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My reactions about this topics Agriculture a Dying Sector in the

Philippines first and foremost agriculture is one of the largest sector in

the Philippines as we all know that our country is a main source of

agricultural products or crops Like corn, rice and etc. however there

are any issues in regards with the funds of agricultural economy and

the government didn’t give enough support like programs to enable the

farmers to produce more crops than they normally do.

The Philippines are still primarily an agricultural country despite the

plan to make it an industrialized economy by a hundred people citizens

are still live rural areas and support themselves through agriculture

the country of agriculture sectors is made up of 4 sub-sectors:

farming, fisheries, livestock and forestry.

Agriculture has become an important sector in the economy of the

Philippines cause its provide more foods and essentials raw materials

consumed by people and therefore exchanged in the market which

moving the country agricultural products are indeed world class that

those are not only bought by the locals, but are also exchanged in

other regional or in other country and also the agriculture and fisheries

provides a livelihood for Filipinos especially those that are far from

urbanization like in the provinces.

When a person is with a great working environment they would be

more efficient in what he/she does in addition it is now the time that
they adapt the modern technology in cultivating crops and others

agricultural products for an instance with technology they would be

able to know the weather in a certain place.

Agriculture constitutes the foundation of food security as such it is

imperative that all concerned bodies work together innovative

continuously, in research and development to meet future challenges

in agriculture sustainably managing natural resources.

Agriculture plays an important role in the country economy this is

measured as the value added of the agricultural sectors continues to

decrease although people still think of the Philippines as an

agriculture economy.

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