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NIM :19.110.0011

KELAS : 2P11




The history of engineering papers on the first large-scale Water Management

System in Western Hemisphere engineering Feats of civilization in Mesopotamia
Egypt. first started building large-scale projects to save water and transport it what it
was around 3,000 years ago. compare the Aqueduct of prehistoric Mexico with
Roman aqueducts from around the same. Their engineers are extraordinary. they built
five thousand kilometers of canals and irrigation and everything was so well designed
that it was built so well that many of them had survivors or wheels and they had big
animals to carry all over.
Research to collect small stalagmite samples for analysis and collect other data
in the cave to be able to reach stalagmites despite the high, stalagmite stalactites
formed on the cave floor. cave ceiling to the floor of the cave droplets continue for
thousands of years. important traces of chemicals that help understand what was
happening in the climate thousands of years ago exactly which has been drilled in
Greenland or Antarctica.


Preservation of special plant specimens to save plant species. a lot of land developed
for human use. There is a loss of a great deal of biodiversity of reduced flower and tree
varieties. We try to prevent this loss through a process called seed banking. the seed
banking process is quite simple the seeds collected collectively and cry after they
encourage them can be stored until they are needed for research and yet not all positive
feedback on seeds can survive in low temperatures or low humidity, SO alternatives are
being explored that there are many different reasons why begging for seeds is an
important remedy. Many of our medicines currently come from the rainforest but there
are many plant species in the rainforest that still need to be identified.

Environmental law in the United States. in the United States, the federal government
makes laws that set environmental standards to reduce pollution. in the US that the
system gives MPs members of Congress the opportunity to influence environmental
policy in countries that have a parliamentary form of government. the authority to write
environmental policies is often given to a small group of people, but in the United States,
one of the 535 members of Congress can submit a draft law on environmental policy and
if there are enough votes in favor of the bill it becomes law and even though most people
care about the environment, it's hard to get laws passed that require people to do
something about it for example car emissions are one of the main causes of air pollution.

Perdon familiarly facing brain wave studies shows the same thing baby's brain wave
patterns change when they see faces they have not seen before similar changes in
perception occur when we learn the first language of a newborn we see differences
between all types of sound differences that most adults did not pay attention but within a
few months they began to focus only on the voices there regularly exposed and they
stopped noticing the difference between sounds that were not systemic as part of the
language that spoke around.

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