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Meilianti, Martha Aznury, Yuniar, Lidia Agustina
Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, JL Srijaya Negara, Bukit Lama, Kec. Ilir Barat I, kota Palembang, 30139

Beet and guava fruit are innovations from food processing that have nutritional value to be used as useful
products. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best pectin concentration and the right fruit composition to
make the best quality jelly candy. Jelly candy is a semi-wet food product made from liquid or fruit juice with the
basic ingredients of sugar and other sweetening ingredients and made with the addition of gelling agents or
pectin. The first factor is the type of gelling agent (pectin) with variations of 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4%. The second
factor is the composition of the ingredients with two comparisons of beetroot and guava fruit 60:40 and 80:20.
Pectin concentration has an effect on water content, ash content, reducing sugar, metal content (Pb), sucrose
levels. , hedonic organolepetic (color, aroma, texture), based on the results of research conducted on jelly candy
products, the composition of the best beets and guava is at a ratio of 60:40 and a pectin concentration of 2%.
Results Analysis of beetroot and guava jelly candy produced 0.96% moisture content, 0.27% ash content, 0.2077
ppm lead jelly metal content, 0.4415 ppm bitumen metal content, 18.06% reducing sugar, 18% sucrose level.
Aroma 3.80 (likes), texture 3.7 (likes), color 4 (really like), taste 3.2 (like).

Keywords: Beetroot, Guava, Pectin, Jelly candy


Jelly candy has advantages compared to other types of candy. These advantages can be seen in the
cohesion which is higher than the adhesion power so that the jelly candy is not sticky when consumed
(Ensminger et al., 1994). Jelly candy is included in semi-moist food made from fruit juice. certain
viscosity Appearance is clear, transparent, and has a texture and appearance is clear, transparent, and
has a texture. (Harijono et al., 2001). Jelly candy including the type of candy favored by all walks of
life, especially among children and adolescents. It is known that fruit jelly candy has better nutritional
value because it contains vitamins, protein, minerals and fiber needed by the body (Ikhariztiana., 2004)
Jelly candy is also candy made from a mixture of fruit juice, gel-forming ingredients or with the
addition of essens to produce a variety of flavors, with a clear transparent physical form and has a
chewy texture like gum. Gel forming agents commonly used include gelatin, pectin, carrageenan or
jelly. Jelly candy classified as semi-wet food, therefore it needs proper handling to extend the shelf life
(Malik, 2010)
Beets including tubers, contain substances that are very necessary for health, including iron,
vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and fiber. According to Wirakusumah, quoted
by Lenni (2015), some of the nutrients contained in beetroot are carbohydrates, protein, fiber, various
minerals and high water content. Beet bulbs contain mostly vitamin A and vitamin C, calcium iron,
phosphorus, protein and carbohydrates. Beets are also high in folate and betacyanin (Mulyani, 2015).
According to Rao (2014), beetroot (Beta vulgaris L) has antibacterial activity at a minimum inhibitory
concentration of 5 mg / ml against Bacillus subtilis, Pseudoma aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Guava
fruit contains various nutrients which can be used as medicine for health. The vitamin C content of
guava is twice the sweet orange which is only 49 mg per 100 g of fruit.
Guava fruit is included in a small tree or type of pardu, which has many branches and reaches 5-
10 m in height. greenish brown, not easily broken ,, the stem is woody, hard, smooth, peeling bark.
Short-stemmed face to face, fine-haired young leaves, single leaf, short-lived. strands of leaves that
look like ovoid rather pushing, base rounded, rather flat curved upward, length 6-14 cm, width 3-6 cm,
stemmed, single fruit, colored green to yellowish green. Fruit flesh rather thick, pinkish-white-
yellowish. Where many seeds collect hard, small, brownish yellow, and seeds gather in the middle.
(Anggraini, 2010) Guava fruit contains various nutrients that can be used as medicine for health. The
vitamin C content of guava is twice the sweet orange which is only 49 mg per 100 g of fruit. Vitamin C
is concentrated in the skin and the outer flesh is soft and thick. The content of guava vitamin C peaked
just before it was ripe. (Rukmana, 1996)


Research Materials
1. Jelly
Jelly is a food that has been popular in Indonesia and is also widely liked by all groups, especially
children, desserts, and usually also consumed as a snack. Although it tastes sweet, jelly reduces stress,
containing nutrients that are beneficial to the body such as helping to reduce bad cholesterol. Helps
increase immunity, a source of food fiber, and many others.
Jelly is a product that is now becoming popular as food, snacks, or for cosmetic purposes. Making
jelly is one way to reduce abundant fruit waste at harvest. Producing good quality jelly from abundant
fruit at harvest is a very important challenge, because it can reduce fruit waste and produce many
benefits (Anggadiredja, 2009).
According to Koswara (2006), jelly is a semi-solid food made from fruits and sugar with a total
solid content of at least 65%. The composition of the raw material is 45% parts of fruit and 55% parts
of sugar. Making jelly does not use pulp but juice. A good jelly has a chewy texture, transparent, and
has the original fruit aroma and taste.
In principle, all types of fruit can be used to make jelly, especially fruits that contain pectin. To
produce a lot of pectin, the fruit used should be ripe physiologically, but to get a taste (smell and taste)
morphological ripe fruit is used. In jelly making, physiological and morphological ripe fruits are used
in the same ratio to produce the right pectin composition and good taste (Koswara, 2006).
There are two stages in making jelly, namely making juice and making jelly or cooking juice . The
juice obtained should be blended for 5 minutes, then allowed to stand for one hour so that all the
impurities settle and obtained clear fruit juice. In making jelly, the juice is cooked by adding sugar until
thick (Koswara, 2006).
Determining the end point of making jelly can be done in two ways. The first way is done by
dipping a spoon into the juice, then removed. If the juice extract does not melt for long, and is
separated into two parts, stop cooking, meaning that the jelly has formed. The second method of
determination is by fork test or test using a fork, where a fork is dipped in juice and then removed. If
the fork is covered with fruit juice which then falls leaving some parts of the jelly on the side of the
fork, jelly has formed (Jelen, 1985).
The function of the fruit in the manufacture of jelly is as a color and smell provider. It also
contains pectin that is needed to make a good and sturdy gel structure. If the pectin in the fruit is not
enough to form a gel, it is necessary to add pectin or other gelling agents. The addition of pectin must
be done before the juice is warmed up (Wono, 2008).
Table 1.1. Jelly Candy Quality Requirements
No. Test Criteria Jelly
1. Condition
- Taste Normal
- Smell Normal
2. Water Content % mass fraction Max 20
3. Ash Content % mass fraction Max 3
4. Reducing sugar (invert sugar) % mass fraction Max 25
5. Saccharose % mass fraction Min 27
6. Metal contamination
- Lead (Pb) mg/kg Max 2
- Copper (Cu) mg/kg Max 2
- Tin (Sn) mg/kg Max 4
- Mercury (Hg) mg/kg Max 0,03
7.Arsenic contamination (As) mg/kg Max 1
Source: National Standardization Agency (2008)

2. Bits
Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants are widely found in Europe, Asia and in America. Beet leaves are
usually used as a vegetable while beetroot can also be used for sugar production because of the high
content of sucrose sugar in beetroot. Beet tubers are not only used as natural dyes but can also be used
as sweeteners (Andarwulan, 2012). According to previously known theories, beetroot comes from the
crossing of B vurgaris var. maritime (sea beet) with B. patula. Related species of beets are B.
macrocarpa and B. atriplicifolia. At first, red beet bulb which is also a plant where the leaves can be
used as vegetables, and finally after 1500 there was an interest in using the tubers (Rubatzky, 1998).
Beet tubers are a food that is purplish red in color. Pigments that affect the red color of the reds on
beets are betalain pigments, which are a combination of purple betacyanin pigments and yellow
betaxanthin pigments. The content of pigments in beets is believed to be very useful in preventing
cancer, especially colon cancer. A study that has been conducted proves that beets have the potential to
inhibit cell mutations in cancer patients (Astawan, 2008).
The root of this plant is located at the tip of the tuber. Flowers from beetroot are arranged in one
long-stemmed flower arrangement (racemus). But unfortunately, these beetroads are very difficult to
flower in Indonesia. Beet bulbs contain several vitamins, namely vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C,
so that the red beet tuber plant is good for human health. Beet tubers can also be consumed in large
quantities for people with low blood pressure, because beetroot contains vitamins and minerals.
Usually the beetroot is used as beet is a potential source of food fiber and various vitamins and
minerals that can be used as a potential source of antioxidants and help prevent infection.
The content of pigments found in beets is believed to be very useful for preventing cancer,
especially colon (large intestine) cancer (Santiago and Yahlia 2008). According to Kelly (2005) beets
are very good for cleaning blood and removing fat deposits so it is very good for those who suffer from
drug addiction, liver disease, premenopause, and cancer. Beets are very nutritious in cleansing the liver,
are also very beneficial for blood and are a good laxative. Several studies have shown that the content
of chemical compounds contained in beets is very beneficial for health, including:
1. Effective blood cleanser
2. Relief of breathing
3. Maximizing baby's brain development
4. Overcoming anemia
5. As an anti-cancer (Astawan, 2008).
The taxonomic position of Beta Vulgaris L. is as follows Splittstoesser, 1984):
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (Producing seeds)
Kelaa Sub: Hamamelidae
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (two pieces / dicot)
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Chenopodiaceae
Species: Beta vulgaris L.
Genus: Beta
2.1 Types of beets
According to Setiawan (1995) there are several types of bits. The types are grouped into two as
2.1.1. White Beet or Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. Var. Cicla L)
Plants that are planted specifically to produce large leaves, crispy flesh, half curly, and shiny
rather than tubers. The bone leaves are large and colorful. The color of the leaf bone is usually white,
red or green. Leaf sheet colors range from light green to dark green. Where the tubers are whitish red.

Figure 2.1. White Beet or Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. Var. Cicla L)
2.1.2 Red beets (Beta vulgaris L. Var. Rubra L)
The red beet is the color of a deep red tuber. This type of beet has been widely planted in
several highland areas in Indonesia.
Figure 2.2. Red beet (Beta vulgaris L. Var. Rubra L)

2.2 Beet Nutritional Content

Kusumaningrum, et al (2012) states, beetroot containing vitamins. and minerals which have many
benefits. Beets are able to stimulate build up, and cleanse red blood cells so that blood can carry body
substances and red blood cells so that blood can carry body substances and can prevent lack of red
blood cells in the body. In Eastern Europe these beetroads are well known and are used for the
treatment of leukemia (Andarwulan, 2012).
According to Kelly (2005), the beet is able to get rid of excess fat deposits and cleanse the blood.
Therefore, beets are very suitable for consumption for sufferers of premenopausal, liver disease, and
cancer. According to Wirakusumah (2007) beets can be believed to protect body organs, such as
strengthening kidney, liver and gallbladder functions, and can fight kidney stones. Beetroot can relieve
allergies containing anti-inflammatory substances. Beetroot also helps to regulate irregular cycles
during menstruation. Beetroot contains magnesium by 9.8%, potassium by 14.8%, tryptophan by 1.4%,
fiber by 13.6%, vitamin C by 10.2%.
2.3 Chemical Composition of Beets
In general, beets have good nutrition. Here is the average chemical composition of fresh beets.
Table 2.1. Chemical Composition of Beets
Substance Ingredients
Energy (kal) 42
Protein (g) 1,6
Fat (g) 0,1
Carbohydrates (g) 9,6
Calcium (mg) 27
Phosphorus (mg) 43
Fiber (g) 2,5
Iron (mg) 1,0
Vitamin A (mg) 20
Vitamin B (mg) 0,02
Vitamin C 43
Source: List of Food Composition of Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2005.
The substances above have the following functions (Gratitude and Youth, 2015):
1. Protein is able to launch metabolism in the body and maintain heart health;
2. Fiber works to prevent colon cancer, diabetes, and is good for dieting;
3. Calcium serves to strengthen bones;
4. Phosphorus for body tissue growth;
5. Iron to increase blood;
6. Vitamin B1 works to maintain body temperature stability;
7. Vitamin B2 to increase appetite;
8. Vitamin B3 for lowering cholesterol levels;
Vitamin C to maintain healthy and smooth skin.
2.4 Guava
Guava fruit is included in small trees or pardu species, which have many branches and reach 5-10
m in height. greenish brown, not easily broken ,, the stem is woody, hard, smooth, peeling bark. Short-
stemmed face to face, fine-haired young leaves, single leaf, short-lived. strands of leaves that look like
ovoid rather pushing, base rounded, rather flat curved upward, length 6-14 cm, width 3-6 cm, stemmed,
single fruit, colored green to yellowish green. Fruit flesh rather thick, pinkish-white-yellowish. Where
many seeds collect hard, small, brownish yellow, and seeds gather in the middle. (Anggraini, 2010).

Figure 2.3 guava fruit
Guava fruit that we often eat but usually we do not know what content is contained in the fruit.
Guava fruit contains various nutrients which can be used as medicine for health. The vitamin C content
of guava is twice the sweet orange which is only 49 mg per 100 g of fruit. Vitamin C is concentrated in
the skin and the outer flesh is soft and thick. The content of guava vitamin C peaked just before it was
The system of nomenclature (taxonomy) of guava plants is classified as follows: (Rukmana,
Kingdom: Plantae (herbs)
Division: Spermatophyta (seed plants)
Subdivision: Angiosperms (covered seeds)
Class: Dicotyledoneae (seed in two pieces)
Tribe: Myrtaceae
Nation: Myratles
Marga: Psidium
Type: Psidium guajava L.
Guava fruit has a high nutritional content and complete composition as presented in Table 2.2
Table 2.2 Nutrient content of guava fruit per 100 g of fruit
No. Nutrient content Total Nutrient content Unit

1 Calorie 49.000 (energy) (cal)

2 Protein 0,90 (gram)
3 Fat 0,30 (gram)
4 Carbohydrates 12,20 (gram)
5 Calcium 14,00 (m g)
6 Phosphorus 28,00 -
7 Zat besi 1,10 -
8 Vitamin A 25,00 (S.I.)
9 Vitamin B 0,02 (m g)
10 Vitamin C 87,00 (m g)
11 Water 86,00 (gram)
12 Edible portions 82,00 -
Source: Directorate of Nutrition of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (1981) in
Hidayah (2009).
Guava fruit is rich in fiber, especially pectin (water soluble fiber). In general, the physiological
role of dietary fiber is to increase stool mass, slow gastric emptying time, increase satiety after meals,
reduce glucose absorption, and increase bile acid excretion (Wirakusumah, 2014).
2.5 Pectin
The chemical compound pectin was first discovered by Vauguelin in 1790. Bracconot first gave
the term pectin, which comes from the Greek Pektas which means to thicken or become solid. Pectin is
a texture enhancing polysaccharide in plant cells that is between cellulose and hemicellulose. Together
cellulose and hemicellulose form tissue and strengthen plant cell walls.
Pectin is a stabilizing agent which is a compound in fruits. Pectin has properties such as pectic
acid and pectin has dispersed properties in water, pectin can also form a salt called pectinic salt. Pectin
can form a gel with sugar more than 50% of the carboxyl group has been methylated. (Winarno, 2004)

Figure 2.4 Pectin

The formation of gel from pectin is influenced by the presence of pectin concentration, pH, and
the percentage of sugar. The greater the concentration of pectin, the harder the gel is formed. The added
sugar must not be more than 65% essence so that the crystals that form on the surface of the gel can be
prevented. The effect of pH on gel formation is that the lower the pH, the harder the gel and the less
amount of pectin needed but if the pH is too low it will cause synerysis while too high pH will cause
the gel to break; A good pH is 3.1 - 3.2 (Winarno, 2004)
Pectin is a heterogeneous polysaccharide group with high molecular weight. Pectin compounds
are important in the food sector because of their effect on the texture and consistency of the ingredients,
because the properties which can form gels are widely used both in the food and non-food industries.
Pectin can be widely used in various fields including: the food industry, pharmaceuticals and
pharmaceuticals medicine, paper industry, textiles, cosmetics, and others. (Susanto and Budi 1994)
Pectin is a polygalluraconic acid with a linear chain consisting of D-galactutonic acid units
connected by α-1,4 glycoside bonds. Galacturonic acid is a derivative of galactose. Besides D-
galacturonic acid as the main component, pectin also has D-galactose, L-arabinose, and L-rhamnosa in
varying amounts. Pectin is a polygalluraconic acid containing methyl esters. Pectin is commercially
extracted from the skins of oranges and apples under acidic conditions. Commercially produced pectin
contains 65% galacturonic acid while the methyl esterification content ranges between 30 and 80%
(Pigman, 1946). The chemical structure of polygalluraconic acid can be seen in Figs. following.

Figure 2.5 The chemical structure of pectin

2.5.1 Physical Properties and Chemical Properties of Pectin

Pectin is a solid white brownish substance. Other physical properties such as solubility, viscosity,
and ability to form a gel depend on the chemical characteristics of pectin itself such as methoxyl
content, degree of esterification and molecular weight.
2.5.2. Uses of Pectin
Pectin is widely used in the food industry because of its ability to form a gel which is the basic
ingredient of jelly and fruit preserving. The ability of pectin to form a gel depends on its methoxyl
content. Pectin with high methoxyl content can form a gel with the addition of sugar, whereas with a
low esterification degree (<50%) can form a gel with the addition of bivalent ions such as calcium.

3. Sucrose
Sucrose or saccharose is an oligasaccharide that can be hydrated into glucose and fructose in an
acidic atmosphere. Saccharose has 4 calories per gram with the molecular formula C12H22O11 and
molecular weight 342.30. Sucrose is an oligasaccharide that has an important role in food processing
and many are found in sugar cane, beetroot, siwalan, coconut kopyor. Apart from that, sucrose is also
found in fruit and honey. Pure saccharose cannot be fermented with mushrooms. Commercially
saccharose or beetroot containing 10-17% saccharose by the purification process. In the food industry,
sucrose is usually used in the form of fine or coarse crystals and in large quantities used in the form of
sucrose (syrup) liquid (Dwi Widyajayantie, FMIPA UI, 2007)
Chemical name: -D-glucopyranosyl - D-fructofuranoside
: -D-fructofuranosil-D-glucopyranoside

Figure 2.6 Sucrose Structure

Research Stages
The research steps undertaken in achieving the objectives in this study include:

Preparation (Kurnia, 2017)

Clean the beets and soursop fruit from dirt and then peel the skin of beets and guavas. Next cut into
small pieces that have been cleaned and prepare chemicals - chemicals such as pectin.
Beetroot and soursop extraction stage (Kurnia, 2017)
Beets and soursop that has been prepared will be cut into small pieces and then blended, added with
water as much as 10 mL then heated at a temperature of 100oC for one hour, filtered and taken the
Jelly Making Stage (Kurnia, 2017)
Beet juice and soursop juice are mixed in a ratio of 60: 40, heated to a temperature of 80 oC ± 3
minutes and gelatin added with a variation of 2%; 2.5%; 3%; 3.5%; and 4% pectin into the mixture and
added with 100 ml water. Then stir until thickened and then lowered its temperature. Then poured in a
mold and allowed to stand for 1 hour to room temperature. Stored in the freezer for 24 hours and
removed in the freezer then allowed to stand at room temperature. Cut and decorate the jelly that has
been produced then do the same product from step 1 using a comparison of beet juice and soursop juice
80: 20 and gelatin variation is 2%; 2.5%; 3%; 3.5%; and 4% gelatin into the mixture.

Analysis of Results
Determination of Moisture Content Gravimetric Method (AOAC, 1995)
The porcelain exchange rate is calibrated by drying it in the oven for 30 minutes at 100oC, then cooled
in a desiccator and weighed. 1-2 grams of sample are weighed, put in a porcelain exchange rate that has
been calibrated and dried in an oven at 105-110oC for 3-5 hours depending on the material used. Cool
in a desiccator for 15 minutes then weigh. After the first weighing is obtained, the porcelain exchange
rate containing the sample is dried again for 30 minutes, after that it is cooled in a desiccator for 15
minutes then weighed. The porcelain exchange rate is re-weighed until a constant weight is obtained.
Moisture content can be calculated by the formula:
Initial We ight-Final Weight
Water Content (%) = x 100%
Sample Wei ght
Determination of Ash Content (AOAC, 2005)
Porcelain dishes are dried in an oven at 105 oC for 1 hour. Porcelain dishes are cooled for 15 minutes
in a desiccator, and weighed. A sample of 1.5-2 grams is inserted, then put in a furnace whose
temperature is 600 oC for 3 hours. The cup is cooled outside the furnace to a temperature of ± 120 oC,
put in a desiccator. The cup and ash are weighed so that a constant weight is obtained. Ash content is
calculated by the formula:
Final Weig ht
Ash Content (%) = Sample Wei ght x 100%

Determination of Reduced Sugar (D-Glucose) Levels

Preparation of Luff Schoorl's solution
Dissolve 143.8 g of anhydrous Na2CO3 in 300 ml distilled water while stirring. Add 50 grams of citric
acid which has been stirred with 50 ml of distilled water. Add 25 grams of CuSO4.5H2O dissolved
with 100 ml of distilled water. Transfer the solution into a 1 liter measuring flask, fix it to the mark line
with distilled water and shake it.

Analysis of Results
Weigh a sample of 5 grams into a 500 ml erlenmeyer. Add 200 ml of HCl 3% and simmer for 3 hours
with an upright cooler. Cool and neutralize with 30% NaOH solution and add a little CH3COOH 3% so
the atmosphere of the solution is a bit acidic. Enter into a 500 ml volumetric flask and squeeze it to the
mark. Pipette 10 ml of the solution into a 500 ml erlenmeyer. Add 25 ml of luff school solution and 15
ml of Aquadest to the erlenmeyer. Heat the mixture with a steady flame. Try 3 minutes to boil, then
continue to simmer for 10 minutes. Cool the solution with ice water, then add 15 ml 20% KI and 25 ml
25% H2SO4. Add 3 drops Indicator of starch solution and re-titrate using Sodium Thiosulfate 0.1 N.
Make a blank with 25 ml of aquadest plus 25 ml of a luff schoorl solution and do the same procedure
from step number 5. The difference between the blank titration and the sample can be determined with
a luff schoorl . And for the determination of glucose levels are calculated using the formula:

Determination of Heavy Metal Content Test (SNI 2354.5: 2011)

Prepare a standard working solution Pb each of at least 5 (five) concentration points. Read the standard
work solution, examples and spiked on atomic absorption spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 283.3
nm for Pb. Calculate the Pb concentration using the formula:

Determination of Total Sugar Levels (Sudarmadji et al, 1997)

Prepare the refractometer used. Prepare 10 samples to be examined. Take a sample using a dropper and
then drop on a prism of a refractometer that has been cleaned as much as 2 drops then closed. Press the
start button. Then record the total sugar levels that are read on a refractometer.
Data processing
Some data obtained is processed using a formula and analyzed using graphics. Data processing was
performed on various parameters, namely water content, ash content, reducing sugars, sucrose and
orgnoleptic tests.
4.1 Results
4.1.1 Results of Jelly Candy Analysis
Based on the research carried out, the analysis of Jelly Candy includes a water content test, ash content
test, and a reduced sugar content (Glucose) test, sucrose test, Metal test (Pb), organoleptic test. The
results of the analysis can be seen in the following table.
Table 4.1 Data Analysis of Jelly Candy Water Content

Composition SNI
Water Content Water Content (%)
Beets (gr) Guava (gr) (%)

60 40 Maks 20% 1,68
80 20 Maks 20% 1,64

Tabel 4.2 Data Analysis of Jelly Candy Ash Content

Composition SNI
Ash Content Ash Content (%)
Beets (gr) Guava (gr) (%)

60 40 Maks 3% 0.36
80 20 Maks 3% 0.45

Tabel 4.3 Data Analysis of Jelly Candy Reduction Sugar levels

Composition SNI Reduction

Reduction Sugar
Sugar levels
levels (%)
Beets (gr) Guava (gr) (%)
60 40 Maks 25% 20,39
80 20 Maks 25% 18,03

Tabel 4.4 Data Analysis of Jelly Candy Sucrose Sugar Content

Composition SNI Sucrose Sugar

Sucrose Sugar
Content (%)
Beets (gr) Guava (gr) (%)

60 40 Min 27% 19
80 20 Min 27% 18

Tabel 4.5 Data Analysis of Jelly Candy Metal Contamination Levels

Metal Contamination (ppm) Jelly Candy Beets

1 60:40 0,0031 0,0051

Before beetroot and guava are processed into jelly candies, chemical analysis tests are carried out
first including water content, ash content, reducing sugar (glucose), sucrose, metal test (Pb),
Organoleptic Analysis, namely hedonic test and descriptive test covering color, aroma, texture, and
The variables used in this study were the composition of pectin 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4% and a
temperature of 80oC. The purpose of this study was to determine the good concentration of pectin on
the characteristics of jelly candies from beets and guava.
Water content
The results of the analysis showed that the value of jelly candy water content from variations in
the composition of it can be seen that the composition of the comparison of raw materials did not
influence the jelly candy water content value. The relationship between pectin and carrageenan on the
water content of beetroot and guava jelly candies. In the analysis of jelly candy water content, the
method used is the oven method in accordance with SNI 01-2891-1992 on "How to Test Food and
Beverage". The moisture analysis of the oven method is based on weighing the ingredients. Weight loss
due to the heating process is considered as the weight of the water content contained in the material
that evaporates during heating

Figure 4.1 Graphic Effect of Pectin Concentration on Water Content

In figure 4.1 it can be seen that the highest water content obtained in the composition of the
composition of 80:20 sample 1 obtained (2.28%), it can be seen that the lowest water content obtained
in the composition ratio of 60:40 sample 1 (0.96%), the value of different water this is related because
of the influence of the composition of the material. Pectin and carrageenan as emulsifiers, which are
added to food can stabilize a homogeneous dispersion system in food and increase the viscosity of the
ingredients and reduce the moisture content of the ingredients themselves.
Ash Levels
The results of the analysis showed that the value of ash content of candy jelly from the variation
of the composition of beets and guava produced from 60:40 ranged from 0.27 to 0.37% while the
variation of 80:20 ranged from 0.27 to 0.45%. ash jelly candy content analysis, the method used is in
accordance with SNI 01-2891-1992 on "How to Test Food and Beverage", testing the ash content in
principle, namely in the process of graying inorganic substances.

Graphic Effect of Pectin Concentration Treatment on Ash Content

Figure 4.2 shows that the higher concentration of pectin and carrageenan added causes the higher
ash content in beetroot and guava jelly candies produced tend to be high. Where the higher the
concentration of pectin added, the ash content of beets and guava jelly candy increases. The higher
amount of pectin is able to bind more minerals from water ingredients and dissolved solids thereby
increasing ash content.
Reducing Sugar (Glucose)
Reducing sugar (glucose) is a very influential parameter in the quality of glucose jelly products
produced. According to SNI 01-2891-1992 concerning "Test Method for Food and Beverage", testing
of glucose levels is carried out using the Luff-Schoorl method.

Figure 4.3 Graphic Effect of Pectin Concentration on Reducing Sugar

From the results of reducing sugar jelly candy where the highest yields found in samples 5 and
80:20 amounted (22.39%) and with the addition of 4% pectin and the lowest results contained in
sample 1 80:20 amounted to (15.43) %) with the addition of 2% pectin. the second graph results a
comparison of the increase in reducing sugars caused by sucrose content in fruit and the presence of
heating. With the addition of different pectin to jelly candy, it has an effect on reducing sugar because
the higher the concentration of pectin, the greater the reducing sugar content.
Sucrose Sugar Level (Total Sugar)
Sucrose has prominent properties, among others, which has a very desirable sweet taste, can act as
a bulking agent, has a high level of solubility, and good preservatives. Sucrose will form flavor and
color when heating, has a good storability, easy to digest, and non-toxic. In addition, sucrose is also
inexpensive, colorless, has high purity both from chemical and microbiological properties.
Figure 4.4 Graphic Effect of Beet Concentration on Sucrose
From the results of figure 4.4 shows the lowest total sugar found in the concentration of 2
variations (60:40) The proportion of pectin 2.5% with a value of 18% and the highest is in the
experiment concentration 1 Proportion of pectin 2% gr The higher the ratio of beets given the more
high total sugar produced. From Figure 4.4 shows that the higher the ratio of beets, the higher the total
sugar produced that can add to the portion of sucrose contained in the juice obtained by the value of 2.3
beet test results. Because the addition of beets is a sugar solution consisting of mostly sucrose. So that
the addition of sucrose sugar.
1. Candy jelly made from beets and guava with the addition of pectin has fulfilled SNI jelly candy
standards. The results of jelly candy from beets and guava with the characteristics of water content
(0.96 - 2.28%), ash content (0.27 - 0.56%), jelly candy sucrose content (17-20), fruit sucrose content
beets (2,3), reduced sugar content (18.06 - 22.11), jelly metal content (0.207) ppm beet metal content
(0.441) ppm. The results of jelly candies from beets and guava with organoleptic scent test 3.8 (like),
texture 3.7 (like), color 4 (really like), taste 3.2 (like).
2. In this study the best characteristics were obtained from jelly candies from beets and guavas
with the addition of 2% pectin. The exact composition of raw material for beetroot and guava is 60:40.
Because the organoleptic test got the optimum value and most preferred by the panelists in terms of
aroma, taste, color and texture.
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