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Evidence 4 product distribution

Alfonso Duarte Martínez


Lorena Murcia Pineda





Business owners, regardless of their activity, must at some time face the task of
choosing the most effective means of transport for the mobility of their goods or

It must be taken into account: delivery times, types of merchandise, (risky, delicate,
perishable merchandise, high value merchandise) transport budget, to determine
the medium to be used, (maritime, land, air or rail)

Also, according to the type of merchandise and means of transport to be used, it is

necessary to determine if it is going to be followed up by GPS and the type of
insurance for the transported goods.

If land transport is used, it will save some money, but bear in mind that this means
is not friendly to the environment, it can present delays which is not very advisable
if the merchandise is urgent for delivery.

If the means to use is the iron, delivery times are somewhat faster compared to
land, can be economic as long as the loading and unloading points are not close to
their origin and destination.

If he chooses the air, he takes into account that the cost of merchandise is charged
per kilogram and can be expensive depending on the country of destination, as
well as the customs duties that he must assume. If you want to avoid the
paperwork you must hire a cargo agent, increasing costs. The advantage is that
delivery times are more efficient.

The maritime transport is cheaper than the air, allowing to transport larger
quantities of goods with significant delays that go in days even months and are
less flexible due to the scarcity of ports, surely requiring the contract of another
means of transport to continue the movement to its destination final.

a cargo agen: Tramitador.

According: acuerdos.

Destination: Destino, lugar de llegada.

Delivery times: Tiempos de entrega.

Delivery: Entrega

Expensive: Costoso

Environment: ambiente (medio ambiente)

GPS: sistema de posicionamiento satelital.

High value merchandise: Mercancía de alto valor.

Increasing costs: incremento de costo.

Merchandise: mercancías.

Mobility: Movilidad.

Maritime transport: Transporte marítimo.

Origin: Origen, lugar de donde envían una mercancía.

Perishable Merchandise: Mercancia perecedera.

Ports: puertos.

Risky: arriesgado (mercancía riesgosa)

Rail: carril transporte movilizado en carriles (ferrocarril)

Transport Budget: Presupuesto de transporte.

Urgent for delivery: Entrega urgente.

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