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Who Am I?

I am Shashank Gupta, a Computer Science graduate from Delhi College of

Engineering Delhi. I have been working at Thomas Cook for the last two
years since graduation and I like to use my analytical abilities to develop
world-class products in the travel domain. When I am not working, I like
to read ancient Indian history since I am intrigued by the stories of
brilliant minds like Chanakya.

Apart from that, I spend my time enjoying a good game of cricket. I prefer
to watch the matches at the venue as I feel there’s more to the match that
you see on the screen. The euphoria in the stadium is something worth
experiencing. I also like to give back to society and am an active member
of an NGO through which we teach underprivileged kids on weekends.

As a person, I’m extremely conscientious and observant. I believe in being

calm and composed and probably that is what helped me cracking CAT
and the other MBA exam this year. Being observant makes me more
conscious about myself and the things happening around me, also, I feel it
makes me more connected with my surroundings.

My short term goal is to learn as much as I can about travel as a business

and handling businesses, in general. My long term career goal is to start a
company that is into developing luxury resorts at places less visited and
eventually make an impact in the tourism industry.

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