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Thinking Areas Level of skills

in the 21st
What I can do to improve the thinking area
Teachers Needs
Strong Adequate improvement
There is a vast pool of information as we
search the net, however it is difficult and
confusing what to believe in. I think to
improve critical thinking, it is not about the
Critical Thinking
facts that we know, but the ability to
evaluate them. I should learn to evaluate
what I hear, read and decide what to do in a
certain situation and think outside the box.
I should look at different angles and faces of
situation, to connect and combine concepts.
I should be able to converse on a day to day
Collaboration basis with my coworkers in order to work
with them efficiently.
In order to enhance my communication, I
should entrust people to share information,
challenges, feedback, or anything that will
help to make work easier.
To be able to develop this skill, I must be
able to locate and evaluate sources
To be able to improve media literacy, I must
Media Literacy be able to point out the perspective in every
message. Identify what point it has and to

be able to evaluate it well, refrain from
being bias.
Many people use technology but fail to
really comprehend how it works. Therefore,
Technology in order to improve technology literacy, I
Literacy must become better steward of
technological change or a hands-on
experience with it.
One way to improve flexibility skills is to
know and identify my core values, my
strengths and weaknesses. Through this, I
will be able to identify what things I should
agree or disagree, ideas to accept and areas
to improve.
I strongly believe that to be good leader,
one must first be a good follower. I cannot
be a good leader, if I, myself, is not a good
follower, or simply a law abiding individual.
Being able to lead will be observed on my
ability to follow.
I should not stay in one place or stay in my
comfort zone if I wanted to improve my
initiative. I should take an advance step
forward to be able to achieve something
rather than staying and waiting for
something to happen.
Time management. There are a lot of things
to do and tasks assigned on us, teachers,
however there are times that I cram on
meeting the deadlines because I fail on
tracking how much time I should spend in
doing such tasks. This results to
unproductivity. With that, in order to be
productive, minimize multi-tasking, and
focus on a single task first before doing
There are times that I feel awkward or shy
talking to people in events. In contrary, we
are frequently engaged in communications
and meeting with people, thus, in order to
improve my social skills, I believe I should
Social Skills
just behave like a social person, even
sometimes I don’t feel that way. I should not
allow my anxiety overrule my emotions and
start creating small conversations with

Who to Blame?
Dr. Seus once said, “The more that you read, the more things you will
know. The more you learn, the more place you’ll go.”

Indeed, learning opens up new dimension. It means that the more

experienced and knowledgeable you become, a lot of people will be welcoming
you and you will be reaching higher places and excellence. In addition to that,
an ordinary teacher once said, “As you read, you learn; as you learn, you realize
there are more you need to know, “(Amarinero, 2020).

In the advent of technology, information has become a click away. As

computers, and mobile devices and other media become more important to the
world, the world needs more people to understand those concepts. There are
times that we immediately believe on things we saw on the internet without
validating the source and verifying its reliability.

With the chronic misinformation, finding truth online has become a job all
on its own. It’s crucial that not only the students, but we, as teachers, can also
identify honesty on our own. This has been one of the primary concerns that we
need to overcome as 21st century teachers.

It is sometimes frustrating and disappointing reading essays and other

related outputs which are obviously just taken directly from the internet. Can
we blame our students? Can we complain on the web? I believe there is nothing
and no one we can put the blame on this matter. However, what we can do is to
inform, to make them think and know how to make connections between ideas
and evaluate information critically.

As I was checking the level of thinking areas, I have come to realize that
my age, experiences, and education have imparted to the development of my
skills. Sad to note, it is not enough and never will be the basis that I can consider
myself as a critical thinker. I still have a lot of things to improve and discover in
order to cope with the constant change happening in the field.

I have been teaching for a few years. I have conversations and talked to
more than a hundred of students a day. Had seminars and training, research
and studies. Even with that, I still cannot control my anxiety talking on stage or
barely having a conversation with my superiors. I still get overwhelmed with the
paperwork and deadlines assigned to me. There are reports that I sometimes
forgot to submit on time. I am a teacher. I call myself one. I believe I am, but it
doesn’t end there.

Nonetheless, I am also a student. I am not perfect. There are things I know,
but there are more that I still do not know. But I will learn. I should, because
learning to think critically is a lifelong journey, and there is always more to learn.


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