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Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers – Spherical

Coordinate System
1.  Convert the point (3,4,5) from Cartesian to spherical coordinates
a) (7.07,45⁰,53⁰)
b) (0.707,45⁰,53⁰)
c) (7.07,54⁰,63⁰)
d) (0.707,54⁰,63⁰)

Answer: a
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √50 = 7.07
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(5/5√2) = 45⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(4/3) = 53⁰.
2. Example of spherical system in the following is
a) Charge in space
b) Charge in box
c) Charge in dielectric
d) Uncharged system
Answer: a
Explanation: From a point charge +Q, the electric field spreads in all 360 degrees. The
calculation of electric field in this case will be spherical system. Thus it is charge in the
3. Find the spherical coordinates of A(2,3,-1)
a) (3.74, 105.5⁰, 56.13⁰)
b) (3.74, 105.5⁰, 56.31⁰)
c) (3.74, 106.5⁰, 56.13⁰)
d) (3.74, 106.5⁰, 56.31⁰)

Answer: b
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √14 = 3.74
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(-1/3.74) = 105.5⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(3/2) = 56.31⁰.

4. Find the Cartesian coordinates of B(4,25⁰,120⁰)

a) (0.845, 1.462, 3.625)
b) (-0.845, 1.462, 3.625)
c) (-8.45, 2.462, 6.325)
d) (8.45, 2.462, 6.325)
Answer: b
Explanation: x = r sin θ cos φ = 4 sin25⁰ cos 120⁰ = -0.845
y = r sin θ sin φ = 4 sin 25⁰ sin 120⁰ = 1.462
z = r cos θ = 4 cos 25⁰ = 3.625.
5. . Given B= (10/r)i+( rcos θ) j+k in spherical coordinates. Find Cartesian points at (-3,4,0)
a) -2i + j
b) 2i + k
c) i + 2j
d) –i – 2k

Answer: a
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = √25 = 5
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = 1
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(-4/3)
Thus, B = -2i + j.

6. Transform the vector (4,-2,-4) at (1,2,3) into spherical coordinates.

a) 3.197i – 2.393j + 4.472k
b) -3.197i + 2.393j – 4.472k
c) 3.197i + 2.393j + 4.472k
d) -3.197i – 2.393j – 4.472k
Answer: b
Explanation: r = √(x2+y2+z2) = 3.74
Θ = cos-1(z/r) = cos-1(3/3.74) = 36.7⁰
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(2/1) = 63.4⁰
A = (4 sin θ cos φ – 2 sin θ sin φ – 4cos θ)i + (4 cos θ cos φ – 2 cos θ sin φ + 4 sin θ)j + (-4
sin φ – 2 cos φ)k
On substituting r, θ, φ, A = -3.197i + 2.393j – 4.472k.

Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers – Dot and

Cross Product
1. When two vectors are perpendicular, their
a) Dot product is zero
b) Cross product is zero
c) Both are zero
d) Both are not necessarily zero
Answer: a
Explanation: Dot product of two perpendicular vectors is given by A.B = |a||b|cos 90,
which is zero. Thus, dot product is zero and vectors are perpendicular
2. The cross product of the vectors 3i + 4j – 5k and –i + j – 2k is,
a) 3i – 11j + 7k
b) -3i + 11j + 7k
c) -3i – 11j – 7k
d) -3i + 11j – 7k
Answer: b
Explanation: Cross product of two vectors is, A X B = (a2*b3 – b2*a3)i – (a1*b3 – b1*a3)j
+ (a1*b2 – b1*a2)k. Using the formula, the answer can be calculated.
3. Which of the following are not vector functions in Electromagnetics?
a) Gradient
b) Divergence
c) Curl
d) There is no non- vector functions in Electromagnetics
Answer: d
Explanation: Since all the coordinates in electromagnetic are space coordinates,
direction and magnitude both are important. Thus all functions are vector only.
4. The work done of vectors force F and distance d, separated by angle θ can be calculated
a) Cross product
b) Dot product
c) Addition of two vectors
d) Cannot be calculated
Answer: b
Explanation: Force is a vector quantity, whereas distance is scalar. Work is defined as
the product of force and distance, which is given by dot product.
5. Find whether the vectors are parallel, (-2,1,-1) and (0,3,1)
a) Parallel
b) Collinearly parallel
c) Not parallel
d) Data insufficient
Answer: c
Explanation: Two vectors are parallel when their cross product is zero. Since their cross
product is 4i + 2j – 6k (non-zero), the vectors are not parallel.
6. Electromagnetic forces are defined by
a) Fleming’s right hand rule
b) Fleming’s left hand rule
c) Faraday’s law
d) Ampere law
Answer : b
Explanation: The three left hand fingers denote electric field, magnetic field and wave
propagation in free space, analogous to force, magnetic field and current respectively in
any conductor.
7. The dot product of two vectors is a scalar. The cross product of two vectors is a vector.
State True/False.
a) True
b) False
8. Which of the following is not true?
a) A . (B . C) = scalar value
b) A . (B x C) = scalar value
c) A x (B . C) = scalar value
d) A x (B x C) = vector value
Answer: c
Explanation: Cross product of dot product of two vectors is a vector value.
Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers – Vector
1. . The del operator is called as
a) Gradient
b) Curl
c) Divergence
d) Vector differential operator
Answer: d
Explanation: The Del operator is used to replace the differential terms, thus called
vector differential operator in electromagnetics.
2. A vector is said to be solenoidal when its
a) Divergence is zero
b) Divergence is unity
c) Curl is zero
d) Curl is unity
Answer: a
Explanation: When the divergence of a vector is zero, it is said to be solenoidal

Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers – Cartesian

Coordinate System
1. The Cartesian system is also called as
a) Circular coordinate system
b) Rectangular coordinate system
c) Spherical coordinate system
d) Space coordinate system
Answer: b
Explanation: The other name for Cartesian is rectangular system, which is given
by (x,y,z).
2. The volume of a parallelepiped in Cartesian is
a) dV = dx dy dz
b) dV = dx dy
c) dV = dy dz
d) dV = dx dz
3.  A charge is placed in a square container. The position of the charge with respect
to the origin can be found by
a) Spherical system
b) Circular system
c) Cartesian system
d) Space coordinate system
Answer: c
Explanation: Since the container possesses dimensions of a square (length,
breadth and height), it can be found by Cartesian system.
4. The angular separation between the vectors A = 4i + 3j + 5k and B = i – 2j + 2k is
(in degrees)
a) 65.8
b) 66.8
c) 67.8
d) 68.8
Answer: c
Explanation: The dot product the vector is 8. Angle of separation is cos θ = 8/
(7.07 X 3) = 0.377 and θ = cos-1(0.377) = 67.8.
5. Transform the vector A = 3i – 2j – 4k at P(2,3,3) to cylindrical coordinates
a) -3.6j – 4k
b) -3.6j + 4k
c) 3.6j – 4k
d) 3.6j + 4k
Answer: a
Explanation: Convert the Cartesian form to cylindrical form by formula and
substitute the points to get -3.6j – 4k.
6.  The spherical equivalent of the vector B = yi + (x + z)j located at (-2,6,3) is given
a) (7,64.62,71.57)
b) (7,-64.62,-71.57)
c) (7,-64.62,71.57)
d) (7,64.62,-71.57)
Answer: d
Explanation: Substitute the points in the vector and convert the Cartesian to
cylindrical form to get radius as 7, plane angle1 as 64.62 and plane angle2 as

Electromagnetic Theory Questions and Answers – Cylindrical

Coordinate System
1. The cylindrical coordinate system is also referred to as
a) Cartesian system
b) Circular system
c) Spherical system
d) Space system
Answer: b
Explanation: The cylindrical coordinates(r,φ,z) is also called as circular
system and is used for systems with circular dimensions.
2. Transform the vector B=yi+(x+z)j located at point (-2,6,3) into cylindrical
a) (6.325,-71.57,3)
b) (6.325,71.57,3)
c) (6.325,73.57,3)
d) (6.325,-73.57,3)
Answer: a
Explanation: ρ = √(x2+y2) = √40 = 6.325
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = tan-1(-6/2) = -71.57
z = 3.
3. A charge located at point p (5,30⁰,2) is said to be in which coordinate
a) Cartesian system
b) Cylindrical system
c) Spherical system
d) Space system

Answer: b
Explanation: The cylindrical system is of the form (ρ, φ, z), which relates the point
given in the question.

4. Charges filled inside a cylindrical will possess flux in which direction?

a) Upwards
b) Downwards
c) Laterally outwards
d) Inwards
Answer: c
Explanation: The flux due to the charges will act outside the cylinder. Since
the cylinder possesses curved surfaces, it will flow laterally outwards.
5. Rectangular waveguides dominate the circular waveguides. Find the reason.
a) Low cut-off frequency
b) Easy to design
c) More wave propagation
d) The statement is false
Answer: b
Explanation: Due to linear design, the desired dimensions can be easily
constructed using rectangular waveguides than circular ones.
6. Transform the spherical system B = (10/r)i + (10cos θ)j + k into cylindrical
form at (5, π/2, -2)
a) 2.467i + j + 1.167k
b) 2.467i – j + 1.167k
c) 2.467i – j – 1.167k
d) 2.467i + j – 1.167k
Answer: a
Explanation: The equivalent cylindrical form is given by,
B = (10sin θ/r + rcos2θ)i + j + (10cos θ/r –r sin θ cos θ)k
At (5, π/2, -2), r = √(52+-22) = √29
sin θ = 5/√29 and cos θ = -2/√29
Thus, B = 2.467i + j + 1.167k.
7. Convert the given rectangular coordinates A(2,3,1) into corresponding
cylindrical coordinates
a) (3.21,56.31,1)
b) (3.21,57.31,0)
c) (3.61,57.31,0)
d) (3.61,56.31,1)
Answer: d
Explanation: ρ = √(x2+y2) = √13 = 3.61
Φ = tan-1(y/x) = 56.31
Thus, A = (3.61,56.31,1).

Coulomb’s law

1. Coulomb is the unit of which quantity?

a) Field strength
b) Charge
c) Permittivity
d) Force
Answer: b
Explanation: The standard unit of charge is Coulomb. One coulomb is defined as the 1
Newton of force applied on 1 unit of electric field.
2. Find the force between two charges when they are brought in contact and separated by 4cm
apart, charges are 2nC and -1nC, in μN.
a) 1.44
b) 2.44
c) 1.404
d) 2.404
Answer: c
Explanation: Before the charges are brought into contact, F = 11.234 μN.
After charges are brought into contact and then separated, charge on each sphere is, (q1 +
q2)/2 = 0.5nC
On calculating the force with q1 = q2 = 0.5nC, F = 1.404μN.
3. A charge of 2 X 10-7 C is acted upon by a force of 0.1N. Determine the distance to the other
charge of 4.5 X 10-7 C, both the charges are in vacuum.
a) 0.03
b) 0.05
c) 0.07
d) 0.09
Answer: d
Explanation: F = q1q2/(4∏εor2) , substituting q1, q2 and F, r2 = q1q2/(4∏εoF) =
We get r = 0.09m.
4. For a charge Q1, the effect of charge Q2 on Q1 will be,
a) F1 = F2
b) F1 = -F2
c) F1 = F2 = 0
d) F1 and F2 are not equal
Answer: b
Explanation: The force of two charges with respect with each other is given by F1 and F2.
Thus F1 + F2 = 0 and F1 = -F2.

Electric Field Intensity

1. The electric field intensity is defined as
a) Force per unit charge
b) Force on a test charge
c) Force per unit charge on a test charge
d) Product of force and charge
Answer: c
Explanation: The electric field intensity is the force per unit charge on a test charge, i.e,
q1 = 1C. E = F/Q = Q/(4∏εr2).
2. Find the electric field intensity of two charges 2C and -1C separated by a distance 1m in
a) 18 X 109
b) 9 X 109
c) 36 X 109
d) -18 X 109
Answer: b
Explanation: F = q1q2/(4∏εor2) = -2 X 9/(10-9 X 12) = -18 X 109
E = F/q = 18 X 109/2 = 9 X 109.
3. What is the electric field intensity at a distance of 20cm from a charge 2 X 10 -6 C in
a) 250,000
b) 350,000
c) 450,000
d) 550,00
Answer: c
Explanation: E = Q/ (4∏εor2)
= (2 X 10-6)/(4∏ X εo X 0.22) = 450,000 V/m.
4. Electric field of an infinitely long conductor of charge density λ, is given by E =
λ/(2πεh).aN. State True/False.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The electric field intensity of an infinitely long conductor is given by, E =
λ/(4πεh).(sin α2 – sin α1)i + (cos α2 + cos α1)j
For an infinitely long conductor, α = 0. E = λ/(4πεh).(cos 0 + cos 0) = λ/(2πεh).aN.

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