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1. The school is regarded as the second home for children but it does not mean that their safety,
security, protection and development are always ensured as learners. As teachers of the 21st
century, we have an indispensable role to play in nurturing, honing and bringing out the best in
them. Our deepest aspirations as educators of the new millennium should dwell on the very
principles of redefining the truism of a conducive and productive learning environment, that is, a
sensitive yet developmentally appropriate approach in considering the potentials of our learners.
We have to realize where the learners are coming from so that we can build a bridge of
knowledge from the known to the unknown.

2. An educational institution especially the school should always have a strong support system
among teachers, parents, students, administrators and various stakeholders. With this, it
encourages positive interaction and propels collaborative engagement to students as we give
more attention to what they see more than what they hear. We may be pressured by the call and
the demands of modern times but this should not be a reason for us to bring out our accumulated
efforts in the pursuit of a more sustainable, sensitive, motivating and adaptable educational, and
learning atmosphere for those who seek and transcend knowledge.


1. The 21st century education ahs a plethora of diverse learners who are far more different from
what we have had in the past. In the realm of development, early and middle adulthood
constitutes to the reaching of pre-maturity in taking responsibility to various decisions in life
whether it be in social and interpersonal relationships. It is also contributor to the physical
viability of a person in handling decisions in the offset of a more fulfilling duty in the
community or family. The way we see ourselves and reach different stages in life’s development,
we have to understand that we are also compelled if not pressured in handling circumstances to
adulthood. It is essential to have cognitive and emotional maturity in the many different facets of
growth and success. At the end of the day, our life as human beings were automated in that very
same pace.

2. In today’s highly competitive, stress-fuelled and test-focused world, we are given attainable
options that ensure learner freedom, comfort and happiness such, also in embracing the diversity
and maturity of our learners. As early as possible, we must be hopeful to our young learners, that
they may ingrain within their hearts and minds that sense of belongingness, acceptance and
tolerance towards other people. It provides them the knowledge on how the society works and in
which they deserve to have a strong support system. This support system should be their weapon
to fight for their very aspirations rather than killing the promises of the future that they truly


1. Among educational institutions especially for schools under the Department of Education
(DepEd), there is a mandatory planning and reporting of school improvement every three years.
With this, schools are being magnified for the accomplishments and achievements that they have
gone through in providing and uplifting quality education. Child mapping, work plan, school
achievements, physical facilities among others are just few of the indicators where assessment
happens and as stipulated in the planning scheme that must be done. It becomes more
encompassing because of the attainment of such data is highly needed for the verification of
outcomes and performance.

2. Noise, destruction, communication overload and cultural differences are just among the most
common barriers that are highly discernible in everyday communication. In order to overcome
and avoid these problems, we have to make sure that our messages are clear and comprehensible
enough. We have to instill and establish a stronger yet approachable way in dealing with
situations or circumstances. The values of respect, acceptance and tolerance especially in terms
of our differences are important.


1. We conduct evaluation of trainings and development programs to weigh in whether further

needs assessment and growth initiatives are still needed for various professionals. It is another
way of addressing the pressing issues and concerns of individuals in the workplace aside from
enhancing their work performance or approach in the working environment.

2. Trainings intended for us teachers and professionals are assessed and evaluated through
feedback mechanism tools. Aside from this, we realize their effectiveness through the application
of various approaches and techniques as aligned to the initiated training and development
programs. Also, we learn to determine how various training and development programs become
more effective in enhancing the over-all performance and progress of people involved especially
in the field of education.

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