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Middle School Week 5 1

Lesson Day 1 Day 2 (English Day 3 (Social Studies) Day Day 5

Component Language Arts) 4

Standard Math 6.3 Developing and 8.9 History. The student Sci. Reteach
sustaining foundational understands the effects
language skills: listening,
of Reconstruction on the
speaking, reading,
political, economic, and
writing, and
social life of the nation
thinking--fluency. The
(Resources, 2020).
student reads

grade-level text with

fluency and

comprehension. The

student is expected to

adjust fluency when

reading grade-level text

based on the reading

purpose (Achieve3000,


Essential Can your passions How can we regain

Question change the world? freedoms promised to us

after they have been

taken away?
Middle School Week 5 2

Objective I can use new I can see how the events

vocabulary words to after the Civil War

understand a biography changed America.


Exit ticket Write 3 to 5 sentences What must you know

about why Maya about in order to

Angleu was important. understand America

(Anything from the Key today? (Reconstruction)

ideas or evidence from

the article will be


Highest inauguration​ (noun) Reconstruction​- The

leverage a ceremony that puts a time from 1865 to 1877

vocabulary/ leader into power when African

word wall memoir​ (noun) American’s were

a written firsthand regaining their rights of

account of a person's citizenship

life experiences Institution ​A place like

nomination​ (noun) a school or church where

the act of being named people gather and it’s

as a possible winner for

Middle School Week 5 3

an award protected by the

passion​ (noun) government.

something that someone Pursued-​ To follow in

is very interested in or order to gain.

excited about Transformative​-

segregation​ (noun) Change

the act of keeping Equality- ​to be treated

people of different races equal/ the same

apart, usually by law

(Achieve3000, 2020)

Texts for Remembering Maya Student work sheet

lessons Angleu​ (980L Meeting Teacher answer key

grade level) (Gates, 2019)

Digital Master Class | Maya Inside Look |

resource Angleu Reconstruction: America

After the Civil War |

Question for digital PBS​ (Gates, 2019)

classroom forum/ turn

and talk: How can you

be a rainbow in

someone else's sky?

Middle School Week 5 4

Key points Mention to students Reconstruction was

that Dr. Angelou is between 1865 and 1877

famous for saying, "I've when families, divided

learned that people will by slavery, were

forget what you said, reunited. There was

people will forget what tremendous African

you did, but people will American institution

never forget how you building like churches

made them feel." Ask and schools

students to discuss what

they think Dr. Angelou Students must

meant when she said understand the time of

this. reconstruction to

understand race relations

in the United States


More than 1500 black

officials move into

positions of political

power during this time

Middle School Week 5 5

The hate group KKK

was formed in 1886 and

used terrorism right

away to keep black men

from voting and having a


The struggle for racial

equality was a national

crisis during

reconstruction and for

many people it is a

national crisis today

(Gates, 2020)

Student Students may struggle This is purely a video

misconcepti to understand new lesson- not having a

ons words in context. Make heavy reading for the last

the point clear that this lesson in this set allows

is a biography of an students time to really

important poet of the think critically about

21st century and that a reconstruction and what

Middle School Week 5 6

biography tells the it means to them.

reader what that person

did in life that was


Re-teach/ Help students with Let students know that

scaffolded challenge words with there is no points off for

learning this ​graphic organizer spelling. If the video is

(Achieve3000, 2020). going too fast the teacher

can slow the speed. The

teacher should pause the

video after each answer

is addressed. Teacher

may play the video one

time and then play it

again and pause

throughout and play one

final time to check


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