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Biology I, Pre-Health Sciences - Durham College

Your Full Name: _Kristopher Persaud


Read before submitting:

 This assignment is worth 15% of your final grade.

 This assignment is due by 11:59 pm on the due date

established by your instructor: December 6th, 2019

a. An assignment submitted after the due date and time

established by your instructor is considered a late
submission. Late submissions will be penalized 10% for
any submission made within 24 hours after the deadline,
20% for any submission made 24-48 hours after the
deadline, and 30% for any submission made 48-72
hours after the deadline. After 72 hours, a grade of zero
will be assigned.

 This assignment should be submitted online to the DC

Connect Assignments folder.

a. 1 file needs to be submitted in total.

b. Unless otherwise directed, submissions made by other means (E.g. email or hard copy) will
not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0.
c. Computer malfunctions or technical issues are not accepted as excuses for late or missing
components. TIP: Submit your assignment early so that you have time to resolve any potential
technical issues prior to the deadline.

 While students may work in groups, each student must submit their own original work.
PART 1 – Basic Knowledge [ 34 marks ]

Rationale: In this section you are required to answer content specific questions. These
questions are very similar in structure and style to Test 2 questions and will therefore be
excellent study practice.

 Answer in the spaces provided
 Read the questions carefully and thoroughly
 Consider the point value of each question as a guide for how much detail you should include
 Remember to write all answers IN YOUR OWN WORDS
 For multiple choice/multi-select questions, indicate your answer(s) using the highlighter tool
 For short answer and matching questions please answer using red font colour

Topic: The Digestive System

1. (5 marks) Match the descriptions below with their correct term. Answers are used only once.

H. Mucosa
A. Common bile duct I. Muscularis
B. Duodenum J. Pancreatic duct
C. Epiglottis K. Peristalsis
D. Ileocecal sphincter L. Pyloric sphincter
E. Ilium M. Serosa
F. Lower esophageal sphincter N. Submucosa
G. Jejunum O. Uvula
__K__ Rhythmic, wave-like contractions of smooth muscle
__H__ Inner layer of digestive (GI) tract
__O__ Flap of skin that covers the trachea when swallowing
__A__ Part of the small intestine that the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder secrete into

__L__ Ring of muscle that allows chyme to exit the stomach

2. The pancreas releases pancreatic juice during digestion.

a. (1 mark) What is the purpose of bicarbonate within pancreatic juice?

The purpose of bicarbonate ions in the pancreatic juice is to neutralize the gastric acid.

b. (2 marks) List the 4 enzymes found in pancreatic juice.

Amylase, lipase, peptidase, and nuclease.

3. (1 mark) Which of the following accurately describes bile? Select ALL that apply using
the highlighter tool.
a. It is produced by the gall bladder
b. It breaks triglycerides into monoglycerides and free fatty acids
c. It emulsifies lipids
d. It travels down the common bile duct
e. It is released into the stomach during digestion
f. It is present in the hepatic portal vein
g. It is an enzyme

4. (1 mark) Multiple choice – Which of the following statements is TRUE? Select your
answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Digestion of proteins begins in the mouth
b. Trypsin is produced by the stomach and the pancreas
c. Pepsin is inactive when hydrochloric acid is present
d. Nuclease is a brush border enzyme secreted by the small intestine
e. Peptidase breaks smaller polypeptides into amino acids

5. (1 mark) Multiple choice – Which of the following represents the correct order of
feces through the large intestine? Select your answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Ileocecal sphincter, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending
colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anal sphincter, anus
b. Ileocecal sphincter, cecum, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending
colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anal sphincter, anus
c. Ileocecal sphincter, cecum, ascending colon, descending colon, transverse
colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, anal sphincter, anus
d. Anal sphincter, cecum, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending
colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, ileocecal sphincter, anus

Topic: The Integumentary System

6. (4 marks) Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

a. True The largest organ in the body is the skin

b. True A function of skin is to remove waste from the body
c. True Adipocytes are primarily found within the hypodermis
d. False The stratum basale is superficial to the stratum corneum
e. False Langerhans cells produce a pigment called melanin
f. True Arrector pili are responsible for “goose bumps”
g. True Genes, carotene, and hemoglobin can contribute to the colour of skin
h. True Melanocytes are primarily found within the epidermis

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Topic: The Cardiovascular System
7. (5 marks) Could Type AB – blood be given safely to a person with Type A+ blood?

a) Complete the following chart

What antigens are present Donor only provides What antigens are present Which antibodies are
on the RBC? red blood cells NO on the RBC? present in the plasma?
antibodies are given.
A and B antigens N/A A antigens Anti-B

a) Will an antibodies in the recipient’s blood bind to antigens on the donor’s RBCs?
Yes, the antibodies from the recipient will bind to antigens of the donor

b) Will agglutination occur?

Yes, agglunation will occur.

c) Will this blood transfusion be safe?

Yes, this transfusion will be safe.

8. (2 marks) Match the descriptions with an appropriate term. Answers are used only
A. Hemoglobin
B. Heme
C. Hemolysis
D. Hematopoiesis

__B__ Molecule found in hemoglobin that works with iron to bind oxygen.
__C__ Destruction of red blood cells in the liver and spleen.
__D__ Creation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
__A__ Protein found in red blood cells that binds oxygen.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

9. (4 marks) Compare and contrast a vein and an artery. List ONE similarity and THREE

Artery Vein
Carry blood away from the heart Carry blood towards the heart

Thick, 3-layered walls Thin, 3-layered walls

Middle layer controls blood pressure 2 special features, muscle contractions

and special valves
Both carry blood inside the body.

Topic: The Respiratory System

10. (1 mark) Multiple choice – Which of the following is/are TRUE concerning alveoli? Select your
answer using the highlighter tool.
a. They are sacs in the lungs
b. It is a location where gas exchange takes place via diffusion
c. They are surrounded by capillaries
d. Only A and C are correct
e. A, B and C are correct

11. (1 mark) Multiple choice – What is the role of chemoreceptors during ventilation? Select your
answer using the highlighter tool.
a. They detect when pH is low within the blood
b. They communicate with the medulla oblongata to decrease breathing rate
c. They eventually cause you to breathe if you try to hold your breath for as long as possible
d. Only A and C are correct
e. A, B and C are correct

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

12. (6 marks) Fill-in the chart below to describe THREE ways in which carbon dioxide can be
carried within the blood:

Method of CO2 Description

% CO2
transport (Include 2 additional facts)
10% Carbon dioxide binds to plasma proteins
Dissolved in blood
plasma Enters the RBC and binds to hemoglobin

25% Carbaminohemoglobin is formed

Bound to hemoglobin Carbon dioxide binds to hemoglobin and can be

undone when it reaches the lungs
65% CO2 diffuses into RBC

As bicarbonate Dissociates into bicarbonate ions

PART 2 – Case Study [ 56 marks ]

Rationale: In this section you will develop your

problem-solving and critical thinking skills by
applying your knowledge of basic concepts to a
case study. This is an important skill to develop as
it allows you to relate what you are learning to the
everyday world and helps prepare you for future
programs and careers in the health care field. As
you proceed through this section, think about how
these questions connect to your other courses and
to your future goals.

 Answer in the spaces provided
 Read the questions carefully and thoroughly
 Consider the point value of each question as a guide for how much detail you should include
 Remember to write all answers IN YOUR OWN WORDS
 For multiple choice/multi-select questions, indicate your answer(s) using the highlighter tool
 For short answer and matching questions, please answer using red font colour

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Scenario: Mary is a student enrolled in the Pre-Health Sciences program at Durham College. Like many
of her classmates, she has applied to several competitive healthcare programs including Paramedics and
Nursing and is very proud of the hard work that she has accomplished so far.

Unfortunately, the past few weeks have taken their toll on Mary’s mental health and she is feeling
extremely burned out. Her stress levels are at an all-time high and she is struggling to manage the
demands of school, caring for her young son, Andrew, and working part-time 20 hours per week. All of
this exhaustion has caused her digestive disorder (lactose intolerance) to flare up despite the fact that
she can normally manage it very well with diet and medication. Specifically she has been forgetting to
restock her supply of Lactaid medication (an over-the-counter-drug) and has picked up the habit of
eating cheap, frozen pizzas that contain high quantities of starch and lactose. This has left her with
extreme bloating, nausea, and pain and has forced her to make regular emergency trips to the bathroom
while at school and at work.

13. (1 mark) Multiple choice – People with lactose intolerance cannot digest . Select your
answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Lactose
b. Lactase
c. Maltase
d. Maltose
e. Amylase

14. (1 mark) Multiple choice – Medications like Lactaid contain , a digestive enzyme
that is normally made by the . Select your answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Maltase, small intestine
b. Amylase, pancreas
c. Lactose, small intestine
d. Lactase, small intestine
e. Lactase, pancreas

15. (9 marks) Track a piece of pizza through Mary’s digestive system by drawing a simplified
sketch of how various biological molecules are processed by Mary’s digestive system. Start
with the pizza entering through the mouth and show how the various enzymes break it down
into nutrients that can be absorbed within the body. For this question, you may assume that
the only biological molecules in the pizza are polysaccharides, from the starch-filled dough,
and lactose, from the cheese. You may ignore any other molecules that might be present.
You should also assume that Mary did NOT take her Lactaid medication when eating the

Your drawing can be done by hand on paper or made digitally as long as a clear photo or a
screenshot of your work is pasted into this document (not submitted as an additional file).
A reminder that your image must be original – i.e. it is not copied directly from course
resources (E.g. lecture slides) or the internet.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Use the checklist below as a guide:

ANATOMY of the digestive system is drawn and labeled:

 Regions: mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine (duodenum,
jejunum, ileum), large intestine
 Accessory organs: salivary glands, gall
bladder, liver, pancreas
Digestion of polysaccharides and lactose is clearly shown:
 Names of all enzymes are provided
 Names of the organs that make each
enzyme are provided
 Descriptions/diagrams are provided as
to how each enzyme breaks down the

Draw or insert your image in the space below:

Release amylase to break down

Swallows bolus carbohydrates (starch in pizza)

Duodenum Mechanical breakdown

Bile and enzymes released into here

Makes bile Jejunum Transports bolus to stomach

Most of the absorption occurs here

Stores bile Churns to break down bolus and uses

hydrochloric acid to break down food

Most of the digestion happens here

releases amylase to break down
carbohydrates, lipase to break down lipids,
Absorbs vitamins, ions, nuclease to break down nucleic acid, and
and water. Lactose is Ileum trypsin to break down proteins in the
passed through because it Absorbs vitamins and minerals
duodenum. Releases bicarbonate to
can't be digested.
neutralize the hydrochloric acid.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

16. (1 mark) How would the digestion above change if Mary took Lactaid with her meal?
The digestion above would include the breakdown of lactose if she took Lactaid with her meal.

17. (3 marks) Untreated lactose intolerance leads to inflammation within the gut that prevents key
nutrients from being absorbed. Explain how carbohydrate monomers normally get absorbed
into the body. Provide at least THREE details using correct terminology.

 All of the monomers are absorbed into the body in the small intestine along the brush border

 Glucose is absorbed in the small intestine by active transport pumps (Na/K Pump)

 Fructose is absorbed through facilitated diffusion in the lining of the small intestine.

 Galactose is absorbed the same way as Glucose, through Na/K pumps

Scenario: As Mary continues the semester, stress continues to take its toll on Mary’s body. While not
life threatening, Mary has noticed that she experiences constant outbreaks of acne, despite having a
history of clear, blemish-free skin. After doing a bit of research and chatting with her Biology professor,
she learns that stress can aggravate sebaceous glands in the skin and cause acne.

18. (5 marks) Answer the following questions about sebaceous glands:

a. (1 mark) Where are sebaceous glands located in the body? Be as specific as possible.
Sebaceous glands are located in the dermis of the skin.

b. (1 mark) What is the difference between a sebaceous gland and a sudoriferous gland?

The sebaceous glands are oil glands whereas the sudoriferous glands are sweat glands.

c. (1 mark) What is sebum made of? List at least THREE components.

Sebum is made of triglycerides and fatty acids, sugars, and waxes.

d. (2 marks) Explain in detail how an excess of sebum can lead to the production of acne.
Excess sebum can harden around hair follicles and pores and block them. This would cause a build up of
bacteria underneath the skin leading it to swell and produce acne.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Scenario: As the final weeks of school approach, Mary’s stress begins to reach a breaking point as her
assignments and test dates loom. What is more, her son Andrew has been experiencing troubles at school
and has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. She confides in a friend that she feels as though she is
“barely hanging on.” She is just hoping she can make it through these final weeks.
One day, as she is walking into her Biology lab, Mary starts to feel funny. She beings to feel faint and
light-headed, almost as if the “walls are closing in.” She sits down quickly at the lab bench but a huge
wave of nausea suddenly overwhelms her and she begins to breathe rapidly. Just as class is about to begin,
Mary reaches a state of full-blown panic as she finds herself with unexpected chest pain and difficulty
breathing. Noticing her distress, her classmates and professor immediately call Campus Safety and the
Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT). An ambulance soon arrives and after an initial assessment
by paramedics, it is determined that she needs to get to Lakeridge Health immediately. She is quickly
loaded into the ambulance, connected to an IV (containing water, sugar and salt), given her an aspirin,
and offered additional oxygen. As they pull into the hospital, paramedics do their best to keep her calm
but Mary overhears them say her symptoms align with that of a heart attack.

19. (1 mark) Multiple Choice – If Mary is experiencing a heart attack, what blood circuit is mostly
likely compromised? Select your answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Coronary
b. Systemic
b. Hepatic
c. Pulmonary
d. None of the above

20. (1 mark) Multiple Choice – Which component of blood is IV fluid meant to mimic? Select your
answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Electrolytes
b. Blood plasma
c. Erythrocytes
d. A and B only
e. All of the above

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

21. (3 marks) List THREE specific components of blood that are NOT present in Mary’s IV fluid
Briefly describe the function of each within the body.
 Red Blood Cells to help carry oxygen
 White Blood Cells to fight disease
 Platelets to from blood clots and prevent blood loss

22. While in the ambulance, the additional oxygen that Mary receives enters her nasal cavity and
travels through the respiratory system until it reaches the blood. From there, it travels to her
heart so that it can be pumped to the various cells in her body.
a. (5 marks) List the respiratory structures IN ORDER that carry oxygen from the nasal
cavity to the alveoli. List at least FIVE structures.

Nasal Cavity







b. Once absorbed into the blood at the alveoli, oxygen is then transported through the blood
via the red blood cells within the blood.

i. (1 mark) What is the scientific name for a red blood cell?

The scientific name for Red Blood Cells is erythrocytes.

ii. (1 mark) During hypoxia, what hormone would be released to increase the
number of red blood cells within the blood?
Erythropoeitin is released during hypoxia to produce RBCs.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

iii. (1 mark) True or False – A red blood cell is able to live for years within the
False, they only live for
about 120 days
iv. (4 marks) What features do a red blood cell have that allows it to effectively
move through the blood and transport oxygen? List at least FOUR features
and explain how they help RBCs carry out their functions.

emoglobin to trap oxygen using iron and heme

They anucleate to make more room for hemoglobin

They are biconcave and flexible to be able to fit through capillaries

They go through hemolysis; meaning they are destroyed by the liver and spleen so
their components can be reused and recycled.

Scenario: Upon arriving at the hospital, Mary is assessed by the on-call cardiologist, Dr. Hiba Khaled.
After an initial assessment and blood draw, Dr. Khaled orders an EKG and echocardiogram for Mary to
determine if she is experiencing a heart attack.

23. (8 marks) An echocardiogram is an ultrasound test that allows the heart to be imaged and blood
tracked through the heart. In the space below, map the pathway of blood through the heart. Start
with blood entering the heart via the vena cava and finish with blood leaving the heart through
the aorta. Be sure to list all chambers, valves, and blood vessels that the blood passes through IN
ORDER. Don’t forget to answer in your own words and use the checklist below as a guide.
 4 heart valves are listed in the pathway (2 marks)
 4 heart chambers are listed in the pathway (2marks)
 4 blood major blood vessels attached to the heart are listed in the pathway (2 marks)
 All structures are listed in the correct chronological order (1mark)
 All names are written in FULL (no acronyms) with no spelling errors (1mark)

The blood flow starts at the superior vena cava. It enters the right atrium and passes through the tricuspid
valve into the right ventricle. From there, it goes through the pulmonary valve and into the the pulmonary
artery. Then, it travels through the body and to the lungs then returns to the heart via the pulmonary vein
which is connected to the left atrium. The blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle and
continues through the aortic valve and out the aorta.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Scenario: Luckily, Dr. Khaled reports that the blood work, EKG, and echocardiogram came back clean,
i.e. there is no evidence to support that Mary experienced a heart attack. Dr. Khaled suggests that Mary
may have actually experienced a panic attack instead, explaining that the symptoms of a heart attack
are often the same (chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea). She goes on to say how under
severe stress, the nervous and endocrine systems within the body can trigger a rapid heart rate during a
panic attack.

24. (1 mark) Which of the following are able to increase the speed of the cardiac cycle? Select
ALL that apply using the highlighter tool.
a. Sympathetic nervous system
b. Parasympathetic nervous system
c. Epinephrine
d. Norepinephrine

Scenario: After several more hours, Mary is discharged from the hospital with a diagnosis of “acute
panic attack.” Before leaving, she is told to rest and consider booking an appointment with a professional
psychologist for talk therapy. She is also told that if her panic attacks persist to try a variety of breathing
techniques and investigate various medications like cannabidiol (CBD) oil, an extract from the Cannabis
sativa plant that has been linked to anxiety reduction [Source]. Mary goes home and practices the
suggested breathing techniques. One of them, the “calming breath,” recommends taking a long, slow
breath in through the nose, holding your breath for 3 seconds, and exhaling slowly through pursed lips.

25. (5 marks) While performing these breathing exercises, describe IN YOUR OWN WORDS how
the diaphragm and intercostal muscles assist Mary’s inspiration and expiration.

During inspiration:
During inspiration, the diaphragm contracts and moves downwards while the intercostal muscles contract
and pull upwards. This allows the thoracic cavity to expand and for air to fill the lungs.

During expiration:
During expiration, the diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards while the intercostal muscles relax and
move back up. This decreases the lung size and pushes the air out of the body.

26. (1 mark) Multiple Choice – What term is used to describe the amount of air moved with 1
breath at rest? Select your answer using the highlighter tool.
a. Inspiratory reserve volume
b. Expiratory reserve volume
c. Tidal volume
d. Vital capacity
e. Residual volume

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

Scenario: After trying the various breathing exercises, Mary feels calmer and less anxious.
She books an appointment with one of the counsellors at Durham College’s Campus Health
Centre in G1030 and does some additional research on the Solace Centre in C111 to see when
the various wellness coaches and meditation classes are available. She also sends an email to
the Access and Support Centre (ASC) in SW116 and Student Academic Learning Services
(SALS) in SSB204 to see if there are any additional supports she can access to help her
manage her academics while she recovers. She also opens the pamphlet on CBD oil to see if
this is a route she wants to pursue. Specifically, she is wondering if CBD oil could also help
her manage her symptoms of lactose intolerance as well.

27. (4 marks) Perform a quick Google search of CBD oil and digestive health. Is there any
CREDIBLE evidence to suggest that CBD can help manage inflammation within the
gut? Justify your answer and provide the link to your source.

TIP 1: Credible sources include government websites and peer-reviewed journal

articles. If you are unsure of how to pick a credible source, watch the following video
or take a look at the resources posted on the SALS course in DC Connect:

TIP 2: You will not be marked on if your answer is right or wrong. Instead, it is your
job to formulate a clear response and back up your answer with credible evidence.


Yes, there are sources that claim that CBD can help manage gut inflammation. Studies have
shown an improvements in symptoms within patients that used CBD. It has also been used to
help relieve conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, and side effects of cancer. 10-20% of people
with IBD symptoms use CBD products to help manage the symptoms, and that number is on a
rise with the increase in acceptability of CBD products across the country. Studies have also
shown that it helps mostly with the pain and cramps that come along with the inflammation
rather than the inflammation itself.

PHS – Pre-Health Sciences

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