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Party Day/Class Rewards

If students do such a great job of following directions on time, participating, and generally
following the Classroom Rules, they get a star for the class period. When students are doing
great, the Helper fills the Star Bucket1 a little at the teacher’s direction by drawing a line going
up the bucket. If the students are distracted or talking out of turn, the Helper removes one of the
lines from the Star Bucket. If the Star Bucket is filled to the top (the brim of the bucket is
colored), they get a star!
They need a minimum of five stars by the end of each quarter in order to get a Party Day. The
star stays next to their teachers’ name for the entire quarter and will never be removed as
punishment. We count the stars in Spanish together after winning a star (I prompt, “¿Cuántas
estrellas hay? Cuenta conmigo. Hay…”).
If students make five stars by the deadline, they get Day 1 to choose what they want to do on
Day 2. If students make ten stars by the deadline, they get one Party Day of their choice and
then a day singing songs and playing games we’ve learned before.
The Star Chart in the back:

The Star Bucket I made up. It’s a cartoon bucket with a cartoon star above that I printed on goldenrod
paper, laminated, and taped on my whiteboard. Because it’s laminated, my Helper can draw lines across
the bucket (representing filling the bucket) and erase the lines at any time with an eraser.
I keep the bucket relevant by having my Helper fill or erase at least every five minutes in increments small
enough that the bucket is only filled by the time the students are in line to leave the classroom and there’s
enough time to count the stars with the students at the end of class.
Party Options
Movie Watch a movie (Dora the Explorer) during class.

Games Day Spend the day playing games. I have some games, but
students can bring their own if the games…
- Take no more than 15-20 minutes to play
- Will not distract other game players
- Allow for about 3-4 players
- Are games the students are okay with potentially
getting damaged or lost
- Remain the students’ responsibility
- Are easy to transport and keep in their cubbies during
the school day

Coloring Day Spend the day coloring from a Spanish coloring book using
the colored pencils or crayons provided. Students must finish
the entire coloring page before moving on to another one and
are responsible for keeping track of their drawings.

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