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Developing Leadership Skills


Leadership meaning is the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

Leadership is one of traits that is now become trend, for example in Indonesia, now
there are many emerging leadership-based schools, and there are quite a lot of
applicants, because now people are aware, leadership is one thing that must be
owned by everyone.

I think now everyone must have a leadership skill, because, as prophet

Muhammad said, each of us is leader. So if we didn’t have leadership skills, how can
we lead people ? according to, the importance of
leadership is Motive Power to Group Efforts, Aid to Authority, Emphasis on Human


From Abdullah, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Each of you is a leader, and each of you will
be held accountable. A priest is a leader and will be held accountable A man is the
leader of his family and he will be held accountable. A woman is the leader of her
husband's house, and he will be held accountable. A slave is also the leader of the
property of his master and he will also be held accountable. Truly each of you is a
leader and each of you will be held accountable., it means Everyone is a leader, with
their respective responsibilities. A manager, a father as well as a husband, a mother
as well as a wife, will all be held accountable in the End Times for what they lead.
Likewise with your choice of leaders who will lead, will be accounted for in the
Hereafter, because that is not until you are wrong in choosing.

So how to develop our leadership skills ?, I will give you some tips how to develop
our leadership skills.

First, we must to practice discipline, because if you are discipline, people will
judge our capacity to lead by the amount of discipline that we display at our work.
Second, we must be able to make decisions wisely, correctly and quickly, if something
happens with what we do, we can immediately make a decision quickly, so that
everything is finished faster.Third, we must be confident, because a leader must be
able to speak in front of many people, so that requires confidence.

So every from us will become a leader, and a leader must be able to be a role
model for many people, so we must really learn how to be a leader so that the people
we lead become people who benefit others and everything we teach becomes useful,
becomes a charity, and can be accounted for in the afterlife.

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