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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Home Economics

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 75% the pupils should be able to:

a. Identify the types of food service;

b. Perform at least one type of food service; and
c. Relate the significance of food service in their daily lives.

II. Subject matter:

a. Topic: Types of Food Service

b. Reference: Food and Beverage
By: Maria Lutgard B. Punay
Pages 52-54

c. Materials:
Gift box, LCD Projector, laptop and Manila paper

d. Value integration: Love, care and respect to the customers.

e. Strategies: picture viewing, question and answer, role playing and power

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activity pupils’ activity

a. Setting of standards
1. Greetings
Good afternoon to my Mabait
Grade five pupils!
Good afternoon to Ma’am!
b. Opening prayer
Let us all stand and Oliver will lead us a prayer.
Our precious heavenly father…amen.
c. Checking of attendance.
Hazel, kindly check the attendance.
Ma’am everybody is present.
Very good class you have a perfect
Attendance! Give yourself an excellent
d. Review
Anyone from the class who would like
To recall our past lesson?
Yes! Bengie
Ma’am our last lesson is about table setting!
Devora! Tell something about table
Table setting is……
Very good Devora!

e. Motivation
By using gift box

Class what is this?

Ma’am a gift box.
(Call one pupil to check and open
The box)
A manila paper.
I think somebody send this gift box
For all
One of you will pick the message
Inside the box and post it in front
So that everybody will read it.
Keep quiet
Listen attentively
Sit properly
No talking to seatmate
Raise your hand when want to answer
Ok class this message is for everybody
And these are the things that we should
Yes ma’am!

B. Presentation
Class our lesson for today is all about
Food Service.

Class anyone who would like to share

About his/her idea about food service?

Yes! Rod

Food service is….

Thank you Rod!

Let’s give her a round of applause!

C. Lesson proper

Through power point presentation and picture.

Class tell something about this pictures?

Ma’am a waiter…….etc.

Yes, those pictures are used in a food services and

There are four types of food service those are…..

D. Enhancement activities

(Let the teacher number heads together)

Class, count of from 1 to 4

Now group yourself according to your

Number. Assign one representative

To pick one strip of paper from me to see

The assigned type of food service you are going to role play.

Class, Practice for 5mins.


Team work-20%

Mastery- 50%

E. Generalization

(Showing the pictures)

Class what is this? Kindly tell something

About it?

Ma’am an image of a girl carrying her food….

Bravo! Give yourself a Juan Dela Cruz clap!

F. Valuing

As a grade 5 pupil, what is the importance

Of food service?

Ma’am the importance is…..

IV. Evaluation

Please see the attached task sheet.

V. Agreement
Class, in a 1 whole sheet of paper,
Enumerate some characteristic
Of a waiter/waitress should possess?

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