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Pre-board Exam on Crop Science, 2012

1. What is R. A. # 8435 which became into law in 1998?

a. AFMA b. GATT c. PhilRice d. NSIC
Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act

2. Secretary of Agriculture appointed by Pres. Noynoy Aquino?

a. Arthur C. Yap b. Ruben Miranda c. Proceso V. Alcala d. Larry P. Nacionales

3. This law changed the Philippine Seed Board to the National Seed Industry Council as per RA No.:
a. RA 7308 since March 27, 1992 b. RA 2000 since March 27, 1998
c. RA 7001 since March 27, 1994 d. RA 2009 since April 12, 1999

4. The present Director of PhilRice.

a. Leocadio Beronio b. Ruben Miranda c. Leo Javier d. Eufemio Rasco

5. The only part of a staminate flower;

a. ovary b. stigma c. style d. pollen grains

6. Banana disease threathening to wipe out plantation in Mindanao:

a. bunchy top b. moko c. Fusarium wilt d. bract mosaic

7. Naturally cross-pollinated crops:

a. with 90% or more cross-pollinated b. with 85 – 89% cross-pollinated
c. more than 4% self-pollinated d. less than 4% cross pollination

8. Sugar + Oxygen -------- Carbon dioxide + water

a. photosynthesis b. respiration c. transpiration d. Kreb’s cycle

9. Transpiration is a very useful process in plants because:

a. It is involved in heat exchange between the leaves and the air.
b. It is essential in the distribution of essential elements in plants.
c. It is needed in solubilizing organic compounds.
d. It is important in water and nutrient utilization.

10. Plants with colorful pineapple-like leaves:

a. Mussaendas b. Bromeliads c. Anthuriums d. Heliconias

11. Both staminate and pistillate flowers are borne separately on the same plant.
a. monoecious b. dioecious c. imperfect flower d. complete flower

12. Green leafhoppers are known to transmit “tungro” virus of rice. Which species is the most efficient?
a. Nephotettix virescens b. Nephotettix nigropictus c. Recilia dorsalis d.
Nilaparvata lugens

13. Rice plant is not affected by most of the available herbicide used against weeds. What enzyme
within the rice plant responsible of degrading these herbicides?
a. chitinase b. cholinesterase c. papase d. hydrogenase e. all of the

14. Seedlings of rice on wet bed method are ready for transplanting in how many days?
a. 10-14 b. 18-20 c. 24-28 d. 30-32

15. Trichogramma sp., Telenomus sp. and Tetrasticus sp. are known to be ________ parasitoids.
a. larval b. pupal c. egg d. larval-pupal

16. The following species of coccinelids are considered beneficial, except:

a. Harmonia octomaculata b. Coccinelia transversalis c. Cheilomenes sexmaculatus
d. Epilachna philippinensis

17. The banana aphid is responsible for transmitting the virus that cause bunchy top. Which is
not an alternate host of the aphid?
a. ginger b. taro or gabi c. bandera española d. cassava

18. One method of control against nematode is to plant nematode antagonists. Which is not a good
a. mustard b. sesame c. asparagus d. cabbage

19. Leucinodes orbonalis is considered as the most destructive insect pests of guinea squash. It usually
the ______. a. shoots b. fruits c. fruits & shoots d. fruits, shoots & leaves

20. Among rodents, 5 species are considered pests, of these only two are significantly causing damage to
agricultural crops.
a. Rattus norvegicus and R. exulans
b. Rattus argentiventer and R. tanezumi
c. Rattus exulans and Rattus rattus sp.
d. none of the above

21. If rodent population is high, acute poison is recommended to at least reduce population by 70%. This
should be followed by: a. clearing of surroundings and canals
b. prebaiting + sustained baiting of chronic poison
c. establishment of TBS and torpedo baiting
d. sustained baiting of chronic poison in baiting stations

22. The following transmit tungro virus except:

a. green leafhoppers b. zigzag leafhoppers c. whitebacked planthoppers d. none of the above

23. Some vegetables are only propagated asexually, which is not?

a. onion b. garlic c. sweet potato d. ginger

24. Toxic component of Manihot esculenta?

a. gossypol b. azadirachtin c. hydrocyanic acid d. tomatin

25. Onion as an ancient crop had been domesticated in:

a.Central Asia b. South America c. Southeast Asia d. North

26. Which is not a variety of eggplant?

a. Casino 901 b. Black behi c. Dumaguete long purple d. Cluster King

27. The increased genetic variability brought about by tissue culture is:
a. mutation b. genetic variation c. somaclonal variation d. none of the above

28. Any organic substance which at low concentrations, promotes, inhibits or modifies growth.
a. fertilizer b. enhancer c. hormone d. modifier

29. According to studies, the first 25-30% of most vegetables must be free from weed competition; this
is called?
a. critical growth period b. critical period of weed competition c. proper timing of weed
control d. crop-weed competition

30. The most damaging stage of rice plant to rice black bug:
a. seedling stage b.vegetative stage c. reproductive stage d. all of the above.

31. Among the types of vegetable production under Philippine conditions, which is the most common
for commercial purposes?
a. home gardening b. truck farming c. vegetable forcing d. market gardening

32. The main liming material available in the Philippines:

a. Calcium oxide b. Calcic limestone c. Calcium carbide d. all of the above

33. The functions of vacuole include:

a. isolating materials that might be harmful or a threat to the cell
b. contain waste products and small molecules
c. maintaining internal hydrostatic pressure or turgor within the cell
d. all of the above
34. They are organelles found in plant cells and other eukaryotic organisms that conduct photosynthesis.
a. cell membrane b. plasmodesma c. chloroplasts d. chromoplasts

35. Plant hormone known to break dormancy in seeds and buds:

a. gibberellin b. cytokinin c. ethylene d. abscisic acid

36. Auxins are plant hormone known to:

a. to inhibit the growth of lateral buds b. to promote growth by stimulating cell elongation
c. prevent fruits and leaves to prematurely fall off d. all of the above

37. The Hill reaction in photosynthesis is also known as:

a. dark reaction b. photolysis c. light reaction d. opening of stomata

38. The Calvin cycle in photosynthesis is also known as:

a. dark reaction b. light reaction c. respiration d. photolysis d. transpiration

39. Sugar + Oxygen -------- Carbon dioxide + water

a. photosynthesis b. respiration c. transpiration d. Kreb’s cycle

40. The following are cultivars of banana, which is not?

a. lacatan b. latundan c. bungulan d. pacifica

41. It is commonly used for instant soluble coffee manufacturing:

a. Arabica b. Robusta c. Liberica d. Excelsa

42. The sudden stem lengthening in plants is caused by gibberellins, this is also called:
a. stretching b. elongating c. bolting d. senescing

43. Seedlings of rice on dapog method are ready for transplanting in how many days?
a.7-9 b. 9-14 c. 15-20 d. 20-25

44. Light energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O ------ C6H12O6 + 6O2

a. respiration b. photosynthesis c. transpiration d. Kreb’s cycle

45. The ______ make up the male reproductive part of the flower.
a. stamen b. pistil c. petals d. sepals

46. The two main functions of stems are:

a. To store food and moved water up to the leaves.
b. Movement of materials and support of plant parts.
c. To manufacture food and store it for future use.
d. To furnish food for human beings and other animals.

47. Plants are easier to transplant if they have:

a. tap root system b. large root system c. fibrous root system d. small
root system

48. The only approved Phil. rice variety recommended for flood prone areas:
a. NSIC Rc 92(Sahod Ulan 1) b. NSIC Rc182(SALINAS 1)
c. NSIC Rc 194(Submarino 1) d. PSB Rc 80(Pasig)

49. Fleshy fruits are soft and are pulpy when mature. Mango belongs to the ______ kind of fleshy fruit:
a. drupe b. berry c. pome d. pepo

50. Dry fruits may be dehiscent or indehiscent. The kind of dehiscent fruit that develop from a simple
pistil; when mature, it splits along both upper and lower seams.
a. legume or pod b. follicle c. capsule d. silique

51. A kind of indehiscent fruit with only one seed, thick & hard pericarp, develop from a compound
a. grain b. nut c. achene d. schizocarp

52. Depulping is one of the primary processing operations for:
a. abaca b. cacao c. coffee d. coconut

53. Which is not a cultivar of pineapple?

a. Queen b. Red Spanish c. Smooth Cayenne d. Katchamita

54. A cultivar of mango usually eaten when green-mature, also known as Indian mango:
a. Carabao b. Pico c. Katchamita d. Queen

55. Insectivorous vertebrate animals have been introduced to the Phils. for biological control:
a. giant toads & bats b. Matinez bird & giant toads c. bats & ducks d. none of the above

56. Maguindanao, Tangongon, Bongolanon are native varieties grown in Minadanao. They are cultivars
a. Abaca b. Cacao c. Coconut d. Rambutan

57. Orthodox seeds may be dried up to 8-10% MC in order to:

a. kill the embryo b. inhibit insect activity c. pass certification d. all of the

58. Root crops like ube and gabi are propagated commercially by:
a. suckers b. division c. root cuttings d. runners

59. Lemon grass, marigold and neem planted along borders of the field serve as:
a. decoy crops b. trap crops c. repellent crops d. companion crops

60. Abaca in Bicol is afflicted by bunchy top virus disease. The virus may also thrive or infect:
a. banana b. yellow ginger c. gabi or Palawan d. all of the above

61. Both photosynthetic and respiration rates are influenced by:

a. RH and CO2 concentration b. temperature and CO2 concentration
c. O2 concentration d. temperature and RH

62. Blast, blight and tungro are examples of diseases in what crop?
a. rice b. corn c. tomato d. eggplant

63. One lesion produces 2,000 – 6,000 conidia per day for 14 days under favorable conditions.
a. rice blast b. sheath blight c. bacterial leaf blight d. rice tungro virus

64. There are _____ species of leafhoppers that could transmit rice tungro virus.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 1

65. Short or low supporting several stemmed woody plants.

a. vine b. shrub c. herb d. tree e. none of the above

66. Mango is ready for flower induction when leaves are:

a. 7-9 months old b. crispy and dark green c. buds are plump & prominent d. all of the above

67. Toxic component of neem tree?

a. gossypol b. azadirachtin c. hydrocyanic acid d. tomatin

68. When IPM is to be applied, the first order in controlling a certain insect pest:
a. identifying the pest b. killing the pest by chemical spray
c. planting varieties known to be resistant to problem pest d. biological control of pest

d69. One method of control against nematode is to plant nematode antagonists. Which plant is
a good antagonist?
a. mustard b. sesame c. asparagus d. all of the above.

70. Eggplant shoot/fruit borer is considered to be the most destructive pest of eggplant
damaging leaves, shoots and fruits. It is also known as;
a. Helicoverpa armigera b. Leucinodes orbonalis c. Xylosandrus compactus d. Tetranychus sp.

71. Cell turgidity in plants is maintained through:
a. plasmolysis b. translocation c. respiration d. transpiration

72. The photoreceptor involved in photoperiodism:

a. chlorophyll b. phytochrome c. carotenoids d. flavins

73. One of the following does not belong to the family Leguminosae:
a. Capsicum annuum b. Vigna unguiculata c. Phaseolus vulgaris d. Glycine max

74. Growth response of plants that is best exemplified by the closing of Mimusa leaves:
a. thigmotropism b. thigmomorphogenesis c. seismonasty d. thermotropism

75. Corn planted at a spacing of 60 cm by 25 cm and maintained at 1 plant per hill. What is the plant
population per hectare? a. 56,667 b. 66,333 c. 66,667 d.66,800

76. Oxygen as one of the products of photosynthesis evolves from:

a. the oxidation of water b. the reduction of carbon dioxide c. photolysis of water d. the
reduction of water

77. The following crops are naturally transplanted in the field, except:
a. tomato b. radish c. eggplant d. sweet pepper

78. Eggplant when planted at a distance of 75 cm between hills and rows will need about 100 grams of
seeds for one hectare field. How many plants there will be in a hectare?
a. 17,778 b. 18,889 c. 17,667 d. 35,555

79. The following are the advantages in using plastic mulch in vegetables, except:
a. controls weed growth b. controls insect pests and diseases
c. controls moisture loss and erosion d. all of the above

80. Rice and corn belong to Cereal crops, which crop does not belong to this classification:
a. barley b. oats c. wheat d. none of the above

81. Which of the following cultivar of banana has the highest Ascorbic acid content?
a. lacatan b. latundan c. bungulan d. saba

82. There are a lot of cultivated tropical fruits in the Philippines, these include:
a. banana b. mango c. pineapple d. all of the above

83. Mangosteen and marang are exotic fruits grown in Mindanao. They are generally propagated by
seeds. After eating the fruit, seeds are germinated right away within a week because they don’t store
a. Seeds of mangosteen are apomictic b. Seeds would germinate only in the dark
c. Seeds of mangosteen and marang are orthodox seeds
d. Seeds of mangosteen and marang are recalcitrant seeds

84. Kreb’s cycle is also known as:

a. citric acid cycle b. tricarboxylic acid cycle c. glycolytic sequence d. none of the

85. The following are factors affecting transpiration, except:

a. light intensity b. CO2 concentration c. vapor pressure deficit of the air d. all of the

86. An area or location is under partial drought when _____ consecutive days without rainfall of at least
a. 15 b. 20 c. 29 d. 42

87. The El nino – La nina pendulum-like swings from one extreme to the other is called:
a. Corriente del Nino b. El Nino Southern Oscillation c. El Viejo/La Nina d. none of the

88. It refers to the direct or indirect detrimental effect of one plant on the germination, growth, or
development of other plants. a. antagonistic effect b. allelopathy c. synergistic effect
d. all of the above

89. Type of germination when the cotyledon comes above the ground:
a. hypogeal b. exodermus c. epigeal d. hypo-epigeal

90. This is perceived as a main technology for developing countries for the production of disease-free
high quality planting materials. a. transgenic crops b. tissue culture c. embryo cultured.
somatic cloning

91. Propping is a practice of providing support and is usually done in:

a. banana b. durian c. rambutan d. pummelo

92. Which is not a practice of inducing mango to flower?

a. hacking b. smudging c. spraying KNO3 d. none of the above

93. End of developmental stage of fruit when it has developed the ability to ripen normally at harvest.
a. physiological maturity b. horticultural maturityc. commercial maturity d. all of the

94. Mechanisms promoting self pollination:

a. cleistogamy b. chasmogany c. stigmas closely surrounded by anthers d. all of the

95. Mechanisms promoting cross pollination:

a. dichogamy b. unisexuality c. stigmas are covered with waxy film d. all of the above

96. Corn seeds subjected to tetrazolium revealed 30% were stained blue. It means……
a. 70% will not germinate if planted in the field b. 30% of the seeds is viable
c. 70% of the seeds is viable d. only 30% will germinate

97. The path of water from root surface to xylem tissue, where water moves from one cell layer to
another through the plasmodesmata:
a. apoplastic path b. transcellular path c. symplastic path d. intercellular path

98. Separation and division are types of asexual propagation usually done in modified organs like:
a. corm b. rhizome c. runner d. all of the above

99. Orchids belong to this category of plants:

a. xerophytes b. hydrophytes c.epiphytes d. mesophytes

100. Empty spikelets resulting to the attack of Scirpophaga incertulas:

a. panicle blast b. deadheart c. whitehead d. spikelet rot
d. radish

Answer Key

1. A 31. D 61. B 91. D

2. C 32. B 62. A 92. D
3. A 33. D 63. A 93. A
4. D 34. C 64. B 94. D
5. D 35. A 65. B 95. D
6. C 36. B 66. D 96. C
7. A 37. B 67. B 97. C
8. B 38. A 68. B 98. D
9. A 39. B 69. D 99. C
10. B 40. D 70. B 100. C
11. A 41. B 71. D
12. A 42. C 72. B
13. B 43. B 73. A
14. B 44. B 74. A
15.C 45. A 75. C
16. D 46. B 76. C
17. D 47. C 77. B
18. D 48. C 78. A
19. D 49. A 79. D
20. B 50. A 80. D
21. D 51. B 81. D
22. C 52. C 82. D
23. A 53. D 83. D
24. C 54. C 84. C
25. A 55. B 85. D
26. B 56. A 86. A
27. C 57. B 87. B
28. C 58. B 88. B
29. B 59. C 89. C
30.D 60. D 90. B

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