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The rate of decay of a radioactive substance 𝑌 is proportional to the mass of the substance
remaining. The mass of 𝑌 is 𝑦 grams at time 𝑡 years after decay. A particular radioactive
substance takes 600 years to be half of its original mass (i.e half life = 600 years). Find how
much of a 100g sample will remain after 200 years.

Facts Ideas Learning issues Resources
1. The rate of decay 1. Decrease 1. New formula 1. Library
of a radioactive amount of and some steps book
substance 𝑌 is mass of calcula 2. Internet
proportional to 3. Friends
the mass of the
2. The mass of 𝑌 is
𝑦 grams at time
𝑡 years
3. A particular
substance takes
600 years to be
Suppose that the temperature of a cup of hot milk obeys Newton’s Law of cooling. If the
temperature of the milk was 180˚F when freshly poured, and 2 minutes later it has cooled to
170˚F at a room temperature of 70˚ F.
(a) Determine the time taken for the milk to reach the temperature of 120˚F.
(b) You went to the toilet and came back after 7minutes. Hence, what is the temperature of
the milk?

Facts Ideas Learning issues Resources
4. Temperature of 2. Open the lid 2. New formula 4. Library
a cup of hot of the bowl. and some steps book
milk obeys 3. Pour the hot of calculation. 5. Internet
Newton’s Law milk into 3. What is the 6. Friends
of cooling another different
5. Temperature of beaker between the rate
the milk was repeatedly. of cooling a very
180˚F. 4. Pour the milk hot solution and
6. 2 minutes later into another the rate of
it has cooled to beaker that cooling a mere
170˚F has big hot solution?
7. Room surface are.
temperature is 5. Put in front
70˚F. of fan.

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