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The Task of defining globalization, since its first appearance in the Webster’s Dictionary in 1961, many

opinions about globalization have flourished. The literature on the definitions of globalization revealed
that definitions could be classified as either (1) broad and inclusive or (2) narrow and exclusive. The one
offered by Ohmae in 1992 stated, “…..globalization means the onset of the borderless world … “ this is
an example of broad and inclusive type of definition. If one uses such, it can include a variety of issues
that deal with overcoming traditional boundaries. However, it does not shed light on the implications of
globalization due its vagueness.

Narrow and exclusive definitions are better justified but can limiting, in the sense that their application
adhere to only particular definitions. Robert Cox’s definition suit best in this type:” the characteristics of
the globalization trend include the internationalizing of production, the new international division of
labor, new migratory movements from south to North, the new competitive environment that
accelerates these processes, and the internationalizing of the state… making states into agencies of
globalizing world” (as cited in RAWOO Netherlands Development Assistance Research Council, 2000,
p.14). other definitions of globalization are shown in chronological order in the Appendix. Each could fall
to either one of the two types of definitions.

No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is complex and multifaceted as
the definitions deal with either economic, political, or social dimensions. In fact, in a comprehensive
study of 114 definitions by Geneva Center of Security Policy (GCSP) in 2006, 67 of them refer to
economic dimension. These definitions include political and social dimensions as well. The sheer number
and complexity of definitions do not mean that there is a remarkable improvement in every definition
given by scholar. Kumar (2003) took on a different argument about the issue. To him, the debate about
what can be done about globalization and what it is are similar. This is in relation to what some
academics have claimed about defining globalization – it is useless task.

A more recent definition was given by Ritzer (2015), “globalization is a t ransplanetary process or a set of
processes involving increasing liquidity and growing multidirectional flows of people, object, places, and
information as well as the structures they encounter and create that are barriers to, or expedite those
flow. Generally, this definition assumes that globalization could bring either or both integration and/or
fragmentation. Although things flow easily in global world, hindrances or structural blocks are also
present. These blocks could slow down one’s activity in other country or could even limit the places a
person can visit.

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