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Pengaruh Penggunaan Game Interaktif Tebak Kata Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan

Pada Siswa Tunagrahita Di Slb Negeri Kota Batu


Sholihah, Siti. 2023. The Effect of Using Interactive Word Guessing Games on Beginning Reading Ability
in Mentally Disabled Students at Batu City State SLB. Thesis, Department of Special Education,
Faculty of Education, State University of Malang. Advisor : (I), Dr. Wiwik Dwi Hastuti M.Pd,
(II), Sopingi S.sos, M.Pd.

Keywords: Interactive Guessing Game Media, reading beginning, mental retardation

Children with mild intellectual impairment are children who have difficulty in reading. From
various studies that are known, children with intellectual disabilities have much lower achievements when
compared to normal children, because their memory is less a considerable influence on the child. In
addition, the process of learning to read children with mild intellectual disabilities with normal children
also has a far gap because children with intellectual disabilities have delays in cognitive terms. This
limitation causes children with intellectual disabilities to have difficulties in recognizing letters,
distinguishing letters, accuracy in voicing writing, pronunciation and clarity of sound and stringing letters
into syllables and then into words.
This study was carried out with the aim of determining the ability of children with intellectual
disabilities in SLB Negeri Kota Batu before being given an intervention using interactive game guess the
word and after being given an intervention using interactive game guess the word, as well as analyzing
the influence of interactive game media guess the word on the ability to read the beginning of children
with mild intellectual impairment in SLB Negeri Kota Batu.
The type of research used is research with experimental methods using the pre-experimental
research mode of one group design with one group pretest – posttest design. The samples used in this
study were (4) Students with mild intellectual impairment in SLB Negeri Kota Batu and the instrument
used in this study was an oral test.
Research data obtained from pre-test results before treatment and post-test after treatment. After
all data is collected, the data is processed and analyzed into descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing
using the Paired Sample t Test. In the analysis of the results of research with the Paired Sample t Test test,
it is explained that the average value of the pre-test and post-test is not identical or not the same, t count >
t table Because the value of t count is 7.549 and t table is 3.182. So it H_0 rejected, or there is a
significant difference in value change after being treated using interactive game media guess the word.
The average post-test score was 64 higher than the average pre-test score of 45 and it can be concluded
that the interactive word guessing game affects the initial reading ability of children with intellectual
disabilities in SLB Negeri Kota Batu.

Siti Sholihah, S1 Pendidikan Luar Biasa

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