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Middle School Week 1

Lesson Day 1 Day 2 English Day 3 Social Studies Day 4 Day 5

Component Language Arts

Standard Math 6.7(B) Analyze how 8.8 History. The Scienc Re-teach day

the characters' internal student understands e

and external responses individuals, issues, This day is

develop the plot and events of the left clear for

(Resources 2020). Civil War (Resources the teacher to

2020). reinforce any

weak data

from the


Teacher can

show films on

topics and

re-read any

texts with


Essential “How do conflicts What are root causes

Question and expectations in a country that

affect characters” cause civil wars?

(​Newsela, 2020)​?
Middle School Week 1

What are turning

points and key events

that ended the Civil

War in America?

Objective I can explain how the I can describe the

characters' internal events leading up to

and external responses The Civil War,

develop the plot turning points in the

war and the aftermath


Exit ticket Why did Liling leave On your Civil War

her family to swim timeline graphic

around the world? organizer; List the

(Liling’s family three events in order-

wanted her to bind her The cause of The

feet and become a Civil War, turning

housewife and that’s points, and victory for

not what she wanted America.

to do.) [ MIDI

TICKET for What are 3 major

Tuesday’s class] aftermath effects of

Middle School Week 1

the civil war?


Why did Lily choose proclamation,

to dance with the Reconstruction,

stable boy all night? segregation, / Lincoln

(Lily chose to dance assassinated/ and a

with the stable boy variety of events can

because he was the be accepted here but

only person who was these are some major

kind to her when she ones)

had turned herself into

a frog / The princes

were mean to her

when she was a frog)

Highest Particular, praised, Emancipation,

leverage express, minuscule, Proclamation,

vocabulary/ prevent, ​precariously, Refugee,

word wall Hanfu, eventually, nullification,

strengthened unconstitutional,

(​Newsela, 2020) seced,

Middle School Week 1

Vocabulary Graphic


Vie, persistent, breach

of protocol, parcels,

odiferous ,


eventually, chagrin,


(​Newsela, 2020)

Texts for Liling Group Texas (low

lessons level 570L)

Pond Water Group New Jersey

(on level 950L)

Group New Mexico

(​Newsela, 2020) (challenge level Max

Lexicon level)

Why The Civil War

Middle School Week 1

took so long to end?

(group students based

on their reading data

scores but don’t let

them know the groups

are leveled - name the

groups after states or

things students are

interested in or allow

groups to name


Digital Newsela, Zoom Slides from Windsor

resource whiteboard and Locks Public School.

defining words with

students using google

images. (Download Tour of the Museum

the bracket and print it of African American

out- have students History and Culture

vote on the stories

Middle School Week 1

they like- Cross Smithsonian tour

curricular with Math Graphic Organizer for

to find out the stats of notes, Zoom for the

their favorite stories) teacher to be on

screen and Google

March Madness Classroom for shared

Bracket resources.

(​Newsela, 2020)

Key points Freedom, family Events leading up to

expectations, making the civil war, ⅗

choices, treating compromise,

people and animals louisiana purchase,

with kindness cotton mill.

Student Students are unable to Students may view

misconcepti make a connection the Civil War as a

ons between the two war between the

passages or find the northern states and

themes in the stories. southern states but it

Middle School Week 1

To help students was really war

discover the themes between the “rebels”

on their own highlight who did not consider

major plot points in themselves to be

the stories and ask Americans or patriots.

guided questions: Students may confuse

How are both Lily and modern politics with

Liling feeling in the these historic events.

beginning and end of Explain how Lincoln,

the story? What kind the republican

of family expectations president, was not in

do both of the support of the

protagonists face? confederate rebels.

Student is unable to Even though

inference what a word emancipation and

means by using freedom of slaves was

context clues. a win for black

Students may struggle Americans the

with the challenge country was still

word questions. extremely raciest and

Students are how this was the

Middle School Week 1

struggling to catalyst for

understand word segregation. Life was

meanings therefore still not easy for black

they are struggling to Americans after freed

understand stories. from slavery.

Re-teach/ Using sentence stems Use primary and Vocabulary

scaffolded and a word bank, on secondary sources for reinforcing

learning Friday we can fill in students to read. game. Show

the blanks of Pre-read activities by students

vocabulary words and teaching new pictures of

give students an vocabulary. During what each

opportunity to use the the reading, chunk the vocabulary

words correctly. text and have students word means.

According to partner read- Students The student

Catapano, “​What we adjust their lexicon with the most

surround students with levels on their own if words that

in our classroom is needed. match the

what will sink in” picture wins.

(​Par. 15).​A digital

word wall will be used //

on Zoom and expose

Middle School Week 1

students to the

vocabulary words

before each class and

on Friday. This will

reinforce their

knowledge of the

words and meanings.


Catapano, J. (n.d.). 5 Teaching Strategies for Reinforcing Vocabulary. Retrieved from

Jersey Girl Gone South. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Newsela. (2020). Retrieved April 2, 2020, from

Resources. (2020, March 24). Retrieved from

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