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ABS, Lucknow

BBA (2012-14)




This AGREEMENT is between the office of the register Amity university NOIDA and
SONAL SHAH a student presently studying at the AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, Lucknow

The student named above desires to undertake Dissertation / training program as student in
the institute / Department / Center AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, Amity University as a
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AGREED ___________________________________ (SIGNATURE)

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___________________________________ (DATE)

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(Institution deputing the students)





I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the
kind support and help of many individuals and organization. I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to Dr.Rajendra Kumar for her guidance and constant supervision as
well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in
completing the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & friends for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.
I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me
such attention and time.
My thanks and appreciations also go to the people who have willingly helped me out with
their abilities.


Certified that this report is prepared based on the term paper project undertaken by me in of
under the guidance of Dr. Rajendra Kumar in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
award of degree of BBA 3rd SEM from Amity University, Uttar Pradesh.




Forwarded here with a term paper report on “Employee Benefits At Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd.”

Submitted by Sonal Shah, Enrollment no. A7006416019, student of BBA,3rd Semester

This project work is partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of BBA from
Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh.







I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the Amity University’s policy in this regard

I declare that

(a) The work submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree
assessment in this is my own; it has not previously been presented for another

(b) I declare that this is my original work. Wherever work form other source has been
used, all debts (for words data, arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged
and referenced in accordance with the requirements of NTCC Regulations and Guidelines.

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passing it off as his or her own work.

(e) The work conforms to the guidelines for layout, content and style as set out in the Regulations
and Guidelines.

Date: ------------- Name : SONAL SHAH

Enrollment no.A7006416019

Programme Name BBA


 To know and analyse the recruitment procedure and practices in
coca cola company
 It is to be globally known as a business that conducts business

responsibility and ethically and to accelerate sustainable growth

to operate in tomorrow's world.

 To get the insight knowledge on the process of recruitment in coca

cola company.

 To know about the data analysis and methodology by giving

different questionnaire on it.

 To offer suggestion if any improving human resource

management practices in the company.

1 Introduction

2 Company Profile

3 Research

4 Data Analysis

5 Learnings and

6 Bibliography

with separate organizations. A preparatory screening is done inside the grounds and the

Recruitment is a process of searching the prospective employees and stimulate them to the
organization. When one more persons apply for jobs then there will be a scope for recruiting
better persons. It is an activity which bringing together the seeking jobs. In simple words, it is
refers to discovering the source from where potential employees may be selected. This
process leads to higher productivity, better wages, high morale, reduction in labour turnover
and enhanced reputation. It also stimulates people to apply for jobs; and it is a positive

It is characterized as a procedure of finding the most reasonable contender for another or

empty position in any business association or volunteer-based association or group gathering.
Selecting the correct sorts of workers having the occupation/hierarchical fit remain a major
test to the businesses who need to ensure to make the progress in their business operations
and improve ROI.

By using the correct technique and for competitors' recruitment process, need to acquire
finish data of their SKAOs and past practices which really mirror the showed capabilities of
the applicants. Its specialists must have information of the significant business and
occupation determination for the positions to be employed.

It is concerned with ensuring a supply of qualified personnel and making out selection of
requisite manpower both in their quantitative and qualitative aspect. It is the development and
maintenance of adequate man- power resources.


Recruitment is characterized as, "a procedure to find the sources of manpower to meet the
prerequisites of the staffing plan and to utilize compelling measures for drawing in that labor
in satisfactory numbers to encourage powerful determination of an effective workforce."
Edwin B. Flippo characterized recruitment as "the way toward looking for imminent workers
and animating them to apply for employments in the association." It is a 'connecting capacity'
which consolidate those with occupations to fill and those looking for employments. It is a
'joining procedure's in that it tries to unite work searchers and boss with view to urge the
previous to apply for a vocation with the last mentioned. So as to draw in individuals for the
occupations, the association impart the position in that a path from which work searchers
react. To be practical, this procedure ought to pull in qualified candidates and give enough
data to unfit people to self-choose themselves out. Subsequently, the recruitment procedure
starts when newcomers are looked for and closes when their applications are submitted. The
outcome is a pool of candidates from which new workers are chosen.


The purposes of recruitment are as follows:-

• The present and future necessities of the association in conjunction with its faculty
arranging and occupation investigation exercises.

• Pool of occupation hopefuls is expanded at least cost.

• It help in expanding the achievement rate of the choice procedure by lessening the quantity
of obviously, under qualified or overqualified work candidates.

• It help to diminished the likelihood of the occupation candidates, once enlisted and chose,
will leave the association simply after a brief timeframe.

• It Induct untouchables with another point of view to lead the organization.

`• It build up a hierarchical culture

The motivations behind recruitment are as per the following:-

•It decide led individuals to the organization.

•Search or head chase/head pocket individuals whose abilities fit for the
organization's esteems.
•Devise strategies for surveying mental characteristics.

•It look for ability all inclusive and not simply inside the organization.

•Design section pay that contends on quality yet not on quantum.

•Anticipate and discovering individuals for positions that don't exist yet.

•Increasing authoritative and singular viability in the short and long haul.

•Evaluate the adequacy of different enlisting methods and hotspots for a wide range of
employment candidates.

It speaks to the primary contact that an organization makes with potential representatives. It
is through recruitment that numerous people will come to think about an organization, and in
the long run choose whether they wish to work for it. An all around arranged and very much
oversaw selecting exertion will bring about top notch candidates, though, a heedless and
piecemeal exertion will bring about unremarkable ones. Fantastic representatives can't be
chosen when better applicants don't know about employment opportunities, are not inspired
by working for the organization and don't make a difference. The procedure ought to advise
qualified people about business openings, and make a constructive picture of organization,
give enough data about the occupations so candidates can make examinations with their
capabilities and interests, and create excitement among the best hopefuls so they will apply
for the empty positions.

The negative outcomes of a poor recruitment process say a lot about its part in an association.
The inability to create a sufficient number of sensibly qualified candidates can demonstrate
expensive in a few ways. It incredible entangle the determination procedure and may bring
about settling for the status quo. The low quality of choice means additional cost on preparing
and supervision.

Besides, when recruitment neglects to meet the authoritative requirements for ability, a
regular reaction is to raise section level pay scales. This can twist conventional wages and
compensation connections in the association, bringing about avoidable outcomes.
Accordingly, the viability of an recruitment procedure can assume a noteworthy part in
deciding the assets that must be exhausted on other HR exercises and their definitive

Procedure of Recruitment:

Recruitment Process Passes through the Following Stages:

i) Searching out the sources from where required people will be accessible for recruitment.
On the off chance that youthful supervisors are to be selected then foundations bestowing
guidelines in business organization will be the best source.

(ii) Developing the systems to draw in the reasonable applicants. The goodwill and notoriety
of an association in the market might be one strategy. The exposure about the organization
being an expert boss may likewise help with invigorating contender to apply.

(iii) Using of good procedures to pull in planned hopefuls. There might be offers of alluring
pay rates, legitimate offices for advancement, and so on.

(iv) The following stage in this procedure is to invigorate whatever number hopefuls as
would be prudent to apply for occupations. With a specific end goal to choose a best
individual, there is a need to pull in more applicants.


The following are the most commonly used methods of recruiting people


 Promotions and Transfers

This is a technique for filling vacancies from inside through exchanges and

An exchange is a horizontal development inside a similar review, starting with

one employment then onto the next. It might prompt changes in obligations and
duties, working conditions, and so on. , however not really pay. Advancement,
then again, includes development of representative from a lower level position to
a more elevated amount position joined by (as a rule) changes in obligations,
duties, status and esteem. Associations for the most part get ready awful records
or a focal people from which opening can be filled for manual employments.
Such people are typically passed on to different offices, contingent upon inner
necessities. On the off chance that a man stays on such moves for 240 days or
more, he gets the status of a perpetual representative according to the Industrial
Disputes Act and is in this way qualified for every single important advantage,
including provident reserve, tip, conservation pay.

 job Posting

Job posting is another method for procuring individuals from inside. In this method, the
association plugs employment opportunity on announcement sheets, electronic method and
comparative outlets. One of the critical favourable circumstances of this strategy is that it
offers an opportunity to exceptionally qualified candidates working inside the organization to
look for development openings inside the organization to search for development openings
inside the organization without searching for greener fields outside.

 Employee Referrals

Employee referral implies utilizing individual contacts to find openings for work. It is a
suggestion from a present worker with respect to an occupation candidate. The rationale
behind representative referral is that "it takes one to know one." Employees working in the
association, for this situation, are urged to prescribe the names of their companions, working
in different associations for a conceivable opening sooner rather than later. Indeed, this has
turned into a famous method for recruiting individuals in the exceptionally focused
Information Technology industry these days. Organizations offer rich rewards likewise to
representatives whose proposals are acknowledged – after the normal screening and
analysing process is over – and work offers reached out to the recommended competitors. As
a goodwill signals, organizations additionally consider the names prescribed by unions every
now and then.

External (direct) Methods

Campus Recruitment:

It is a strategy for recruiting by going to and taking part in school grounds and their situation
focuses. Here the recruiting specialists visit rumoured instructive foundations, for example,
IITs, IIMs, schools and colleges with a view to get work hopefuls having imperative
specialized or expert aptitudes. Employment searchers are given data about the occupations
and the scouts, thus, land a preview of position searchers through steady exchange of data
short recorded understudies are then subjected to the rest of the determination procedure.

In perspective of the developing interest for youthful directors, most presumed associations,
(for example, Hindustan Lever Ltd., Proctor and Cable, Citibank, State Bank of India, Tata
and Birla bunch organizations) visit IIMs and IITs frequently and even support certain
famous grounds exercises with a view to procure goodwill in the employment showcase.
Favourable circumstances of this technique include: the position focus finds candidates and
gives resumes to associations; candidates can be prescreened; candidates won't need to be
baited far from a present place of employment and lower compensation desires. On the
adverse front, ground recruiting implies procuring individuals with practically no work

Indirect methods:-

Advertisements:-T h e s e i n c l u d e a d v e r t i s e m e n t s i n n e w s p a p e r s ; t r a d e ,
p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d technical journals; radio and television; etc. in recent times, this
medium has become just as colourful, lively and imaginative as consumer
advertising. T h e a d s g e n e r a l l y g i v e a b r i e f o u t l i n e o f t h e
j o b r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s , compensation package, prospects in
o r g a n i z a t i o n s , e t c . t h i s m e t h o d i s appropriate when:

(a) The organization intends to reach a large target group

(b) The organizations wants a fairly good number of talented people –  who are
geographically spread out. To apply for advertised vacancies let’s  briefly examine
the wide variety of alternatives available to a company – as far as ads are concerned:

• Newspaper Ads : Here it is easy to place job ads without much of a l e a d t i m e . I t h a s
flexibility in terms of information and can c o n v e n i e n t l y t a r g e t a
s p e c i f i c g e o g r a p h i c l o c a t i o n . O n t h e negative side, newspaper ads tend
to attract only those who are actively seeking employment at that point of time, while
some of t h e b e s t c a n d i d a t e s w h o a r e w e l l p a i d a n d c h a l l e n g e d b y
t h e i r   current jobs may not be aware of such openings. As a result, the c o m p a n y m a y
b e b o m b a r d e d w i t h a p p l i c a t i o n s f r o m a l a r g e number of candidates
who are marginally qualified for the job –  a d d i n g t o i t s a d m i n i s t r a t i v e
burden. To maintain secrecy for v a r i o u s r e a s o n s ( a v o i d i n g
t h e r u s h , s e n d i n g s i g n a l t o competitors, cutting down expenses
involved in responding to any i n d i v i d u a l w h o a p p l i e s , e t c . ) , l a r g e c o m p a n i e s
with a national r e p u t a t i o n m a y a l s o g o i n f o r b l i n d - b o x a d s i n
n e w s p a p e r s , especially for filling lower level positions. In a blind-box ad there is no
identification of the advertising organization. Job aspirants a r e a s k e d t o r e s p o n d
t o a p o s t o f f i c e b o x n u m b e r o r t o a n employment firm that is
a c t i n g a s a n a g e n t b e t w e e n t h e j o b seekers and the organization.

•T e l e v i s i o n a n d r a d i o a d s : T h e s e a d s a r e m o r e l i k e l y t o e a c h i n d i v i d u a l
w h o a r e n o t a c t i v e l y s e e k i n g e m p l o y m e n t ; t h e y a r e more likely to stand
out distinctly, they help the organization to target the audience more selectively
and they offer considerable s c o p e f o r d e s i g n i n g a d s c r e a t i v e l y .
H o w e v e r , t h e s e a r e expensive. Also, because the television or radio is simply seen
or heard, potential candidates may have a tough time remembering the details,
making application difficult.

Factors Influencing Recruitment:

All enterprises, big or small, have to engage themselves in recruitment of persons. A number
of factors influence this process.

Some Of The Main Factors Are Being Discussed Below:

1. Size of the Enterprise:

The quantity of people to be recruited will rely on the measure of an endeavor. A major

endeavor requires more people at customary interims while a little endeavor utilizes just a

couple of representatives. A major business house will dependably be in contact with well

springs of supply and might attempt to draw in an ever increasing number of people for
making a legitimate determination. It can stand to spend more sums in finding planned

competitors. So the measure of a venture will influence the procedure of recruitment.

2. Employment Conditions:

The employment conditions in an economy greatly affect recruitment process. In under-

developed economies, employment opportunities are limited and there is no dearth of

prospective candidates. At the same time suitable candidates may not be available because of

lack of educational and technical facilities. If the availability of persons is more, then

selection from large number becomes easy. On the other hand, if there is a shortage of

qualified technical persons, then it will be difficult to locate suitable persons.

3. Salary Structure and Working Conditions:

The wages offered and working conditions winning in a venture significantly impact the

accessibility of staff. In the event that higher wages are paid when contrasted with

comparative concerns, the undertaking won't confront any trouble in making recruitments. An

association offering low wages can confront the issue of work turnover.

The working conditions in a venture will decide work fulfillment of representatives. A

venture offering great working conditions like legitimate sanitation, lighting, ventilation, and

so on would give more occupation fulfillment to representatives and they may not leave their

present employment.

Then again, if representatives leave the employments because of unacceptable working

conditions, it will prompt new recruitment of new people.

4. Rate of Growth:

The growth rate of an enterprise also affects recruitment process. An expanding concern will

require regular employment of new employees. There will also be promotions of existing
employees necessitating the filling up of those vacancies. A stagnant enterprise can recruit

persons only when present incumbent vacates his position on retirement.

Human Resource Strategy

The recruitment technique is a report depicting the objective position at work advertise and
the fundamental enlistment sources to be utilized. The recruitment procedure must be
adjusted splendidly to the HR Strategy, and it needs to help the vital objectives and activities
of the association and Human Resources. The recruitment methodology characterizes the
fundamental objectives for the recruitment procedure and HR Recruiters need to take after
the characterized objectives as the association achieves the coveted position at work
advertise. The effective recruitment technique sources the imaginative association with the
differing HR.

The organization needs its solid image name at work advertise. The association needs to
separate itself from contenders. The recruitment procedure needs to make the esteem
included for the association. The recruitment procedure needs to secure the best gifts from the
contenders. The recruitment of gifts with the creative approach is troublesome. The
organization needs to make the various association as it uses the distinctive plans to construct
a superior outcome. These are the objectives for the recruitment methodology.

The recruitment procedure interfaces diverse HR Recruitment apparatuses to construct the

one of a kind approach of the association. The association must be solid and unmistakable at
work advertise as the best abilities consider it the business of decision (first decision). The
association needs to set the financial plan for the usage of the recruitment methodology, and
it needs to assess the outcomes conveyed to roll out the extra improvements in the
recruitment technique.

The recruitment technique is not quite recently unadulterated HR Marketing. The recruitment
procedure is tied in with choosing the correct recruitment hotspots for the association. It is
tied in with choosing the correct sites to spread the occupation opening. It is about the
approach of the association to the interior recruitment. It is about the way to deal with various
and more adaptable employment courses of action to help the work/life adjust.

The advancement of the recruitment methodology is cooperation exertion, and it can't be

arranged just by Human Resources work. Directors are the clients of the recruitment
procedure, and they should decide the coveted position of the association at work showc



The Coca-Cola Company is the world's biggest b normal organization; The Coca-Cola
Company markets four of the world's best five soda brands Coca-Cola, eat less Coke, Sprite
and Fanta. Furthermore, now as of now the organization has offered two new items in this
market, Sprite 3G and Fanta Citrus. Sprite 3G is doing its business effectively and meeting
the desires of the administration by catching piece of the overall industry of "Dew" rapidly
then again the second recently presented that item is not meeting the desires and yet
attempting to discover the appropriate place in the market and it is normal that the
organization may stop its creation of this item in not so distant future. Their refreshment
offerings envelop about 400 brands, including espressos teas, juices and juice drinks, sports
beverages and waters and in addition carbonated soda . With operations in more than 200
nations, they have a differing workforce of roughly 50,000 people. Together with their
backups and packaging accomplices , they endeavor to be an essential and contributing
individual from each of the groups where they work. The Coca-Cola Company is the world's
advertiser, and wholesaler of non-alcoholic refreshment and syrups, with world home office
in Atlanta, Georgia. The Company and its backups utilize about 31,000 individuals around
the globe. Syrups, concentrates and refreshment bases for Coca-Cola, the Company's leader
image, and more than 230 other Company soda brands are produced and sold by The Coca-
Cola Company and its auxiliaries in about 200 nations around the globe.

By contract with The Coca-Cola Company or its local subsidiaries, local  businesses are
authorized to bottle and sell Company soft drinks within certain territorial boundaries and
under conditions that ensure the highest standards of quality and uniformity.
Mission Statement:

"To profit and revive everybody it touches and to make esteems for our mutual proprietors
on a long haul bases by building a business the Coca Cola organization trademarks."


Every one of us in Coca Cola Company get up every morning realizing that and we are the
ones with the best chance to revive them. Our task is straight forward: to make coca cola and
different items accessible, reasonable and adequate to them extinguishing their thirst and
giving them an ideal snapshot of unwinding. On the off chance that we do this, in the event
that we make it feasible for 5.6 billion individuals to escape coca cola.


The Coca-Cola Company is the world's biggest refreshment organization.

The Coca-Cola Company markets four of the world's best - five soda brands Coca-Cola, slim
down Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Their refreshment offerings envelop almost 400 brands,
including espressos teas, juices and juice drinks, sports beverages and waters and in addition
carbonated sodas with operations in more than 200 nations. The results of The Coca-Cola
Company touch lives all over the place.
Coca-Cola established the framework of the drink business when it was shaped in May 1886
in Atlanta. Notwithstanding it was not until 1895 that offering coke in bottles was presented.
With the progression of time Coca-Cola picked up ubiquity and its item started to get
perceived universally.

Therefore from its simple start in 1886 Coca-Cola has now been changed into a solid
multinational with its item being presently perceived everywhere throughout the world. Coca-
Cola, actually, has now turned out to be a standout amongst the most celebrated and broadly
expended marks in world.

It has not just settled its footings in the drink business however is right now heading the
rundown of fiscally stable organizations on the planet.

Their centre brands have had an effect the world over; brands, for example, Fanta, Sprite and
off base, Coca-Cola, are accessible and perceived in numerous nations. Each of their different
brands is appropriated in at least one nations, and is customized to the way of life and tastes
of those buyers. So wherever you are, you're certain to discover a Coca-Cola item to

 The main product range is as follows:

 Coca-Cola classic

 Diet coke

 Cherry coke

 Diet cherry coke

 Minute maid orange

 Minute maid Mango

 Minute maid Pulpy

 Sprite

 Sprite 3G

 Fanta

Furthermore, numerous others, which are still not acquainted in subcontinent due with a few
reasons Human Resource Management is a fundamental piece of recruitment for any
association. In addition, advancement of this office is the initial step, the ground on which the
eventual fate of the organization depends. It is basic for each and every specialty unit and
particularly for such worldwide organization as Coca Cola. It is the general population not
the innovation who make the organization.


(a) Strengths: One of Coca Cola quality is its greatly unmistakable brand. The organization's
notoriety is one of its superior quality which is basically unique.
The Coca Cola mark is known everywhere throughout the world. Individuals drink Coke for
its taste, as well as in light of the fact that believing that they are a piece of something cool,
hip, and prominent.

b) Weaknesses: Coca Cola is an exceptionally effective worldwide organization, with

constrained shortcomings. Like each multinational partnership with a few items sold in
numerous nations, Coca Cola has a few shortcomings. Informal exchange can be a
shortcoming now and again.

Some of its items don't taste as great and are not as well known as its banner image Cole
Classic. In any case, one of the greatest shortcomings that Coke faces is people in general's
discernment that it is unfortunate and can prompts certain sicknesses like diabetes if devoured
in high amounts.

c) Opportunities: Because Coca Cola is a major organization it has couple of chances that it
can misuse. It has numerous disagreeable brands and items that it should keep on taking
favourable position of and create. Another open door lies in its capacity to grow new items in
view of changes in shopper tastes.

d) Threats: regardless of the way that Coca Cola rules the refreshment showcase, despite
everything it needs to manage numerous dangers. The most importantly of which is rivalry,
particularly from second driving contender Pepsi. Another risk is the evolving wellbeing
cognizance disposition of the market, which could seriously affect Coca cola


Their values serve as a compass for their actions and describe how we behave in the

 LEADERSHIP: The courage to shape a better future

 COLLABORATION: Leverage collective genius
 INTEGRITY: Be real
 ACCOUNTABILITY: If it is to be, it’s up to me
 PASSION: committed in heart and mind
 QUALITY: What we do we do well

Coke is it being the #1 non-mixed drink organization, and also one of the world's most
unmistakable brands. The Coca-Cola Company is home to 20 billion-dollar-brands, including
four of the best five soda pops: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. Other best brands
incorporate Minute Maid, and vitamin water. Everything considered, the organization claims
or licenses and markets more than 500 refreshment brands, predominantly shimmering drinks
yet in addition waters, juice beverages, vitality and games beverages, and prepared to-drink
teas and espressos. With the world's biggest refreshment circulation framework, The Coca-
Cola Company achieves parched buyers in more than 200 nations.

Top Competitors of coca cola co.

Nestlé S.A.


A research design is simply the framework or plan for a study that is used as guide in
collecting and analysing the data. It is blue print that is followed in completing a study.
“Research design is the plan structure, and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain
answer research question and to control variance.”



Secondary data analysis can be literally defined as “second-hand” analysis. It is the analysis
of data or information that was either gathered by someone else (e.g., researchers,
institutions, other NGOs, etc.).

In this project Secondary Data has been undertaken with care and diligence. Secondary data
analysis and review involves collecting and analysing a vast array of information.

The secondary data is being collected from:

• Case Study

• Books

• Internet

• Organizational Reports
• Business Magazines



Coke is it being the #1 non-mixed drink affiliation, and moreover one of the world's most
unmistakable brands. The Coca-Cola Company is home to 20 billion-dollar-brands, including
four of the best five pop pops: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. Other best brands
join Minute Maid, and vitamin water. Everything considered, the affiliation claims or licenses
and markets more than 500 refreshment brands, overwhelmingly shimmering drinks yet
additionally waters, juice refreshments, importance and diversions refreshments, and
orchestrated to-drink teas and espressos. With the world's most noteworthy refreshment
stream framework, The Coca-Cola Company accomplishes dried buyers in more than 200

The following points are taken into consideration for the purpose of present analysis-

1) The procedure of Recruitment given in Figure gives the details of recruitment. 120 out of
120 employer’s accepted the fact that coca- cola follows recruitment and selection procedure.
2. External recruitment: the company compensates the employees for the expenses made by

It basically depends on the post the candidate is applying for, in most of the cases the
company does compensate the employees for the expenses incurred by them.70 out of 120
employers said that the company compensates the employees for the expenses made by them,
while 50 employers said no. It can be seen from figure

3) Company hires consultancy firms or recruitment agency for hiring candidates

All 120 employers said that the company hires consultancy firms or recruitment agency for
hiring candidates as obvious from figure.
4) The verification of the candidates to the given reference 80 out of 120 employers said
the reference provided by the candidates is verified while 40 employers said no.

5) The total monitory expenditure the company spends on recruitment and selection
procedure 20 out of 120 employers said that the company spends about 10%-20% of its total
expenditure on recruitment and selection.

70 out of 120 employers said that the company spends about 20%-30% of its total
expenditure on recruitment and selection.
9) Interview methods used by the company 200 out of 200 said the company follows direct
interview method, as well as other method which includes unstructured interview with the
departmental head. And the 120 said the computerisation is followed by the company. This is
analysed in figure.



Recruitment methods are very important which concerning for selection and the job.

We come to the conclusion that the marketing strategy of coca cola is working and the
product is gaining popularity among youth day by day. The coca cola company are keen to
motivate and satisfy their employees to extent to get utilize their best potentials for
organizational purpose.

In this report we used to study about the process of recruitment and the factors which affect

The data analysis of coca cola company is done through giving several questionnaire and
research methodology is done by secondary data published.

Google has some of the most of the creative and innovative ways and link for making the

Google gives the several concept and link in making the report.


This chapter evaluates the findings which are analysed through questionnaires filled by the
employees of Hindustan coca cola ltd.(India) concerning the recruitment procedure in their

Company and how they were selected. The data is analysed received from the questionnaires

filled by the employees of coca cola, India.


 As the study based on the secondary data, the inherent


Of the secondary data would have affected the study.

 The analysis should be atleast giving a several month out of

date, and so might

not giving proper indication of the company current position.

 Due to less time the report could not be prepared in detail.

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