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Life-The drive to propagate our race against time

Have you ever been in a phase, where you badly wanted to stop the time and make the
most out of it? We have always heard of the phrase “Time does not stop for anyone”
with the rise in population and increase in competition in the world, we all are fighting a
race against time.

We are always running short of time in our lives. Every day we wake up and get ready
for our daily routines. We manage 100 issues parallelly. As soon as we wake-up our
brain starts processing everything which needs to be done.

Our mind works 24/7 where we eat, work, work, work and sleep. In the meantime, our
mind is struggling with various food cravings, with the rise of social buzz we are also
tempted and saddened at the same time with the stories and posts of our peers. We
want to hang out, go on trips with our friends and balance your work and personal life at
the same time.

You need to put a stop to it, NOW!

I know saying that is easy and practicing is altogether a tough task, But believe me or
not it’s hard to take those initial baby steps to control your mind and soul from
distractions and leading a peaceful life but once it’s done you will feel a lot of difference.

With the average of young adults suffering anxiety, stress, and short-temperedness
many adults are trying to make a difference by bringing Yoga into regular practice.

Yoga: The Blessing of God to Mankind!

Everyone is well aware of the fact that yoga serves us with peace of mind. It is
well-known for delivering flexibility, releasing stress, increasing concentration and also
improving our cardiovascular health.

For many of us, Yoga is the best option to go with. Being an aspirant for your goal is not
bad but being unethically crazy for that is. With so much stress and burden and peer
pressure sometimes we perform certain acts that are not meant to be done.
Yoga helps us endure these pressures with grace, it increases our patience level which
further helps us to make wise decisions.

I believe yoga is a must-do practice for all of us, there are many centers across the
globe which provide yoga facilities Samshudi a yoga and wellness retreat at the laps of
nature center which provide yoga facilities and help you release all the stress and toxins
from your body and inhale all the strength and rejuvenate your body with positivity.

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