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Using Gerund *************************************************

In sentences A. What verb comes before the gerund? Are

(Direct object & Object of the Preposition) they linking verb or transitive verbs?
The verbs enjoy, love, enjoy, finished, and stood are
A. 1. The athletes enjoy exercising. transitive verb that need a receiver or direct object of its action.
Is a reading in sentence 1, the direct of the verb? Which is the
2. I love collecting stamps. direct object in sentence 2 , 3, 4 and 5?
How are the gerunds used in the sentences?
3. .I enjoy reading books. In sentences B. What word comes before the gerunds?
How are the gerunds used in the following sentences? What
4. Have you finished writing your theme?
is the object of the prepositions?
5. They stood waiting for the enemy to pass by.
Exercise 1:
B. 1. They maintain endurance by running.
Point out the gerunds used in the following selection.
2. A touchdown results from moving the ball
Tell whether they are used as subject or object.
across the goal.
Reading and playing are Nina’s hobbies. Nobody can
3. We can develop good vocabulary through reading
tell whether she prefers reading than playing. Nina likes
a lot of books. reading autobiographies of great family portraits. Aren’t

4. I thanked my teacher for choosing my work for these two hobbies a wonderful combination?

the competition. Nina started sketching flowers, birds and animals. Then
two years ago, she began drawing portraits. Her four-year
5. The pupils conserve water by recycling it.
old sister loves posing her. Nina’s drawings of according to aside from in front of
Rizal,Bonifacio, and Mabini show signs of artistic ability. One across from because of in place of

time, Nina’s mother suggested selling them. But Nina on account of along with far from

disagreed. in spite of on top of

Exercise 2.
Complete the following sentences with appropriate gerunds used
Commonly Used Prepositions as subject or object of the sentences. Choose your answer from the
Playing biking sitting
about before during off to
watching riding Writing
above behind for on toward
reading dancing coordinating
across below from onto under
after beneath in out until
against beside inside outside up
1. I don’t like ________ the whole day.
along between into over upon
2. ____________ mystery books is my past time.
among beyond like since with
3. I love ___________ the guitar, too.
around by near through within
4. But _____ poems really makes me feel good.
at down of throughout without
5. I never liked _____ at all.
6. _______ my hand, feet, and body is a difficult task.
Compound prepositions

7. Instead of dancing, I choose _________ as a form of 5. Jessie and Citas would love to show the album to their
classmates and friends.
8. __________ along the highway gives me a sense of
Write the gerund or the gerund phrase. Write subject,
oneness with the moving world.
direct object, predicate, or object of preposition.
9. ________ on my bike makes me feel in control.
10. As I ride, I like _______ like people live in this 1. Remembering history can instil confidence about the
moving. future.
Exercise 3 2. People can learn about surviving a world war.
A. Write whether the gerund used is direct object, or object 3. Keeping the economy strong is very important to
of preposition.
1. The Great Depression halted manufacturing.
2. People tried demanding help from the government. 4. Government officials work on ensuring the peace.
3. Most of the people, love drinking coffee during rainy days.
5. Learning history becomes a way to survive disasters.
4. Everyone was worried about working.
5. Steps can be taken toward preventing another depression. 6. Teams try earning the most points with a touchdown.
B. Change the following italicized words into gerunds orally.
7. Kicking works in two different ways in this sport.
1. Aileen loves to watch her favorite cartoon program every
Saturday. 8. A team earns three points by kicking a field goal
2. She also enjoys to sketch her most-liked cartoon characters. 9. Team also try converting for one point after a
3. Jessie likes to take pictures of oceans, mountains and forests.
4. His sister, Citas, can’t help to arrange the pictures in an
album. 10. Defending the team’s own goal is crucial.
11. A team’s defense features blocking and tackling. 27. A knife is used for slicing potatoes.
12. Passing makes fooball exciting. 28. Ellen helped her parents by washing the dishes.
13. Testing your skills is an important part of football. 29. Greg’s lunchtime was spent playing basketball.
14. Skilled players increase spectators’ enjoyment by 30. Joining the game was a big thrill.
adding dramatic action of the game.
15. Winning is also important.
Identify the gerund in the sentences. Write subject,
16. Baking can be enjoyable.
direct object, predicate, or object of preposition.
17.Cooking is a fabulous hobby.
Ex. Dancing is fun.
18. Her favorite past time is sewing.
Ans. Gerund: Dancing – Subject
19. I enjoy decorating too.
1. Making new friends is a pleasant feeling.
20. I have thought of designing.
2. I am amused watching children at play.
21. They started dancing to the music
3. The people believe that his strength is encouraging people.
22. Their goal was dancing smoothly. 4. His work, baking bread, helps the community.
23. They dream of winning a trophy. 5. Andy helps his mother by selling fruits in a fruit stand
24. Dancing is great. 6. My mother likes fishing.
25. Taking lessons can be fun. 7. They spend their free time by flying kites in the park.

26. A glass is used for drinking water. 8. Keeping the community clean and green is supported by
the people.
9. My sister’s leisure time is spent in painting.
10. Big and small factories should avoid polluting lakes
and rivers.

Construct your own sentences by using –ing form of the

verbs at the left as the object of the verb.

bark 1._______________________________________________
hunt 2. ______________________________________________
write 3. ______________________________________________


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