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I’ve always been a rough-n-tough person. Which is why I found it difficult

during the first few meetings to be still. I have a bad sense of center, and Aikido

has helped me find my center. Because the center is not just about placing your

hands on your hara. You also need to find the center within yourself. Make sure

that you are aligned with your center, and you will find peace.

Aikido has taught me how to be calm in situations that I have no control over. I

learned that I need to calm myself first to think straight. Situations can be controlled

by moving with the flow and then changing the flow to suit your needs.

Not everything can be done so easily. I always thought I was a prodigy, and Aikido

made me humble. I was messing up the techniques, the rolls, and even the basic

stances. I had to work hard to get to where I am. It’s not always easy, but it sure is

worth it.

My favorite part of the class is when we are trying to lift each other’s spirits up. It

is such a refreshing way and a reminder that we are not alone in our battles. People

will always be there to support us. And while there are people to support us, we

must learn to support ourselves and believe in ourselves.

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