The Ultimate Lead Magnet Examples List PDF

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The Ultimate Lead Magnet Examples List /blog/lead-magnet-examples/

39 killer lead magnet examples that get you customers fast (and not just
Lead magnets can literally double your business. But most companies make a huge mistake when it comes to lead

They focus only on growing their email list, but forget about the most important aspect: Growing their business. Sure,
a huge email list is great. But if there are no sales from your subscribers, what's the point?

This is why it's important to understand that the true purpose of a lead magnet is to get customers (not just
subscribers). If you want to understand how to use lead magnets in order to generate high quality leads (without
wasting time and money), then this post is for you...

What you will learn in this post...

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction - What you need to know about lead magnets

What is a lead magnet? Why use it?

A lead magnet is something valuable that you give away to potential buyers in exchange for their contact
information, like an email address. By offering a lead magnet, you build up a list of people that are
potentially interested in your product (a.k.a. “leads”).

The basic idea behind the lead magnet is simple: by giving away something valuable to your audience, you establish
trust. People want to know they can trust you before they buy from you. In order to get the sale, it's important that
your lead magnet attracts the right kind of people (the "buyers").

That's why it is important to understand....

The single biggest mistake made with lead magnets

Everybody tells you that you need a big email list. The bigger your list, the more money you make right? Well... not

Too many people focus on vanity metrics like list size, but forget to align their lead magnet with their
product. You can end up with a huge list with high maintenance if you use the wrong kind of lead magnet. Let me
give you an example...

Let's say you sell a training on Facebook Advertising. If you offer a lead magnet with 10 tips on improving your
Facebook company page, you might draw in potential Facebook advertisers. But, you will also attract people who
are ONLY interested in improving their Facebook organic results (without advertising).

Your list will grow, but your sales won't grow at the same rate, because your lead magnet does not align with your
product. It would be better to create a lead magnet focused on Facebook advertising. That way you will speak to a
more specific target audience. Though, that's not the only thing to remember when creating a lead magnet...

The 9 elements of every great lead magnet

Consider these 9 things when creating effective lead magnet that draws in buyers for your product:

1. Align your lead magnet with your product - Make sure that your lead magnet aligns to your product. It
should attract the right kind of leads.
2. Deliver real value - Great lead magnets give people a WOW moment. If you blow people away with the value
you give, they will want to do business with you almost automatically.
3. Be super specific - Don’t be vague. Describe exactly what solution you offer and for what market
4. Focus on 1 big thing - Don’t try to solve 10 problems at once. Pick 1 big, bold problem you will fix and focus
on that.
5. Speak to the result your target audience wants - Focus on the end-result your audience wants. The more
you can talk about results and benefits and less about features, the better.
6. Deliver results FAST - Your potential customers want a solution NOW. Make sure your lead magnet gives
them value today, instead of in four weeks.
7. Get to the point - Don't make your lead magnet more lengthy than it needs to be. If you can use 100 words
instead of 1000 to communicate all essential information, do it.
8. Change their mindset - Try to give your potential customers a new perspective. They have to view your
offer/company as a new opportunity, so think about how you can achieve that.
9. Use professional design - If your lead magnet doesn’t look great, what does that say about your company?
Make sure your first impression is a great one!

The 2 types of lead magnets that you need for growth (and why just 1 is not enough)

You should use two types of Lead Magnets in your business:

1) Lead magnets to generate leads (surprise!) - we call this “ top-of-funnel”

2) Lead magnets to close sales (jup, that too!) - we call this “ bottom-of-funnel”

If you skip the first type of lead magnet, you will miss out on a lot of leads. If you skip the second type of lead magnet,
you will miss out on a lot of sale opportunities.

You need both of them to grow your business to the next level, so check out these examples...

Chapter 2: The ultimate lead magnet example list

Part 1: Lead magnets to generate leads (top-of-funnel)

There are two things to consider when deciding on your top-of-funnel lead magnet. The amount of effort if will take
to create the lead magnet (based on time and money) and the quality of leads it will produce for your business
(how ready to buy will your leads be?).

That’s why we’ve sorted the top-of-funnel lead magnet examples in three categories:

1. Easy to do (good lead quality)

2. A bit less-easy to do (better lead quality)

3. Pretty freakin’ hard to do (GREAT lead quality)

A) Easy to do (good lead quality)

Want to start gathering leads TODAY? Than you will like these lead magnets because they are easy to set up. These
are most suited for visitors who don't know you yet and make a good introduction to your brand.

1. Checklist

Checklists work because people are always looking for actionable information that will improve their business.

Backlinko's "Free Google Ranking Factors Checklist" by Brian Dean is a great example. This lead magnet
works,because it is offered on a blogpost about Google ranking factors. This makes it really specific because it's
closely tied to the subject visitors are reading about. That's why Brian prefers the term content upgrade instead of a
lead magnet.

Pro Tip: Creating a unique lead magnet per post, instead of one general lead magnet for your whole
site, can increase your results substantially. It is a lot more work but can be worth the effort in the
long run!

2. Toolkit (relevant links)

A toolkit is a collection of useful documents combined into one download. A quick way to put together a useful toolkit
is to combine a set of processes, checklists or templates you are already using in your business.

Check out the "Ready to Run Toolkit" by The Campaign Workshop. They help politicians with their political strategy
and have combined some of their Excel sheets and planning documents into a lead magnet. This is really useful stuff
if you want to run for office and a great example of a useful toolkit.

A toolkit can also be a collection of uselful links to articles or tools that you use. Get creative with the assets you
already have and get results quickly!

3. Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet looks like a checklist, but because of the "cheat factor" it sounds like it will get you results with almost
no effort. This can work really well in niches like weight loss, where a big part of the market is looking for a quick-
and-easy solution without all the hassle. You will draw them in if your lead magnet promises this.

Check out this great example below from called the " Cravings Crusher Cheat Sheet". If you want to
loose weight you are probably struggling with cravings. Saying "no" is definitely a problem for a lot of people.
'Cravings Crusher Cheat Sheet' combines all 9 elements of a successful lead magnet and makes a perfect cheat
sheet example.

4. (Curated) Newsletter

A newsletter is basically a combination of articles or stories that is sent out daily, weekly or monthly. The content has
usually been made by yourself or your company. It does not have to take alot of time, because you already did the
hard part (producing the content).

But if you want to skip the content creation part and still boost your authority, you should consider a curated
newsletter. With a curated newsletter you collect or summarize the best content on a specific subject that other
people created. The reason this works is because your audience gets the best information delivered in their inbox
without having to search for it. It's basically a solution to information overload for them.

Copybloggers' founder Brian Clark offers a curated newsletter on his personal development website He
offers his audience handpicked resources, which allows him to build an audience and expertise in this niche without
having to write 1500-5000 word articles. Smart.

5. Swipe File

Wikipedia defines a swipe file as a collection of tested and proven advertising and sales letters . It's often used
by marketers and copywriters and is used to inspire their own ideas. People keep swipe files of headlines, online or
print ads, complete webpages and more.

A great example is the Ultimate Social Media Swipe File by DigitalMarketer. They offer 72 proven headline formulas
to get more clicks from Facebook, Twitter and your own blog. This is something that can help a lot of marketers at
the start of an ad campaign, because it offers inspiration. The popularity of the swipe file is also something we
noticed here at EmailDrips

6. Scripts

A script is a complete transcript of the ideal sales conversation. It's often used for cold calling, video marketing or
during sales pitches. For example, check out the sales script by the Saas CRM below. They could have
described the lead magnet a bit better (it's a cold calling script and not a video script), but you get the idea!

People love scripts as a lead magnet because they think they will get the complete word-for-word sales conversation
without having to think at all. If you have an experienced sales person in-house, they can probably get this done
within a couple of hours so you can have this lead magnet up and running quickly!

7. Templates

Templates contain a structure for a specific document. It's often used for stuff like blogposts or an emails. Your
audience can basically copy and paste the content, fill in the blanks and they are ready to publish.

Kapost has done a great job with their blog post template below. They know their audience struggles with the
structure of a blog post so they created a lead magnet that capitalizes on this specific problem. If you are struggling
with the same issues this outline will help you start creating your first blog post fast.

Templates can serve as lead magnets in ANY industry. That's because templates are a great time saver. You
probably have a couple of templates that your are using inside your company as well, so why not share them with
your audience and start generating leads?

8. PDF / checklist version of the post

If you want to gather leads fast, consider uploading a PDF version of your post. This gives readers a chance to save
it for later reading and you can set it up in less than 30 minutes. It's especially useful if your post is really long. Look
at the image below for an exampe of how Neville Medhora from implemented this on his

If you want to go the extra step, you can create a checklist of the post with only the actionable information. This gives
your readers the opportunity to immediately implement what they have learned.

9. Audio version of the post

The growth of podcasts proves that more people like to consume information on-the-go (car, bike, while working out,
etc.). If people don't have time to read your post, offer it in audio format so that they can still consume it.

If you already have a blogpost that is packed with value, consider creating a MP3 download version of the post. All
you have to do is grab your iPhone and record yourself reading the blogpost. You can then send it to people after
they optin to your list. A quick and easy way to gather leads and reach more people with your message!

Check out this example Social Media Examiner shared on their blog...

10. Giveaways

Don't feel like creating more content? Run a giveaway for your audience with popular software/tool/product in your
niche! The way a giveaway works is people can subscribe to your list to win a prize and you can then (randomly)
select the winner.

All you have to do is find a cool product or tool to giveaway and set up the giveaway page (check out the example
below built with KingSumo). For example: Buffer is a popular tool in the social media marketing niche, which makes
it a great prize to give away if you want more social media marketers on your list.

If it's difficult to find a company willing to give away their product, you can get creative and share the subscriber list
with the partner who provides the prize (or you can pay for the product).

11. Exclusive deals

If you are an eCommerce company, offering exclusive deals to your visitors is a great way to grow your list. Check
out an example below from Ann Taylor for inspiration.

This also works outside of the eCommerce space. Companies like AppSumo were built on the exclusive deals model
and gathered over 730.000 email subscribers by offering email notifications for new deals.

This can be a very cost effective list building strategy and will give you a lot of connections in the industry.

12. Interview

Offering an interview transcript or summary can also be a great lead magnet. Especially if the person is really well

A great example is Foundr Mag's interview with Richard Branson. You can summarize the most actionable
takeaways of just one interview.

But you can also interview multiple experts in your niche on a subject. This is often called an "expert roundup" and is
a great way to connect with experts in your industry! Expert roundup takes more time but offers your audience much
more value so you will probably get much better results from your lead magent.

13. Free chat support

If you don't have a chat widget on your website, you're probably missing out on some serious leads. Especially since
you can gather email addresses when you're not able to reply!

Check out the example below from Wicked Reports. They are using Intercom, which has this email notification
feature built in. But even if you are using another chat app like Zopim, you can set an auto message asking people to
leave their email address to get a reply.

B) A bit less-easy to do (but better lead quality)

Why “a bit less-easy" to do?

These lead magnets require more time or expertise to create.

Why “better” leady quality?

That's because these lead magnets require more time to consume. That means that the lead magnets will
probably attract leads who are closer to the purchasing decision in their buyers journey (also called:
further down the "funnel"). People who download a report know that it will take longer to consume than a
checklist. And if they choose to invest their time in it, they will be more likely to take the next step in the buyers
journey as well.
Important sidenote: You can't predict the quality of your leads by only looking at the format of a lead
magnet. A report won't always produce better quality leads than a checklist. You must always take the 9
elements of every successful lead magnet into account when creating your lead magnet (mentioned at the top
of this post). Combining these elements with the correct lead magnet format will ultimately get you the best

Pro tip: Creating lead magnets for each stage of the relationship is a popular practice among
advanced marketers. Instead of choosing between a checklist and a report, both will be offered to
potential customers.

People can select whatever format they feel comfortable with. If they don't know you yet, they might
invest 1 to 5 minutes to scan through your cheat sheet or template to see if you are any good. After
that first encounter, they might be willing to take the next step and invest 30 minutes into reading your

14. Free Ebook / Guide

An ebook or guide usually goes deep into a subject (think 20-40 pages) and can take you more time to produce.
Still a lot of business use this type of lead magnet. You can make this work for your business by focusing on the core
desire of your target audience. It's super important that you know the desired end-result of your customers, so you
can go deep into how to achieve this inside your ebook.

A great example is Eben Pagan's ebook " What I learned from selling $100 million dollars of online products ". He
sells information products on how to start and grow a successful online business and if you want that result.... you will
want this ebook, because starting and growing an online business is a complex process. A simple checklist might not
have worked.

15. Free Report

Free reports can work well within any industry that's focused on statistics and research. Think healthcare, banking,
online marketing and more B2B markets.

A great example is this world retail banking report by CapGemini. Banking relies heavily on financial trends and high-
level data, this report will draw in potential customers who want to stay on top of the industry and who will value this
in-depth knowledge.

Those are exactly the people CapGemini wants as customers for their financial consulting firm. They produce
multiple reports like this every year to show their expertise and generate high quality leads for their services

Another example is the Social Media Marketing Industry Report below by Social Media Examiner. Social Media
Examiner is one of the biggest social media news blogs worldwide. And even though they have a completely
different business model than CampGemini, this lead magnet still works.

According to, this yearly report has been their homepage lead magnet since 2014. I'm guessing it took a
lot of time to produce, but it brings in the right leads who want to stay on top of everything social media.

If you want to implement this in your business, think about what kind of research you can provide that is unique and
valuable to your market. To save time, you can also summarize multiple reports from others into one clear report of
your own.

16. How-to video

How-to video's work great as lead magnets to explain processes and tools. If you are considering to buy a software
product, would you rather read how to use it or would you like to watch a video of someone going through the
software and explaining it?

It happened to me recently when I wanted to know more about the new Facebook Pixel implementation with Google
Tag Manager (excuse my techno-babble). Basically, I needed to see where to click in all of these complicated
software tools so that I could start tracking my results better. I came across this wonderful lead magnet by
Funnelboom. In exchange for my email adress, they showed me the step-by-step process with how-to video's and
I've been a fan of them ever since!

If you want to create these video's for your business, it doesn't have to be difficult. Just make an outline of what you
want to say, use tools like Camtasia or Snagit to record your screen and voice at the same time and use your iPhone
headphones as a mic.

17. Case Study

A case study as a lead magnet shows the process and results that one of your clients achieved while working with
you. A lot of companies like to offer them without having to sign up for the email list, but if there is really valuable stuff
inside, this can work really well.

It's a bit more difficult to produce because you have to work together with your customer to produce it, but it doesn't
need to be a lengthy document. The more well-known the customer is, the more appealing your case study lead
magnet will be.

If we look at the first example by Jive Software, we see they talk about how GoDaddy used the Jive-n intranet to
build a hub for company culture, employee onboarding and engagement. Because implementing their intranet
product is complex process, it is valuable for potential customer to see how a huge organization like GoDaddy
handled this. And instead of Jive recommending themselves, GoDaddy basically does the job for them ;)...

You can also use case studies to generate leads if you don't have a complex or expensive product. Just look at this
video case study example of Upviral from Wilco de Kreij.

Wilco does a great job of positioning this case study by describing the core benefit his audience is after (building a
huge email list without needing extra traffic). If you download this case study you get the step-by-step strategy to
generate this result.

Because Wilco used the 9 elements of a successful lead magnet, the case study suddenly becomes more like a
blueprint to build his list for cheap. Think about how you can position your case study so that it speaks to the desired
end result as well.

18. Quiz or test

The popularity of using quizzes and tests as list building strategy has increased in recent years. This is because
quizzes convert really well and can grow your email list fast. Basically, people answer a couple of questions and get
a personalized result. Usually it's a score of some kind (You got 8/10 right!), a percentage (you got 80% correct!) or a
personality category (you're a match with Rihanna!). Make the answer something fun so people will share it with
their friends.

Checkout this example by World Wildlife Fund where visitors can find out "Who's your animal soulmate?". WWF
gives away a small prize (a Patagonia jacket) at the end to make more people sign up. Last I read, they generated
1043 new email subscribers with this quiz and had a 38,5% conversion rate for email signups (2703 people took the
quiz and 1043 signed up). It also got more than 2000 shares on Facebook.
This is the beginning of the quiz...

Then you answer a series of 9 questions....

And at the end, you can subscribe to get the results in exchange for your email address (+ the chance to win a

But quizzes can also work for companies who sell products. Check out the example below by to test
if you are a true survivalist. SurvivalLife is a blog that makes more than $10 million dollars per year selling products
and according to, they have been running this quiz on their homepage since December 2016 at
least... so you can bet it works ;)!

This is what it looked like around May 2017 on their homepage...

You answer 10 questions to find out what you would do in survival situations...

And then you enter your email address to get the results. I'm hoping they publish a case study somewhere about the
results of this quiz!

We've put this in the "a bit less-easy to do" category because you need to set-up software if you want to run a good
quiz. But these tools keep getting better, so it's actually pretty easy to do nowadays. SurvivalLife and Neil Patel use a
tool called LeadQuizzes for their quizzes, but there are more tools available for sure.

19. Product Catalog

Are you selling physical products? Then offering a free catalog like Cabela's can be a great option for you. They
even segment on their product category so they know immediately what you are interested in. If you are reselling
another manufacturers products, you might be able to get some catalogs from them to get you up and running
quicker. But if you manufacture your own products, you might have some design work on your hands ;).

C) Pretty freakin’ hard to do (but GREAT lead quality)

These lead magnets can require a lot of time and technical skills to set up. But once they are up and running they are
a true asset to your business...

20. Challenges
Challenges are one of the best ways to generate quality leads for your business, but they can take a lot of time to set
up. They work well because contestants can support each other, which keeps them motivated to continue.

Challenges also have a time limit (usually 7-30 days) in which a certain result will be achieved so that people
feel they will be able to complete the journey. This time limit also adds a sense of urgency to complete it, which
makes people want to consume all of your content while they can.

You will bring in really qualified leads if you connect the end result of your challenge (for example: lose 2
pounds) with the end result of your product (for example: lose 20 pounds). Plus if people get challenged to do
something, they are much more likely to do it if as long as it's connected to their desire.

A great example is the 30 Day Bodyweight Challenge by Betty Rocker. She sells nutrition- and training plans to
women who want to lose weight in the comfort of their own home. This challenge connects perfectly to her product
and target audience and that's probably the reason why she has been running this challenge since May 2014.

21. Free email course

A free email course is a great lead magnet for education companies because a free course aligns well with a paid
course. But it can also work for software companies who's product required some explaining for the customers to get
the full value out of it (like CRM or Automation Software Providers).

You will get many subscribers on your list that want to master a certain subject that your product aligns with (and
those are great leads!). Setting this up can be easy if you stick to teaching inside of your emails only. But you can get
fancy with video's on web pages if you want to.

A great example is Brennan Dunn his free email course called " Charge what you're worth" aimed at freelancers who
want to raise their prices. His core product is a course called "Double Your Freelancing Rate" which is a logical next
step after you have finished the free email course.

But you don't need to sell courses to make free email courses work for your business.

Pipedrive is a Sales Software that helps companies improve their sales process. They also offer a free email course
called the "Sales Pipeline Academy" in which they explain everything you need to know to improve your sales
pipeline. At the end, they introduce their product as a logical next step to implement the course contents.

As far as I can tell it's been on their homepage since around June 2016 and they're also actively promoting it in their
blog posts which means it's probably working for them!

22. Free Software / Free version of your software

Free software can generate amazing leads for your business. We're talking about a limited part your software
product that's free forever. It's super closely aligned with your paid product, so if someone starts using it there is a
big chance they will upgrade at some point in the future.
It's important to think about what features and quantities you offer in your free plan because you need people to have
a compelling reason to upgrade. Let me explain...

In the first example below, you see list building software SumoMe offering their basic plan for free. Their customers
success with list building mainly depends on a number of visitors, because each visitors can be converted into an
email subscriber with SumoMe.

That's why it's smart of them to limit the monthly visits in their free software plan. Once companies grow to 5000
visits, they will switch to the paid plan to grow even further. They make the upgrade even more compelling by also
limiting the features.

Another company using the free software option is Hubspot. They work with a free version of their HubSpot Sales
solution. Hubspot decided to offer nearly all features in the free option, but limit a number of notifications, templates
and more:

Slack is another rapidly growing company that uses the free software model to generate leads for their business.
After getting you hooked on Slacks' ease of use, they get you to upgrade by limiting file storage to 5GB for the whole
team, a number of messages you can search through, and more. They also offer a lot of premium features in their
paid plans.

Dropbox is another famous example of a company that achieved rapid growth through their free software model. By
offering their free users an extra 5GB extra space for every new friend they referred, they achieved a viral effect.

Of course you have to be able to cover the costs of all these free users and you need a great upsell in place, but it's
been the strategy of many of the giant Saas market leaders today.

(P.S. Check out the emails Dropbox sends to convince free users to convert for inspiration for your own sequence)

23. Free Grader Tool

A free grader is a tool that analyses your input (for example your website or your Adwords account) and gives you
recommendations to improve your results. Effective free grader tools work because they uncover problems,
which creates the need to solve them. And like with most service companies... if you are the one to spot the problem,
you are the obvious candidate to solve it. Free grader tools can be difficult to create, but they will improve the number
of qualified leads a lot!

A great example is Worstreams' Google Adwords Grader. Wordstream offers an automated bidding software for
Adwords advertisers. They realized that if you are spending money on Google Adwords every day, you'll want to
know how your account is performing. Can you increase sales? Can you save money? By connecting Wordstreams
grader to your Adwords account you get a complete account audit report within one minute that will answer these

This is a great offer for potential customers because they can improve their results with this information, but also
Wordstream gathers details to qualify their leads (monthly spend, number of conversions and more stuff) and
segment them to improve their own sales process. If you fit their criteria, they will try to sell their product to you.

Another example is Hubspots' website grader. If you enter your website and email address, you'll get a complete
report on the performance of your website. It gives you insight into your page performance, SEO, Mobile, Security
and more.

Naturally, you will want to increase your website grade. That's why they try to sell you a Free Trial of their Hubspot
Marketing Solution at the bottom of the report (see example below).

24. Free Calculator

A calculator is very similar to a grader, but it's usually more focused on an outcome with numbers (like $$ or weight in
pounds) instead of a grade (like "you're doing great!" or "you get a C minus"). Calculators work for the same reasons
graders do: They uncover problems that need fixing. This can work in the Business-to-Business (B2B) market, but
also in the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) market.

Let's discuss a couple of examples that range from simple to advanced calculators. The advanced example might be
difficult to do, but with tools like Outgrow, you can create pretty cool calculators and quizzes yourself! Let's get into
the examples...

I came across this one recently in the B2C market by the weight loss company Jenny Craig. She offers a free weight
loss analysis on her homepage so I put in some details...

She then tells me that I'm overweighted and need one of her plans! But that's all assuming I don't have "large
skeletal frame" or "extra muscle mass", which of course.... I do have This calculator does a great job of exposing
a problem and offering a solution, all while segmenting her audience in the process.

A simpler B2B example is this calculator to figure out how much it costs to build your app by Achievion. This
calculator is made with Outgrow, which means you can build something like this yourself. It starts off like this...

And after answering 10 questions, they give you an estimate and ask for your contact details...
A pretty advanced B2B example is from Salesforce their Pardot marketing automation software for enterprises.
They've built an ROI calculator which asks you a series of questions to figure out your numbers and qualify you in the
process. They have been using and updating it since 2013 so I'm guessing it's pretty effective. It starts off with
asking about your annual revenue...

And after some more questions to figure out if you are an ideal customer for them, they show you the situation
"before" you work with them...

And then show you the situation "after" you work with them...

Then they communicate the value this will bring you....

And at the end, they offer you a customized action plan to get started in exchange for your contact information!

25. Virtual Summit

This one is so cool! But it needs a bit more explaining...

A virtual summit is an online event where expert speakers share strategies and tactics on a popular subject.
It's like an offline seminar but instead of visiting a physical room with 400+ seats, people subscribe with their email.
Once the event starts they receive a link to watch all the video's online. One of the advantages for subscribers is
they won't have to travel anywhere.

Virtual summits can be paid online events, but can also be free (usually for a limited time). If you offer your virtual
summit for free for a limited time (7 days for example), it's a great way to build a highly targeted email list with
people eager to learn! You can then make money by selling an "all-access pass" to people who want to keep
access to the videos once the summit is over. Virtual summits are being used as lead magnets in the B2C and the
B2B niche (from author marketing to spirituality to supplements). And they can also work great for your business.

If you want to implement virtual summit, you will have to pick a topic that aligns with your product and invite 20-40
subject matter experts to speak. You can interview the speakers before the event and release the video's over the
course of a few days. If you sell the all-access pass on the back-end (usually between $100-$250 a piece), you can
split the revenue 50/50 with your speakers for every customer they bring in. This way, your speakers get extra
exposure from the summit but can also share in the sales! A win/win for everybody!

A great example of a highly successful virtual summit is " The Self Publishing Success Summit" by Chandler Bolt. His
results? 25.000 new email subscribers within 10 days and $350.000 in revenue . Of course, this took him
longer than 10 days to prepare (around 3 months of work). But Chandler did an amazing job. Also, his virtual summit
coach Navid Moazzez contributed to his success with his expert knowledge of this process.

Another great example was Neil Patel his Growth Hacking Summit 2017. He ran this summit in 2016 and 2017 and
also offered it for free for a limited time. He then sold his all access pass when the event expired. If you want to know
what emails Neil used during his summit, check out his Virtual Summit Email Sequence here.

He offered the free pass for a limited time. When the live event was over, people could get access by purchasing the
all access pass...

26. Free Physical Book

A free physical book lead magnet can work great if you have multiple products or services that you can sell on
the backend. You might be thinking. "Why would I give away a FREE PHYSICAL BOOK?!?" as a lead magnet?
Well, there is definitely a cool strategy behind it that we will get to in a minute...

If you follow Clickfunnels' Russell Brunson, you know that a free book funnel is probably his favorite way to generate
qualified leads. He recently launched his Expert Secrets book as a free lead magnet to increase sales for his already
huge software business (according to a Mixergy interview they're doing around $2.000.000/month with Clickfunnels).
Of course it's a lot of work to write a book, but the quality of leads will be crazy if you do it right.

The way free physical book funnel works is:

Offer the physical book for free (but charge for shipping costs so you can get their credit card details)
Orderform Step 1: Ask for their email and physical address (so you can build your email list)
Orderform Step 2: Get people's credit card details for the shipping + upsell them stuff to break even at this
Make profit by upselling them several more offers on the back-end to make your profit

Structuring your lead magnet + offer this way, allows you to generate a list of buyers instead of leads. Because if
people pay for the shipping, it means they are seriously interested. And because you already have their credit
card details, you can upsell them with one click (if you use the right software tools)! By harvesting "the power of free"
you can also get cheaper clicks on your Facebook ads, which should drive down your cost per lead.

If you want to implement this lead magnet in your business, you can use a free book but also other physical products.
This lead magnet can work with anything you need to ship because people have a good reason to leave their credit
card details.

Part 2: Lead magnets to close sales (bottom-of-funnel)

The lead magnets above are a great way to build your email list. But your real goal is to attract buyers . After
building your list with top-of-funnel lead magnets, you can filter out the buyers with the lead magnets described
below. Because these lead magnets attract more serious leads, you can start talking about taking the next step with
your customers (aka "the sale") at the end of each of these lead magnets.

Remember you've already offered value with your previous lead magnet. Start by offering more value with these
bottom-of-funnel lead magnets and gradually work your way into the "sales conversation" so it feels natural to

We've categorized this section based on 4 types of products so you can choose the best lead magnets for your

The best lead magnets for Software products (Saas)

The best lead magnets for Information products (Courses, Newspapers, Books)
The best lead magnets for Services (Consultants, Agencies, Freelancers)
The best lead magnets for E-commerce (Physical products)

There are some really effective lead magnets in there, as you will see below...

A) The best lead magnets for Software products

If you have a software company, these lead magnets can work well for you to close sales. Industry leaders are using
these lead magnets to close sales in multiple niches, so consider adding them to your lead generation strategy as

Consider these factors before selecting the right one for your business:

The depth of knowledge your target audience has about your solution and product (the less they know
about benefits, the more explaining you have to do)
The ease of use of your product (the easier it is to use, the less explaining you have to do, the more people
can play around by themselves inside your tool)
The price of your product (the higher the price, the more personal contact is needed during the sales
process. People won't buy a $10.000 solution without speaking to seller to check their reliability etc)

27. Free Trial

A free trial can work great if people can figure out the value of your product by themselves within the trial period (so
your product shouldn’t be too complicated or have too many options).

In the example below, Email Automation Software ActiveCampaign uses a 14-day free trial to get in touch with
potential buyers. Even though ActiveCampaign has a lot of advanced features, most people will be able to figure out
the core benefits of the product within the 14-days free trial (with the help of the online support team).

28. Webinar

Webinars are a really popular way to convert leads into customers. If the concept of a webinar is new to you, let me
explain it quickly: a webinar is basically an online training/presentation which people can follow at a set time to
learn about a certain subject. Webinars build trust quickly and can deliver high conversions rates if you finish
your presentation with an irresistible limited time offer. This is because of the "live-element", which adds a strong
sense of urgency.

A webinar can work great if your product needs a bit more explanation, so that you can guide people through the
setup visually. With a webinar, you can reach multiple people at once, so it requires less time investment from you
or your employees than a personal one-on-one demo.

A good example is the popular online course creation software "Teachable". They offer a weekly " Quickstart
Webinar" to show their users how to get started with your first online course on their platform. If you have a software
product, it's always a great idea to show your product in action. This way, people can imagine themselves using
it. And by sharing best practices and answering FAQ's during the webinar, you create the feeling of trust and
confidence they can do it.

Clickfunnels from Russell Brunson also runs weekly webinars to promote their Clickfunnels software. Russell
attributes much of his early growth to this weekly webinar model (as you can read here).

Online Shopping Cart software SamCart also use webinars to get potential buyers into their funnel. Check out the
webinar email sequence they sent to convert webinar attendees into buyers.

29. Demo

A personal demo might be your lead magnet of choice if you have a high priced software product that needs a lot of
explaining or is highly customizable.

An example is Hubspot's Marketing Software. It's a higher priced product ($800 per month for the most popular
package) and it even has a required $3000 onboarding training. This means it's quite a complicated software and
Hubspots potential customers need some 1-on-1 time to see what they will buy.

Another example is Jive Software. They also offer a free demonstration, because they have a complex product
which needs explaining... Also, it's important for them to understand the needs of each individual customer because
they deliver some custom work as well. A demo is a great opportunity to ask some more questions.

30. Free Quote

If your product is expensive and customizable, you can also offer a pricing quote. This is similar to a free demo but
focuses more on the price instead of the product itself. People who request a quote are usually pretty close to the
purchase decision. They are probably comparing you to others and are thinking about investing in your product. So
there is a big chance they can become customers. Here again, Hubspot and Jive offer a good example of how it's

Jive offers the quote on the pricing page, next to the "Plan that fits your needs" section...

B) The best lead magnets for Info products

Are you selling courses or information online? Then your lead magnets should be all about "teaching". Your potential
customers need to experience the quality of your teaching before they are confident enough to purchase a $100-
$2000 course from you. And by offering the lead magnets below, your chances of closing the sale increase

31. Webinar

Webinars are super popular as a conversion method in "info-product land". Almost every big info product marketer
uses them because it attracts people who are eager to learn. And these are exactly the high quality leads you
need if you sell courses (to people who are eager to learn). Below is an example of two of the biggest names in the
info product industry: Neil Patel and Amy Porterfield.

Neil uses this Free Advanced Webinar to generate high quality leads for his Advanced Marketing Program. It has
been on the homepage of since 2015, so I'm guessing it works like a charm! The great thing about
webinars is once you have mastered them, you can automate them. You basically record it and then the webinar
starts playing automatically inside your funnel. Now you can focus on promoting it!

Amy Porterfield is another big name using webinars to generate high quality leads for her online courses. Amy has
set-up a great funnel for herself in where she makes sure her educational content is closely aligned with the course
she sells.

In this example, she is promoting her product " Courses that convert". And this webinar is about creating online
courses. It might seem like a no-brainer to align your lead magnets and products, but it can be extremely challenging
in practice. So think of this example when you start

32. Free Trial

Do you have a membership website through which you offer premium information and training? Consider offering a
free trial so people can experience the quality of your courses and members area. This works best if you have a
lot of content in your members area because people will feel they need more time to consume it.

Check out the example below by Linkedin Learning. They offered around 9000 courses when they launched in
2016 so once you complete your trial month, you will definitely feel like there is more to learn! This is a compelling
reason to upgrade if you are eager to develop your skillset.

Another example is by DigitalMarketer HQ with their free 14-day trial. They also offer a huge amount of content (with
a focus on marketing) in their members area. So if you get started on a course in your first 14 days, you most likely
will feel like learning some more!

33. Waiting List

Are you planning a product launch which is only open for a limited time? Then a waiting list is a great "bottom of
funnel" lead magnet for you. It doesn't focus on teaching that much, but it does bring in leads whom are close to
the purchasing decision.

Many of the best marketers open registration to their online courses only once a year (usually for 7 days only).
Structuring your product launch this way creates a lot of urgency because it's not possible to buy the course at any
other time. But while enrollment is closed, potential customers might hear great things about these
online courses and want to be kept in the loop. And that's where a waiting list comes in! A waiting list captures
highly interested leads who want to learn more about your product.

Below you can see a waiting list example by top marketer Brendon Burchard for his High Performance Academy
Masters Course. He promises "advance notice" and builds up a list of people who eager to buy his course once the
doors open!

C) The best lead magnets for Services

Are you an agency or freelancer selling your services? Then your lead magnet to close sales should be all about
showing you can do the job better, cheaper or faster than anyone else. The lead magnets below are popular amongst
service providers because they all accomplish this goal.

34. Free Consultation

With a free consultation, you offer free advice to potential customers. During a personal talk you answer all their
questions and after which you offer your services to fix their problems. The reason free consultations work for
service companies is that of the personal one-on-one contact. It's a great way to show your skills and to get your
foot in the door. Who can refuse a free consultation if they want to fix something?

It's really important that you offer real value and not make it too obvious you are going for the sale. Digital marketing
agency Single Grain offers a free consultation to potential customers, but you will also see a lot of mortgage advisors
and lawyers offer this.

35. Free Assessment

During a free assessment or evaluation, you focus on exposing problems in the clients' current situation that
need fixing. It's like a free grader tool described above, but with the personal touch. It works for service companies
because of this human element. Below is an example of White Shark Media. They offer a Free Adwords
Evaluation to their potential clients. They will focus on finding improvements in the client's Adwords account so that
they can offer their services to fix these problems. It's a very popular lead magnet for digital marketing agencies.

36. Free Quote

A free quote works well for people who are in the buying phase and are researching the prices. After potential
customers request a price quote you can call them back and try to make the sale. It's really popular with service
companies in all kinds of industries. Liberty Mutual is an insurance company and offers a free quote in 10 minutes to
their visitors. Unfortunately, many service providers forget to combine their free quote with a top-of-funnel lead
magnet. If you only offer a free quote as a lead magnet, you will lose a lot of leads.

D) The best lead magnets for E-commerce / physical products

Are you selling any kind of physical products online? Then these lead magnets can attract high quality leads for
you. If your visitors respond to one of these e-commerce lead magnets, it means they are (nearly) ready to buy. You
will see a lot of fast growing e-commerce companies use these lead magnets to get people onto their email list so
they can start tracking their behavior and send them highly targeted offers via email.

37. Coupon Discount Code

A coupon discount code is a great way to generate leads on your email list. You can then send personalized offers to
your subscribers based on which pages they have visited (if you use smart email marketing automation software for
e-commerce like Klaviyo). After you get people onto your list, you can also send them cart abandonment emails,
browse abandonment emails and lots more. But we're talking coupon discount codes here so let's look at an

BOOM! by Cindy Joseph is a fast growing $17.8 million dollar a year e-commerce company cosmetics line for
women of every generation. They offer a 10% discount to new subscribers. If you want to use this in your business,
it's super easy to set up with Klaviyo or tools like Optinmonster.

38. Free shipping

Offering free shipping is a great way to get people on your email list. Because the cost of shipping is the #1 reason
people leave their cart, it is a compelling reason to your subscribers. Below is an example used by Me + Em who
sells womens clothing in the UK. Normally, shipping costs £7.50 inside the UK, but by offering free shipping they can
persuade customers to buy.

A lot of e-commerce companies are already shifting to the model of standard free shipping inside their own countries
to counter this #1 objection. But if you still charge for shipping, this might be a good one to generate a lot of leads
and sales.

39. Save Basket to Email

Save basket to email lead magnets can work great because people are browsing on their mobile much of the
time. And if they are not ready to purchase on the spot, you can stay top-of-mind by offering to send them an email
with the products in their cart. They can then finish their order at a more convenient time by logging into their email,
clicking the link and pick up right where they left off in the cart (only one click away from a completed purchase!).

Chapter 3: Step-by-step checklist to set up Lead Magnets in your business
If you want to implement this in your business, hopefully this checklist will help you out. It's definitely not all-inclusive,
but it will get you started!

Step 1: Create your Lead Magnets

a) Decide on the Lead Magnet titles

b) Describe the lead magnet promises

c) Decide on the types of lead magnets (report, toolkit, quiz, etc)

d) Follow the 9 elements of a successful lead magnet

Step 2: Create your webpages

a) Create an optin page to capture email adresses

b) Create a thank you page to register downloads

c) Create your download page (this is the page you host your lead magnet. You can send people the link to this

d) Create a sales page (if you have something to sell already)

Tools to use: Consider Leadpages for building landingpages

Step 3: Set up your analytics

a) Track the number of conversions with Goals in Google Analytics

Checkout the Google Analytics help center link about goals here

b) Track conversions with lead pages

If you use leadpages check out how to work with conversion tracking here

Step 4: Promote your lead magnet

a) Promote on your website

Create an optin pop up to gather email addresses

Create a blogpost banners below your posts to gather email addresses

Set up your email automation to deliver the lead magnet

b) Promote to your email list

Ask them to share the lead magnet with friends in exchange for goodies

c) Promote on social media

Share with your followers

Run Facebook ads (and retarget people who did not download your lead magnet the first time with an ad about your
lead magnet)

Tools to use

Consider Leadpages or OptinMonster to create your pop-ups

Consider Drip or ActiveCampaign as your email service provider

Woooooow this post got out of hand ;). So let's wrap this up...

What kind of lead magnets do you think will work best for your business and why? Please Let us know in
the comments below!

P.S. Like this post? Then please share this post with your friends! Thanks and you ROCK!

Author: Sander de Lange

Sander is the co-founder of and loves everything about email automation and funnels! He also runs
an online marketing agency in The Netherlands and loves to travel to South East Asia every year!

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