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Learning a second language

Dear students, the following questionnaire is intended to know some aspects of your Foreign
Language Learning Process. Bear in mind that there are no either right or correct answers.

Thanks in Advance for your cooperation.

A. Write a tick next to the intelligence you feel has been more developed in you
and write a cross next to the least stimulated intelligence in you

 Logico-mathematic 
 Linguistic X
 Spatial 
 Musical 
 Bodily-kinesthetic (fine motor movement, athletic prowess) 
 Interpersonal (the ability to relate to others) X
 Intrapersonal (the ability to relate to oneself, self-knowledge) X
 Naturalistic (the ability to recognize forms/patterns in nature) X
 Spiritual (the ability to relate to things of a ‘spiritual’ nature) X

Multiple intelligences. (Gardner, 1985, cited by Funiber 2016)

B. Circle YES / NO according to your case

1. When learning, do you try to memorize content in any way? YES NO

2. If you don’t know a word, do you ask your teacher immediately? YES NO

3. If you don’t know a word, do you try to communicate the idea YES NO

with other words?

4. If you lack resources to communicate, do you:
a. Give up part of the message YES NO
b. Reduce the structure YES NO
c. Switch languages YES NO
d. Make up a word in L2 YES NO
e. Paraphrase YES NO
f. Ask for help YES NO
g. Wait until you get the word YES NO

5. Do you analyze which strategies you are using for learning? YES NO

6. Do you prefer to study on your own? YES NO

7. When you encounter obstacles do you give up? YES NO

C. Underline the best option for you

1. When expressing my ideas in the target language I need to rely on my L1

2. I feel I have the necessary tools to communicate
3. When learning, I prefer to focus on details
4. I remember information easily when I touch and work with materials
5. I think it is important learning about the Target Language Culture
6. I feel anxious when practicing orally
7. I consider myself successful when using the target language in practice activities
8. For me it is important to receive a reward (grade or something similar) when I
perform well affective
9. I am currently learning this L2 because /It’s a requirement to continue my
10. I am usually emotional and spontaneous
11. I like logical and didactic presentation
12. When learning I like interacting with others
13. I like / I don't like to be told what to do and How to do it.
14. My motivation to learn the L2 doesn't change/ varies according to my results.

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