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Solving Equations and Inequalities

Key concepts
• Learn to read and write inequalities and graph them on a number line.
Key terms
• An inequality is a statement that compares two expressions using an inequality symbol.
• A compound inequality is the result of combining two inequalities.
• Real numbers are numbers that can be expressed on the number line.

Four inequality symbols and their meanings are listed in the table above. If two expressions are written with an inequality
symbol between them, this is called an inequality. Inequalities are similar to equations, except that inequalities contain an
inequality symbol between two expressions instead of an equality symbol (an equals sign). An inequality can be solved in
almost exactly the same way as an equation.

Example 1
Example 1 demonstrates writing an inequality to represent a given situation.
There are several commonly used phrases that indicate the use of the inequality symbols. For example, "at least" indicates
that the inequality symbol "greater than or equal to" should be used, and "no more than" indicates that the inequality symbol
"less than or equal to" should be used.
Consider these statements. The first statement can be
rephrased as "The number of people on the bus is at least 45."
The exact number of people on the bus is unknown. But, it
is known that there are at least 45 people on that bus.
Therefore, the number of people on the bus could be 45, 46,
47, 48...., or any whole number greater than or equal to 45.
So, the inequality will be p ≥ 45, where p is the number of

Consider the second statement. It can be rephrased as "The

number of tickets sold was no more than 200." The exact
number of tickets sold is unknown, but it is known that the
number was no more than 200. Therefore, the number of
ticket sold could be 200, 199, 198, 197.... , or any whole
number less than or equal to 200. So, the inequality will be
t ≤ 200, where t is the number of tickets sold.

Example 2
In Example 2, one-step inequalities are written to represent a given statement.
A one-step inequality is similar to a one-step equation. In a one-step inequality, one operation is performed on the variable.
That operation may be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

To translate a statement into an inequality, break the statement into words or phrases where each word or phrase can be
represented by a number, variable, operation, or inequality symbol. Then, write the number, variable, operation, or inequality
symbol for each word or phrase. Copyright © 2008 Thinkwell Corp. 1

Prealgebra 2

Consider the first statement. The statement begins with "A

number w". This phrase can be represented as simply w. The
next word in the statement is "minus", which can be
represented with a subtraction symbol. Next is the number
5. Then, "is greater than" is written; the symbol > represents
this phrase. Last is the number 21. Put the numbers, variable,
operation, and inequality symbol together: w – 5 > 21.

To translate the second statement, remember that "increased

by" indicates addition and "less than or equal to" indicates
the inequality symbol ≤.

Example 3
Example 3 demonstrates graphing the solutions of a simple inequality on a number line.
A simple inequality is an inequality that contains one variable. A simple inequality has an infinite number of solutions. All
of the numbers that are solutions to an inequality are known as the inequality's solution set. An inequality's solution set can
be represented by a graph on a number line. The graph of a solution set will contain a circle at a point on the number line, and
this circle will be open (empty) or closed (filled). This circle appears at the constant in the inequality. For example, if the
inequality is x < 4, the graph will contain a circle at 4. A graph of a solution set will also contain shading either to the right or
the left of this circle. The shading is used to show the section of the number line that contains all of the numbers in the
inequality's solution set.

When graphing the solution set for a simple inequality, use an open circle if the inequality symbol is < or >. Use a closed
circle if the inequality symbol includes "or equal to". An open circle is used with < or > to show that the actual number at that
circle is not included in the solution set. A closed circle is used with ≤ or ≥ to show that the number at that circle is included
in the solution set. Consider the solutions of the particular inequality to determine the direction of the shading. If the solutions
are greater than the point where the circle is located, then the shading will be to the right of the circle. If the solutions are less
than the point where the circle is located, then the shading will be to the left of the circle.
Consider the first inequality. The inequality states that the
solutions are all numbers greater than, but not equal to, –7.
So, use an open circle at –7, since the inequality symbol does
not include "or equal to". Shade to the right of the circle since
the solutions include all values that are greater than –7.

Consider the second inequality. The inequality states that the

solutions are all numbers less than or equal to –5. So, use a
closed circle at –5, since the inequality symbol includes "or
equal to", and shade to the left from that circle since the
solutions include all values that are less than –5.

Example 4
Example 4 demonstrates graphing the solution of a compound inequality on a number line.
A compound inequality contains two inequalities. There are two types of compound inequalities: two inequalities joined by
"and", and two inequalities joined by "or". The solution of a compound inequality containing "and" includes only those values
that are contained in both the first inequality and the second inequality. In other words, a solution to a compound inequality

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Solving Equations and Inequalities

containing "and" must be common to both inequalities. The solution of a compound inequality containing "or" include all of
the values that are contained in the first inequality and all of the values that are contained in the second inequality. In other
words, the solution set of a compound inequality containing "or" contains the solution sets of both inequalities.

To graph a compound inequality, graph each of the two parts on a single number line. Then, if the compound inequality
includes "and", find the region that is common to both graphs. This common region is the solution set of the compound
inequality containing "and". If the compound inequality includes "or", find the region that is covered in the graph of the first
inequality and combine that with the region that is covered in the graph of the second inequality. This combined region is the
solution set.

It is possible for the solution set of a compound inequality to include all real numbers. This is shown on a number line by
shading the entire number line without using any circles.
Here, the compound inequality contains "or", so the solution
set is the combination of the graphs of the two parts. The
solution set includes all numbers that are greater than or equal
to –4 and all numbers that are less than 0.

The first graph contains a closed circle at –4 and shading to

the right of the circle. The second graph contains an open
circle at 0 and then shading to the left of the circle. Notice
that the graphs overlap and that there is an open circle at 0
in one graph and 0 is in the shaded region of the other. All
values on the number line are included in the combination of
the two graphs. This means that the solution set is comprised
of all real numbers.

Compound inequalities containing "and" are typically written without the word "and". Instead, they are written with one
variable surrounded by two inequality symbols where each is either < or ≤, and a constant on each end where the constant on
the left is less than the constant on the right.
This is a compound inequality containing an "and".

The graph of this compound inequality is comprised of the

solutions that are common to each graph of the two parts.
Before graphing, split the compound inequality into its two

The first part of the compound inequality is –3 ≤ p. Notice

that the inequality is written with the constant first, then the
inequality symbol, and then the variable. It is often helpful
to rewrite such an inequality with the variable first. In that
case, remember to reverse the inequality symbol.

The solution set includes all numbers that are greater than or
equal to –3 but less than 2. In other words, all numbers that
are between –3 and 2, including –3, but not 2. Copyright © 2008 Thinkwell Corp. 3

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