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6:30am -CALL TIME
6:50 – 8:30 - assigned at treatment area (assisted
patients with abdominal discomfort, and
wound dressing those who have breaks in
the skin)
8:30 – 9:08 - assigned at receiving area (interviewed
patients, getting initial data, preparing
yellow/discharge slips)
9:10 – 9:25 - checked the temperature of the grade 6 students who
recently had mass at the chapel
9:30 – 9:45 - helped in interviewing patients at receiving area
9:45 – 10:10 -BREAK TIME
10:15 – 10:40 - assisted the school's dentist (assigned to do
suctioning while the doctor performs oral
10:45 – 11:20 - assigned at records area (getting the charts
of the patients)
11:20 – 11:50 helped at receiving area (interviewed,
assessed, and obtained patients’ vital signs)
12:00 – 12:45 - assigned at treatment area again

Edsylaine N. Bumatay
Like the first time I stepped on the clinic, nothing feels different. It's my
second and last day of clinical exposure but everything feels like the first. I
still get excited to meet the kids, I still can't hide my smile when I see them
complain about small scratch or how they got hurt while playing in the
soccer field, and I still look forward to be assigned on different posts every
thirty minutes. Since I already knew how everything works inside the clinic
and how each task is carried out, which is based on our experience last
week, it wasn't difficult for me anymore. But today is extraordinary because I
got the chance to assist the dentist on doing oral prophylaxis. Even though
all I did was do the suctioning, it already feels like a great achievement for
me. Yay!!! It really is a day to remember :)

In two days of being exposed to grade schoolers, I realized that what

made it more interesting to be assigned in pediatrics is the fact that I am
dealing with kids. That, I have to be more patient, more understanding, more
approachable, and more friendly especially that I have a resting bitch face. I
really don't like kids. I knew it from the start. But seeing them, interacting
with them, listening to their complains, I started to love them. It's like I loved
how genuine and honest they are with what they feel. When I look at them, I
can sense no lies. Hay, wish I could turn back time and be a kid again. I miss
being one.

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