Part 2 (Tháng 1 - Tháng 4 - 2019) PDF

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1. Describe someone you have not seen before but you would like to know
2. Describe a teenager you know
3. Describe a person who helps to protect the environment
4. Describe someone you would like to study or work with
5. Describe an intelligent person you know
6. Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome
7. Describe an old person who is interesting
8. Describe a person you want to be similar to when you grow up
9. Describe your grandparent’s job
10. Describe an interesting part of your country
11. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study
12. Describe a beautiful city
13. Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home
14. Describe an ideal house
15. Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family
16. Describe a game that you played in your childhood
17. Describe an important decision made with the help of other people
18. Describe a time that you had to change your plan / you changed your
19. Describe a time when you received money as a present
20. Describe a party that you joined
21. Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time
22. Describe a time when you looked for information from the internet
23. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the
24. Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time
25. Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the internet)
26. Describe a time that someone did not tell you the whole truth about
27. Describe a success your friend has achieved
28. Describe a situation when you don’t have enough time
29. Describe a time you received horrible service
30. Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person
31. Describe a healthy lifestyle you know


32. Describe a time you enjoyed your free time

33. Describe a language you want to learn (not English)
34. Describe a good law in your country
35. Describe the last book you read
36. Describe an interesting talk or lecture
37. Describe something given to you that you really need
38. Describe a historical period that you are interested in
39. Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn
40. Describe an important plant in your country
41. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh
42. Describe a time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken (such as
43. Describe a family business you know
44. Describe a new public facility (such as parks, cinemas etc) that influences
your city
45. Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event
46. Describe an item you bought but do not often use
47. Describe a book you want to write
48. Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in
49. Describe a present you received which was made by hand
50. Describe something lost by others but found by you
51. Describe something you do to help you study or work

1. Describe someone you have not seen before but you would like
to know more
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew about the person
What you want to know more about this person
Why you would like to know this person more

The person I am going to tell you is a student at my university. We are doing the
same degree in the same department. But because he is one grade below me, we have
never taken the same class and I have never met him before.

I knew him from the newsletter sent by my school. It said Xiaoming, his name,
decided to answer the call from the country and suspend his study to join the army


for two years. There were 9 individuals who made the same choice but he was the
only one in my department.

I was quite curious why he did that. Being a soldier was not an easy thing in
China. You had to undertake heavy training, obey the orders without hesitation and
go through a lot of physical exercises. All of these are quite different from the relaxed
atmosphere in university. So I want to know his motivation.

But at the same time, I admire him. It is soldiers who protect us from attack and
save us from various natural disasters. They are the most adorable people in China. I
want to be his friend and show my respect. That is why I want to know more about

2. Describe a teenager you know

You should say:
Who he or she is
How you got to know him or her
What you usually do together
And explain how you feel about him or her

The teenager I am going to tell you is my cousin, whose name is Xiaoming. He is

17 years old and over 180 centimeters, which makes me feel like a dwarf when
standing beside him. He is a senior high school student and is preparing for the
university entrance exam next year.

Although he is my cousin, I did not meet him until this summer vacation. He
and his parents live in Hainan, the most southern province in China, thousands of
miles away from here, and they rarely come back. But this year is my grandpa’s 80th
birthday, which is a very important event in Chinese culture, so they set aside their
work, took a plane and returned to their hometown. That is when I saw my brother
and we soon got familiar with each other.

I should say we have a wonderful time together. We were both addicted to a cell
phone game called Wangzherongyao, where you team up with four other players and
try to destroy the base of the other side. I had to admit he is a pro. Under his
guidance, we had never been defeated, which was unbelievable. We were indulged in
the feelings of victory and sometimes even forgot to eat.


It is a pity he had to return to Hainan after the summer vacation. I am sure I will
miss him. But luckily, we can still play the game together.

3. Describe a person who does something to help protect the

You should say:
Who this person is
What he or she does to protect the environment
How difficult it is to do that
And explain how you feel about the things this person does

The environmentally friendly person I am going to tell you is my grandma. She

is already 83 years old, but quite healthy. Every morning after breakfast, she takes a
walk in a park nearby, which usually lasts an hour. In the evening, she would sit in
front of the house and chat with other old ladies.

The way she protects the environment is quite simple. She insists to bring her
own cloth bag to the supermarket to buy some vegetables on her way home from the
walk so that she will not need the plastic bags. A year ago, she did not do that. She
loved to use the plastic bags because they are light and convenient. But when I told
her that plastic bags are almost impossible to dissolve in nature and can kill animals
when they accidentally eat them, her behavior changed. Now, wherever she goes, she
will take her cloth bag.

Giving up plastic bags and using a cloth bag instead is quite an easy way to
protect the environment, but insistence is another thing. Even though we know how
harmful plastic is to the environment, sometimes we would still use it because of its

That is why I admire my grandma. She never forges to bring her cloth bag. If
everybody behaves like her, I believe our environmental issue will be significantly
alleviated in a short time.

4. Describe someone you would like to study or work with

You should say:
Who this person is;
What you would like to work on with this person;
Whether you’ve worked together before;
And explain why you would like to work/study with this person.


Someone I want to work with is Feng Gong, who was my classmate and still is
one of my intimate friends in college.

We have worked together once in college. It’s been quite a while but I still
remember we were having a group work for a robotic project of an association in our
school. You know, the work was not very easy at all, and required a lot of effort and
time to tackle the problems occurred during the designing and testing sessions. I got
very depressed at that time, and even wanted to throw in the towel. He often came to
me to do some favor for me as much as he could and was always the first one to
encourage me to carry on. You know, things went better then, and we ended up
getting things done, and I always appreciated his timely help.

He’s been concentrating on computer science for a couple of years and is about
to finish his graduate program in science. I am now running my own non-profit
organization in International Relations,and I really hope he could join me for the
technological part. His specialty in technology would help make the organization
more effective in working.

Another reason why I am willing to work with him is that I know his due
diligence and great personality would definitely keep the organization’s competitive
edge and make the working atmosphere much more encouraging.

5. Describe an intelligent person you know

You should say:
Who this person was
How old this person is
What he does
and explain why you think he or she was intelligent

The person I am going to tell you is Stephen Hawking, a world-renowned

scientist. He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. He was
also the director of a research department and the professor of Mathematics at the
University of Cambridge.

When he was 21st, he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, which affects
and causes the deaths of neurons that control the brain and the spinal cord. At


first,the doctor predicted that he could only live for another two years. But he kept
fighting and did not die until 2018 when he was 76 years old.

Stephen Hawking had done profound work in physics, especially in the theories
about the university and the black hole. Due to my limitation of knowledge, I could
not understand his various researches and conclusions, but from the reports on the
newspapers and comments of other scientists, I know he made a great contribution
to the development of cutting-edge physical theories.

However, what makes me think he was intelligent is not his research, but his
several works of popular science. He magically turns those boring, complex figures
and equations into something the general public can understand and arouses their
interest into this subject, which is amazing.

6. Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome

You should say:
who this person is
When and where you first met
What personality he or she has
and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome

The handsome person I am going to tell you is Xiaoming, who was my classmate
and roommate back in high school. The first time I met him was on the enrolment
day. When I finally completed the complex registration process and carried the huge
box of my belongings to the dormitory, he was already there. He has made his bed
and was standing in front of a mirror, adjusting his clothes.

Noticing my arrival, he turned around, said hello, took the various stuff off my
hand and put them on the ground, which was a great help.He was wearing jeans and
a white jacket, with a pink shirt inside. He had sparkling eyes and a high-bridged
nose. His skin was as white as pearls and his hair was divided at the side.

He seemed to value his appearance very much. Every morning, he spent a lot of
time picking clothes and taking care of his hair. Even during the class, he would take
out a small mirror to check whether his hairstyle was mussed.

His appearance brought him many conveniences. When doing some group work
or team project, people would volunteer to be his partner and do most of the task.


When he and other students made some mistakes, teachers were more likely to
pardon him and blame others. I really envied him.

7. Describe an old person who is interesting

You should say:
Who this person was;
How you met this person;
What you did or talked about;
And explain why you think this person was interesting.

An interesting old person I met is an Italian cruise ship pianist named Will, who
was probably in his 50s.

It was about a year and a half ago, my friends and I were on the National Day
Holiday, and we took an Italian cruise ship to Kagoshima in Japan. That’s was the
first time in my life to travel by sea, and it was indeed a totally different experience.

I met this pianist at a corner of a café lounge on this cruise ship. His music was
so soothing to us when we were relaxing on the couch enjoying the endless blue sea
outside the window. He came at 2 pm every day on shift, and I had become his loyal
listener since the first day on board. He sometimes also sang and played some
Chinese classic songs from singers like Zhou Huajian, who was my parents’ age, but
is still very popular nowadays in China.

He was so nice to his listeners and I even had some chitchat with him after his
performance. What made me so interesting about him was that he sang perfectly in
Chinese, which was amazing. At least most of the Chinese senior singers I met at his
age wouldn’t be able to sing in English well. You know, he told me he was quite into
Chinese culture and had been there for many times.

Well, I think the craziest and coolest thing he did I think was that he chose to live his
life on this cruise, and it’s been almost 3 years! That reminds me of a movie called
The Legend of 1900, in which there’s a pianist who also had his piano career on the
sea. I think Will is one of a few who I’ve met that have lived life in the most
interesting way

8. Describe a person you want to be similar to when you grow up

You should say:
When you first met the person


Who this person was

What the person did
And why you would like to become this person

The person I am going to tell you is Uncle Li, my father’s best friend. They were
born in the same village and went to the same primary school, secondary school, and
high school. After graduation, my father chose to further his education at the
university, while my uncle chose to answer the call to join the army.

The first time I met him was at my home, when I was 8 years old. Then, he just
retired from the military and came back. Since they had not met for almost 10 years,
my father was quite excited. Instead of going to a restaurant, he got up early, bought
some vegetables and meat, and made dinner by himself.

Uncle Li was a medium-sized man, not very strong, but looked really robust. He
told me the tough training he had gone through, . the friendship he had formed with
his colleagues, and the conflict against Vietnam he had participated. His arm was
injured in the battlefield. But he said he did not regret. Someone had to stand up to
protect our country.

I was deeply touched and inspired. Being a soldier was so cool in the eyes of an
8-year-old boy. I made a resolution that I would also join the army and fight against
the enemies when I grew up.

9. Describe your grandparent’s job

You should say:
What it was
How long he or she had this job
How he or she got the job
And whether you would like to have this job

My grandfather is a chef, working at the most historical hotel in our city. It used
to be quite prestigious. Whenever there was a celebrity or a high-rank government
official came to my city, this hotel would be his first choice. With time passing by, the
hotel’s status has declined, but it is still among the top players.

My grandfather has been a cook for more than 40 years. At first, he was only
allowed to stand aside, pass on the kitchen wares, and wash them after a day’s work.


Gradually he gained the right to prepare ingredients,like chopping vegetables, slicing

meat, and peeling potatoes. After 5 years, he could finally cook food by himself. And
now, he is the king of the kitchen. Everybody has to follow his command and make
dishes under his instructions.

My grandfather chose this job quite accidentally. When he was a child,

everything was scarce, especially food. He was always hungry. So he wanted to do
some job that could fill his stomach. And he found that even in the most difficult
years, cooks could still feed their family. So he went to the hotel and became a
kitchen assistant.

Although I love cooking for my parents and girlfriend, being a cook has never
been on my list. It is quite physically demanding. You have to stand in front of a
cooker for hours and kept swinging the scoop. I do not think I am fit enough to
manage that.

10. Describe an interesting part of your country

You should say:
Where it is
How you got to know about it
What it is famous for
And explain why you think it is interesting

The interesting part I am going to tell you is Chongqing. It is located in the

southwest of China and surrounded by mountains. In the past, it is often referred to
as the “land of abundance”, since it has fertile soil and the mountains keep it from
the damage caused by wars.

I knew this place from my textbooks, but just its name and location. I did not
know what it actually looks like until quite recently because a lot of people take
videos of this place and post it on Douyin, a very popular short video application.

The city is famous for two things, its food and landscape. Hotpot is the
representative of the city’s food, which is hot and spicy. If you are not familiar with
the taste, you may not be able to feel your tongues and lips when you take the first
bite. But a huge number of people are crazy about it. Some even fly there to have a
dinner. The city’s landscape is also unique. As it is built on the mountains, something
interesting happens. Usually, we step out of a building on the ground floor and hit on


the road. But here, you can also leave the building on the 8th floor or even 15th floor.
there are roads out of these floors.

Its food and landscape make it an interesting place and I believe they are also
the reasons why so many people post videos about it.

11. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to
You should say:
Where it is
When you go there
What you study there
Who you go with
Why you would study in this place

The place that I find easy to study is the library in my university. It is a huge
building with 8 floors, which was completed only last year. As it is located right in the
center of the campus, no matter where you are, you can get there quite easily.

I go there whenever I do not have a class, usually every evening, but sometimes
also in the afternoon. What I study there depends on the assignments of courses. If I
have finished all of them, I will randomly pick a book from the shelf and start
reading. There were one or two times that the book was so boring that it put me off.

I usually go to the library by myself, because I believe study is quite a personal

thing. I do not like to talk with others or share the feelings after reading a book.
Instead, I prefer sitting there and retrospecting the content. But before the math
exam, I would go there with my best friend, because I need his help to do the review.

The library is a perfect place for study. Firstly, it is very quiet. People consciously
keep their voice down and slow their pace. There is no one to interrupt me. Secondly,
it has a unique atmosphere. With thousands of books around, I feel I am already

12. Describe a beautiful city

You should say:
Where it is
How you know it


What it is famous for

And why you think it is a beautiful city

The beautiful city I am going tell you is Phuket. It is located in the south of
Thailand, Southeast Asian. It consists of one main island and 32 small islands off its
coast. You can fly there by plane, which usually takes 3-5 hours, depending on where
you are in China.

It is quite a hot place for vacations nowadays. Every year, thousands of Chinese
go there to enjoy their holidays. I know this place from a friend. He and his family
went there during Spring festival last year and he posted a number of photos on his
wechat. I was astonished by the beautiful views and various entertainments there.

The city is famous for a range of things. Since it is surrounded by the sea, you
can try diving, swimming, fishing, and other water activities, or you can just sit on
the beach and enjoy the sunbathing. There are also a lot of pubs, bars, Thai boxing
performance and Thai style massage, which make it a perfect place to relax.

Phuket’s main industry is tourism, so the environment has not been damaged.
The sky is clear blue with several clouds floating. The breeze brings fresh air and the
smell of the sea. The water is so clear that you can even see the fish swimming below
the surface. The beach is full of white soft sand, which invites you to lay down and
have a rest. All of these are the reasons why I think it is a beautiful city.

13. Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your
You should say:
Where it would be
how you would like to go there
What you would do there
and explain why you would like to go there

The place I intend to travel to is Queenstown. It is in the southwest of New

Zealand’s South Island. I knew it from a TV program called “travel around the world”
and was astonished by its beautiful sceneries. Since then, I have always been
planning to go there.


As New Zealand is on the other side of the Pacific ocean, it seems like I have no
other choice but the plane, which would take 14 hours. I could also travel by boat.
But this will mean I have to float on the ocean for over a month. I do not think my
university will grant me such a long holiday.

Queenstown is the home of extreme sports. I want to try Bunjee, skydiving, and
mountain bike. Local shops provide everything I need. there are also a lot of
professional guides and trains there, so I will not need to worry about my lack of

Life in Queenstown represents another choice. In China, I am always told to

study hard and work hard. It is like somebody is constantly pushing me forward. It is
not bad but can be exhausting. In Queenstown, with so many extreme sports, I can
release myself, challenge myself and indulge myself. That is why I want to go there.

14.Describe an ideal house

You should say:
when and where you saw it;
what it looked like;
what special features it had;
and explain why you liked it/ why it is ideal for you

I want to talk about the most gigantic house that I visited. It’s the Istana Nurul
Iman Palace, which is located in Brunei.

I went there last summer with my classmates on vocation. Our first-day schedule
of traveling in Brunei was to visit some scenic spots in the Capital Bandar Seri
Begawan, which was also the place where we landed by air. We were told by a kind
local, who accommodated us, that the Palace is the must-see place to visit. It’s
considered the largest known private residence in the world. So, we put in on our list
as our priority.

Well, the moment I got close to that building wasn’t so exciting. It looks like very
similar to other traditional Muslim structures. However, when we were led by the
tour guide to the inside of this building, I soon found the greatness in this house. You
know the ceiling was very high and the whole house was decorated with different
shining transparent materials. Oh, one thing I nearly forgot to mention is that the


chairs designated to the royal family that I saw were pretty and luxurious but not too

The reason why I love this house is that its grandness has opened my eyes. I’ve
never seen a building like this before. Also, I was quite into the peaceful
environment, which made me feel very relaxed.

15. Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or

You should say:
What it was
When you borrowed it
Who you borrowed it from
What you did with it
And why you borrowed it

The experience I am going to tell you happened about two years ago when I
borrowed money from a friend. That day was my birthday and according to the local
customs, I should invite my friends to dinner to enhance our friendship and show my
gratitude for their concerns. So I made a reservation at a restaurant near my school.

Back then, the mobile pay was not as developed as it is now, which means I had
to take cash. I put it in the pocket of my jacket in advance, but when I left the
dormitory I forgot to wear it. My friends and I had such a good time. When the
dinner came to the end, I went to the cashier to pay the bill. Then I found I did not
have the money. I asked the waiter if I could pay by debit card, but he said they did
not have the device. I was so embarrassed.

I had to call my best friend who was at the table and asked him to come to the
cashier, pretending that he needed to use the toilet. After learning about what
happened, he laughed like an idiot. I asked him to lend me some money and he
agreed without hesitation, which saved me. Until now, he still makes fun of me on
this from time to time.

16. Describe a game that you played in your childhood

You should say:
What the game was
When you played it
Who you played it with


How you felt about the game

The game I am going to talk about is called “Three words”. To play it, you need
at least three people. One of them is given the role of ghost, whose job is to hunt
ordinary people. Anyone he touches becomes the new ghost and he becomes normal.
An interesting setting about this game is that if you anticipate that you are not going
to escape the claw of the ghost, you can say three words. Any word would be OK, but
the number has to be three. Then you are frozen. You cannot move until your
companions come to save you. During this process, the ghost cannot turn you.

This game was very popular when I was in primary school. We played it after
school, but we would not give up the 10-minute break between courses either. When
the bell rang, we rushed out of the class and began playing. We would not stop until
the teacher came in. At school, I played with my classmates, and when I came home,
I played with my neighbors. I also played with strangers. Usually, they were very
friendly. As long as you asked, they would let you in.

I think this is a very good game. It consumes the excess energy of children and
strengthens their bodies because to play it, they have to keep running. It also
enhances children’s friendship as they have to save each other from the status of

17. Describe an important decision made with the help of other

You should say:
When it happened
Who helped you to make the decision
What the decision was
And how you felt about it

The important decision I am going to tell you happened in my senior high

school. Back then I was faced with the problem of the division of arts and sciences.
According to the Chinese educational system, everyone had to choose one as his or
her major and this would affect the subjects he or she took in the university entrance
exam. If you choose the sciences, you need to study physics, chemistry, and biology,
and if you choose the arts, you need to study geography, politics, and history.


I was so confused and did not know which one is better, so I went to my teacher
and asked for her advice. As I was good at all the subjects, she suggested me to
choose the sciences. She said that at this stage of my life, I would not know what I
wanted to do in the future. If I had chosen the sciences, I could still change into arts
degrees in the university. But if I had chosen the arts, it would almost be impossible
to study the sciences because of the lack of background knowledge. I thought her
words did make a sense and followed her advice.

It turned out that I had made a good decision. When I chose the universities and
majors after the exam, I could choose almost whatever I want. I am really grateful to
my teacher.

18.Describe a time that you had to change your plan or change your
You should say:
When this happened
What made you change the plan
What the new plan was
And how you felt about the change

The thing that I had to change my plan happened two weeks ago. That Saturday
was my girlfriend’s birthday. I was going to take her a fancy restaurant to have
dinner. That restaurant is located on the top of a television tower and is a revolved
one. If the weather is great, you can appreciate the wonderful scenery of the city
ablaze with lights.

However, just before the day of the date, I was suddenly told that there was an
exam of history on the next day. To pass it, I needed to memorize the whole book,
while I had not even started on page one. If I failed this subject, I would have to
retake this course. It would not only be a waste of time, but also a waste of money
since I had to pay for these credits. As a result, I had no choice but to give up the
arrangement for next day’s date and turned to study.

The textbook had about 500 pages, and I only had a day and a half to put them
into my mind. Obviously, only the daytime would not be enough and my dormitory
would be powered off during the night. So I got a room in a hotel, had food delivered
to my room and slept for one or two hours if I was too asleep. Eventually, I
completed this mission 4 hours before the exam.


Although I got great grades for this course, I was not happy at all. My girlfriend
was mad at me because I missed her birthday. I regretted so much that I had not
spent more time on the study in normal times.

19.Describe a time when you received money as a present

You should say:
Who gave it
When you received it
What you did with it
How you felt about it

The experience I am going to tell you happened between my best friend and me.
We have been classmates since high school and now we even live in the same
dormitory. He is an energetic boy, crazy about basketball. He is also careless, not
very good at picking gifts.

June the 13th was my birthday. He had been preparing for this since a month
ago, mainly thinking about what he should give as a present. I was also curious, but I
did not ask. On that day, he gave me a small box. I could not wait to open it and
found 500 RMB lying there. He said he did not know what I wanted, so he left the
choice to me.

With this money, I bought a shuffle, which is a small, convenient music player
produced by Apple. I had longed for it for about a year, but did not have the enough
money. I loved it so much that I carried it wherever I went.

When I recieved the money, I was a little surprised at first, because it is quite
rare for people to do this in Chinese culture. But then I was happy because I could
choose something I really wanted, not just accepted what they thought I wanted,
which often went wrong. So I like this present.

20. Describe a party that you joined

You should say:
What kind of party it was
Where the party was held
When you went there
And explain how you felt about the party


Well, a party which I went to was the one held right after I took my college
entrance examination. That was a bittersweet summer.

It was sort of a farewell party and was organized by our school’s international
department. The school administration thought that we might have little chance to
meet together again as a whole class, so they decided to make it special and unique
and definitely not cheap as well. It was supposed to be held in a fancy 5-star hotel,
and we were all required to dress formally, like ladies should wear high-heels, and
gentlemen’s tuxedo is highly recommended. You know what? I really took it
seriously. It took me like a month to seek for a suit that fit me well.

Honestly, it’s a little bit uneasy for me to dress in such a formal way, and I even
felt a little bit shy and intimidated when I stepped into the party hall. Maybe simply
because I was a kind of green when it comes to party stuff. But somehow I managed
to find my partner in the dancing session. After that, we talked a lot and shared our
future aspirations and indeed I had a perfect time there.

That party was a pretty memorable one actually. We’ve been through so many
rough times together in our school, and to say good-bye in that summer was really
difficult and sad. I think the most important reason why it left my the deepest
impression during my senior high school time was that I really cared, and I still do,
about the friendship I had with those lovely classmates during that period.

21. Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your
free time
You should say:
What the activity is
How often you do it
Who you would like to do it with
And explain why you would like to do this activity

The activity I would do when I am alone and free is to play a computer game
called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is a turn-based tactical role-playing
simulation grand strategy wargames produced by Koei. Thirteen installments of the
game have been published since 1985 and my favorite one is the 11th.

I usually play it on the Sunday afternoon when I have finished all my homework.
But this is not fixed. If I am bored, I may turn on the computer and play for one or


two hours even during the weekdays. There are also some times that I am so busy
that I do not touch it for a month. The frequency highly depends on my daily routine.

It is a console game and the AI would play my enemies. So I do not need a

partner or an opponent. But there was a time when my friends and I compete with
each other to see who would be the first to unify the country.

The game is based on a period of real history in China when numerous heroes
fought against each other and left their legends. By playing this game, you can
change their destiny and experience their lives. That is why I like playing it when I
am alone in my spare time.

22. Describe a time when you looked for information from the
You should say:
When it happened
What you were looking for
Where you were searching on the internet
And how you felt about the information

The experience I am going to tell you happened just a few days ago. A month
ago, I bought a puppy from the pet market. It is really cute. I do not know its breed,
but kind of like corky, with a pair of large ears and pretty short legs. It looks like a
rabbit when jumping across the threshold. I decided to bring it home at the first

However, I soon found a problem. It poops and pees everywhere. I feel like its
servant, with mops and brooms at hands all the time. So I decided to train it to
excrete at a fixed location, and I went to the internet to find out how.

I first use Baidu, a search engine, the Chinese version of Google, to look for what
I want. Then I went to Zhihu, an ask-and-answer community, to see if there was
anybody else who had the same problem.

Honestly speaking, I am not satisfied with the information I found. Most of them
are the same with only a few words’ difference, and there was no specific explanation.
So until now, I still have not solved the problem


23. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied
with the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And why you were satisfied with the result

The complaint I am going to tell you happened a few months ago. Then I was in
the middle of a financial crisis. I had to cut my budget on other aspects so that I
could afford the textbooks that teachers required me to buy. After reviewing my bills,
I found I had spent too much money on my cell phone. So I decided to degrade the

When I called the customer service of the operating company, the representative
said that I could upgrade my package any time I wanted, but if I wanted to degrade
it, I had to wait until next year. It was totally absurd. But no matter what I said, the
staff insisted that this was the regulation and there was no room for negotiation. I
called several times. Every representative gave the same answer.

I was enraged. I went to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology, which is a government body supervising all the mobile operating
companies. I filled a form, explaining what happened in details and why I thought
this was unfair. After I submitting it, the website said it would give me a reply in 7
working days.

In fact, it did not take that long. On the second day, the company’s customer
service called. He said he was the manager of the relevant department and was sorry
about the inconvenience his colleagues had caused. The package of my number was
degraded immediately. I was satisfied with his attitude and the result.

24. Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time
You should say:
What it is
When you first played
Who you played it with
How you learned to play the sport


And how you felt about the sport

One of the outdoor sports I played for the first time was snorkeling when I was
abroad for traveling.

I remember it was the time after graduation that I went to Phuket Island in
Thailand with my classmates for vocation. I got to know about this sport from our
tour guide who led us to a small tourist island for sightseeing.

Snorkeling is kind of a practice for real swimming in the sea. In order to make
sure that everyone one of us in the touring group could swim in the sea and that
nobody would accidentally get injured because of lack of practice, our tour guide
Jack gave us a roughly two-hour training in a huge swimming pool of a villa on that
small island.

To snorkel, you have to be equipped with a kind of diving mask with a long tube
that enables you to breathe the air in the water. Honestly,I was a little scared because
I seldom swam before, not to mention diving in the water just with a help of a tube.
You know, Jack was extremely nice. He helped me conquer the fear by teaching me
how to snorkel step by step. I saw his movement was so natural, and mine was like a
zombie. Then, I followed his advice to practice every single step time and time again.
It took me almost the entire two hours to master it. I felt it’s really worthwhile and I
really appreciate his guidance.

Well, I think snorkeling was not that really hard after I learned how to let go in
terms of our inner fear. From that on, snorkeling has been one of my favorite
outdoor sport in my life.

25. Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the

You should say:
What the news was about
When you got this news
Where you got this news from
And explain why you think it was a good piece of news

A piece of good news that I heard from the Internet was that residents from other
provinces of China can renew their ID cards in Beijing.


The exact policy enacted by the local government stated that people who are
working or studying in Beijing but do not have Beijing Hukou, which is a Chinese
household registration system, can apply to renew their ID cards in Beijing if they
have legal evidence that they have been living in Beijing.

I heard about this news from the Internet when I lost my ID card one day on my
way home and began to search a possible way to get a new one. You know, I’ve once
heard from someone that it’s way too complex to get a new legal document like ID in
a city that didn’t have your personal information stored in their local government,
not to mention about this mega capital city.I felt quite worried about this situation at
that time because, without my ID card, I wouldn’t be able to anything like buying a
train ticket. Without a ticket to go back to my hometown, it’s impossible for me to
renew it, which was a kind of dilemma.

Thank God that I got to know this news by searching the answer from Baidu,
which is a Chinese online search engine. The reason why I thought it’s such a
wonderful piece of good news was that it’s a savior that helped me get out of the trap.
Also, I’m glad that our government has become better and better in serving its
citizens in China.

26. Describe a time that someone didn’t tell you the whole truth
about something
You should say:
When this happened
What the situation was
Who you were with
And why the person didn’t tell me the whole truth

I want to talk about an occasion that happened in my high school. It was about
my little cat Daisy.

I clearly remember it was in the last but one month of my last semester in high
school. At that time, I was in my final busy round of preparation for the GAOKAO,
which is the college entrance examination in China.

The moment I got home from school one night, my mother told me that our
Daisy, a Persian Cat that I have kept since the first year of my junior high school, has
been sent to my aunt’s home for a while because she worried that it might affect my
studies, and that probably it was about to be back after my GAOKAO.


You know I immediately thought something wasn’t right there because Daisy
was very obedient and silent mostly, it didn’t bother me too much while I was
studying. But later, my mother’s calm facial expression, while she was knitting the
sweater, made my doubt soon disappear. Two months later, after I had taken the
exam, my mother hugged me and said that she felt so sorry not to tell the truth about
Daisy’s accident.She got lost when she was outing with my mother in the market and
couldn’t somehow find it. You know, I was sad to hear about that, but I didn’t blame
my mother for this tragedy.

I think the reason why my mother didn’t tell me the truth at the very beginning
was that she wanted me to put my whole heart into the preparation for the most
significant exam in high school. I felt like the movie’s plot had lived in my real life.
But, I do appreciate my mother’s care, without which I wouldn’t be able to make it in
the exam.

27. Describe a success your friend has achieved

You should say:
Who your friend is
What the success was
What he or she did
How you felt about the success

I would like to talk about my friend Xu Ke, who is one year older than me and is
my fellow student in the college. We knew each other from a school association on
His most recent success in my memory was that he got an offer from the LSE,
which was a prestigious university in the UK. Xu was the most hardworking person I
have met in school.

I remember when we were organizing different activities like school’s speech

competition, tree planting on the tree planting day so and so forth, he was one of the
most passionate members. It’s like everything single activity was his baby that
needed to be cared much. What made me feel quite impressed about him was his 100
percent determination and execution. No matter what idea has been made, he’s
always the pioneer to do it. Even though those extra-curricular activities took up a lot
of his time, he was still a straight-A student in his grade, which made me so jealous.


Well, I don’t think his successful application to this well-known university in the
world is just luck. It’s the large amount of effort and time he put behind the scenes to
make things happen step by step that made him achieve this success. He is truly a
man that I admire.

28. Describe a situation when you don’t have enough time

You should say:
What it is
Why you would like to do it
How easy or difficult is it to do it
And explain why you don’t have time for it
Something I desire to do but don’t have time to do is getting a scuba diving

Scuba diving is a kind of dangerous sport to newbies, so a license is supposed to

be a professional preparation for amateurs to dive freely in the sea. To do that, you
need to get three to four days for the training. That’s just for one level of the
certificate, there’re at least two more advanced ones.

One of the biggest reasons why I want to be trained for a certificate is that I hope
one day I could join with my friend Jack who is a scuba diving lover so that we could
have more adventures in the sea and I will be less fearful with a companion. Plus,I
am a person who has a weakness to sea creatures, which are the cuties animals to me.

You know, right now I’m concentrating on my own studies in school, and it’s
about one more year to fish. At least, in this coming school year, I wouldn’t be able to
make this little dream come true. But, hopefully, I could go to Thailand to learn that
license training course right after my graduation.

29. Describe a time you received horrible service

You should say:
When it happened
Where you received
Who you were with
What happened
And why the service was horrible

A time I received horrible service was actually from a property agent in Beijing.


It happened on a weekend last summer at my rental apartment. I remember that

day was tipping down quite often and I was busy working in my office as usual. When
I got home from work, my room was like a disaster, you know a lot of water leaked in
from outside of the window and the ceiling. I asked my roommate about what was
happened and he told me that it was probably because the ceiling had a fissure that
let the rain water come in. He also told me that he had called the agent but there’s
was nobody coming to fix it.

So, I dialed the number of the agent again and was told that they had already
arranged a professional and promised me to solve this problem. My roommate and I
thought this time this matter would be done soon, but they disappointed us
again.Nobody showed up the following days. What’s quite annoying for us was that it
kept raining cats and dogs for many days, which was normal in summer Beijing, but
we had nothing to do except for waiting.

Later on, we’ve found that it’s because the repairing professional was quite busy
to take the job, and the property agent still wanted to make some profits between us,
so they gave a false promise to put it off.

The reason why I think the service from the property agent was horrible was that
the agent was acting so unprofessionally, you know, they should have informed us of
the real situation so that we could reduce the cost to the minimum.

30. Describe a time you taught something new to a younger

When it happened
What you taught
Who you taught to
Why you taught this person
And how you felt about the teaching

The experience I am going to tell you happened during last summer vacation. I
returned from the university and had nothing to do at home. I was bored to death
and desperately wanted to find something to occupy my endless free time.

Then, my little brother, a boy who just entered secondary school, became
interested in badminton after watching some matches played by Lindan, the best
badminton player around the world, and wanted to learn. Since I had received


professional badminton training, this article is from laokaoya websie, I thought

maybe I could teach him. In this way, he could save the money to employ a coach and
I got a good way to kill the time. It was a win-win situation.

We bought a racket and found a badminton court near his home. Everything was
ready. Every morning at 8 o’clock, we met at the court and began our training
session. I showed him how to move his feet, aim at the shuttlecock and swing the
racket. He was very talented and progressed pretty fast. After a month, he could play
several rounds with me.

I really like this teaching experience. It enhanced our relationship. We are much
closer after that. Meanwhile, I obtain a sense of achievement from his progress.

31. Describe a healthy lifestyle you know

You should say:
How you know it
What it is
What one would do living in this lifestyle
And explain why it is healthy

The healthy lifestyle I am going to tell you is early to bed and early to rise. I do
not remember when and where I first heard about this saying. But my parents keep
repeating it recently and hope I can follow their advice. They believe staying up late
has a negative impact on health and can cause various disease.

According to my parents, one had better go to bed before 11 o’clock in the

evening and get up at about 7 o’clock in the morning. Even if you cannot fall asleep
immediately, closing your eyes and lying on the bed is better than doing other things.
This is in chord with a person’s internal clock, and thus good for health.

To do this, a person needs to be highly organized. In the evening, he must resist

the lure of smartphone, games, and TV series. When the time comes, he is able to put
them aside at once and empty his mind. In the morning, he needs to have the
courage to say goodbye to the warm bed and welcome the chilly morning.

But this lifestyle does have many benefits. I used to insist it for two months. I
felt my memory got better, mind got sharper and sleep got sounder. Diseases like
cold had stayed away.


32. Describe a time you enjoyed your free time

You know say:
When it was
Where you were
What you did
And how you felt about it

A time I enjoyed my free time was in Cancun, which was a coastal city in Mexico.

I often got chilled living in the winter of Beijing, so I went to Cancun last New
Year’s Holiday with my family to stay warm.

It’s quite far from here, and there’s no direct flight to Mexico. I remember it took
us around 16 hours to get to there, which made me exhausted. But the moment I got
out of the airport, I felt a sense of relief. Maybe it’s because I needed some fresh air at
that time, or it’s the nice taxi driver that made me feel so.

On the first day, we didn’t visit some big scenic spots there but just toured
around the area where we were staying, which I think was a pretty good tip for newly
arrived weary travelers, you know, to chill out a little bit by getting familiar with the
surroundings. Then, the followings days were quite exciting. I had seen the most
breathtaking coastal scenery in my life, and the ancient pyramid, which were all my
favorites. You know, I was quite into this place, not only because the trip to Cancun
gave me a place to escape the cold weather in Beijing, but also was a precious
opportunity for me to get to experience a totally different and interesting culture

I wish I could have had more free time to stay in this place!

33. Describe a language you want to learn (not English)

You should say:
What it is
How you would learn it
Where you would learn it
And why you want to learn the language

The language I want to learn is Cantonese. It is mainly used in Guangdong

Province and Hongkong. Though it shares some vocabulary with Mandarin, the two


varieties have huge differences in pronunciation, grammar, and lexicon. Many

Chinese in the north including me cannot understand it at all.

One of my roommates is from Guangdong. Every evening, he calls his mother

and talks about what happens in the school in Cantonese. After two years, I
unconsciously learned two or three words, but that is all. I still do not know what he
says. There are many books and videos that teach people how to speak Cantonese. I
may buy some in the future.

The best place to learn Cantonese is definitely Guangdong or Hongkong. Most

people, especially the elders there, still speak this native language. In fact, I believe to
truly master a language, you have to go to its origin and immerse into the local

I want to learn this language because I am quite into Hongkong films. They used
to be very popular in the 1990s and leave a deep impression on a generation. But so
far, all the Hongkong films I have watched are dubbed with mandarin. They are not
bad, but I believe something must have missed during the process. So I want to learn
this language so that I can experience the original films.

34. Describe a good law in your country

You should say:
What it is
How you knew it
Who it affects
Why you think it is good

The law I am going to tell you is about drunk driving. It was issued in 2006 and
rules that anyone who drives after drinking alcoholic will receive punishments from a
certain amount of fine to the prison sentence, depending how much alcoholic there is
in his blood and the type of the car he is driving.

I knew it from my father, who used to do a lot of drunk driving. One day, after
having some beer, he chose to take a taxi rather than drive himself. I was curious and
ask why. He told me the law and said he was afraid of the punishment, so he would
never do that again.


The law affects the drivers and the pedestrians. By deterring drivers from
drinking, it makes the road a much safer place for both of them. Since the publication
of this law, the number of traffic accidents caused by drinking has dramatically
As a pedestrian, because of the law, I do not need to worry about being hit by a
drunk driver who is too woozy to notice the traffic lights. That is why I think this is a
good law.

35. Describe the last book you read

You should say:
What type of book it was
What it was about
Where you read it
How you felt about the book

The book I am going to tell you is called “The Three-body problem”. It is science
fiction written by Liu cixin, who is a famous writer in China. The book was published
in 2006 and won the science fiction achievement award.

The story happened between the earth and an alien civilization called the three-
body. Unlike the typical American movie where the alien suddenly invaded the earth
and the earth army fought back, the three-body blocked the earth’s scientific
progress and sponsored a group of people who welcomed them. In the end, a person
found something that could threaten the alien’s survival and they agreed to coexist
with the human on earth.

I read this book on my way home. It was a long train journey which took 25
hours. To avoid being bored, I bought this book at the train station and finished it on
the train.

After reading this book, my feelings are quite complicated. I am glad that the
two civilizations finally accept each other and live peacefully on earth. But this is
under the condition of mutually assured destruction. I cannot imagine what would
happen if one side finds a solution to the other’s threat.

36. Describe an interesting talk or lecture

You should say:
When you heard it


Where you heard it

What it was about
And explain why you think it was interesting

I am going to talk about an interesting lecture that I heard 3 years ago. It is still
vivid in my mind. Back then I was eager to improve my English and my teacher
recommended a lot of materials and websites, which might be useful. One of them is
TED, a website where various people share their experience, research, and
knowledge. Its motto is “ideas worth spreading”.

I spent a great deal of time on it. Every day, I browsed through hundreds of
lectures, trying to find something that aroused my interest. Then I found one lecture
that ranked first at the list of the most played.

It is about how people’s attention works. Every day, our brain receives enormous
information, most of which is useless. So during the process of evolution, our brain
has gradually developed a filter mechanism. It rules out a lot of things unconsciously
so that we can focus on a specific issue. However, the drawback of this mechanism is
that it disables us from doing two things at the same time.

The interesting thing about this lecture is that the lecturer illustrates this by
showing how picking pocket works. Through distracting people and making them
focus on what he is saying, he takes belongings from them without being noticed. It
was amazing.

37. Describe something given to you that you really need

You should say:
What it is
Who gave it to you
Why you need it
And how you felt about it

The item I am going to talk about is the power bank. It is a small device that can
charge your phone when you are away from any socket. As most of us cannot endure
a minute without cellphones, many people have the habit of bringing one wherever
they go. But I do not.

One day, I was taking a coach back home and talking with my girlfriend over the
phone to kill time. Somehow, we started quarreling with each other. I do not even


remember why. I was so agitated that I did not notice that my mobile battery was
running low. Suddenly, I was cut off and my phone was dead.

Do you know how angry and horrible a girlfriend can be when you cut off her
call? Not to mention that we were in a fight. I seemed to see the god of death was
waving to me. I was a little panic. The girl sitting beside me must have noticed my
unease. She asked me if I needed any help, and after learning about what happened,
she lent me her power bank.

At that moment, she was my angel. I was so thankful to the man who invented
the power bank and even more thankful to the girl.

38. Describe a historical period that you are interested in

You should say:
What the historical period is
How you know it
What happened during that period
why you find it interesting

The historical period I am going to talk about is the core era. It is a concept came
up by Karl Jaspers, a German philosopher, in his book, ‘the Origin and Goal of
History; It refers to the period from 600 A.D. to 300 A.D.

The first time I heard this phrase was in the history of western philosophy, a
course in my senior year. After reading some reference materials, I found this era
was amazing. Almost at the same time, great men were born in the four isolated great
ancient civilizations. China had Confucius. India had Sakyamuni. Greece had
Socrates. And Egypt had prophets. The theories put forward by these men
dramatically changed the way people perceived the world, affected the development
of philosophies in the following 2000 years, and laid the foundation of different
characteristics of those countries. There is a saying that all the theories and ideas
generated after the core era are making annotations for those sages’ thoughts.

The fascinating point about the core era is that these countries did not have
much communication then, but almost simultaneously produce their national
philosophies. How did they achieve that? Did they somehow secretly reach an

39. Describe a skill that took you a long time to learn


You should say:

What it was
When you learned it
Why it took you so much time to learn
And how you felt about it

The skill that I going to tell you is roller skating. It is a form of recreational
activity as well as a sport. Basically, it is traveling on surfaces with roller skates. It is
now quite popular. You can see many children practicing it in front of shopping
malls, at squares or even on the streets.

I first saw it on TV when I was in the secondary school and was attracted. I
begged my father to buy me one. When the pair of shoes arrived, I could not wait to
put them on. It was much harder than I thought. I could not even stand steadily
without holding something and put my whole weight on it. As long as I let it go, I fell,
sometimes forward, sometimes backward. It really hurt.

But I did not give up. I found a quiet narrow street with few people passing by. I
leaned on the walls and moved my feet very carefully and slowly. One step, two steps.
I was so happy. But the moment I got rid of the wall, I fell again. I practiced from day
to day and observed the movements of professional players and tried to imitate
them. After three months’ hard training, I finally mastered this skill.

Feeling the breeze against my face and the falling back of sceneries around me, I
was really excited. My effort finally paid off.

40. Describe an important plant in your country

You should say:
What it is
Where you see it
What it looks like
Why it is important

The important plant I am going to tell you is bamboo. It is an evergreen

perennial flowering plant and has many sub-species. In the south, it can grow to
more than 10 meters and as thick as a small tree. In the north, it is often very slim
and its height rarely exceeds three meters.


My grandma used to plant some bamboos in her garden and that is where I first
saw them. They had played an important part in my childhood. I cut off their stems
to make bows and arrows, imagining I was an archer shooting enemies in the
battleground. I also took off some branches and pretended that I was a swordsman.

As I grow up, I gradually realize its importance in China, which does not come
from its rarity, but from what it symbolizes in Chinese culture. It is regarded as a
behavior model of the gentleman. As bamboo has features such as uprightness,
tenacity, and hollow heart, people endow bamboo with integrity, elegance, and
plainness, though it is not physically strong. Countless poems praising bamboo
written by ancient Chinese poets are actually metaphorically about people who
exhibited these characteristics.

41.Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh

You should say:
What the program is
When you watched it
Who you watched it with
Why it made you laughed

The comedy I am going to tell you is called “Hello, Mr. Billionare”. In it, a loser
in life, who earned very little money and took a bribe to cheat in an amateur football
match, was suddenly going to inherit a 20-billion-RMB heritage from a distant
relative. But to get the money, he was required to spend 1 billion RMB in a month.

I watched it on a Saturday last month. My roommate and I did not have any
class that day and decided to waste ourselves. Since we got up, we had been playing
our favorite game, “league of legends”. By the late afternoon, we were exhausted and
I felt like that I would throw up if I played one more minute.

He proposed why not we went to the cinema and watched a film. I thought that
was a good idea. We browsed all the options and found “Hello, Mr. Billionare”. Its
reviews were pretty good and got an 8.9 out of ten. We booked two tickets online
and set out.

What made me laugh is the dramatic change in people’s attitude towards the
man. They used to despise him. But after they learned about the news, they thronged
to fawn upon him. His shortages suddenly became his strong points, which is quite


42. Describe a time that a piece of equipment of yours was

broken (such as TV)
You should say:
What the equipment was
What the problem was
What you did after it was broken
And how you felt about it

I really want to say something about my retired laptop, which is a 13 inches

Macbook Air bought in late 2013 when got sums from my first part-time job.

This laptop has lots of merits. I barely see anything counterpart that has the
same good-looking and slim appearance. Plus, the system is awesome as it never
slows my work, and I can definitely start it in seconds, which is extremely efficient.
That’s probably the main reason why I chose this IT thing at the very beginning.

However, here comes the sad part. Being portable and slim isn’t always the
perfect thing. When I was sitting in the Starbucks while processing my left work, I
took it out from my backpack and was about to lay it on the desk with my hand. But I
kind of overestimated my carefulness, you know one side of my Macbook Air just hit
right on the wooden corner of the desk. When I realized it, it already got a pit on my
little precious baby. When I open the lid, the display wasn’t functioning well.

Then, I immediately rushed to the Apple chain store to have it fixed. The staff
told me that the display was broken and I should replace it. Luckily, it wasn’t the
hard disk, otherwise, the information stored in there would be damaged, and that’s
the last thing I want to see.

I paid the money and got the repaired one after like a month. Since then, I put it
in a case and took it on firmly on my hands. Well, I think this is what I can do the
most. Hopefully, I wouldn’t be such a careless person in the future.

43. Describe a family business you know

You should say:
What the business is
How you know it
What products it sells
Who the customers are


And how you like it

The family business I am going to tell you is a small restaurant near my home. It
is run by a couple and their parents. Sometimes, their 16-year-old son also comes to
help. The restaurant is so popular that you have to wait for about 10 minutes to get a
seat during the lunchtime.

At first, I did not know it is a family business. I thought the women was the
owner and everybody else was just her employees. Then one day, when I was eating, I
heard that she called the waiter father. I was surprised and realized that they are a
family. She told me that they came from the Southwest of China and many people
there migrated to other cities to start their own businesses, most of which were

The restaurant sells various noodles. They vary in length, width and taste. But all
of them are tasty. Most of its customers are inhabitants nearby, but there are also
people who hear about it from others and drive a long way to give it a try. I believe
they will find the food is totally worth the effort.

I admire the family, who came to a foreign city and established their own
business from nothing. They must have gone through a lot of difficulties and

44. Describe a newly built facility (such as parks, cinemas etc.)

that influences your city.
You should say:
what facility it is;
where it is located;
who uses this public facility;
and explain how it improves your local area.

A new public facility which improves my local area is the ice rink, which has just
been renovated this year.

This rink is actually located in the center of Zi Zhu Yuan, which is a park in
Weigongcun, Haidian district. This place is quite near to the place where I live. It’s
probably ten minutes’ walk from my home to the park. So, I often went there to
unwind after work.


This park has many different areas of creation like the artificial lake for boating,
and some small square for seniors go square dancing. But, only the newly furnished
rink has met the needs of all residents ranging from the kids to the old. You can
expect excitement brought by different ice tracks, high and low. Most of the time, I
saw more children than adults played there during the weekdays, but the whole area
usually got filled with people of different ages during the weekends. There were lots
of people laughing and jubilating, which was an extremely joyful scene.

Well, I think rink has brought a lot of benefits to the residents nearby. It
provides a great opportunity for families to gather together and to spend some
quality time there. You see, lots of people are busy working or studying in this city,
they don’t have many near places to relax. Now, they have one more good option!

45. Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

You should say:
what it is;
how it is cooked/made
why people eat it or why it is for the special event
and explain how you feel about this kind of food.

I would like to say something about Niangao, which is a traditional Chinese food
usually served as a kind of snack during the celebration of the Chinese New Year. So,
it’s also commonly known as the Chinese New Year Cake.

It is a kind of food made from glutinous rice, which is quite sticky and not feels
very comfortable to touch before it’s been cooked. I don’t know whether it has
varieties in different regions of China, but what I’ve seen since I was a little kid is that
Niangao is typically white just like the color of the rice. But it has various shapes
which depend on how you are going to make it.

The cooking methods are not very complex. The most common way is to cut it
into pieces and steep them into the water before placing them into the steam
pot. But there’s another cool way, which is my granny’s favorite. I remember when I
was a kid, she always put these small pieces into the oil to fry. And then, cover them
with some vegetables and some seasonings. It’s become one of the delicious dishes
for our family’s New Year gathering dinner.

I think most people eat it not only because it can be regarded as part of a dinner,
but also because of the meaning of its name. Niangao symbolizes the meaning that


people can be better in the coming new year. I guess that’s another reason why
people eat it. Well, I eat it simply because it is indeed tasty.

46. Describe an item you bought but do not often use

You should say:
When you bought it
Where you bought it
Why you bought it
And explain why you didn’t often use it

An item that I bought but do not often use was a set of Beats headphones, which
I got from an APPLE store in Beijing Sanlitun.

I remember it was on a weekend before I started my new semester that I bought

this headphone. It was on sale for students at that time in the store. So, I bought it
along with my new laptop, which was a 13-inch MacBook Pro 2018 model.

When I got to the Apple store, the salesperson was so welcoming and was always
ready to answer any questions I had in terms of the technology stuff. Well, I regarded
myself as tech savvy, but honestly, I still got some problems in choosing different
types. So, that guy literally solved all the problems I had met using these gadgets.

Well, honestly, the reason why I bout this set of headphones is that I loved its
design, which was cool but low key, I mean the black model. I knew its sound quality
wouldn’t be that much classic, but in terms of the discount, I thought it was worth it.

However, just several weeks after I bought it, I felt like I kind of overestimated
its quality and the design. You know, the longer I put them on my head, the more
pain I could get. It’s too tight, they should have made it bigger! That’s the reason why
I didn’t use it often now.

47. Describe a book you want to write

You should say:
When you had this idea
What kind of book you want to write
What the book is about
Is it difficult or easy
And explain why you want to write this kind of book


A book I want to write is an autobiography, which can reflect my trajectory and

meaning of life.

It was after I finished a course about (auto)biography last semester that I had
this idea of writing. Initially, I thought this course would bore me to death, because
to my view at that time, nobody except for the well-known could write a good
(auto)biography. But, my understanding was totally wrong after I took this amazing
course. Our professor showed us her piece of work to demonstrate how he could
write a biography by, for example, playing the “straw person ” in his magic land of
Oz, a story full of adventures. Her story told us that everyone was unique and special
in his or her life story.

Just as Maxine Greene, an American education philosopher, said, “life is like one
damn thing after another”. It was pretty hard to muster up our courage and face
every obstacle in our lives. So, I think the most difficult thing to write a good
(auto)biography would be that I need to experience more obstacles in lives and try to
understand them in retrospect of my life so that I could get things to write.

Well, I have always wanted to experience more in life. And to write an

autobiography would help me keep a record of them. Also, I think writing this book
can give me more time to contemplate about things in life that I haven’t thought

48. Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest
You should say:
What the subject is
Why you disliked it
What you are interested in now
And explain why you become interested in it

I would like to talk about Classical Chinese, which was a subject that I hated in
middle school but now favor the most.

Actually, we had our Classical Chinese course since the first day our middle
school, it’s been quite a while. But I somehow couldn’t pick up any interest from it. It
might be the reason that my Chinese teacher was extremely harsh to us, you know,
she sometimes punished students by not allowing them to have dinner if we didn’t


manage to recite the entire piece of article learned from the last course, which was
quite discouraging and made me feel sick about learning Chinese.

This kind of reluctance in learning Chinese has been with me for years until I
came to study in college, where I got much exposure to Classical Chinese literature in
different genres. This Chinese literature, especially during the early period of the
Republic of China, has enabled me to have a bigger picture of the world. For
example, John C.H. Wu, who was a Chinese jurist and writer, wrote some
annotations for Tao Te Ching and other traditional Chinese work, which helped me
discover the beauty of Chinese and the culture behind the language.

I think the main reason why I become interested in this subject is that I have
realized the power of the Chinese language. It is a language that helped contain a lot
of ancient Chinese wisdom. But, unfortunately, it seems that most of the Chinese
people don’t know much about it, and they lost direct contact with those wise

49. Describe a present you received which was made by hand

You should say:
What it was
What it was like
When you received it
Who gave it to you
And explained how are you felt about the present

A gift that I received which was made by hand was a piece of soap, which was
given by my friend Wang Lei on my 16thbirthday.

I remember I invited my intimate friends to have a birthday party at my home.

And there was the present opening moment, so I got this little thing. It was brought
to me by Wang from New Zealand where he was having a working holiday trip. It was
a yellow hexagon shape soap, which was made of something I didn’t know but was
told that a mixture of a very special kind of honey that only can be produced in New
Zealand. I was also told by him that it has some curative effects and protection for
the skin.

I didn’t see too much difference in it compared with some Korean soaps bought
by my mother. But, after I applied it to my face and washed it away, that sudden
sense of coolness made me feel very soothing.


You know, I was pretty thankful that my friend sent me this little but useful soap
as a gift. From that on, I was very much keen on using it and became a regular
customer of this product.

50. Describe something lost by others but found by you

You should say:
Who it belonged to
When it was lost
How the person lost it
How you found it
And explain how are you felt about it

Something lost by others but found by me was a Prada wallet, which contains
lots of cash and some documents.

I still remember it was on a winter day last year, my friends and I were at the
Yunqiao Sports Center, which was a nice place for ice skating. We bought the tickets
through Alipay, which was mobile application and was given a code for a locker to
store our personal belongs. Mine was like number seven, and when I got to the
storage compartment and unlocked it, there was a white plastic bag there. When I
was complaining the last customer for discarding this garbage bag inside the locker
and dragging it out, I soon found that there’s a wallet in the bag, and it’s the Prada

I thought it would be a trouble for me if this luxury stayed with me any longer.
So, I opened it and tried to find the contact number of the owner. However, it only
contained lots of cash and ID stuff. In order to let the owner know he lost his wallet, I
immediately took it to the reception and asked them to keep it. I don’t know what’s
happened, but I hope the owner had found it at that center.

I felt my decision was right because that’s the only effective way to let the owner
know where it was and nobody would steal it, even though my friends told me that
it’s possible the receptionist would conceal the truth about the lost. But, let’s
optimistic. Not all people are supposed to be that bad, right?

51. Describe something you do to help you study or work

You should say:
What it is


How are you learn it

When you do it
And how do you feel about the method

Something I do to help me study or work is actually listening to the piano


I got to know a music APP named Spotify from my friends and downloaded it
from the Internet. I was told by my friend that it was the best music APP, better than
APPLE MUSIC. It allows you to stream everything you subscribe and it’s got very
high-quality sound.

Well, I often use this APP to listen to some piano soundtrack while I was
working or studying too long, like three hours or more. But, I didn’t use it quite much
during the daytime, when everybody was rushing their own business, and I would be
influenced by the vibe. Usually, I would listen to it during the night time, when I
need some light music to maintain focus after a tiring day.

So far, I’ve found this method has been pretty effective to help me to loosen up
or to concentrate on my own stuff. Sometimes I need a little bit sound in silence to
help me keep focused, and sometimes I need piano music in a noisy environment so
that I won’t be easily distracted. So, I will definitely keep using this way to improve
my life quality in the future.


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