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at a nusa bangsa high school ...

the ringing hours indicate the time break

has arrived, it appears a group of students is heading to the school canteen
to have lunch ..

Ary: hi friends, let's have lunch, what should we eat now.?

fifin: yes this lesson really made me hungry. Let's eat something delicious!

Uly : Good idea !. Do you have a delicious food idea for our lunch?

Ary : Hey, what about the Melati cafeteria?

Firda : ok we just order there

After in the canteen ..

Fifin : yes, let me order it, what do you want to order?

Uly : I want avocado juice and pecel rice .

Firda : I want guava juice and gado -


Ary : I want order coca cola, 2 burgers, French fries, fried

chicken, and instant noodles .

Uly , firda , fifin : hahhhh ???

Fifin : do you really want to order that much bob?

Ary : Absolutely! I am a male. I need more food.

Fifin goes to Melati Canteen to order her friends' food.

Fifin : excuse me I want order avocado juice, guava juice, coca cola 1. pecel rice
1, gado gado 1, 2 burgers, French fries, fried chicken, and instant noodles.

Ervina : Yes, please wait.

Fifin : yes.

10 minutes later the food come.

Ervina: miss, this order has finished.

Ary : Wow, thank you.

uly : bob Have you ever thought about what kind of danger will happen to you
by consuming this food?

Ary : Um ... too full?

Firda : No ... Bobi. These foods will have a bad effect on your health.

Ary : huuhhh, it's okay I'm still young so there's no way I could get sick from
eating this food. let's eat ..

when we get home bobi watching TV until maghrib

Ary : mom bobi hungry, i want

to eat

Andini : yes mom already


Ary : (bobi takes 2 servings of rice with side dishes

without vegetables)

Andini : oh my bob.. don’t eat a lot. vegetables are eaten.

Ary : ah it’s not delicious. I

don’t like it.

Bobi continues to eat unhealthy foods like that, so that it causes the body
weight of bobi to increase day by day.

One day, a bobi fell in love with a beautiful woman. Because he was very
impressed with the woman. bobi ventured to express his feelings for the

Indra: hi imel .. may I talk y with you ?

Permata : what's up bob, just say it

Indra : mell I want to be honest actually I have had feelings for you for a long
time, you don't want to be my girlfriend, (while giving a flower ).
Permata : what the hell bob , I don't like you. You are fat, just run not strong. I
might not date you.

after that, IMEL immediately threw away the flowers and left the

The next day Bobi was seen sitting alone and


Fifin : what’s wrong with

you bob?
Indra : yes i want to tell you guys, i'm sad yesterday was rejected by IMEL
Uly : hahh seriously, why?

Indra : he said I was fat

Firda : we often reminded you that don't eat fast food. Because eating fast food
has many bad effects.

Indra : Huh? What are the bad


Uly : I join a "healthy life" club that seeks to motivate members to live a healthy
lifestyle. We are taught to stay away from junk food because junk food like the
food you will eat is very bad for health.

Indra : Why is that?

Uly : because these foods contain high calories, fat, and sugar, but very low
nutritional value. Because of the high calories, the more you eat these foods the
bigger your body. This is called obesity.

Firda : yes bob This food is also high in salt. If you really like eating these
foods, they will put you at risk for high blood pressure.

Indra : Is that correct?

Boby increasingly felt his body easily tried and shortness of


Indra : mom, bobi has difficult


Andini: why you bob, let's go to the hospital

when he got to the

Dea : what are you complaints

about right now

Indra I'm short of breath


Dea : I check first , please weigh the body weight and measure the height

(doctor's height measure the height

and weight )

Dea : based on the results of the examination means your body is not ideal or
obese, you must be diligent in sports and eat nutritious foods according to
portions not excessive and avoid fast food
Bobi: Alright, I began to live a healthy lifestyle and be diligent in

a few days later , bobi began to follow the doctor's advice to exercise in
a club that was followed .

Adinda : to start training today we warmed up first . trainer is done routinely

every day for 15 minutes, offset by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, eating
vegetables, avoid fast food

bobi routinely do activities recommended by doctors and coach, finally

bobi can lose weight

'to the next day, at school', bobi walk in front of imel

and bunga

Fety ; eh eh, look at bobi mel, the body can be thin like that now

Permata ; really??? bobi can be thin so fast, there's no way you are just making

Fety ; try to see there first mel, so you believe

Permata : 'IMEL finally looked towards the bobi with a surprised face'
haaaaa how come the bobi are thin now ?

Fety ; what do you think about bobby now?

Permata ; yes his appearance is different now from before, he is now more cool

'shortly afterwards, his hobbies and friends approached imel and


Bagus : hay imel, bunga, how are you


Permata and Fety: fine bob, how about


Bagus : it's also


Fety : Your body is now thinner, bob?

Bagus ; yes, I was returning from the hospital yesterday following the
diet program to lose my weight

"imel was silent shame, he bowed his head"

Bagus ; can I say something to you?

Permata : hmmm yeah, what do you want

to say, bobi?

Bagus : now I want to talk more about my feelings with you, will you be my
girlfriend ?

Permata : (blushed) yes I want to be your


Finally Bobi can lose weight and change a healthier lifestyle

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