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Parent's Perception on the Future Enactment of Sex Education for Grades 4 and Above in

Familyville Subdivision, Lubao, Pampanga


A lot of things change as time passes, and among that change is the curiosity of the youth
in this generation. The youth in this generation nowadays frequently subject to a lot of sexual
interactions at a young age due to too little to none knowledge and self-curiosity. This brings up
the controversial topic of sex education, sex education has sparked a lot of controversy around the
church as sex education is associated with the newly implemented The Responsible Parenthood
and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10354) or more commonly known as the
RH Law, a law which the church does not approve of and I do believe that when given correct
information, most parents will agree with the future enactment of sex education in middle school
(4th Grade-6th Grade) and high school (1st Year to 6th Year).

The reason why the church does not approve of this law is because this law promotes the
use of artificial family planning with the use of contraceptives such as condoms, birth control pills,
intra-uterine devices and even procedures that permanently discontinues the ability of a
man/woman to be fertile like vasectomy and tubal ligation, the church believes that both men and
women should only use natural ways of family planning. This in turn, prompts me to start a
research wherein I can gather enough data to know if parents agree or disagree with the future
implementation of sex education.

To give some background information about the future enactment of sex education in the
Philippines, the Department of Education plans on releasing a basic elementary and high school
curriculum that is both age-appropriate and culture sensitive but still be able to develop and
promote responsibility in the Filipino youth that are knowledgeable and aware of the risks and
issues that have a connection with the reproductive system and its health. According to the
Secretary of the Department of Education, Secretary Leonor Briones, it is highly important to

Parent's Perception on the Future Enactment of Sex Education for Grades 4 and Above in
Familyville Subdivision, Lubao, Pampanga
introduce sex education so that there can be an action to combat early pregnancies, sexual violence
and reproductive tract infections.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the leading national public health
institute and a major component of the Department of Health and Human Services in the United

States of America that works to protect the nation from health, safety and security threats, both in
the US and foreign countries, reproductive tract infections include three (3) types:

1. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, chancroid and human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV);

2. Endogenous infections, which are caused by overgrowth of organisms normally present in the
genital tract of healthy women, such as bacterial vaginosis or vulvovaginal candidasis; and

3. Iatrogenic infections, which are associated with improperly performed medical procedures such
as unsafe abortion or poor delivery practices.

Bantula (2018) has said in an article that in the Philippines, one of the most discussed issues
in this generation is the intimidating number of young adolescents and sometimes even children
who engage in pre-marital sex, a controversial act that causes unplanned early pregnancies and
also acquiring reproductive tract infections like HIV and AIDS, which are both sexually
transmitted diseases and as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says, reproductive tract
infections such as these are preventable and can be avoided with proper education. Bantula added
that the teenagers creating havoc due to early pregnancies when they are unprepared for family
life clashes with the conservative traditions that the Philippines holds and are considered to be a
cancer to the society and that a serious and immediate action needs to be taken. Education is a
factor that greatly affects the preparation of a child’s potential to have an effective participation in

Parent's Perception on the Future Enactment of Sex Education for Grades 4 and Above in
Familyville Subdivision, Lubao, Pampanga
society that will benefit all, this is why sex education plays such an important role in the solution
to the said issue.

The secretary of the Department of Education recently approved a department order in

which a comprehensive sex education policy that is aimed at providing students with skills and
knowledge that are age appropriate and can advance various topics such as gender equality, self-
empowerment and reduce any risks related the reproductive health. The said department order will
have seven core topics:

* Human Body and Human Development

* Personhood

* Healthy Relationships

* Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors

* Sexual and Reproductive Health

* Personal Safety

* Gender, Culture and Human Rights

The core topics will be integrated in various learning areas in existing subjects such as:

* Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health

* Economic Studies (Araling Panlipunan)

* Good Manners and Right Conduct (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao)

* Science

* Personal Development

Parent's Perception on the Future Enactment of Sex Education for Grades 4 and Above in
Familyville Subdivision, Lubao, Pampanga

Sex Education will not only help both children and adolescents to understand the impact
of sex in their lives, dispel any myths about sex, answer any questions about their changing bodies
but also address the issues stated in the first few paragraphs of this research. Child sexual abuse
can even be prevented and easily tracked when children are taught the difference between good
and ‘bad’ touch. It is much better to teach children about sexual health and actions through age
appropriate modules rather than letting them use other resources such as pornographic materials,
which can alter their views to a one of sexually addicted person thats has hypersexuality and
nymphomaniac tendencies. It is only appropriate and just that the school, a leading institute in the
learning of children where their personalities and persona are molded, provides an accessible
educational route for them to be able to grow into responsible and knowledgeable adults. With this
information, I want to know for sure wether parents of students will agree or disagree with the
future implementation of sex education and what their opinions and sentiments are.

The methods I have chosen to help me with this research are to be done through surveys
and conducted interviews to the parents of students inside the Familyville Subdivision in Lubao,
Pampanga. My hypothesis is that most parents will agree with the future enactment of sex
education for various reasons such as:

a) To control the issue of overpopulation

b) To combat teen pregnancies

c) To promote awareness of respiratory tract infections

d) To have awareness in changing bodies of adolescents and

e) To immediately catch on to any form of sexual violence.

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