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I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learner:

 Describe the different dimension of people media.



References : Media and information Literacy(B. C. Liquigan 2016)
Materials: handouts

Preliminary Activities:
Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
Review of the previous lesson
IV. Lesson Proper :

A.) Activity
Put a check mark on the cell to which you believe the item may appropriately categorized:
People as Media People in Media
1. Independent blogger /
2. Television Producer /
3. Film Director /
4. Print Journalist /
5. Business Analyst /

You come to understand the word mediate which means “to bridge” or “to connect.” Often,
you regard media as the mere technology itself, forgetting the fact that behind the technologies are
humans who invented and operate them. In essence, any human being capable of relaying a message
may also be a medium or a bridge to facilitate information exchange. Experts contend that media, in
varying degrees, exert a particular effect to audiences.

Perspective on Media Effects

In the media education, the three main paradigms on effects are powerful and direct effect,
limited effect, and moderate effect. The most classic and already debunked theory on direct effect is
the magic-bullet or hypodermic needle theory which posits that audiences are devoid of agency on
their media reception and that media is capable of greatly influencing the attitudes and behaviours of
these audiences without even realizing it. Audiences are considered automatons and are at the mercy
of media.
Limited effects paradigm, on the other hand, believes that you are highly capable of
discerning propaganda and that media has limited capacity to persuade you. Moderate effects
paradigm is reconciliatory and is mid-way between the two.
Audiences are not passive and are capable of creating meaningful experience. This paradigm
“acknowledges that media effects can occur over longer period of time (while the limited effect was
unable to understand the media rule in cultural changes).”
B.) Analysis

People Media – Refers to persons that are involved in the use , analysis, evaluation and production
of media and information. The best example is teacher inside the classroom.
People as Media –they are the Media itself. The person serves as the medium for another person to
learn or acquire new knowledge.
People in Media – they are the people behind another form of media. They use other forms of media
such as text media, visual media, multimedia, etc. In disseminating information and imparting
C.) Abstraction

People relay messages to one another. This is a manifestation that even human beings can
become channels of communication themselves because of the ability to facilitate information
exchange. Over the long period that experts in different fields have had interest in media and
communication, there have been paradigms, or ways of thinking, that were developed to explain the
effects of media to audiences.
No matter what the degree of influence media has to audiences, the fact that media is a useful
tool for information exchange remains. As has been pointed out, even people become the media. We
know of them as people media and can be loosely categorized into 1) People as Media and 2) People in
Media. People as media, or the people serving as the channels of information, can manifest through an
opinion leader who is exposed to media messages and serves as a conduit of information and as
influencer of ideas.

D.) Application
Put a check mark on the cell to which you believe the item may appropriately categorized:
People as Media People in Media
1. Independent blogger /
2. Television Producer /
3. Film Director /
4. Print Journalist /
5. University Professor /
6. Business Analyst /
7. Magazine Publisher /
8. Radio Jockey /
9. Online Marketer /
10. Adviser /

Check sample researches published in online journals that illustrate the following paradigms.
Identify the theories that correspond to these paradigms.
 Powerful and direct effects of media
 Limited effects of media
 Moderate Effects Of Media

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