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Bagus Satrio N1, Fuut Zalifah2, Nadia A.P3, Avid Nur S4, Ira Rismadhani5
Puji Wahyuningsih6
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kepanjen
Email’s researcher

Gadget is an electronic tool which is an innovation used to facilitate work, manipulate
data, and can manage various information. The impact of gadgets on children can provide a
means of play that can attract the interest of a variety of colors, sounds, and games that can
trigger a child's adrenaline so they are interested in doing activities. Gadgets in pre-school
children (3-6 years) have great potential to develop, so optimal pre-school child growth is
stimulated to provide stimulation to all aspects of child development. One aspect of
development in preschoolers is language development.
With the use of gadgets has an influence on children's language skills, namely
obtaining language skills, learning to listen / listen to language, then speak, read and write.
Pre-school children usually use gadgets to play games, from these games children can
recognize and learn the languages contained in the game, for example English. The purpose
of this study is to determine the impact of the use of gadgets on language development in pre-
school children (3-6 years), because at that time it was a golden age or the so-called golden
age of child development. The research method uses observation and interviews

Keyword: Gadgets, language development, pre school children

Development implies a psychological / mental change that takes place in stages
throughout human life to perfect psychological functions that are manifested in the maturity
of physical organs from simple abilities to complex abilities such as intelligence, attitudes
and behavior (Susanto, 2011). Meanwhile, language is interpreted as one of the
communication tools used to convey intentions, ideas, or ideas can be verbal or written
(Liebert et al, 1986). In modern times, gadgets are very necessary for children and for
teenagers and even adults because gadgets can make it easier to obtain information.
Gadgets can provide a means of play that can attract interest from a variety of colors,
sounds, and games that can trigger adrenaline so that children are interested in doing
activities. Early childhood or preschoolers are individuals who experience a very rapid
growth and development process and therefore interpreted as a leap from development
(Mulyasa, 2012). One aspect of development in preschoolers is language development,
language development in preschoolers is the most important and plays a role in the child's
With the use of gadgets has an influence on children's language skills, namely
obtaining language skills, learning to listen / listen to language, then speak, read and write.
Gadgets have many benefits especially if the way to use them properly and properly. Parents
introducing gadgets to early childhood is very necessary but must still be remembered there
are positive impacts and negative impacts.
In one study Novitasari (2016) the use of gadgets is more fun than playing with peers,
because this can not be separated by the various game applications contained in the gadgets
are more attractive and fun to use, whereas according to other studies excessive use of
gadgets can be resulting in obstacles in language development namely speech delay. Speech
delay is one of the causes of developmental disorders in language that occur in children.
Therefore in the use of gadgets in children must always be in the monitoring of parents.
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the use of gadgets on language
development in pre-school children (3-6 years), because at that time it was a golden age or
the so-called golden period in child development. At this time all aspects of intellectual
development, emotional intelligence, and spiritual experience extraordinary development that
will influence and determine the subsequent development. Gadgets can have a positive
impact on preschoolers in language development

This study uses a qualitative methodology because it aims to obtain a more detailed
understanding of an issue, so that the questions asked are not just a comparison or just
looking for a relationship, but rather a process how these phenomena occur and what impacts
can be caused. Qualitative research is a type research whose findings cannot be achieved by
procedures statistics or other quantification methods. The focus of this research is on the
impact of the use of gadgets on the development of fine motor development in early
childhood. The sampling technique uses Snowball Sampling is serial sampling by asking
people for informationpreviously interviewed and so on. Research subject is pre-school aged
4-5 years. Research methods using observation and interviews.

According to gadget research can interfere with preschool development such as
disruption in speech developmen, therefore the use of gadgets must be monitored by
parents so that nothing bad happens for the child's development. The purpose of this study
is to determine the impact of the use of gadgets on pre-school children, because at that age
all aspects of intellect, intelligence and emotions develop very good.
Data collection techniques in this research use interview and observation techniques.
In this study the sample used is 2 parents who have children aged 3-6 years (preschool)
conducted within a period of approximately 1 day
The gadget is an electronic tool that is an innovation that is used to facilitate work,
manipulate data, and be able to manage various information.
Gadgets have many benefits let alone be used in the right way parents should be
allowed to introduce gadgets in early childhood is necessary, in addition to negative impacts,
gadgets also have a positive impact on children, according to (Pringgono,2014) said:
1. The development of imagination
See pictures and then draw them according to imagination that trains the power of
thought being limited by reality.
2. Train intelligence
In this case the child can get used to writing, numbers, picturethat help train the
learning process.
3. Increase self-confidence
When the child wins a game will be motivated to finish the game.
4. Develop skills in reading, mathematics, and problem solving.
In this case the child will arise the nature of curiosity about something that makes
children will emerge with the need to learn on their own without the need forced.
Another finding from our study is that gadgets also have a positive impact on
language development for children by being strengthened by one of the journals. The positive
impact (Widiawati, 2014) :

a. Reading ability
For children who have not been able to read well, then some games can be a
tool to help the learning process and children's stimulation of reading. As it is known
there are several games that can help children to learn by reading more fun, this is
because the game is equipped with colorful letters, interesting music. In addition,
when playing children are also required to read every command given by the game
character and game narrator. So, by playing indirectly children can learn to read.
b. Second language recognition (B2)
Some types of games they like are online games. This game uses a lot of
foreign languages namely one of them is English. When children play, children
slowly recognize and master English so they can play the game

The findings of our study are that gadgets can assist language development in
pre-school age children. The results of our interviews 3 out of 5 respondents said the
same thing is a gadget given to children to help their learning process such as helping
to learn to read and sing. Then respondents also limit the use of gadgets because they
reasoned for the child's eye health. Respondents also said their children were also
given other games besides gadgets. For socialization, children keep playing with their
friends and are not addicted to gadgets. The results of subsequent interviews 2 of 5
respondents said the same thing if the gadget is very influential on the child's
language development. Children become addicted to their socialization is also
reduced, if the gadetnya taken the response of children become angry and if given
another toy they do not want. Then the respondents became restricted their children
to play gadgets if the battery runs out then it's time to play the gadget is over.
Children's language development is also disrupted because they often become quiet
and dislike talking and prefer playing games on gadgets rather than interacting with
In our research findings, gadgets not only cause negative impacts, it is evident
that gadgets have a positive impact on children's language development. Basically,
gadet does not affect the language development of children, children can speak or
experience speech delays depending on the development of each child. And
overoming the negative effects of gadgets depends on each of us how we use gadgets.
Based on the results of research and discussion that we discussed earlier, gadgets can
have a positive impact on pre-school children in language development and have many
benefits let alone be used in the right way. Because at that time it was a golden age or the so-
called golden age in child development. As in this study has been proven by interviews
between parents and direct observation with children.

REFERENCES (example)
(Yulsyofriend, Vivi Anggraini, 2019) (Nugraheni, 2018)
Pringgono, Hasto. 2014. Anak dan Gadget: yang Penting Aturan Main. (diakses
pada tanggal 19 Juli 2018 21:45)
Widiawati dan Sugiman. 2014. Pengaruh penggunaan gadget terhadap daya
kembang anak. Diakses dari /2014/05/
ARTIKELIIS.pdf pada tanggal 10 Desember 2016.

Daftar Pustaka
Nugraheni, A. D. (2018). CYBER EFFECT : Pengaruh Iternet Terhadap Kehidupan Manusia.
Universitas Setia Budi, 123–133. Surakarta.
Yulsyofriend, Vivi Anggraini, I. Y. (2019). Dampak Gadget Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa
Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 3(1), 67–80.
Lampiran 1


Judul: Dampak penggunaan gadget terhadap perkembangan bahasa anak pra sekolah
Kelas: Reguler/ Alih Jalur Kelas-STIKes Kepanjen/ Alih Jalur-RS. Mitra Delima*

No Nama Peneliti NIM Deskripsi tugas

1 Avid Nur Sa’adah 1720033 Introduction
2 Ira Rismadhani 1720043 Abstract
3 Puji Wahyuningsih 1720053 Discussiom
4 Nadia Anggita Putri 1720021 Conclusion
5 Fuut Zalifah 1720013 Result
6 Bagus Satrio Nurhadi 1720005 Method

*coret yang tidak perlu

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