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The rope shown at an instant is carrying a wave travelling towards right, created by a source vibrating at a
frequency n . Consider the following statements

a b c d e

I. The speed of the wave is 4 n  ab

II. The medium at a will be in the same phase as d after s
III. The phase difference between b and e is
Which of these statements are correct [AMU 2001]

(a) I, II and III (b) II only

(c) I and III (d) III only

1. (c) Speed = n  = n(4 ab)  4 n  ab  As ab  
 4
Path difference between b and e is
So the phase difference = . Path difference

2 3  3
= . 
 4 2

4. Two pulses in a stretched string whose centres are initially 8 cm apart are moving towards each other as shown in
the figure. The speed of each pulse is 2 cm/s. After 2 seconds, the total energy of the pulses will be
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001]

(a) Zero
(b) Purely kinetic
(c) Purely potential 8 cm

(d) Partly kinetic and partly potential

(b) After 2 sec the pulses will overlap completely. The string becomes straight and therefore does not have any
potential energy and its entire energy must be kinetic.

5. The rope shown at an instant is carrying a wave travelling towards right, created by a source vibrating at a
frequency n . Consider the following statements

a b c d e
I. The speed of the wave is 4 n  ab
II. The medium at a will be in the same phase as d after s
III. The phase difference between b and e is
Which of these statements are correct [AMU 2001]

(a) I, II and III (b) II only

(c) I and III (d) III only
v  v0
2. (a) When the train is approaching the stationary observer frequency heard by the observer n  n
v  v0
when the train is moving away from the observer then frequency heard by the observer n  n
it is clear that n and n are constant and independent of time. Also and n'>n".

6. Two pulses in a stretched string whose centres are initially 8 cm apart are moving towards each other as shown in
the figure. The speed of each pulse is 2 cm/s. After 2 seconds, the total energy of the pulses will be
[IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001]

(a) Zero
(b) Purely kinetic
(c) Purely potential 8 cm

(d) Partly kinetic and partly potential

3. (b) Equation of A, B, C and D are
y A  A sin t , y B  A sin(t   / 2)

y C  A sin(t   / 2) , y D  A sin(t   )

It is clear that wave C lags behind by a phase angle of  / 2 and the wave B is ahead by a phase angle at  / 2 .

7. A man is standing on a railway platform listening to the whistle of an engine that passes the man at constant speed
without stopping. If the engine passes the man at time t 0 . How does the frequency f of the whistle as heard by
the man changes with time
[AMU 2001; KCET 2002; MP PMT 2004]

(a) f (b) f

t0 t t0 t

f f
(c) (d)

t0 t t0 t
4. (d) Points B and F are in same phase ass they are  distance apart.
8. The figure shows four progressive waves A, B, C, and D with their phases expressed with respect to the wave A. It
can be concluded from the figure that
[CPMT 1986, 88]

O t
/2  3/2 2

(a) The wave C is ahead by a phase angle of /2 and the wave B lags behind by a phase angle of  /2
(b) The wave C lags behind by a phase angle of /2 and the wave B is ahead by a phase angle of  /2
(c) The wave C is ahead by a phase angle of  and the wave B lags behind by a phase angle of 
(d) The wave C lags behind by a phase angle of  and the wave B ahead by a phase angle of 
5. The diagram below shows the propagation of a wave. Which points are in same phase [AIIMS 1982]

(a) F, G
(b) C and E H
(c) B and G A
(d) B and F F G
6. Fig. below shows the wave y  A sin(t  kx ) at any instant travelling in the +vex-direction. What is the slope of the
curve at B
(a)  / A y

(b) k / A
O x
(c) kA
(d) A
5. (c) The particle velocity is maximum at B and is given by  (v p )max  A
dx 
Also wave velocity is v 
dt k
dy (v p )max
So slope   kA
dx v

7. Figure here shows an incident pulse P reflected from a rigid support. Which one of A, B, C, D represents the
reflected pulse correctly

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

6. (d) Given equation y  y 0 sin( t   )

at t  0 , y   y 0 sin 
this is the case with curve marked D.
8. Which of the following curves represents correctly the oscillation given by y  y0 sin( t   ) , where 0    90



(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) D
9. The correct graph between the frequency n and square root of density () of a wire, keeping its length, radius and
tension constant, is
(a) n (b)

n n
(c) (d)

 

p T 1
7. (c) We know frequency n  n 
2l r 2  
i.e., graph between n and  will be hyperbola.
10. A sound source emits sound waves in a uniform medium. If energy density is E and maximum speed of the
particles of the medium is v max . The plot between E and vmax is best represented by
(a) (b)

vmax vmax
(c) (d)

8. (c) Energy density (E)   2 2 n 2 A 2
vmax v vmax
v max  A  2nA  E  (v max )
i.e., graph between E and v max will be a parabola symmetrical about E axis.

11. If the speed of the wave shown in the figure is 330m/s in the given medium, then the equation of the wave
propagating in the positive x-direction will be (all quantities are in M.K.S. units)

0.05 m

0.25 m
(a) y  0 . 05 sin 2 (4000 t  12 . 5 x )
(b) y  0 .05 sin 2 (4000 t  122 . 5 x )
(c) y  0. 05 sin 2 (3300 t  10 x )
(d) y  0. 05 sin 2 (3300 x  10 t)
9. (c) Here A  0. 05 m ,  0 .025    0 .1m
Now standard equation of wave
y  A sin (vt  x )  y  0 .05 sin 2 (33 t  10 x )

12. Two pulses travel in mutually opposite directions in a string with a speed of 2.5 cm/s as shown in the figure.
Initially the pulses are 10cm apart. What will be the state of the string after two seconds
10 cm
10 cm
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

10. (c) After two seconds each wave travel a distance of 2.5  2 = 5 cmi.e. the two pulses will meet in mutually
opposite phase and hence the amplitude of resultant will be zero.

13. Two tuning forks P and Q are vibrated together. The number of beats produced are represented by the straight
line OA in the following graph. After loading Q with wax again these are vibrated together and the beats produced
are represented by the line OB. If the frequency of P is 341Hz, the frequency of Q will be

(a) 341 Hz
(b) 338 Hz 3 B

(c) 344 Hz 2

(d) None of the above 1

11. (c) nQ  341  3  344 Hz or 3380Hz t(s)

1 2
on waxing Q, the number of beats decreases hence nQ  344 Hz
14. An observer starts moving with uniform acceleration a toward a stationary sound source emitting a whistle of
frequency n. As the observer approaches source, the apparent frequency, heard by the observer varies with time
n' n'
(a) (b)

t t

n' n'
(c) (d)
n n

t t
12. (b) For observer approaching a stationary source
v  v0 an 
n  .n and given v 0  at  n   tn
v  v 
this is the equation of straight line with positive intercept n and positive slope   .
v 

15. A wave is travelling along a string. At an instant, shape of the string is as shown in fig. At this instant, point A is
moving upwards. Which of the following statements is/are correct


(a) The wave is travelling to the right

(b) Displacement amplitude of the wave is equal to displacement of B at this instant
(c) At this instant velocity of C is also directed upwards

(d) Phasedifference between A and C may be equal to
13. (b,d) Since A is moving upwards, therefore, after an elemental time interval the wave will be as shown dotted in
following fig. It means, the wave is travelling leftward. Therefore, (a) is wrong.

2 B A

1 C
0 x


Displacement amplitude of the wave means maximum possible displacement of medium particles due to
propagation of the wave, which is equal to the displacement at B at the instant shown in fig. Hence (b) is
From figure, it is clear that C is moving downwards at this instant. Hence (c) is wrong.
 
The phase difference between two points will be equal to if distance between them is equal to . Between
2 4
 
A and C, the distance is less than . It may be equal to . Hence, phase difference between these two points
2 4

may be equal to .

16. The displacement-time graphs for two sound waves A and B are shown in the figure, then the ratio of their
intensities I A / IB is equal to
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 16
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 1 : 1
14. (d) Intensity  a 2 2
2 2
aA 2 A 1 I 2 1  1
here  and   A      
aB 1 B 2 IB  1   2  1

17. A wave motion has the function y  a0 sin( t  kx ) . The graph in figure shows how the displacement y at a fixed
point varies with time t. Which one of the labelled points shows a displacement equal to that at the position

x at time t = 0
(a) P
(b) Q S
(c) R P R
(d) S t

 Q
15. (b) At t = 0 and x  . The displacement
   
y  a0 sin  x 0  k    a0 sin  a0
 2 x  2

from graph. Point of maximum displacement (a0) in negative direction is Q.

18. The diagram below shows an instantaneous position of a string as a transverse progressive wave travels along it
from left to right

1 2

Which one of the following correctly shows the direction of the velocity of the points 1, 2 and 3 on the string
1 2 3
(a)   
(b)   
(c)   
(d)   


1. (d) Particle velocity (v p )   v  Slope of the graph at that point

At point 1 : Slope of the curve is positive, hence particle velocity is negative or downward ()
At point 2 : Slope negative, hence particle velocity is positive or upwards ()
At point 3 : Again slope of the curve is positive, hence particle velocity is negative or downward ()

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