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Group: ___4__________

Section: ______3________

Date: 4/10/2019____________

Group members: Phạm Quang Dũng - BTFTIU18210

Ngô Trần Bảo Ngọc - BTFTIU18075

Lý Minh Nguyệt - BTBCIU18113

Nguyễn Địch Long - IELSIU19041

Trần Hoàng Hải Yến - IELSIU19319

I. Introduction
In this report, we will demonstrate 3 different sets of experiments of titration to
determine the unknown concentration of a solution. Our main goal is to see the
reaction between the analyte and a solution of unknown concentration (standard
solution), as well as to determine the unknown variable.

II. Experimental

1. We have to prepare KMnO4 for the experiment. First, we have to calculate how much
KMnO4 is needed for a 0.05N KMnO4 solution. After that, put the amount we calculated into
a 250 mL beaker with 250 mL of distilled water. Now, we swirl the solution vigorously. By
doing this, we can ensure rapid and complete mixing of the added acid, then transfer it to
a dark brown bottle, discard undissolved solid.

2. In order for your buret to perform optimally, it must be properly cleaned. First, we rinse
it with distilled water and follow up with 5 mL portions prepared KMnO 4 solution. Let the
water and the solution drain through the tip of the buret each time and then discard them.
Fill the buret with KMnO4 solution and drain it until there aren’t any air bubbles remain in
the tip. Read the measurement of KMnO4 in the buret before we begin the titration.
Note: We read the liquid level at 90 o angle using the bottom of the (The curved surface at
the top of the liquid level).

3. Now to the most important part of the experience: standardizati on. We use
the pipet to transfer 10 mL of standard oxalic acid soluti on into three 250 mL
Erlenmeyer fl asks. Approximately 40 mL of disti lled water is added to each
fl ask. In the fume hood, use the pipet to carefully add 20 mL of 6 N H 2 SO 4
soluti on to the fl asks and heat those fl asks in the water bath to 85 – 90 0 C. Aft er
that, we can ti trate the hot soluti ons against the KMnO 4 soluti on. Keep adding
and sti rring vigorously unti l the soluti on keep the faint pink color throughout
the sti rred soluti on for at least twenty seconds. Finally, we record the buret
reading and calculate the normality of the KMnO 4 soluti on. Note: the KMnO 4
soluti on should be added very slowly initi ally.

4. Determine the concentration of standard H 2C2O4 solution. We use the pipet to transfer
10 mL of unknown concentration solution of H 2C2O4 into three 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks
and do the same steps as in the standardization process. After finishing, we calculate the
normality of the H2C2O4 solution; determine the average and the standard deviation.

KMnO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 → 10CO2 + K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O

Normality of the standard H2C2O4 solution, N(H2C2O4) = 0.05

Volume of the standard H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = 10mL

Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of KMnO4 (N)

1 15.2 - 25.4 9.2 0.054

2 25.6 - 35 9.4 0.053

Average Normality of KMnO4 = 0.0535 ( N )

Comment: KMnO4 take the role of the oxidizing agent and the indicator while FeSO 4 is the
reducing agent We put H2SO4 in the solution to make sure it acidic because the reduction
of KMnO4 requires strong acidic condition. We also raise the temperature of the solution
to make the reaction happen easily. KMnO4 have strong oxidizing ability. Therefore,
MnO4- ion is reduced by C2O4- ion in H2C2O4.

2MnO4- + 5H2C2O4 + 6H+ -> 10CO2 + 2Mn2+ + 8H2O

1.1 1.2


KMnO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 → 10CO2 + K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O

Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) = 0.0535 N

Volume of the unknown H2C2O4 solution used, V(H2C2O4) = 10mL

Trial # Burette reading (mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of H2C2O4 (N)

1 35 - 49.6 add 4mL 19 0,10165

2 18.8 - 37.9 19.1 0,102185

Average Normality of H2C2O4 = 0.102 ( N )

Comment: This is basically the same as reaction 1. The hot solution reacts. At the end, the
solution turns faint pink because the most of the H2C2O4 is already reacted. Pink is the color
of the extra KMnO4 in the solution. By the end, the volume of KMnO4 and H2C2O4 and the
already known normality of KMnO4 can be used to calculate the normality of H 2C2O4 with
unknown concentration by using the equation

Voxidizing x Noxidizing = Vreducing x Nreducing


KMnO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 → 10CO2 + K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O

Normality of the standard KMnO4 solution, N(KMnO4) = 0.0535 N

Volume of the unknown FeSO4 solution used, V(FeSO4)= 10mL

Trial # Burette reading(mL) Volume of KMnO4 (mL) Normality of FeSO4(N)

1 37.9 - 43.4 5.5 0.0294

2 43.4 - 49.1 5.7 0.0305

Average Normality of FeSO4 = 0.02995 ( N )

Comment: In this experiment, MnO4- is reduced to Mn2+ and Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+. The
reaction happened in the acidic solution. The result we got is the same with the theory said.
Reduction of purple permanganate to ion to the colorless Mn2+ ion. The solution will turn
from dark purple to a faint pink color at an equivalent point.

3.1 3.2

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