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Santiago Zambrano


Topic: Growth of lentils under lights of different colors

Research question: What is the effect of cotton in the growth of Lens culinaris?
Hypothesis: If the growth of lens culinaries is related to the type of substrate, then by
placing it in the cotton it would grow less than the sand.

Table #1

Variables constantans and groups

Variables How to measure

Independent Substrates Cotton, sand, soil, pebbles
Dependent Plant's gorwth Height in cm, ruler in mm
Water 5 ml per cup
Amount of sunlight Sunlight's cycle
Constants Temperature The room's temperature
Container 4 plastic cups
Type of lentils Regular
Group Cotton 4 balls of cotton per cup

Results: Table #2

Measurements of control group

Height Height Height Height

week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
lens culinaries
+ 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm
1 0 0 5.3 5.5
2 1.9 3.9 6.1 6.3
3 2.1 6.4 7 7.2
4 2.5 7.3 8 8.5
5 2.6 9.4 9.5 10.3
6 2.7 10 10.5 10.6
7 4.5 11.8 11.7 12.5

Observations: Not every lens culinarie grow but the ones who did grow had a constant growing, none of the
lens culinarie died

Table #3

Measurement of weak 4 in each substrate

soil pebbles sand group
Lens culinaries #
Height Height Height Height
week 4 week 4 week 4 week 4
+ 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm + 0,1 cm
1 6.8 8.6 10.3 5.5
2 8.2 9.0 12.5 6.3
3 8.8 9,6 13.5 7.2
4 11.9 9.8 14.53 8.5
5 13.0 10.5 14.8 10.3
6 15.5 10.7 15 10.6
0 11.3 15.5 12.5
8 0 11.9 15.6 0
9 0 12.7 19.0 0
10 0 13.7 0 0
Mean 6.42 10.78 13.07 6.09
deviación 6.05 1,63 5.11 4.68


Sd= 10−1
…=1.61Graph1: error graph

Mean and sd of substrates


1 2 3 4

T= 5.11 2 4.68 2
√( ) +( )
√10 √10


Critical value= 2,101

Seb= =1.47

Sea= =1.61

Tendency: The lentils grow differently as it is shown, the one that grew the most was the
one that was paced in sand and the one that grew the less was the control group, the more reliable
lentils were the ones with pebbles as the standard deviation shows.

Discussion: The hypothesis stated was successfully proven as, the effect of cotton in the
lens culinaries in comparison with sand was low talking about height. It can be seen in the table # 2
that the mean was 6.42 not just being the shortest among the two that were tested, being the shortest
among all of the variables as it also happened in the tallest plant in the control group as it was also the
smallest in between the biggest plants of each substrate as well as in the smallest plant as the one of
the control group was the smallest of the smallest. Finally, all this information can be confirmed in the
bar graph were the one of the control group did the lowest of all confirming the hypothesis, the t test
ran though didn’t show a statistically sniffing difference in between the two variables.

Conclusion: This experiment was ran to investigate what was the effect of cotton in the growth
of lentils by comparing it with the lentils planted in sand, the data collected shows that lentils that grew in cotton
had an average height of 6.09 cm and had an standard deviation of 4.68, meanwhile the lentils that were planted
on sand had an average height of 13.07 and a standard deviation of 5.11, the t- test made gave us a critical
value of 2.101, a degree of freedom 18 and the value that the t test launch was 1.45 not showing statistical
significance in between the two variables tested. The sand lentils grew more even though they have a higher
standard deviation, this standard deviation where so small though that the data is not that much precise. In
conclusion it can be affirmed that the substrates makes effect on growth of the lentils giving with the data that
the cotton is not a good option if the person wants the lentils to grow and instead it is recommended the sand for
a better growth in the plants.

According to Rhabi Essamhi the substrate is the one that regulates the growth and development of the
plants, in there he says that depending on the type of soil as it can be peat soil clay soils sandy soils
silty soil saline soil, the soil can have an acid neutral or basic ph. or it can be saline or alkaline which
immensely infer in the development of the plant and growth, also, according to Mark a Mash compared
to sand, “the lentils that grow in cotton have a delayed growth and productivity” ,meanwhile the ones
planted in sand were growing normally, when he saw In a detailed way the ones that were grown in
cotton they were “shorter, had less leaves, and less plants sprouted over the same period of time and
As the sand plants that grew taller”, the beans in the cotton began to fall to the ground earlier than the
five corresponding plants in the sand, finally he said that cotton retains some properties that sand has
but he states that sand is much more better for growing plants.

Throughout the experiment there were some strengths the group consider where essential such as the
acceptance of the errors committed by the people that make part of the group, another strength was
the agreements as everyone accepted to help everyone to have a think win-win and finally, between
the people in the group


Weaknesses and improvements in the report

Weaknesses improvement

The improvement to take is to have a better

The group had a poor management of time
communication with the group

Verify the measurement twice

The amount of water poured wasn’t
completely exact

The measurements of the plants were not

that exact
Measure the plants thrice

The group had to start the experiment from Be more responsible at the time of measuring and
the beginning watering the plants.

Extension: From this lab an investigation can be started about the benefits of lentils in
terms of growth and development in the different substrates, with this information it can be seen if the
growth depends on other factor like the climate, the type of container and the amount of sunlight and
of this factors infer how and in which ways. Having this a t test can be performed to see if there is a
significant difference between the substrate considering the previously mentions variables and with this
see which is the better substrate in which environment to grow the lentils

Literature Cited/References :

Amash, M. A. (2 de 4 de 2010). CALIFORNIA STATE SCIENCE FAIR. Obtenido de

Essamhi, R. (5 de 6 de 2016). prezi. Obtenido de


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