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A lot of websites seem to agree that the root charka corresponds with the planet Saturn.
Saturn is all about stability and responsibly and hard work. When it influences us astrologically,
it makes us cut out the things that no longer serve us. We trim down on extravagances so we
can focus on the things that are most important to us. This is why its associated with the word
constriction which on the surface is a hard energy to deal with. On the contrary it is
absolutely necessary to have this energy in our lives, just like we need the root chakra to
ground us. The signs ruled by Saturn are CAPRICORN and Aquarius. I do think that
Capricorn fits with the root chakra, but Aquarius doesnt. Capricorn is a sign that is extremely
focused and hard working and has direction and focus in life. Capricorn makes sure a
foundation is set before they start building a house. In my own opinion, I think that the signs
TAURUS and SCORPIO also fit under the Root Chakra umbrella. Taurus is also hard working
and diligent in making things happen. It has a stubborn energy to it and that to me is similar to
the stubbornness of survival that the root chakra symbolizes. Scorpio is also a stubborn sign
that will fight to get where they wants to go. I see Scorpios as being very deeply rooted
because there is so much to them that runs below the surface and they need that sense of
stability within them to be able to be emotionally stable. The astrological houses 2 and 4 also
may correspond to the root chakra. The 2nd house is the house of finances, of possessions, its
what makes us connected to the material and to earth. And the 4th house is our emotional
groundedness, its the base of our chart. It shows our family, our home, and our mother which
all bring us a sense of stability.
Jupiter is the planet associated with the sacral charka, and corresponding to that are the signs
Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, of philosophy, of expansion, faith, &
optimism. The openness of Jupiter goes together with the open creativity of the sacral chakra.
I think that Venus and the Moon also work with this chakra because Venus rules romance and
creativity and the feminine side of action. Venus in our charts can show how we are creative so
it is only just to say that this planet falls here as well. And the Moon is also related to our
creativity and our emotions and its from the sacral chakra that we build and create emotions
so also by default the Moon works. This puts a lot of signs under still umbrella but I don't think
they all go here. Pisces kind of does, but I think Pisces fits better with the brow chakra. All of
the signs ruled by these three planets include: Sag, Pisces, Cancer, Libra, and Taurus, and
that is just way too many. Although Virgo isn't on that list, Virgo is the planet of agriculture, of
nurturing and caring for things and that energy is very similar to the energy of creation.
Farmers create plants from seeds just like women create babies from eggs using this sacral
chakra energy. Virgo in my eye is this nurturing energy, and the symbol of virgo is a girl which
goes with the femininity of this charka too! The 5th house is absolutely similar to this chakra.
Out of all the houses and all the chakras, this connection is the strongest. But I m gonna say
that the 6th house also falls here (but thats because I dont know where it falls and its kind of
an outsider, yikes! Maybe you can help me with this judgement. The 5th house rules creativity,
creation, children, passion, k-12 education, romance, & the arts including the performing arts.
Children are the ultimate form of creation and that magic happens in the sacral chakra area of
the body: the uterus and ovaries. Its the epitome of yin and yang coming together. The 6th
house is about daily life, health, routines, jobs (not career), organization, and in Vedic astrology
arguments, fights, and enemies fall under this house too. While these things don't correspond
exactly, the 6th house is the home of Virgo. I personally have Jupiter in my 6th house currently
and I have felt this influence SO strongly. I have been OBSESSED with gardening (and I HATE
gardening, or at least I used to). But Virgo rules the earth and agriculture, so gardening falls
under that 6th house umbrella, of nurturing for the earth. And that in a sense relates to the
sacral chakra. I m growing vegetables, and while that aint no baby, its still a creative process
because it is creation.

Mars is the masculine planet of action, willpower, courage, all things similar to this chakra. Its a
planet that rules the boosting off of a rocket ̶ the first oomph of energy that is necessary to
get things moving. Its the planet that forces us to want to make changes in our lives. ARIES
and Scorpio fall under the rule of Mars, but since this is a masculine chakra, I think the glove
fits better with Aries than it does Scorpio. Scorpio as I ve mentioned seems to correlate better
with the root chakra (personal opinion!) The Sun rules confidence, self-esteem, ambition,
goals, aspirations, all of which also fall under the umbrella of the solar plexus chakra. And the
Sun rules the sign, Leo. Leo and Aries are both very passionate and energetic signs that are
motivated and fiery. They both have a lot of courage and confidence in themselves, and this
can also be interpreted as having big egos.... But its qualities like this that correspond to the
yellow energy center, the feeling that pulls us to continue and progress rather than just finding
a sense of balance. The 1st house and 10th house correspond to this chakra. The 1st house is
the house of the self, its the rising sign or ascendant. It shows a persons path in life and the
direction in which they are headed in this lifetime. Its not necessarily a house of the ego,
because the ego falls with the Sun, but it does show ones comfort with themselves. The 10th
house is at the top of a chart, it is how a person publicly present themselves. Its a house of
career, ambition, recognition, & achievement. All these things need confidence and courage
to be manifested. This affirmation of showing to the world, This is who I am easily falls into
line with the Solar Plexus Chakra.
The planet Venus also corresponds to the Heart Chakra. Venus is a planet of love,
relationships, of relating to other people, and that ability also comes from having a healthy
green chakra. Venus shows how you act in love as well as the type of people you attract.
Similarly, the moon is our emotions, our vulnerability. The moon shows how we instantly react
to situation, the light inside of us that shows the we are comfortable. The two planets are all
about emotional openness. The signs that correspond to this chakra include Cancer & Libra.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Libra by Venus. Cancer may be the most emotional sign,
being ruled by the Moon. Its a sign that on the surface appears cold and guarded, but once
let inside that shell there is an infinite love that is willing to go to the ends of the earth to
please the people that he or she loves. And Libra is a sign that loves beauty, loves the arts,
loves sensuality, as well as peace among peers. Libras love maintaining a calmness around
people and when a situation gets a little antsy they bring things down to a state of peace. They
know how to relate to people. Just like the heart chakra is the balance between the upper and
lower chakras, Libras are the peacekeepers that maintain this balance in life. The houses that
correspond to the Heart Chakra include houses 4, 7, and 11. Just like house 6, I say 11 here as a
question. House 4 is about family and home life and emotional groundedness, things that
relate to being able to relate to people and have unending love. The 4th house is where we are
most comfortable and understand our emotions the best. The 7th house is the house of
relationships. Its how we act in relationships (just like venus) but also the relationships we
attract. Its how we deal with people, all people, that are not ourselves. Having a healthy heart
chakra opens us up to better understanding what our 7th house is and how to improve the
relationships we have we each soul we encounter. The 11th house is a house of peers, of
friends groups, and of networking. (It is also a house of hopes and wishes, and the money we
make from our career. Those things dont necessarily correspond to the Heart Chakra, well the
hopes and wishes might, but the financial part doesnt.) Being able to communicate with the
people around us and to create a sense of unity with everyone in our lives is the social aspect
of this house. It is a house that opens us up to feeling one with people and being a part of the
bigger picture. This corresponds to the Heart Chaka because both deal with being able to

The planet Mercury rules communication, expression, and just about everything thats related
to the Throat Chakra. It shows how we communicate, how we speak, write, and express
ourselves. It rules our ability to be organized and to create that day to day structure of our
minds. It rules the managerial side in us ̶ how we direct ourselves and other people. Basically
it is the exact astrological replica of this chakra. The signs that correspond here are Gemini
and Aquarius. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, and is a sign that is very intellectual. Geminis love
learning little things and sharing what they learn with the people around them. They are all
gung-ho about spreading knowledge. They also love debating and arguing about beliefs, even
if they are debating for something they dont believe. They just take any opportunity to
convince someone else of a new way of thinking. They are easily restless and need rapid
change in their lives, just like the Throat Chakra can be restless if silent for too long. Aquarius
is a sign that also speaks its own truth but for the purpose of spreading equality and humanity
to others. It is a sign that wants there to be a level playing field in the world and wont let
anything stop it from beating to its own drumbeat. Similar to the Throat Chakra having a need
to express its own truth, Aquarius does the same. Aquarius is a revolutionary and needs to see
change, and change begins within oneself, but needs to be communicated outward and that
happens in this Chakra. The houses that relate to this Chakra are the 3rd and 9th. Both lie on
the same axis of knowledge but are the opposing ends. (Each sign/house has an opposite
and both have the same underlying principles but the way they show those principles is the
opposite from its counterpart.) The 3rd house is similar to Gemini, its a house of learning, of
taking in information, and being able to give it back to someone, it shows school educators. Its
the house of communication and expression and writing, and it also shows siblings and
neighbors, the people we first learned to communicate. The 9th house is that of philosophy
and religion, of spiritual truths, and higher education. Instead of teachers, this house shows
professors, people how have throughly devoted themselves to learning one thing and then
express their own beliefs about it. Its where you we voice our own opinions rather than picking
up information from around us. It rules the bigger picture, the meaning of life/things, purpose.
While the 3rd house is superficial information, this house goes deep in understanding. And
both types of knowledge and communication are a part of the Throat Chakra. 

The Moon is the planet of receiving energy, intuition, clarity, inner knowing. It has its own
language it shares with Earth and communicates its secrets through subtleties that requires
one to have an active Brow Chakra to understand. It rules the most sensitive sign, and it's this
sensitivity that creates transparency between a person's mind and the world that surrounds
them inside and out. The moon is a gentle whisper sharing secrets with us and it's the Brow
Chakra that can perceive the whisper and understand what it means. Jupiter is a planet of
optimism and higher knowledge. It's an energy that I think comes both outward in and inward
out. It's the optimism that brews within us that lets us have faith and trust the universe and
understand that there's a purpose to everything we encounter. And it's also Jupiter that lets us
perceive the things around us and we know we have a higher purpose within ourselves from
looking at the messages around us. Both are highly spiritual planets. The signs Pisces and
Sagittarius are both ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is also a highly sensitive sign, like Cancer, and it
senses the energies around itself. It can pick up on higher vibrations and is susceptible to
psychic vampires that suck out the positivity of this sign and replace it with a lower vibrational
energy. Pisces' auras are very porous and can easily take on the environment that surrounds
them, just like the Brow Chakra helps us take down the barrier that lies between us as the
world. Pisces is a very imaginative sign and the imagination comes from this chakra and the
ability to dream up a new reality that the lower chakras can help manifest. Sagittarius is a sign
that is highly optimistic and is quick with picking up the meaning behind things. It's a sign that
understands that there's a rhyme and reason to things and it always trusts that whatever
needs to happen will happen in accordance with divine planning. It's a sign that relies heavily
on faith and trust just like the Brow Chakra gathers understanding from intuition with is also
stems from trusting oneself. The houses that relate to this chakra include houses 4 and 12.
The 4th house is the house of the mother, and there is no higher instinct or intuition than a
mother's regarding her children. The 12th house is the house of spirituality. It's where we give
ourselves away to undo ourselves after building ourselves up. It's a house where we we need to
be alone to understand the truths of life. It's a psychic house much like houses 4 & 8. It's also a
house of past lives which also shows areas where we have higher psychic understanding from
previous life experiences.
The Sun represents the soul of a person. In a birth chart it shows the true essence of a person,
what their goals are and their aspirations. And that can be seen as a divine calling - why they
are here on Earth. The Sun also shows confidence and self-esteem, and if a person is in tune
with their crown chakra, with the divine, then their confidence is a reflection of their inner light
and healthy self-esteem comes naturally to them. Jupiter, as I've said with the Brow Chakra, is
a spiritual planet as well. It shows a person's ability to have a healthy spiritual life and to be
connected to the divine. Jupiter also shows a person's capacity to see the bigger picture
which correlates to the Crown Chakra. There are no signs that correlate to this chakra,
because signs our own individual personalities. The Crown Chakra is divine energy, it is
oneness, and signs create separation, so the two do not match up. There are houses that
correlate though, because houses show areas of our life and the divine can be anywhere and
everywhere. The 8th house is a house of transformation. It shows ups and downs in life and it
rules personal change. When a person reaches a point where they have to abandon who they
are and evolve for the better, that is the 8th house. These transformations I believe are divine.
We chose them prior to incarnating because we knew how we wanted our soul to evolve this
time around. So it's moments when we take a step further on that path that we get closer to
God. The 8th house has Phoenix association because the Phoenix has to come apart to build
itself back up for the better. And the 12th house also fits here, the house of spirituality and
connection to the divine. We spend go through the cycles of the houses to develop and grow
and it follows a certain order from houses 1-11. When a planet gets to house 12, it has to give
itself away, to focus its energy on everything but itself. And it prepares here for the cycle to
begin again. The 12th house, like the 12th month, of a year is a time for cleaning out the things
that no longer serve your higher purpose. The Crown Chakra is there for us to connect to our
higher selves, and we cannot do so while being emotionally and materialistically tied down to
the things that won't serve us. The outer planets can be seen as being similar to this chakra
as well. The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered more recently
through history and can show divine messages or purposes in our lives. They have Vedic
mythology correlations which are Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma respectively. These Gods show
creation, preservation, and destruction, all of which are very strong parts of life and of Earth's
development. And divine energy can easily flow through them.

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