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School : SMAN 3 Kotabumi
Grade/ Semester : XI / II
Basic Competency : 3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks explanation lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran
lain di kelas XI, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
explanation lisan dan tulis, terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di kelas XI
Teacher : Nuri Nuryani, S.Pd.


For this section, I am going to expose what I think about "Explanation Text and Procedure Text".   The similarity is they both are talking
about the processes. For differences, look at the table below:


1. Participant Human: I, We, etc. Non human such as: Machine, Nature, etc.
2. Purpose How to make something. How something works/ occurs
Examples: Examples:
1. How to serve "pudding" 1. How Lightning Emerge
2. How to cook instant noodle 2. How flood occurs
3. How to make kite 3. How tsunami happens
Here is an example of Procedure   Here is an example of Explanation Text
 3. Examples

How to make Pudding Have you ever been electrocuted by a static electricity? Or have you ever
seen sparks when you take off your jumper? Same thing happens when the
Material : pudding, my vla, and drink lightning is made, but of course on a much larger scale.
water (500ml).           Lightning is formed by the electric current from the clouds. Firstly, on
the ground, the heating from the sun makes ground becomes hot. Water on
Equipment: pan, cup, mold and the ground evaporates and rises up to the sky. Then, water vapor cools and
forms cloud in the sky. The temperature in the sky is freezing, and the water
turns into ice.
            The ice bump each other as they move, building up electrical charge
First  of all, heat 500ml water in a in the sky. The lighter clouds formed at top and becomes positive, while the
pan. After it boils, pour the pudding heavier sinks to the bottom and becomes negative. The electrical charge
and stir it. If it boils, pour it into its becomes larger and larger, and when the charge grows large enough, the
mold and wait until it gets cooler. lightning is formed as a giant spark of static electricity.
            Although it happens because of the electrical charge in the sky,
Prepare "my vla" in another cup by lightning can also reach the ground. It happens when positive charge builds
stirring it with 200ml hot water. up on the ground beneath the cloud. The positive charge of ground
After 30 minutes, smear it on the concentrates around anything that sticks up, like tree, pole, lightning
conductor, even people. Then, it attracts the negative charge in the bottom
pudding which has been cooled.
of cloud, makes the great abundance of electron leaps and formed lightning.
(MKS)             After the lightning emerges, there must be a great sound follows it,
called thunder. Why does thunder make a very loud sound? First, thunder
_____Bon Appetit_____ happens when the electricity passes through the air and causes air particles
to vibrate. Secondly, the lightning is very very hot, about 27,000 degrees
Celcius, and makes the hot air expands very quickly. The air particles around
  are pushed apart creating a great vibrations in the air.
            Thus, the lightning works exactly the same with static electricity in
your home, but it is much stronger. It produces a very high voltage and also
much higher than in your home. So, if you have ever been electrocuted by a
static electricity, I suggest you not to try it with lightning. (Sant Jackob)

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