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No. Nama Symbol Nilai Satuan
1 Fuel firing rate q 5599.17 kg/hr
2 Steam generation rate Q 21937.5 kg/hr
3 Steam pressure P steam 43 kg/cm2 (g)
4 Steam temperature T steam 377 ℃
5 Feed water temperature Tfw 96 ℃
6 % CO2 in flue gas CO2 14 %
7 % CO in flue gas CO 0.55 %
8 Average flue gas temperature Tf 190 ℃
9 Ambient temperature Ta 31 ℃
10 Humidity in ambient air Hm 0.0204 kg/kg dry air
11 Surface temperature of boiler Ts 70 ℃
12 Wind velocity around the boiler V 3.5 m/s
13 Total surface area of boiler At 90 m2
14 GCV of bottom ash GCVb 800 kCal/kg
15 GCV of fly ash GCVf 234 kCal/kg
16 Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash R 90 : 10
Fuel Analysis (in %)
17 Ash content in fuel A 8.63 %
18 Moisture in coal M 31.6 %
19 Carbon content C 41.65 %
20 Hydrogen content H2 20.413 %
21 Nitrogen content N2 1.6 %
22 Oxygen content O2 14.48 %
23 Sulfur content S 0 %
24 GCV of coal GCVc 3501 kCal/kg
No. Nama Symbol Nilai
1 Fuel firing rate q 5599.17
2 Steam generation rate Q 21937.5
3 Steam pressure P steam 43
4 Steam temperature T steam 377
5 Feed water temperature Tfw 96
6 % CO2 in flue gas CO2 14
7 % CO in flue gas CO 0.55
8 Average flue gas temperature Tf 190
9 Ambient temperature Ta 31
10 Humidity in ambient air Hm 0.0204
11 Surface temperature of boiler Ts 70
12 Wind velocity around the boiler V 3.5
13 Total surface area of boiler At 90
14 GCV of bottom ash GCVb 800
15 GCV of fly ash GCVf 234
16 Ratio of bottom ash to fly ash R 90 : 10
Fuel Analysis (in %)
17 Ash content in fuel A 0
18 Moisture in coal M 0
19 Carbon content C 72
20 Hydrogen content H2 5.4
21 Nitrogen content N2 1.6
22 Oxygen content O2 20.5
23 Sulfur content S 0.5
24 GCV of coal GCVc 4800
No. Nama/Simbol
1 Theoretical air required for complete combustion/TARC
Satuan 2 Moles of N2/MOL N2
kg/hr 3 Moles of C/MOL C
kg/hr 4 % CO2 at theoretical condition/CO2t
kg/cm2 (g) 5 Actual % CO2 measured in flue gas/CO2a
℃ 6 % Excess air supplied/EA
℃ 7 Actual mass of air supplied/AAS
8 Mass of dry flue gas/m
℃ 9 % Heat loss in dry flue gas/L1

10 % Heat loss due to formation of water from H2 in fuel/L2
kg/kg dry air
℃ 11 % Heat loss due to moisture in fuel/L3
m/s 12 % Heat loss due to moisture in air/L4
m2 13 % Heat loss due to partial conversion of C to CO/L5
kCal/kg 14 radiation effect
kCal/kg 15 convection effect
16 % Heat loss due to radiation and convection
17 Total radiation and convection loss per hour
% 18 % radiation and convection loss/L6
% 19 Amount of fly ash in 1kg of coal
% 20 Heat loss in fly ash
% 21 % Heat loss in fly ash/L7
% 22 Amount of bottom ash in 1kg of coal
% 23 Heat loss in bottom ash
% 24 % Heat loss in bottom ash/L8
kCal/kg 25 Boiler efficiency by indirect method

Kelompok 1
Luthfi Fathur Rahman
M Haekal Shafi
M Ziaul Arif
Rumus Satuan
[(11.6xC) + {34.8x(H2-O2/8)} + (4.35XS)]/100 kg/kg of fuel [from fuel analysis] kg/kg of coal
(Wt of N2 in theoritical air / Mol. wt of N2) + (Wt of N2 if fuel / Mol. Wt of N2) mol
Wt of C in fuel/Mol. Wt of C mol
Moles of C/(Moles of N2+Moles of C) %
(7900x[(CO2%)t-(CO2%)a])/((CO2%)ax[100-(CO2%)t]) %
{1+EA/100} x theoretical air kg/kg of coal
Mass of CO2 + Mass of N2 content in the fuel + Mass of N2 in the combustion air
kg/kg of coal
supplied + Mass of oxygen in flue gas
(m x Cp x (Tf-Ta))/ GCV of fuel x 100 %

(9 x H2 x {584+Cp(Tf-Ta)})/GCV of fuel x100 %

M x {584+Cp(Tf-Ta)}/GCV of fuel x100 %

(AAS x humidity x Cp x (Tf-Ta))/GCV of fuel x 100 %
((%COxC)/(%CO+(%CO2)a)) x (5744/GCV of fuel) x 100 %
0.548 x [(Ts/55.55)^4 - (Ta/55.55)^4] w/m2
1.957 x (Ts-Ta)^1.25 x sq.rt of [(196.85 Vm + 68.9) / 68.9] w/m2
radiation effect + convection effect kcal/m2
(L6) x total surface area kCal
(Total radiation&convection loss per hour x 100)/ (GCV of fuel x fuel firing rate) %
0.8 x % Ash content in fuel kg
Amount of fly ash in 1kg of coal x GCV of fly ash kCal/kg of coal
Heat loss in fly ash x 100 / GCV of fuel %
0.2 x % Ash content in fuel kg
Amount of fly ash in 1kg of coal x GCV of bottom ash kCal/kg of coal
Heat loss in bottom ash x 100 / GCV of fuel %
100-(L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7+L8) %

Kelompok 13
mol=g/Mr C H N O S
Mr 12 1 14 16 32

mol=g/Mr C H2 N2 O2 S
Mr 12 2 28 32 32
Perhitungan Efisiensi Boiler (Indirect Method)
Fuel Analysis (%)
C H2 N2 O2 S A M
41.65 2.0413 1.6 14.48 0 8.63 31.6
72 5.4 1.6 20.5 0.5 0 0

TARC Theoritical Air Reqiurement
CO2t Theoritical CO2 (%)
EA Excess Air Supplied
Actul Mass AS Actual Mass of Air Supplied

L1 % Heat Loss in dry flue gas

L2 % Heat Loss due to formation of water from H2 in fuel
L3 % Heat Loss due to moisture present in fuel
L4 % Heat Loss due to moisture in air
L5 % Heat Loss due to partial conversion of C to CO
L6 % Heat Loss due to radiation and convection
L7 % Heat Loss due to unburnt in fly ash
L8 % Heat Loss due to unburnt in bottom ash
Flue Gas Analysis
GCVc q Q P steam T steam Tfw
(kCal/kg) (kg/hr) (kg/hr) (kg/cm^2) (°C) (°C)
3501 5599.17 21937.5 43 377 96
4800 5599.17 21937.5 43 377 96

Summary of Heat Balance for Coal Fired Boiler (Data 1) Summary of Heat Balance f

Input/Output Parameter kCal/kg of coal % loss Input/Output Parameter

Heat Input 3501 100 Heat Input

Losses in Boiler Losses in Boiler
L1, dry flue gas 7.879556893 L1, dry flue gas
L2, loss due to hydrogen in fuel 3.44004 L2, loss due to hydrogen in fuel
L3, loss due to moisture in fuel 5.91699 L3, loss due to moisture in fuel
L4, loss due to moisture in air 0.29729 L4, loss due to moisture in air
L5, partial combustion of C to CO 2.58308 L5, partial combustion of C to CO
L6, surface heat losses 0.37021 L6, surface heat losses
L7, loss due to unburnt in fly ash 0.111541702 L7, loss due to unburnt in fly ash
L8, loss due to unburnt in bottom ash 1.774807 L8, loss due to unburnt in bottom
Total 22.373515595 Total
Boiler Efficiency 77.626484405 Boiler Efficiency
CO2 CO Tf Ta Humidity Ts V
(%) (%) (°C) (°C) (kg/kg) dry air (°C) (m/s)
14 0.55 190 31 0.0204 70 3.5
14 0.55 190 31 0.0204 70 3.5

Summary of Heat Balance for Coal Fired Boiler (Data 2)

Input/Output Parameter % loss
of coal
at Input 3501 100
ses in Boiler
dry flue gas 5.819145252
loss due to hydrogen in fuel 6.63744
loss due to moisture in fuel 0
loss due to moisture in air 0.38089
partial combustion of C to CO 3.25691
surface heat losses 0.27002
loss due to unburnt in fly ash 0
loss due to unburnt in bottom ash 0
Total 16.364405252
ler Efficiency 83.635594748
At GCVb GCVf Ratio TARC Mol N2 Mol C CO2t EA
(m^2) (kCal/kg) (kCal/kg) (%) (%)
90 800 452.5 9 4.911892 0.135648 0.034708 20.37391 45.16991
90 800 452.5 9 9.33945 0.257406 0.06 18.90322 34.11744
Perhitungan Losses
Actual Mass AS m dry flue gas L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
kg/kg of coal (%)
7.1305898035388 7.5434314146667 7.8795568933 3.440037 5.916989 0.297285 2.583075 0.370213
12.525831524843 7.6379265 5.81914525219 6.637444 0 0.380895 3.256907 0.270024
L7 L8 eff boiler
0.111541702371 1.7748072 77.62649
0 0 83.63558

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