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Learning Area: MAPEH VII ARTS Quarter: 4th
Module No. (A7EL-IVc-3)
Competency: Identify the elements and principles of art seen in the Philippine Festivals.
Topic: NON-RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL IN THE Duration 60 minutes
Key The learner should understand that Non- Religious focuses on the cultural heritage of
Understanding our country. Some example are Masskara, Panagbenga, and Kadayawan.There are
to be elements and principle of art seen in non- religious festival these are color, texture,
developed shape and harmony.
Learning Knowledge Describe the selected Non-Religious Festival.
Objectives Skill Create their own miniature costumes by tracing the given figures of
paper dolls and by using different color of construction papers.
Attitude Appreciate the beauty of the selected Non-Religious Festival.
Resources MAPEH Grade7 book, Internet,
Needed Manila paper, scotch tape, glue, scissors, marker, construction paper/ color paper.

Elements of Methodology
the Plan
Introductory  Prayer
Activity  Greetings (Good Afternoon Students)
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivation
The teacher show picture ( Let the student Analyze the given
Presentation Activity The teacher will divide the class into 4 (four) groups by row.
 Each group will be given a simple puzzled pictures, and let
them arranged the puzzled picture and after that, they must
choose one representative to present their work in front.
Each representative will describe their work.
Analysis The teacher will ask some of the students.
 What can you say about the picture?
 Why are there too many people in the picture?
 Why do you think there is a parade?
 Are you familiar with their costumes?
 How do their costume look like?
 What are festival?
 What are its example?
 Where are these celebrated?
 Is this related to religious?
 Why are these festival done? How?
 How do we classify these festival?
Abstraction Non-Religious Festival – Just as we have religious, we also have
no-religious celebration in the Philippines. It only focuses on the
cultural heritage of our country and celebrated with enthusiasm and
Some example of none religious festival are
Kadayawan,Panagbenga, and Masskara

1. Panagbenga Festival- Panagbenga Festival is held in

Baguio,the summer capital of the Philippines, its English is
The blooming flowers Festival, which means “Season of
blooming”, it is the month long annual celebration of a tribute
to the city’s beautifully grown flowers, and it is celebrated in
the month of February. The most featured in this celebration
are the beautifully arranged flowers atop floats and parade.
You can see costumes inspired by the butterflies, bees, pots,
and flower.
2. Masskara Festival- the masskara Festival is from the
English word “mass” and the Spanish word “kara” which
means face, this festival is celebrated every third weekend of
October. It symbolizes what the city of smile, Bacolod City,
do best putting on a smiling face even when faced with
3. Kadawayan Festival- the ritual of kadayawan that is
celebrated in Davao City. It is a festival of thanks giving for
the gift of nature, the wealth of culture and the bounties of
harvest and the serenity of living that is derived from the
Dabawenyong word “Madayaw” or good, valuable and
superior. The festival is honored by displaying various fruits,
flowers, vegetables, rice and corn grains.

Practice Application The teacher will divide the class into 4 (four) groups, each groups
will be given a figure of paper dolls, marker, glue, scissors and
different colors of construction paper.

INSTRUCTION: Create your own miniature costume by tracing the

figures of paper dolls provided by using different colors of
construction paper. Choose two representatives to present their


5 4 Above 3 2 Below 1
Excellent Average Average average Unsatisfa
Element Planned Applied Used Used Did not
s of arts carefully the some few use any
and showed principle principle elements elements
principle effective of of design of arts of arts
of design use of designed but few and did principle
element using elements not apply of design
of arts one or of arts in the in
and more their principle creating
applied elements work. of design artworks.
principle of arts in in
of design creating creating
to product their
produce or art artworks.
end works
product that
that illustrate
illustrate the
the characte
characte ristics of
ristics of the art
arts of given
given place.
Creativity Illustrate/ Shows The Does not The
shows original student try new student
original ideas tries an nor shows
ideas and idea, but innovate no
and interpret lacks on the evidence
interpret ations originalit materials of
actions but does y does used. originalit
of the not not y
given innovate innovate thought.
activities/ on on the
artworks materials material
and used. used.
Effort The The The The The
Persever activity is activity is activity is artwork artwork
ance beautifull finished finished was is
y and and and passed unfinishe
neatly passed passed on time d and
finished on time on time but was not
and but lack but unfinishe passed
passed of effort. needs d. on time.
on time. many
Craftsma The art With little The The The
nship/skil was more students student student
l/consist beautiful effort, showed showed showed
ency and the work average below poor
patiently could craftsma average craftsma
done. have nship craftsma nship
been adequat nship; evidence
outstandi e,but not lack of
ng; lacks good as pride in laziness
finishing it could finished or lacks
touches. have work. of
been;a understa
bit nding.

Assessment Assessment Matrix

Levels of What will I How will I assess? How will I score?
Assessme assess?

Knowledge Some non- 5 items written exam (2 points each a 2 points each item.
religious total of 10 points)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: in a ¼ sheet of
paper answer the following
INSRUCTION: Write the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Where did panagbenga

Festival originated?
a. Baguio
b. Iloilo
c. Laguna
d. Boracay
2. What do you mean by the
word madayaw?
a. Mass
b. Good
c. Kara
d. Ibalong
3. Where did masskara festival
a. Davao
b. Bacolod
c. Baguio
d. Laguna
4. When was Panagbenga
festival celebrated?
a. January
b. March
c. February
d. April
5. Where did kadayawan festival
a. Davao
b. Baguio
c. Bacolod
d. Laguna

Assignment Enriching/ On your notebook write what are your experiences in watching a
inspiring parade, write at least 1 paragraph.
for todays

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