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Lesson Plan

Objective: To identify and explore Gardner’s 8 Intelligences so students understand how they each learn differently and the
different characteristics that make each intelligence. The goal is for each student to recognize the multiple intelligences and
identify which is their strong intelligence through a survey they can take at their own time

Materials/Equipment: Handout “The Multiple Intelligence Quiz,” will be to reference what is asked to determine one’s strong
intelligence. Have powerpoint from Google Slides for easy access and have video ready for end of presentation to recap what was


● Start by handing out worksheet, and may complete at own time for reference, will be asked to hold onto paper to see questions
that are asked to determine an intelligence.
● Powerpoint (Google Slides)
Lesson Plan

○ Slide 1-3: Lesson Plan

○ Slide 4: Gardner and Multiple Intelligence Theory
○ Slide 5: Logical-mathematical
○ Slide 6: Verbal-linguistic
○ Slide 7: Bodily-kinesthetic
○ Slide 8: Musical
○ Slide 9: Activity- Match example or definition to one of the mentioned intelligence’s
○ Slide 10: Visual-spatial
○ Slide 11: Interpersonal
○ Slide 12: Intrapersonal
○ Slide 13: Naturalist
○ Slide 14: Activity- Ask for the definition of the intelligence's listed
○ Slide 15: Youtube Video- Closure Question

Closure: Show video going over the 8 intelligences and why teachers should know about each intelligence.
Lesson Plan
Outline for Lesson Plan

Slide 1-3: Go over Lesson Plan and what is expected in the presentation. Each slide will contain written information and verbal information to expand on.
Slide 4: Explain who Howard Gardner was, brief history and explain as well the Multiple Intelligence Theory.
Slide 5: Definition of Logical-mathematical intelligence, and talk about what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics). Followed by 2 examples.
Slide 6: Definition of Verbal-linguistic, who and what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics), followed by people who are considered to have this intelligence.
Slide 7: Definition of Bodily-kinesthetic, what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics), followed by possible career options involving people strong in this
Slide 8: Definition of Musical, what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics), and how do students with this intelligence use it.
Slide 9: This activity involves the previous four intelligences. The goal of this activity will be for students to match the phrase or words with the correct intelligence.
The phrase/words and intelligence will be visible during activity.
Slide 10: Definition of Visual-spatial, what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics), image showing how a visual spatial person prefers learning or teaching.
Slide 11: Define Interpersonal, what makes up this intelligence (Characteristics), followed by possible career choices for an individual who is strong in this
Slide 12: Define Intrapersonal as well as characteristics of this intelligence, followed by what students or teachers can do to practice or improve this intelligence.
Slide 13: Definition of Naturalist and characteristics, followed by examples and known people and career choices with a naturalist intelligence.
Slide 14: Activity will include the next four intelligences. Students will see the intelligence on the powerpoint and asked to give either a known person, example
which may vary or the definition for each of the intelligence.
Slide 15: The video will act as a recap as well as my closure. The video will briefly describe the multiple intelligences so that it sticks with them after the lecture by
hearing someone else explain. A final question will be answered to express why the intelligence’s are important as a teacher.

Closure: Video and why teachers should know about the multiple intelligences
Gardner’s 8 Intelligences

Howard Gardner Theory

● Psychologist ● Published Frames of Mind (1983)

● July 11, 1943 ● Theory of Multiple Intelligence
● Harvard Graduate ○ Found 8 intelligences
○ Erik Erikson ● Many ways of learning and thinking
● Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Restrictive
● Best known for his theory
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

● Reasoning, recognizing patterns, calculate, logically analyze problems


Convert from standard to general form Which Shape is Next?

(x+5)^2 + (y+2)^2 = 21

x^2 + 10x + 25 + y^2 +4y + 4 = 21

x^2 +10x + y^2 + 4y + 29 - 21 = 0

x^2 +10x + y^2 +4y + 8 = 0

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

The most common intelligence among people and is evident

in poets, public speakers, host, journalist

● Words, language, writing, reading

“Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.”

-William Shakespeare

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.”

-Oprah Winfrey
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

People in this intelligence tend to learn better through movement and experimentation.

Possible Career Choices

● Dancers
● Athletes
● Paramedic/ EMT
● Outdoor workers (construction, gardener, technicians)
Musical Intelligence

Involves a person’s ability to perform, compose, and appreciate music and musical patterns.

● Recognizes tones and and sounds with ease.

Students and Music

Students who are strong in this intelligence usually play music in the background that
helps them work on assignments.
Students also use rhythms and patterns to assist in learning or memorize concepts.
1. Logical- Mathematical Intelligence A. Learn through experimentation and movement

2. Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence B. Reasoning, calculate problems, recognize patterns

3. Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence C. Recognizes tones and sounds with ease

4. Musical Intelligence D. Words, language, writing, reading

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

The ability to perceive the world, to visualise an outcome before beginning to create.

● Good at remembering images, using maps, and drawing

Interpersonal Intelligence

The ability to understand and interact with others, and are excellent in social events.

● Students learn best through interaction, dialogue, and


Possible Careers

Social Workers
Public Relations
Intrapersonal Intelligence

Tend to analyze themselves and seek understanding, are intuitive and usually

How to improve - Students How to use as a teacher

● Study in a comfortable quiet environment ● Assign independent projects
● Monitor own progress ● Have students write in a daily or weekly
● Reflect on what you learn journal
● Connect material you already know to new ● Have students write reflections of what
material learned was learned
Naturalist Intelligence

Involves how sensitive and appreciative a person is to nature and the world.

Known People
Charles Darwin
John James Audobon
E.O Wilson

Possible Careers
Park Ranger

1. Visual-Spatial Intelligence

2. Interpersonal Intelligence

3. Intrapersonal Intelligence

4. Naturalist Intelligence
8 Intelligence’s Recap

Why do they matter as a teacher? Student?

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