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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

I. Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define argumentative text;
b. extract important information from argumentative text;
c. illustrate through a chart the pros and cons of a given problem; and
d. develop logical reasoning

Value Focus: Open-mindedness

II. Learning Content
a. Topic: Argumentative Text
b. Reference: A Journey through Anglo – American Literature 9 page 237-239
c. Materials: Visual aids; PPT Presentation; Worksheets; Chart and Paper Strips

III. Procedure


Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
How are you today? Fine ma’am
Great! Are you ready for today’s topic? Yes ma’am

Class, who can name the picture presented in the slide? Cellphones ma’am

Very good! It’s a cellphone. Who among you here have his or
her cellphone? (Student’s will raise their hands)

Ok, how important in your daily activities or school activities

the use of cellphones or technologies? It makes work easier
(Solicit answer)

Try to imagine this class, there are no cellphones or

technologies nowadays, what will you feel? Boring, Sad,

What do you think might happen to us and to our daily

activities? (Solicit answers)

If you were to choose a machine that you want to compare

yourself, what would that be? Why? (Solicit answers)

Very good!

So class before we discuss our topic for today let’s read first a
text entitled The Telephone by Edward Field, but before that
you are going to unlock some unfamiliar words present from
the text so that you will understand clearly what the text is all

Are you all ready?

Great! So bring out ¼ sheet of paper because this will be an Yes ma’am
activity that will be recorded. Each item will be equivalent to 5

Direction: Arranged the jumbled letters to get the
correct answer.

1. To become twisted together into a jumbled mass, or

make something become twisted into a jumbled.

2. Conversation about the personal details of other people's

lives, whether rumor or fact, especially when malicious TANGLE

3. To die by being underwater too long and unable to breath.

4. Full of shades and shadows, not clearly seen or understood.

5. To walk slowly in a free and relaxed way. DROWNING


Did you enjoy your activity class?

Model the reading of the poem “The Telephone” by Edward
field then after that ask the students to read the poem for the AMBLE
second time
Yes ma’am
Task 1. Group the class into five to discuss the message of the
poem. Have each group discuss the given part of the poem
prompted by the guide questions.

My happiness depends on an electric appliance.

And I do mind giving it so much credit.
Guide questions:
What is the predominant feeling of the speaker in these
lines? Why does he feel that way?

With life in the city being what it is

Each person separated friends
By a tangle of subways and buses
Guide question: The speaker is happy because he had those machines that can
Why are friends disconnected? satisfy his needs in life

Yes my phone is my joy

It tells me that I am in the world and wanted
It rings and I am alerted to ,love or gossip
I go comb my hair which begins to sparkle
Guide question: Friends are being disconnected because they are very busy in
How does the speaker justify his joy of having a telephone? all their activities living in the city

Without it I was like a bear in a cave

Drowsing through a shadowy winter
It rings and spring has come
Guide questions:
a. To what did the speaker compare man’s situation before
the advent of the telephone? With the use of telephones the speaker is alerted and
b. What value do people give to the telephone when he has connected to chatters
the access to it?

I stretch and amble out into the sunshine

Hungry again as I pick up the receiver
For the human voice and the good news of friends He compared man’s situation to a bear in a cave
Guide question:
What does the speaker hunger for? Was he able to connect People value telephones as their device in linking to the world
to the world?

Is it clear now class?

He is hunger for the human voice and the good news of

friends. Yes he was able to connect to the world with the use
of his phone

Yes ma’am

B. Development of the Lesson

Class, do you like arguing with your seatmates, classmates,
brothers and sisters when it comes to technologies or
machines? Yes/No ma’am

What technologies or machines you usually argue about?

Answers may vary

So, anyone from the group who can guess what is our lesson
for today? Argumentative Text ma’am


What is argumentative text?

Argumentative Texts are intended to persuade and
convince the audience in terms of communicative

Correct! It is intended to persuade and convince the

audience. And in Argumentative text we have?

Very good! Pros and Cons ma’am

Pros are an argument or consideration in favor of something.

Take note of the word “Favor”

Cons are an argument or opinion against something.

Remember the word “Against”

(The teacher will give her examples then after giving her
examples the students will do the activity)

Task 1. From the hidden paper strips under your chairs paste
it if they belong to pros and cons.
Given Problem: Use of technology in school works

3. GENERALIZATION (Student’s will do the activity)

Did we get across class?

What is an argumentative text again class?

Yes ma’am

Argumentative Texts are intended to persuade and convince

It is the favorable and advantageous in an argument? the audience in terms of communicative functions.
How about the unfavorable, against and opposing opinion or
Pros ma’am
Cons ma’am
From the given text class, can you give me the pros or cons of

(Student’s will answer)

C. Post Activities
Group Activity
Divide the class into two (2). Let the group leader pick from the bowl if they will be the Group Pros or Group Cons then after
that the teacher will give the problem.

Problem: Use of tablets as textbooks


Write five (5) pros and five (5) cons of “Bringing Mobile Phones to School”. (Worksheet)

In a one (1) whole sheet of paper. List five (5) advantages and five (5) disadvantages of the following communication
1. Computer/Laptop
2. E-mails
3. Voice mail

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