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Place your cursor in the boxes to fill out worksheet. Remember to save your answers.
Name: Date:

Directions: For three days, note each time you had a negative thought, felt angry, or acted out of anger. Some examples of angry
act include frowning at someone, honking your horn, gesturing, shouting, or doing something that would hurt another person. Rate
your anger from 1–5 using the following scale:
1 = A little “peeved”
2 = Slightly offended
3 = Moderately mad
4 = Very frustrated or upset
5 = Raging mad

Day of the Week: Select

Cause of anger Scale of anger Your reaction after getting angry
Day of the Week: Select
Cause of anger Scale of anger Your reaction after getting angry
Day of the Week: Select
Cause of anger Scale of anger Your reaction after getting angry

For Further Thought

Look for a pattern to the situations that make you angry. Determine how you might handle these situations differently.

To submit the completed assessment, please save your work to your computer, and then
you can either email or upload to your professor’s digital drop box as directed.

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