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Department of Physics
Course Title: Nuclear Phy-I Class: BS 6th & MSc 2nd Physics
Marks: 50 Submission Date: 27-04-2020

Answers to question should be as long as necessary and no longer. Certainly, you will be marked down if
an answer is incomplete. Assignment is to be done on your own.

Note: WRITE THE RIGHT OPTION. Also justify your answer in one line (10)

1. The probability of disintegration of a radio nuclide is 41.45*10-5 per year. And its half-life
is --------- years.
a) 1572 b) 1672 c) 1772 d) 1872
2. Proton rich nuclides decay in
a) Positron b) Neutrino c) Electron d) Botha a & b
3. If nucleus is formed from separate nucleons, then energy is
a) Gained b) Released c) Converted d) Absorbed
4. Which of the following has highest absorption range
a) Alpha rays b) Beta rays c) Gamma Rays d) X-rays
5. Which of these nuclear reactions is possible
a) 10
5𝐵 + 42𝐻𝑒 7𝑁 + 11𝐻
23 20
b) 11𝑁𝑎 + 11𝐻 4
10𝑁𝑒 + 2𝐻𝑒
10 1 11 −
c) 5𝐵 + 0𝑛 5𝐵 + 𝛽
13 1 12 −
d) 7𝑁 + 1𝐻 6𝐶 + 𝛽 + 𝜗
Q No. 1:
a) Show that 1 a.m.u =931 MeV. (3)
b) Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of Ni . Given Ni = 63.9280 a.m.u.
64 64 (5)
c) What is magnetic moment of nucleus? Explain Bohr magneton and nuclear magneton. (5)
Q No. 2:

a) Why is Z < N for the heavier nuclei. (3)

b) Write an explanatory note on theory of Alpha Decay. (5)
c) Po212 undergoes alpha decay. Alpha- particles have kinetic energy of 8.776 MeV. Assuming the
mass of alpha-particles to be 6.67*10-27kg. Calculate their velocity. (5)

Q No.3:
a) Find the Q value of the reaction 11𝐻 + 73𝐿𝑖 → 42𝐻𝑒 + 42𝐻𝑒 ? Determine whether the reaction is
exothermic or endothermic. The atomic masses of 1H, 7Li and 4He are 1.007825 a.m.u, 7.016004
a.m.u and 4.002603 a.m.u. (5)
b) Derive a relation between half-life and mean life of a nuclei. (4)
c) Write a detailed note on Ionization chamber. (5)

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