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Daniel: Hello, welcome to a new program.

Them greets Daniel Osorio Lopez from ABC

radio Network station 100-1 A.M., accompanying as every afternoon.

Today, we will be talking about "how technology influences the lives of humans"

Since today, every day technology advances more and more, not only it the way we
communicate, but how we think, but is it really good?

If you want to be well informed, join us, our experts will be clarifying all the doubts.
Throughout the program you can make phone calls and we will gladly clarify your

To start, we invited Eduardo Marquez and Heidi Reyes students from the University of
Veracruz, good afternoon
Heidi and Eduardo: Thank you, good afternoon.

DANIEL: "They will explain how technology has impacted our lives” after the


Daaniel: we are on the way to the cabin, the abc network. How does technology affect
our lives?

EDUARDO: Currently technology influences most human activities, technology is a

fundamental tool because through it we can perform various activities that would take
more time to develop with fully human effort.

HEDIDI: That's right, technology is practically on a daily basis and the world never
ceases to surprise us with a lot of it. Speaking in a few years ago there was more social
coexistence, children and young people played outside, just as more hands were
required in production, as in transport in those years they were on bicycles, walking,
donkeys, horses, etc.

Daniel: we have a volunteer on the line

SAUL: good afternoon my name is Saul and I have a question, how I have technology
impacted in young people?

Daniel: the answers will be give after the commercial cut

Daniel: we are back with the answers, forward eduardo

Eduardo: technology in young people has had an impact in most of the quite harmful
circumstances since they misuse it from a very young age and without adequate
supervision of the parents since today you can see young people more distracted and
confused about their futures.

Heidi: on the other hand, technology has facilitated several of the activities since before it used
books and that made the work more laborious, therefore, with the technology at hand I can find and
solve doubts just by visiting a web page or do varied activities almost at the same time.
Saul: thank you very much for answering my question.

Daniel: Well, thank you very much for listening to our channel and remember that our
channel is your channel.

I hope to meet you tomorrow to solve another enigma of human evolution and the
changes that are in our lives.

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