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Activity: Personal Spaceships Grade: 1st Date: February 19,2019 Name: Kaylee, Elisa, Jennifer

OBJECTIVES:           Number of Students: 11

1. (Psychomotor): TSW properly demonstrate an awareness of personal
space, general space, and boundaries while moving in different directions and at high,
          Equipment Needed: 1 red poly-
medium, and low levels in space as observed by the teacher  spot, 1 green poly spot,
during the lesson guided practice and activity.         1 yellow poly-spot, 4 cones

2. (Cognitive): TSW identify people and objects that are within their            Play Space needed: Black Top
personal space and the boundaries when asked by the teacher at the end 
of class.

3. (Affective): TSW participate willingly in new physical activities as            Special Markings: N/A
observed by the teacher throughout the class period.
California Content Standards: (1) Demonstrate motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities, (2) Demonstrates
knowledge of movement concepts, principles, & strategies as they apply to learning & performance of physical activities,(3)Assess & maintain a level of physical fitness to
improve health & performance (4)Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, strategies to improve health and performance, (5) Demonstrate & utilize
knowledge of psychological & sociological concepts, principles & strategies as applied to learning & performance of physical activity. NASPE Content Standards– The
physically literate individual 1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics related to movement and performance. 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical activity and fitness 4.
Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.
  Time Description of Skills Transitions Student Teacher Teaching Safety and NASPE
and Activities (2 min.) Organization Cues Motivation &
Formations CA
(2 min.) Standard
Lesson Student will be told that Toe to toe 1-ESS1-1
Intro (1-2 today they are going to learn transition. Have
min) about space. Within the students get into
State Obj. lesson about general space X  X
pairs, and then ask X  X
and personal space,
introduce first grade science
one person from X  X
concepts about the sun and each pair to sit, and X  X
moon changing position in the other to stand.
the sky, and the stars Line up sitters and
remaining a set distance standers. 
from each other in the sky.  
Warm Up Students will be playing a When students are CCS
Activity game of aliens and back in their rows ^               ^ Remind 1.1, 3.1
(3-8 min) astronauts. In this game, after the last round, students to not NAPSE
AstonautX  X Alien 
the two rows will face call out the X  X stop running 2, 3
each other. One row will command to X  X immediately,
Elisa be “aliens” and the other freeze.    ^         X  X            ^ but to gradually
will be “astronauts.” For come to a stop. 
each round, the teacher
will either call out
“aliens” or “astronauts.” 
The row who was called
has to chase, and the
opposite row will flee to a
line behind them marked
by cones. The goal is to
tag them before they
reach the line. For the last
few rounds, tell students
that they will be chasing
each other as if they were
on the moon without
gravity. Demonstrate a
slow motion jog or skip
that students will replicate
when they chase.
Continue to call out sides
for 5 or so rounds. 

Lesson Students will line up After the command

Focus: between two cones of the to “freeze” after “FREEZE”: Students will be NAPSE
Demo/ perimeter. the warm up
Instruction <              > Students stop asked to spread 1,2
activity, students X movement, out to make CCS
 (1-3 min)
Teacher will explain that will be asked race X drop room between 1.1, 2.2,
students will be learning over and line up in X equipment (if each other once 5.1
about personal and between two cones X necessary) lined up on the
general space, as well as of the perimeter X and stand perimeter.
movement in these when the teacher X              T with hands
spaces.  says “explode.” X on hips
X quietly
Teacher will describe X listening to
personal space by making X the teacher’s
“bubble arms” and X next
spinning around without <              > instruction. Students are
touching anyone. Ask reminded to
students to spin 2 times “EXPLODE” spin slowly and
with bubble arms to General space and : Students carefully,
check for understanding.  personal space break free making sure not
movements will be from “freeze” to hurt their
demonstrated in position and neighbor next
General space will be their stationary to them. 
explained by turning and positions lined up
pointing to all 4 cones of movement
on perimeter. again by
the perimeter. Students
will be asked to turn and running as
point to each of the 4 quickly as Students must
cones, spinning twice they can to be aware during
again to show the next movement at
understanding of general assigned different speeds
space.  Students formation. so they do not
demonstrate to run into any
Finally, the teacher will different speeds of Space Cues: of their friends.
explain about movement movement with 1) Bubble
speeds. Low speed will be arms in stationary Arms:
shown by slow movement positions. personal
like walking or moving space
arm slowly. This will be 2) 4 cones:
called “snail speed.” general space
Medium speed will be
hopping or moving arm at Movement
average speed. This will Speeds Cues:
be called “bunny speed.” 1) Snail
High speed with shown Speed: low
through running or speed
waving arm quickly. This Students move <                              > 2) Bunny
will be called “tiger from one side of        X        Speed:
speed.” Students will perimeter to        X   medium
demonstrate with the another with        X      → speed
teacher understanding by teacher to practice        X  3) Tiger
doing all three speeds on movements.        X       →    T Speed: high
the commands of the        X       speed
teacher stationary with         X     →
their arms. Once this is         X 
understood by the         X
students, they will <                              >
demonstrate all three
speeds through movement
with the teacher from one
side of the perimeter to
the other.
Lesson Students will scatter in After moving from “EXPLODE”
Focus: general space to begin one side of the      : This cue is Students
Guided guided practice, the perimeter to the used again to
<              > practice not NAPSE
teacher will review the other, students will transition running into 1,2,4
(8-12 min) cues and actions to follow ask to “explode” to from each other CCS
before beginning practice. a random spot instruction to during these 1.1, 1.3,
  Scattered Formation
Jenny scattered in the 4 guided movements to 2.2, 5.1
Students will be told by cones area. practice. ensure safety.
the teacher different cues
in which the students will Space Cues:
respond with the <                              > 1) Bubble
appropriate action. Arms:
Students will be moving personal
at one of three speeds space
depending on the 2) 4 cones:
movement speed that was general space
instructed by the teacher.
When the teacher calls Movement
out a space cue, students Speeds Cues: Fun animals are
will stop movement and 1) Snail used as cues to
respond with the correct Speed: low make the
action. Students will speed activity more
resume movement speed 2) Bunny engaging and
after the space action(s), Speed: fun for
when the teacher calls out medium students.
another movement action. speed
3) Tiger
During these movements Speed: high
in the entire activity, speed
students are instructed not
to run into another
Lesson Personal SPACEships: NAPSE
Focus: Tell students when                       Go over each Remind 1,2,4,
Activity Students are told that they students to
I say FREEZE learned speed
are now in the future in students will *                  * for clarity watch out for CA
outer space. In the future assume discussed               s      s  and others and 3.7, 5.1,
Kaylee everyone drives a freeze position and            s    s        s understandin respect others 5.6
spaceship and tell when I instruct                     T      s g personal space
students that this is what students to           s   s
they will be doing. They EXPLODE they                          s Snail speed:
are allowed to drive their will proceed to                s     s slow
spaceships around in the give two other *                   * motion/slow
set perimeter by jogging students ax gentle movement
in any direction (making fist bump. Bunny:
spaceship/car noises if Then, according to hopping
they wish), but they must the dot color on s= students Tiger:
look out for the traffic their name tag I   running 
lights because spaceships will have students T= teacher
have to obey the law too. line up in different
Have students recall what lines side by side
they learned about and spread arms *= cones
‘bubble arms’ and width apart
personal space.
I will have three different
colored traffic lights
Red = Move in slow
motion (like a snail)
Yellow = Hopping (like
Green = run (like tigers)
(ask students to repeat
color meaning for
As soon as they see a
traffic light being held up
by the teacher (Standing
in center) they must
follow that action. 
Closure: Ask then Remember to NAPSE:
Cool Down Once students are in their *                  * show be far enough 4,5
(2-4 min) students apart so you
lines I will instruct            s
students to perform mild            s  s where their can be careful CA:
Kaylee posterior not to
stretches and breathing            s  s 3.6, 4.2
routines with me.            s  s         T deltoid accidentally hit
1.  Have students            s  s muscle is and and injure
stretch their arm            s   s what their another student.
across their chest hamstring
and using their *                  * are.
other arm to
slightly stretch After
their posterior stretching
deltoid muscles remind
for five seconds T=teacher students to
each arm s=students drink water
2. Have students do *= cones and the
standing toe importance of
touches and have drinking
students reach water before,
toward their toes after and
for 5 seconds even during
3. Have students exercising is.
inhale as they Tell students
raise their hands without
over their head supplying our
and exhale and bodies with
they bring arms water we will
back down to not have the
their sides (do energy or
this 3 times) strength
4. To finish have needed to
students hug perform
themselves and exercises. 
give themselves
a pat on the back
Closure: Ask students if they Have
Re-Cap remember what personal students
(1-2 min) and general space look Squad formation demonstrate
like.  types of
  space and
Ask students what kind of movements
ways we can move about within each.
in these spaces. (stopped,
slow, medium, fast)

Ask students why it is

important to control the
way we move in spaces
(we don’t want to
accidentally enter
someone’s personal space
or bump into/hurt them )

Science subject matter was integrated into our PE lesson. The CCSS we chose to integrate
teaches about seeing the sun and moon rise on one side of the sky, move across it, and set on the
opposite side. This standard also talks about the observation of stars at night, which appear to be
stationary. We will talk about these patterns students observe in the sky in terms of personal
space and general space. This will introduce some of the topics that will be taught in our PE
lesson. The sun moving across the sky is an example of movement in a general space (the
general space being the sky). The stars not moving but shining in their individual places is an
example of personal space. This will be used and integrated into the lesson introduction.

1-ESS1-1. Use observations of the sun, moon, and stars to describe patterns that
can be predicted. [Clarification Statement: Examples of patterns could include that the
sun and moon appear to rise in one part of the sky, move across the sky, and set; and
stars other than our sun are visible at night but not during the day.] [Assessment
Boundary: Assessment of star patterns is limited to stars being seen at night and not
during the day.]

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