attractions.
Body 1 – causes
1 - There are two compelling/underlying reasons why people do not visit local museums. 
2 - First, perceived notions about history are to blame. 
 History is generally considered tedious, and thus things associated with history like museums
often fail to attract locals’ attention, save for tourists who are curious about an alien culture. 
3 - Another driving factor for the low rate of local visitors to museums and historical attractions stems
from their lack of appeal. 
 These buildings typically have a poor collection of exhibits and not enough trained guides, which
is caused by a meager budget for operation.
 Women’s Museum in Hanoi perfectly exemplifies this dire situation.
 For years, the poor selection of exhibits here, which is caused by a lack of government
subsidies, is the main culprit for its disappointing number of local visitors.
Body 2 – solutions
1 - In order to address the aforementioned issue, governments should administer the following
2 - First, history education must be overhauled.
 For example, graphics must be incorporated into history lessons to make them more vivid,
which could kindle students’ interest in this subject.
 Once people are passionate about history, they would have more incentive to come to
museums and learn more about the past. 

3-Another solution could be to divert more funding to museums. 

 This financial support could be used to finance the purchase of new exhibits and hire
professional docents, which can dramatically boost the appeal of museums.
In conclusion, the low rate of local visitors to museums and historical attractions can be ascribed to
various factors, and the proposed solutions can be taken to remedy the situation. 

- Institution (n) ~ organisation ~ building

- A topic of interest: 1 chủ đề được quan tâm

- Can be attributed/ ascribed to: đc quy cho, gắn cho

- Compelling/underlying reasons: những lý do chính, chủ yếu

- Save for ~ except for

- Alien = foreign (a)

- Subsidy (n) tiền trợ cấp  subsidize (v) trợ cấp

- Overhaul (v) đại tu, thay đổi toàn bộ

- Kindle one’s interest: khơi gợi suẹ thích thú

- Have an incentive to: có động lực làm gì

- Divert (funding/money) into = invest in = finance sth

- Bóot the appeal: tăng sức hút

- Remedy = improve (v)

8. Crime
Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer sentences. 
Do you agree or disagree?
It is widely acknowledged that crime is a perennial issue that all societies face. Because of this, how to
effectively combat and deter criminals has always been a much debated topic. Some people argue that
the optimal method of curbing crime rates is to extend the amount of time that prisoners must serve in
prison. While punitive measures/ incarceration may work to a certain extent, I would argue that
education is a more holistic/ multifaceted approach to the issue of crime. 
Body 1:
a) Why some ppl think it’s a good idea?
1 - It is understandable why some people advocate longer sentences. 
2 - The key rationale is that prisoners would have more time to reflect on their past criminal acts, which
may be a precursor to/conducive to successful rehabilitation.  
b) Counter argument
3 - However, this thinking is flawed, as serving more time in prison does not guarantee a change of
4 - In fact, re-offence is prevalent even among serious crimes with long sentences such as smuggling or
 This can be attributed to the prejudice and discrimination against former convicts, prompting
them to return to crime after being discharged from prison. 
 This is obviously a problem that longer prison sentences cannot address.
Body 2
1 - Instead of lengthening prison sentences, governments must put more emphasis on education. 
2 - Correctional facilities should provide inmates with mental support and teach them job skills so that
they could cope with the challenges of prisoner re-entry.
3 - In addition to educating prisoners, schools, especially secondary institutions, should underscore the
repercussions of crime for students. 
4 - Because teenagers are susceptible to harmful influences, it is imperative that teachers deter them
from unlawful acts and teach them to be law- abiding citizens.
- Perennial (a) perpeptual
- Punitive measures: biện pháp trừng trị
- Incarceration (n) sự bỏ tù  incarcerate sb (v)
- Holistic = multifaceted (a) nhiều mặt, toàn diện
- Reflect on sth (v) ngẫm lại điều gì
- Criminal acts = crime
- Rehabilitation (n) sự cải tạo
- A change of heart: thay đổi tâm tính
- Re-offence (n) sự tái phạm
- Convict = prisoner = inmate (n)
- Prompt sb to do sth: thúc đẩy ai làm gì
- Be discharged from: được thả
- Put an emphasis on = underscore (v) nhấn mạnh, tập trung vào
- Correctinal facilities: trại cải tạo
- Prisoner re-entry (n) sự quay lại xã hội của người tù
- Susceptible to = vulnerable to (a)
- It is imperative that: điều đó là cấp bách, cần thiết rằng
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are
the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that crime is a perennial problem that all societies face. Among all the measures to
reduce crime, educating the young about the repercussions of criminal activities is arguably one of the
most important. Some people argue that ideally it is reformed prisoners who should be talking to
teenagers about crime. While this may work to some extent, I would argue that it is far from being the
optimal way to help youngsters become law-abiding citizens. 
Body 1
a) Understandable
1 - It is understandable why some people propose that ex-prisoners should talk to teenagers about
2 - The key rationale is that these individuals have had first-hand experience of the hardships in prison,
and the candid nature of their stories could steer young students away from a criminal lifestyle.
b) Counter argument
3 - However, former convicts can appear intimidating and frighten their audience and they may fail to
communicate their message as a result.
4 - There is also the possibility that teenagers, many of whom have a rebellious tendency, may aspire to
the lifestyle that criminals lead since.
5 - These scenarios show how letting prisoners talk to students could be counter-productive. 
Body 2 – Alternatives
1 - Instead of letting ex-inmates share with teenagers about their experience, I believe more viable
alternatives could be considered.
2 - For example, policemen, rather than criminals, should be assigned to schools to give talks about the
dangers of crime.
 Their account will be reliable since they have witnessed the struggles that prisoners and wrong
doers have to go through, but their presence would not alarm young teenagers.

3 - In addition to this, schools could also organize field trips to correctional facilities.
 On these visits, students will get to see for themselves the harsh life inside prison and become
aware the consequences that committing a crime entails. 

- Reformed prisoner = ex-prisoner = ex-inmate = former convict
- It is far from: điều đó là xa vời
- Candid (a) thật thà, ko thiên vị
- Steer sb away sth = discourage sb from sth
- Intimidating = frightening (a)
- Be assigned to do sth: được giao phó
- Entail (v) kéo theo
9. Globalization
Differences between countries are becoming less evident. 
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?
It is widely acknowledge that there is a growing trend towards homogeneity among many nations the
world over. While this development may bring about some benefits, I would argue that they are
outweighed by more significant drawbacks.   
Body 1 – advantages
1- On the one hand, the advantages of fewer differences between countries are irrefutable.
2 - First, it is an indication that the gap between rich and poor countries has been bridged.
3 - People in the latter can now access products that were previously out of their means.
4 - For example, most Vietnamese consumers can now buy clothes from brands that in the past used to
be exclusive to Western countries. 
5 - In addition, growing similarities between countries also help mitigate social inequality as this trend
has helped abolish many antiquated perceptions.
6 - For example, in Asian countries, more and more women, who used to be heavily discriminated in the
workplace, are now assuming top positions in many organizations. 
Body 2 – disadvantages
1 - On the other hand, I am of the opinion that the aforementioned benefits are at the expense of
greater drawbacks. 
2 - When global consumers buy the same imported products, demand for locally produced goods has
been on the wane. 
3 - This has led to an excess of products, which has forced many businesses to downsize or even shut
down, triggering mass unemployment.
4 - For example, in Vietnam, the prevalence of Australian beef is depriving thousands of Vietnamese
farmers of their jobs. 
5 - In addition to this, I am convinced that national identity is also being lost as a result of fewer
differences between nations. 
6- As more and more societies champion the Western lifestyle, traditional ways of life are being
considered irrelevant
7 - The implication of this is that people would no longer appreciate their roots, which could potentially
exacerbate the brain-drain phenomenon that many countries are already experiencing today.
In conclusion, while growing similarities between countries may have some positive aspects, I believe
they are eclipsed by the more significant negative aspects. 

- There is a growing trend towards: có một xu hướng đang nổi lên

- Homogeneity (n) sự đồng nhất, sự nhất quán (~ similarity)  homogeneous (a)

- Irrefutable = unequivocal = obvious (a) ko thể chối cãi

- Out of one’s means = out of one’s reach: ngoài tầm vs

- Bridge (v) shorten

- Exclusive to (a) độc quyền của

- Abolish antiquated perceptions: bãi bỏ những tư tưởng cổ hủ

- Assume (v) đảm đương, đảm nhiệm

Eg: assume responsibility: đảm dương trách nhiệm

- I’m of the opinion that = I think that

- A is at the expense of B: A là cái giá phải trả của B

Eg: I am of the opinion that the aforementioned benefits are at the expense of more
serious drawbacks.

- On the wane = on the rise

- An excess of: sự dư thừa

- Trigger = bring about = reasult in = lead to

- A deprives B of sth: A tước đoạt của B thứ gì

- Champion ~ embrace (v) follow, support/ appreciate

- Irrelevant (a) inappropriate + old-fashioned

- The implication of this is that: ý nghĩa của việc này là

- Brain-dain phenomenon: hiện tượng chảy máu chất xám

- Eclipse = outweigh (v)

Extra Vocab:
- Not dissimilar to = similar to

- Not uncommon = common

- Creat a momentum: tạo đà

- A select few = few

- Confer upon = given

Eg: other people mat make a similar effort, but because they do not rank among the top

students at school, no reward is conferred upon them.

- Merit = appreciate = reward (v)

- A bane to (n) nguyên nhân suy sụp

Eg: a bane to motivation = demoralization

- A quid pro quo = compensation (n)

- Wishful thinking (n) suy nghĩ viễn vông

- Top percentile students = elite students

- In no small part: 1 phầnko hê fnhor

Eg: a change that is de, in no small part, to the feminist

- Handicap = disadvantage (n)

Eg: my transcript is a mảo handicap when I apply for jobs

- Chain of command = hierarchy (n)

- Be born into disadvantaged households: be born into poor households

- Provenance = origin (n)

- Starkly = clearly (adv)

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