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Chris ENG10

Ethos, Pathos, & Logos Summary



Specify the concepts that will act as each Element of Persuasion in your persuasive paper/
speech. Write

a small summary of the concept and tell why it will serve as a persuasive element to support your

proposed solution.

Ethos is establishing your credentials to be speaking to the audience on the specific subject mat-
ter.  Ethos is about trust.

Your audience needs to know or to believe:

-you are trustworthy,

-that you have a locus stand to talk on the subject, and that you speak in good faith.

-You need your audience to believe that you are, credible

-Between two speakers with identical credentials, the more closely relatable one will win
the audience.

reverse ethos  appeal at times, an attack on an opponent which questions their credentials and
trustworthiness and serves to alienate them from the audience. 

The use in my speech:

The use of endorsers or celebrities to further enhance the content on my speeches,
develop deep expertise in topics you speak about, be an advocate regarding the said is-
sues. Be more authoritative during the speech to emphasise certain aspects.

Pathos: Emotions; (humor, love, patriotism, or any emotional response). * know your audience.

-Pathos trick:

-paromologia: where you concede, or appear to concede, part of your opponent’s

point. (We all make mistakes…)

-aposiopesis:  a sudden breaking off as if at a loss for words

-joy and laughter: It participates in the pathos appeal inasmuch as it stirs an

audience’s emotions to laughter 

The use in my speech:

The use of human rights cases and how it impacted the lives of citizens. Coming
from the victim’s perspective and use sudden emotions to create anger and sadness in or-
der to create an audience feedback. It would be great to use humour and then shift to a
more sensitive emotion such as anger, fear, and sadness to create a pathway for the audi-
ence to relate to these situations. Compare real life experiences as in simple stuff, and dif-
ferences such is privilege use analogies and stories to tell about the topic.

Logos:  it is the stuff of your arguments, the way one point proceeds to another, as if to show
that the conclusion to which you are aiming is not only the right one, but so necessary and rea-
sonable as to be more or less the only one

-The logic behind your argument.

-Encourage your audience to reach the conclusion to your argument on their own

-logos trick:

-abused syllogism: combining two premises and drawing a fresh conclusion that
follows logically from them.

-commonplace: piece of shared wisdom: a tribal assumption. In the use of

commonplaces, you can see where logos and ethos intersect. (common ground)

The use in my speech: To draw conclusions from reliable datas such as a popular In-
ternational data base and then tails it with pathos. For example “according to the UNODC
1000 people has been affected by terrorism: imagine the family of….” Something like that.
The use of logos as a substance and incorporate it with other elements to further boosts

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